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Shaun patted her head, gently cooing and comforting her. With the other hand he reached over and unlinked her voodoo doll, running the pin right through into the mortar so it wouldn't be doing that anymore. He kissed her forehead, he wanted her... no, he needed her to recover quickly so he could show her what she meant to him properly.
It should be morning. Or so, Aurora was wondering. After days of pain, she felt better now. Thanks to Shaun. Thanks to the old woman whose name she did not remember. Thanks to that drink. She was recovering. Her hands had swollen but she knew it was healing. She went to Mos and hugged him tightly and laid there for some time.

Mos was like a baby. He hugged her back and slept. She looked at his face. So pure. It was very rare to see a pure one. What would he be dreaming? Will he have that same dream of hers, dream of them in a thick forest.

After some time, she got up. She arranged him properly to continue his sleep. She dressed up and walked to see how others are doing. She had a feeling everything was settling down, healing and recovering.
"Hey You, you're finally awake." Shaun said, seeing her emerge from the triage. "How are you feeling?"

Over the last few hours, Shaun had deemed it safe to loosen the splints to let Aurora and Shisa move more. His penicillin cups seemed to do something for the infections. He was in the middle of writing in that book of his. He stood up and reached over to a bottle beside him, dipping it into the Cistern pool.
Aurora was too happy to see Shaun. Man he had taken a hit once from her. But he was only concerned for other's welfare. "I am alright, i feel better," She walked to him, hugged him and kissed him in the cheek. "Are you okay? I remember some one mentioning that you took a bullet during the raid." She then run her hands on him to see whether he had any bandages on him.
"Ay, hands to yourself," he said, he didnt need attention brought to his own wounds. He had cauterized and stitched the wound closed as best he could, securing a gauze with hot candle was. It was a painful but necessary action, as he couldn't get the bullet out. "I appreciate the concern, really I do. Let me deal with my troubles." His hand drifted over the sealed wound, in the same gentle manner he has to handle some of his books.
Aurora took a step back allowing him little air. "You are wounded?" She knew it for sure now. "What is that? Tell me. Is it bad?" She was concerned about him. "Deal with your troubles?" She was surprised, "You have taken care of us. You brought Mos to me as promised. Shouldn't i be concerned. What is it you are hiding. Come on, don't behave like a stranger now."
"When you guys didnt return to the gate, I was driven back by Nobility soldiers, and took a ricochet." He admitted, but he turned to her and whispered. "Not a word to anybody. I am fine now, so don't fuss." He could swear he could still feel where it was in there, but couldn't pinpoint how to get it out. It didnt kill him, so it's just made him stronger. "It's for the best my injury is kept quiet." He said, making clear in no uncertain terms the matter wasn't up for debate.
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Aurora smiled. "Okay strong boy, take care of yourself. But don't forget if you need, i am here to help." She looked around, "How is everyone? I have a feeling everyone are recovering faster including Mos." She noticed the journal. "Is that the treasure map you are drawing?"
"Well, yes but actually no." It's a map definitely, but there would be no treasure at the many 'X' marks scattered across it. It is a rough sketching the continental US and the northern territories. He erased an X and redrew it in the same place. "Burial sites, for old friends of mine, should I need anything from them I know where to find them." He said morosely, Exbedition members from his various travels were marked all over the place. Laska, The Crater Capital, (D.C) Michigan, Okahoma....Ootah.
Aurora looked at him surprised. "You have traveled a lot. Do you mean you will get help from your friends from their burial sites?" She then were curious at his scholarly keeping, journals and notes around him. "Are you planning something? Like a world war? If it is a war, you should appoint me as commander." She spoke with lighter note, smiling and then looked at him eye to eye. "What is your plan, Shaun? What is that you are planning day and night?"
"I've buried more than corpses and weapons Aurora...memories and friends are marked here. Not all of them are in the ground either." He wanted to keep track of everyone who he could. Former friends, allies and acquaintances. He wondered for a moment, the question had stuck him surprisingly deep. 'What was he planning?' He chuckled at the suggestion of her being a commander in a war, it didn't really seem to fit her style.

Eventually he answered. "I... don't know... Whatever it is seems important though." He was being honest, he had no clue why he was being compelled to track and catalogue and take note of every little thing.
Aurora shook her shoulders, "I respect what you are doing. But after a point everything seems out of point. You know i was so focused on getting Mos. Even when i had no resource or any plan, that idea drove me. Now Mos is with me. But frankly now i have got more existential confusions. Philosophies? what are we doing here. I cannot dream anymore. I am stuck somewhere." She took a step away indicating she will move away if he is busy. "I hope you are clear in your thoughts."
"As much as you dislike her, perhaps Shisa can give you some help in regards to dreams and a sense of purpose. She seems to have that medicinal sleep down to a 'T'." He said, he thought it may be a good idea to get them both to share a few activities now and then. This may help them learn to not despise each other.

"Think on it and get back to me." He said, turning back to his book after handing Aurora the water bottle.
Aurora did not stop smiling or change her posture as Shisa's name was mentioned. She was trying to keep her emotions about Shisa out of her mind since Mos came to her. It was like a book kept untouched in your in-basket. It has to be read as soon as possible but not immediately. Someday she have to decide on Shisa. Maybe she can forgive her. Or leave her. She did not want to think about the topic now.

She nodded to Shaun, "i will think about it." She thanked him, took the water bottle and walked away to see how others were doing.
Jesse sighed and put the axes back in the bag. He would have to wait for Ethan to forge some for him, though he wasn't entirely sure he trusted Ethan to make him a quality tool. Plenty of people in the post apocalyptic shithole called Earth could make weapons out of rusty scrap metal and other junk they scavenged, but not so many could forge weapons like a proper smith. Jesse remembered the hot glow of the forge during a particularly snowy winter when he was young. They worked with real iron ore, which they mined from the mountain with real pickaxes. He was too young to truly learn, the most he ever figured out was maintenance and sharpening.

"Alright. Good to see you are awake, by the way. Shaun is good with medicine. I'm Jesse by the way." Jesse said, making his first formal introduction to Rose. Older people in Culrud typically got abandon unless, he imagined, they were part of some tribe. They often starved to death if they weren't first eaten by a wild animal or cannibal. This woman, he could tell, could hold her own.

"Speaking of medicine, maybe we could get whatever cures this tetanus problem from the Williams. Who is able to go?" He said, wondering if he was kidding himself thinking he could go.
Shisa was glad to be able to move again, and she heard talking. Jesse, and the woman who she presumed to be Rose.

Shisa got up carefully, slipping on her mask and using her spine staff as an actual walking stick. Hopefully, Rose wouldn't kill her. It was nice to wear her mask again. She hobbled out of her tent, toward the others.

"Now that I can somewhat function, Shaun and I can make more penicillin. If we can raid some, that would be much better though. It would be purer, and less likely to end up being poisonous."

Rose was, suprisingly beautiful. Silver hair, similar to Shaun's. Wrinkles from years of life, beautiful. Maybe she had a type: rugged silver fox, apparently. But, Shisa knew that this woman could very easily kill her if she wanted to.

"If we are going to raid, Williams you said? Well, they might kill me after the last raid, if they're any smart. But sure."
"No. No no no. We can't keep playing House William like a fiddle if we raid them." Jesse didn't know what the fuck a fiddle was...some kind of sports ball? "We need to go collect a reward. They owe us. We arguably won the battle for them with that gas. Also..." Jesse had seen Shisa without a mask by now. It was weird, he certainly didn't associate the woman he saw with the name Shisa. "You might not want to go. They hate witches."
Since Jesse didn't really give Ethan an answer, he figured Jesse wasn't interested. His loss, Ethan thought.

Ethan turned to the old woman, noting her advanced age and the fact he hasn't seen anyone this old since Shaun, and she was provably spry with the way she caught that axe out of the air. She's a tough old girl, it seems.

"Yeah, we rescued you. Like the boss said, it's good you're finally awake. I'm Ethan, our little group's engineer. Need anything made or fixing, let me know and I'll see what I can do." He says to Rose. Then he heard Jesse ask for volunteers, "I could head into Superior."

It would be educational for Ethan to see what Williams has done with the place.
"Yeah, no one does apparently. "

Shisa replied, rubbing her ribs gently. She hated to say this, but:

"If you need me to come, I can go without my mask. I won't like it, but if you need me."

She was perfectly fine guarding the Cistern, but if they needed her to come: whether it be for medical knowledge or intimidation, she would.

"Granted, they might be dumb enough to still think I'm just into the character. That I'm not actually a witch. Besides, I doubt they would cause trouble, I can kill people with a touch."

Shisa rolled her eyes at that last bit, they couldn't see it, but you could hear it in her voice. Magic isn't that magical once you know how it's done. Like the kill touch, its just newt.
The axes safely back in the bag made Rose relax, looking over the young men quietly, both handsome in their own way. If perhaps she were back in her twenties, she would have swooned a tad. She was past those years though, appreciating their aid in helping her escape torture. She turned to the more rugged fellow, “Shaun is good at many things. It’s a pleasure meeting you as well Jesse.”

At the talk of the Williams, she raised an eyebrow, about to speak when she turned to see Shaun and a masked lady who seemed to have a kind enough voice and a drawl that she had only heard from Southern folks in her travels. She eyed the spine walking stick and then gave Shaun a raised eyebrow, noting he seemed more than comfortable with this young woman.

She listened to the girl, and kept silent, slightly jealous of her connection with Shaun. She was happy enough for him, although it would have been fun to have him one more time for old time's sake. Her thoughts were interrupted by Ethan who offered to help her with fixing anything. She gave him a painful smile, “Yes..Sorry, it took me so long to wake up. It takes me a lot longer to heal than when I was your age. Also, that is a very useful trait, one that I may take you up on in the future.”

She noted the other young girl in the room, happy to see she was feeling better. As cold-hearted as Rose liked to think of herself, she had a soft spot for young women trying to survive in times like these. Too many girls never realized their potential until it was too late. She felt obligated to support them when she could. Speaking of women, she turned to Shisa, who talked about her skills as a witch. Rose had only come across a few shamanic walkers, and psychic’s that could see into the beyond, or rather heavy pockets. She usually stayed clear of them either way, not wanting to fuck around with bad Joo Joo if she could help it. She cracked her neck, leaning down to her boot as she pulled out a spare cig, one she kept for rare occasions. She dug into her hair, finding a small match as she lit it and put it between her lips. She figured this was as good a time as any to enjoy herself. She leaned back against a spare table and spoke, her voice slightly husky but strong, “I owe you, so if you want an old gal like me to tag along I can. Shaun can attest to my skills.”

She let out a puff of smoke, winking at Shaun, before she noted Shisa, “We haven’t met yet. I’m Rose Dillinger, love. You can just call me Ms. Rose, though. I don’t think I’ve ever met a ‘witch’ before.”
"I don't like to call myself a witch, but everyone around here sure does. They throw around alot of names for what I do. Witch, monster, savage, beast. My title is the Speaker, but since my traditions aren't appreciated here.."

Shisa again rolled her eyes, unseen but definately heard. Some of the others gave her a wide berth, but she could tell they wanted her to get rid of her traditions. Names were sacred and intimate. But, that was all out the window. Rather begrudgingly, Shisa continued, biting her lip.

"You can call me Shisa."

Shisa clenched her teeth. But she was curious, how could this woman never have met a witch? The fact she didn't attack Shisa on sight was promising, but she still couldn't tell. Maybe she just didn't know.

What if she found out she was a cannibal? What then? Shisa still wasn't too sure why the others hated it so much. We are just like any other animal. Human is just like any other meat.
"If you're going out to collect from William himself, I'm afraifd Ill have to stay here." Shaun said. "He'd recognise me even with a mask, he's the one who set my initial bounty." He would have to keep watch in the Cistern and try to get through to Mos, if that was even possible. He had read medical textbooks sure but he had no clue when it came to psychology.

"At you sure you want to go Shisa? Your last encounter with Nobles wasnt exactly healthy." Shaun asked, concerned. He didnt like the idea of her going, but it was her desision.
"Мисля, че съм в по-голяма опасност, ако остана тук." (I think I'm in greater danger if I stay here)

"Ако Уилям ме убие, няма да е загуба."(If William kills me, it wouldn't be a loss.)

Shisa would've preferred to stay back, help with Mos. Trauma like this, there should be ways of bringing back his old self. They were forbidden in most circumstances, but.. screw it. But, her self preservation has gone out the window at this point.

"None of my encounters with anyone have been healthy. I can go without my mask, if you need me."

Well, if she died, then at least Shaun and Rose could be happy together. It might be for the best anyway.
Shaun didn't say anything at that. To the others she'd just spoken gobbledygook but whatever it was she said, it make Shaun look deeply hurt. After looking at her a few moments, a tear began to prick in his eye but he blinked it away. The others felt the confusion settle down over them at that.
"It would be my greatest loss, which is an achievement." He eventually said, getting up and walking over to his desk. He had books to re-read, meds to prepare and maps to update and didn't want to think of what that statement meant too deep. When the air of confusion faded, the others returned to their discourse regarding Williams and their reward.
Rose understood what she said, noting the language from her time in the north. She remained silent though looking at the group for a few minutes before she spoke, "I find encounters on the road are never pleasant. Especially now. I've blown up half of the people I've met, and the other ones I've either fucked or pissed off."

She let out a drag of her cigarette, her eyes looking at the ceiling, "Speaker..is what you said you were right? You remind me of these women I met off to the North, shamanic ladies who could see things. Connected to the ancestors of the time immemorial. People of the old blood. Strong people. Poor girls took quite a beating when other tribes moved in. I offered my services for the exchange of some very heavy herb to smoke and some good stories."

She looked over at Shisa specifically,"Danger always comes for those that can see when others are blind. If you have a gift."

She walked over to Shaun, touching his shoulder lightly, as she continued, "You must value it, but you also must be tough enough to fight for it."

She hoped the girl would understand her meaning, her tone was light and easy rather than meant as a threat. She was trying to be encouraging, hating to see Shaun upset or the girl feeling that she was in danger. Being alone and feared was a certain sort of Hell that many lived in. She made that choice a long time ago, but for others it didn't fit.

She moved away from Shaun, ripping off the cloth on her face, her eyes shutting in pain as she took in another drag. The cut on her cheek was red, but on the verge of healing into a scar. She wouldn't ever look the same again, which in this case was a small inconvenience. She spoke evenly to Jesse, "Meeting Williams would be very dangerous. My ugly mug is posted around with a bounty as well, but I can disguise adequately well when I want to. All I may require is some rags and a usable stick. Feeble old women blend better than you think."

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