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"I was just asking who was coming, never said you all have to. Shisa if you would rather not remove your mask you can stay here. And I doubt we will see Lord William. We are just picking up a reward." Jesse said "Also, we shouldn't surface in Superior. I would rather nobody know we live underground, even though Shaun says nobody can find this place."

Denver near Cap Hill

While the city didn't look much different than the last time he had come, there was something subtly different. The dirty, starving and desperate were more apparent, clinging to ideas from times long past. Next to an old clock tower, bodies of ash remained strapped to blackened stakes. The Nobles here only did that for one reason. Witches. Sometimes Jesse felt cursed. In this instance he felt blessed. He couldn't imagine the sort of mindset he would need to believe in magic wands and spells. Even Shisa, he knew, was just some kind of alchemist.

Drunken Noble soldiers stumbled about the streets. Still celebrating their victory, it seemed.
Shisa decided, possibly stupidly, to join Jesse on going to retrieve their payment from William's men. Some practice to get more used to being without her mask. None of William's men had seen her without her mask, so she should be fine. She wore her long sleeve black shirt and harem pants, no bone jewelry at all. She had her base clothing, her crossbow and quiver, and that was it. She felt incomplete without the rest of her stuff but, she had to stretch her comfort zone. And maybe.. the time out of the Cistern and away from the others would be good for her.

It sickened Shisa to see the poverty and the state of the people here. Seeing the charred remains of witches though, of people who probably did nothing wrong, it made her want to scream. But, she swallowed her pride and her want to scream. She had to just get in, get out. She didn't even have to talk, she was just here for her medical knowledge and because there was no way Jesse could go alone. That would be incredibly stupid.

She wanted so badly to mess with the drunkards, but again, low profile. Besides, she left her plants and stuff at home. Not like she could make them lose their voice or anything.

"Any idea who we need to see for this?"
Aurora had joined them in their bounty collection trip to Denver. She left Mos with Shaun. "I will be back soon," She had promised Mos before leaving. Travelling was one tough task. If tiredness did not kill you, boredom of walking will. She kept silent for the most of the part.

As they entered Denver, the sight of lot of humans, the sound of voices whispered, shouted, spoken, the smell of the city overwhelmed her. Each and every part of the city had something to remind her past. Most of them were not pleasant. Still she felt she missed the city. Strange but true. Denver refreshed her. She walked with them with a clear head.
The Cistern.

Aurora had left Mos with Shaun in the Cistern. He had a bad feeling deep down but he couldn't identify it, he just couldn't trust Williams not to try something. He had wanted to join the group, but he couldn't risk just leaving Mos in the Cistern unguarded. He sat Mos down on a Cot in the triage and began to skim over one of his many books, looking to try and figure out how to snap him out of it. Mos was always in what seemed a perpetual daze, he'd look blankly at somebody if they talked to him. He could walk, he could follow basic commands like "come here.", "Hold this." And so on but he'd never speak. Quiet as a mouse in a church vestry.

Shaun tried examining him for old wounds, he had been held for 6 months so he was bound to have old marks. He had healed over lashing marks on his back, which is quite soft for old Santos. Eventually however Shaun got to his head, specifically his scalp. When rustling through his hair he noticed a large scar, fresher than the lashings but not wholly new as of when he was rescued. Hee been hit with something pretty hard, might've knocked a screw loose.

Shaun had an idea. Mos could use his motor skills fine, and could understand what people were saying to him. He just seemed incapable of responding. Shaun handed a sheet of paper to Mos and said to him "Write about....Europe." He'd chosen Europe as Aurora had told them he had passionate knowledge of old world history, and philosophy too. Shaun waited to see what Mos would do.
Walking through the streets of Denver, Ethan could see the delapidation that people here lived in, even while so close to Cap Hill. He expected to see more than this. William had defeated a rival, taking all of their lands and riches for himself, and yet things here haven't change, the supposed prosperity not being seen here. Sure, perhaps staying here is still better than braving the wastes, but Ethan expected to see all of these streets alive with activity. Now, they just feel stagnant, while the people live in destitution. What a waste, Ethan thought.

For now, Ethan follows Jesse, to pick up this reward from Lord William.
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It was pure white. White to the core. Purity in all senses with no brain nerves corrupting the signal. Mos would see. He can hear. It was like a blank reception. He watched Shaun. Something about Shaun had captured his interest. He was fond of books and journals then. Now he still looked at them. Maybe somewhere his memory is being kindled or was it just a blank look? When asked to write about Europe, something happened to him. He took the pen in right hand and held it right. Something was happening inside him and certainly no blankness now. He was trying to do something but was not able to do anything. Pen just floated across the paper leaving a straight line on the white sheet. He kept his head down and remained still.
The Cistern

Shaun sighed, they'd have to keep at this until he'd figure it out. He then thought about something else he could do, and dove into his books looking for images of historic landmarks, Mos couldn't speak, and seemed to be pretty rough even with writing. But what about drawing? Shaun held up an image of The Eiffel tower, and handed Mos a set of coloured pencils.

"I know you know what this is, and where it is. Draw its countries flag." Shaun said to him, looking into his eyes searching for anything to indicate he was present.

Mos looked at Shaun's eyes. There was something happening inside him. Something that was pushing him hard. Something that wanted to tear apart the prison and come out and yell. WIth so much struggle inside, it will be interesting if Shaun would see anything inside the eyes.

Mos looked at Eiffel tower. ((That rusty ugly tower that insulted the city of art and architecture)). He would feel the flashes. He would see some whitish structures and dull voices from his memory. He took the colored pencil and did two straight lines. One was with blue color pencil and another was red color pencil.
The Cistern

This was great news, Shaun had gotten Mos to recount images from memory, or he hoped he had at least. "And now this one..." He said with anticipation, leaning forward excitedly showing him an image of The Kremlin in Russia, formerly the greatest US enemy's beating heart. It would take time to get him to speak, but if he could refine these poorly scrawled lines of colour...

Mos looked at the image. He repeated the same thing. Two single lines. One with red and another with blue. But now the lines are closer. He looked at Shaun and smiled. He mumbled and it would really make no sense. But it was like he said something. He kept smiling. A beautiful smile.
The Cistern

This was definitely going somewhere, Shaun could see colour ever so slowly returning to this man's face. The fact he was now making sounds of his own volition was...monumental, maybe not to old world psychologists but to Shaun it was ground breaking. "Ok, one more time..." Shaun said, he had two images in his hands, in one was the Greenland Aurora Borealis, the other... a facial sketch of Auroura.
"You know the word, think about how it sounds. Come on Mos..."
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Mos kept on smiling. He looked at Shaun as like a dog which has spotted it's food in it's owner's hand. He kept on mumbling which sounded absolutely nonsense. He was like one year old child which keeps on trying to walk with all it's energy risking gravity. He mumbled. His hand went on the facial sketch of Aurora. And no one can define how it happened. But drops of tears started pouring from Mos's eyes as his hands passionately touched Aurora's facial sketch. His smile was there but strangely he was shedding tears and smiling.
Seeing the tears, Shaun decided it might be enough for now. He let Mos keep Aurora's likeness and went back to his desk, making note on what had just happened. He was about to settle down and begin reading a non-serious book, a comedy novel oddly enough, when one of the can chimes rocked against its fixture, somebody in an adjacent tunnel had hit a tripwire!

Shaun quickly shoo'ed Mos to cover behind his plywood and cinderblock desk for cover before darting around the Cistern like a madman snuffing all the lit candles, slowly plunging the Cistern into near total darkness, spare a lone candle resting in the tunnel doorway allowing Shaun to see who was coming
After the collapse, when the structures of the Old World began to succumb to ruin, people sought out any shelter they could, regardless of it previous intended use. Jesse figured William's estate was the building on Cap Hill; the one with pillars in a style which dated back centuries before the Old World. It was used for meetings, Jesse knew, of rulers like the Nobility, but who owned the land from the mysterious coast in the East to the one in the West. There was a great lake full of salt surrounding this land mass, and apparently more worlds beyond. This, Jesse knew, from teachings of the original Bastards and his own reading. Jesse wondered how many of the illiterate and simple peasants around him thought Culrud was all the world was.

Jesse approached the men guarding the steps to the estate.

"We fought as mercenaries in the Battle of Boulder. We are here to collect payment." He said

"Wait right here." The guard said as he walked off into the building, to return with two men in tow. One was the commander, his head down. Jesse figured this was due to his shame that his mute status had made him something of a burden. I front walked a different man.

"You are the ones who freed Lucas and killed Santos? Well done. Your reward is waiting in a shelter nearby." The man said with a smile on his face.

They were brought to a building with a large metal door that slid up (a garage) and inside were two horses, tied to...a machine. A truck. Like the one they raided the first night. There was even a couple crates in the back.

"In the bed of the truck you will find food for these horses and fine Old World decor in mint condition, even after all these centuries. We will even send some men to carry the crates and set everything up for you."
Rose decided to head out with the group, wanting to give Shaun some time with the mute man. She dressed in a dirty cap and some loose blankets and covered herself in the dirt to highlight her wrinkles. Her teeth were covered in it as well, making her look way older than she was. She crouched slightly, using a stick she found on the road as a staff. She kept quiet, shaking slightly as the group entered the city. She looked around at the starving people around her, disappointed again by the failures of the Nobility to support its people. The smell of ash and death heavy in the air was a reminder of burnings that had recently come about.

Rose hadn't been in a city like this for quite some time, unaware of the death of witches in the area. Being hunted usually meant that your life was stuck on the road. She hobbled along slowly, nodding at a few kids who were scared by her scary face. She followed behind the group slowly, until they reached the guards. She kept low but eyed the man who came to take us to the garage. She saw the contraption before her with mild interest. The horses a surprise to her. They were beautiful, and when she had some room she hobbled over petting the beasts quietly before she spoke with a shaky weak voice, "Such lovely critters. Way bigger than squirrels. I make a good squirrel soup. These giant squirrels will make a big pot. Yes. Yes.. My husband Wilber used to love my squirrel soup before he got the Clap. Wilber loved women more than he loved squirrels."

She nodded shakily, bringing her staff to sit in front of her.
Shisa eyed these men and the payment they were giving them. Old world decor? This seemed like more of a burden than a gift. And people coming to set it up, yeah. . That sounds suspicious. Like a good way to invade the Cistern. And where would they keep horses in the Cistern.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but, no. This is all highly impractical and useless. Decoration has no practical use except as fuel for a fire. And keeping horses is rather difficult and impractical in our current living situation. And even if we could, horses are rather fragile animals, any leg injury is a death sentence for the poor animal."

"Granted, the horses could feed us for a while, the pelts would be good for trade, and the bones could be used to make tools and shelter. But we would probably get better meat if we butchered you than those horses. And better bones for that matter, it would take forever to carve horse bones into anything usable. Human bones are the perfect size."

Shisa caught herself rambling, directing herself back to her main point. She stepped face to face with the lead Noble who had been talking to them, looking him unblinkingly in the eyes.

"While we appreciate the sentiment of the gift, well to put it simply, it's insulting. Like you are trying to pawn stuff off on us. Getting rid of things you don't need or want."
The Nobles, even the commander, were so shocked they just paused a moment staring at Shisa. Not only had they so ungratefully refused such a gifts as a horse drawn car carriage and Old World artifacts from their Lord, but this woman sounded like an Eastern cannibal.

"You dare insult our Lord? Who do you think you are? Damn mercenaries let one victory go to their heads. What do you want? A working machine? Nobody has seen a working one in-"

The Noble was cut off by a knife that flew from the shadows and into his neck. The commander went straight into fight mode and began firing his gun into the shadows, but hitting nothing. Jesse shot with his pistol, knocking a knife out of mid air that was flying at him. He shot again and a man dressed in all black dropped from a corner of the ceiling. They were under attack by some kind of stealth warriors, but Jesse had an idea who they might be.

Four more men in all black appeared seemingly out of nowhere, surrounding them with silenced pistols drawn.
Aurora was not concerned about the quality of gift or who would make better bones. She had her pistol ready. Somehow she know something will go wrong. As Shisa started argueing, she knew this will not end right. She looked at shisa with irritation.

And in a moment, situation changed. Men all in black were surrounding them. She pointed her pistol at them. Well she does not have a chance if all of them started shooting. But at least she can take one before she falls.
Shisa was taken off guard by the sudden attack. Dammit, she wished she had brought her poisons. Or any of her plants actually, wait. She forgot she still had the bag of nettles on her. Perfect, but they were surrounded. She didn't want to attack yet, since the men in black had guns drawn on them.

Shisa palmed the bag of nettles, mentally preparing to blow the powder in someone's face. But she kept that hidden at her side for now.

"Gentlemen and/or ladies, lovely to meet you. I hope that we can have a civil conversation on what you want and why you have weapons pointed at us."
Rose moved closer to the group, surprised along with the others when the man had his words cut off by a knife. She gave a howl, crouching even lower as the masked group came to surround them. Buried beneath her robes were two axes strapped to her back. She shivered, acting the scared crone, not wanting any of the men/women in front of her to suspect her of what she was planning next.

Behind her senial demeanor, she pulled in her cane, her feet setting into place as she grew a dangerous resolve that had brought death to many a challenger in the past. She blubbered, snapping her cane down, "What..what..is the meaning of this?? Did my husband Wilbur send you?"
“This doesn’t really concern you. Or it wouldn’t have...” Came a deep, confident voice bordering cocky “But you decided to travel with Ragnar “Jesse” Erikson. Now you are at his mercy.”

A man stepped into view, sporting armor the likes of which Jesse didn’t understand, and brandishing a long blade which curved slightly. Jesse knee the name for this style of weapon. A “Katana.” This differed from depictions he had seen. The handle was made from pipe, and the blade seemed created from various bits of scrap metal, some even rusted. He drew this weapon forward.

“Will you fight me with honor?” The man said, his hair in a small bun at the top.

Immediately after saying this, three gunshots went off. The man with the katana now had some brains on the ground, some on the ceiling, and some on the metal garage door. Similar could be said for his skull, and now only the half of his head from the nose down was attached to his neck. Two of the men in black also fell, and the last two shot at them, but were not greatly outnumbered.
Shisa smirked, turning to the two remaining gunmen. She opened her pouch of nettles, flinging a small amount in each assailant's face, cursing in Bonevarian as she did so. Both men dropped their guns, desperately trying to get the powder off of their faces. She laughed as they tried to rub it off, which only made it worse, especially since they got it in their eyes.

"That only makes it worse." She commented, in a sing-song voice. "You're probably permanently blind now. Almost definitely actually."

This was a bluff, it might permanently blind them, but its only a chance. But with the amount of pain they are in, it would be extremely believable. The plant from the Land Below was extremely potent, and even if they got most of it off, they would be in immense pain for years.

Shisa stepped up to them, lording over them as they groveled in pain.

"I can cure your pain, make it all stop. Just tell me who sent you and how many more of you there are."

This was a lie, she couldn't cure that. Except by killing them. But they didn't know that. They probably think, along with everyone else, that she cursed them.
After the quick action of Shisa and Jesse, Rose moved, an axe coming up and into one of the screaming men's faces, cutting up his chin through the front of his skull. She pulled up, standing at her full height, as she twirled the Axe onto her shoulder. The man fell over onto the ground, and Rose shrugged, "You only need to ask one."

She smiled smugly, as she waited to see what would happen.
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Aurora stood there with her pistol silently as the action unfolded in rapid pace. "You people are too fast," She shrugged and turned to Shisa, "If you intend to make this a suicidal mission, you should tell me before hand so i will be prepared to die." She inspected dead bodies and looked at the dangerous old woman, "I have never seen a stunt like this with axe before. You sure must be a soldier, trained for years." Then she looked at Jesse, "What is the point of all these? Nobility soldiers will be here any time soon. I think our trip will not end soon."
Prior to the events that just passed, Jesse still had doubts of Rose's abilities. He was impressed that a woman of...whatever age she was could move so swiftly and know her way around an axe so well. He was too fixated on the blade the unmasked assailant was wielding, however, think about anything else for a moment.

Years prior

Jesse's blade clashed with another as others encircled him and another man. The blades were curved slightly, but polished like fresh iron. Phil, the other man, feigned right, but Jesse saw through this deception, and instead blocked a blow coming from above. It was a warm summer day, and sweat trickled down Jesse's brow.

"Don't tell me you're getting tired already" Phil said, feigning again, but Jesse was not as prepared this time. He attempted repost a thrust, but instead a foot was planted in his chest knocking him on his back.

He rolled, and Phil missed a swing. In an instant Jesse was around at Phil's flank and hacked, but in a surprise motion Phil kicked the sword from Jesse's hands. Jesse proceeded to try to fight bare handed, but Phil's mastery of the sword was too great. It ended with Phil's blade to Jesse's neck.

"Better, but you still suck." Phil said, before letting Jesse go and walking off "Anybody else?"

Present Day

A gunshot went off blasting the last ninja's face off. Smoke rose from Jesse's gun.

"No need to question them, I know who sent them." Jesse said, as the silent commander stared at him in shock and William's men busted in.

"What's going on?" They shouted, seeing the carnage.

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