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Fantasy Banes of The Shadow Characters



Tired, spiteful, and ready to rumble.
Character Sheet:
Species (See Lore Page):
Does your character have a lesser dragon? If so, which one?:
Merek Tybalt



The Conman

Lesser dragon:
He has a purple lesser dragon named Ladon. Ladon is mischievous and tends to get Merek into all sorts of trouble.

Merek is a relatively average sized man, about 5'8" and weighing around 140 pounds. He is thin, with a light layer of muscle beneath pale skin. His eyes are a bright, sparkling cornflower blue, with flecks of silver near the pupil. His hair is a deep brown, cut short and flopping forward into his face with a sort of fringe. (See picture. Drawn by my best friend)

brave; very little can stop him from doing what he wants to do. he may be afraid, but he firmly believes in acting through his fear, no matter the cost.
•outgoing; he adores people. he always wants to be with someone, and tends to be more then willing to talk with anyone and everyone.
•optimistic; he always looks on the positive side of every situation. nothing can’t go wrong until it goes wrong.
•reckless; he has zero fear of death, it seems. this gives him a very dare-devilish personality, and he is often throwing himself into all sorts of danger with no thought for his own safety. •hot-headed; merek is incredibly stubborn. it is nearly impossible to change his mind once he’s made it up, and he is easily triggered by the words and actions of others.
•hidden; merek’s true feelings are hidden well beneath his mask of humor and smiles, and he truly is terrified of one thing above all, but he’d never tell anyone that.

Name: Ladrain
Gender: Male
The Prince
Lesser dragon:
A yellow dragon by the name of Ryila. She tends to be somewhat flighty, and will often fly off without warning, but always comes back to Ladrain.
Ladrain stands a bit above average, with the lean muscle that comes from years of training with the sword. He has a soft, youthful face, with piercing green eyes and dark blond hair that seems cut a bit raggedly, as if with a knife. He carries a sword on his back, though with the hilt and scabbard wrapped in leather, as they bear the royal crest on them. The blade does as well, but there’s not much to be done about that. He dresses in mostly earthly colors, soft greens and browns, with a green hooded cloak.
While Ladrain is a skilled warrior, he is somewhat overconfident. He thinks himself a master of the blade and of battle in general, but he is far from masterful.
Ladrian aspires to be a great king, one respected by his subjects, so he tries his best to treat his subjects with respect and kindness. He does occasionally slip up and show his more spoiled upbringing, but most of the time he is almost indistinguishable from a normal citizen.
Lissabet Kalon
Gender: fem
Species: elven
Role: Magician

Does your character have a lesser dragon? If so, which one?: no.


“skilled with combat magic, this character is deceitful, powerful, and attractive. They are known for seducing their victims.“

“Seducing? Me? I’d never.”

Coquettish - nicknamed “vixen” by those in her circle, Lisabettes looks alone are designed to lure. Complimented by her intellectual choice of words, gentle touch and tendency to set things on fire when she’s upset, she can be quite the stunner.

intellectual - although long winded explanations test her patience, Lisabet thrives on worthwhile conversation, specifically that of science, rune history, and strengthening races.

lover of value - Lisabet enjoys antiques and that with history or sentimental value to it. It is unknown if she really feels it like she says she does, but she truly does love anything with deep value to it, beyond pure money.

diluted or repressed? - Lisabet seems to seldom show genuine emotion, especially during times of someone’s passing or hardships, or even their success. She understands, but hasn’t been known to react - at least not in public.


Lisabet comes from Byatt, though she can’t remember much of her life as a child she recalls being raised by an elven magistrate as if she were his daughter, and given what he had left after a suddenly and quiet passing. She seems to show no emotion either way towards his passing, with the mindset of “that is life”; there have been rumors she killed him and inherited his rune library, and soul bound abilities, and that’s how she gained her pyro affinity, though some say he passed them on only to her with hopes she would change the world. He primarily passed down the art of combat magic, so Lisabet has more knowledge with protecting herself and fighting enemies than clerical healing and so forth. Her lack of present emotion enables her to think both logically and quickly (although sometimes inspired with disdain) and not make mistakes, especially not more than once; she leaves no ties to come back and haunt her, but doesn’t mind a good gossip now and then.

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"Call me Roz."
Rosalie Dael

"Take a guess; you've half a chance to be right. Or, I don't know, maybe use your eyes?"

"My father's an elf, my mother's a human."

"I fix up idiots after they've been stupid. In other words, I'm an apothecary, a surgeon, a healer, I guess. I'm good at it, so I do it."

Does your character have a lesser dragon? If so, which one?:
"His name is Ern and I love him."
She has a green dragon named Ern who helps her grow the herbs she needs to make potions, poisons, poultices, and the like. He's quiet and docile, which is perfect for her, making him one of the few living creatures that doesn't provoke Roz's irritation.

She has dark skin smattered with freckles, murky green eyes, and cropped, curly, dark brown hair that has pointed ears cutting through it, courtesy of her Elven father. She cuts her hair short for convenience sake, and usually has it tied up, especially whilst working so it doesn't get in the way. Rosalie is tall for a woman, standing at 5'9", with muscular legs and arms, apt to hold down a screaming patient. Her face is usually as flat as her voice, rarely displaying a smile that isn't ironic. Her hands are rough and faintly scarred.

Roz is dry, irritable, and rude, a disposition that's meant that the only time that people want to interact with her is when they're bleeding to death. The surly woman has no friends, except her dragon, and lives a reclusive lifestyle, holing up in her home, but allowing for patients to be taken to her, acting as a healer, apothecary, and surgeon. The only time she leaves the house is to visit her parents, stocking up on ingredients, clothes, resources, and tools whilst she's there. She has a habit of speaking to everybody else as though they're stupid, which is what she tends to think, and with no respect, which is something she doesn't feel she owes most people. She's bookish, reading a lot in her spare time, though the books she reads tend to be about herbs and their properties, and the recipes for various potions. Roz finds it hard to make friends, mostly due to her belief that she doesn't need any, leading to her not really putting any effort into establishing relationships, but if she had any friends, she'd be fiercely loyal, and perhaps, rarely, even sweet.

Upon receiving the summons letter, Rosalie was intensely irked at having waste her precious energy and go on a mission where she'd undoubtedly be accompanied by the same people for a long time. Were it not for the "failure to respond... will result in death," she would have burned the letter and gone about her own business.
She lives in Kerubian, which allows for her to come across many foreign herbs useful in her work.

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