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Baby Brother Now

Dean giggled and kicked his legs, enjoying the bulk around his waist and bottom. He then, got onto his hands and knees and started to crawl around.
Chuckling at how Dean's bowlegs spread a little further because of the extra padding around his waist, Sam stood up and made sure to keep an eye on his curious brother.

Meanwhile, Cas did the same, standing up and smiling softly at his nephew.
Dean stopped crawling and sat back down, the padding causing him to lift his legs up a little. Dean now had his own seat of sorts.
Both Sam and Cas gave fond looks to both each other and their little one, who was slightly elevated by his extra padding.

"Havin' fun, buddy?" Sam wondered.
Thinking Dean was alright for now, the two caretakers decided to relax. While Sam went on his laptop, typing away at something neither Dean or Cas would ever now about exactly, the angel continued to read his book, occasionally striking up a conversation with the taller.
Finished with his computer, and setting it down on their coffee table, Sam sauntered over to where his baby was and started to tickle him, feeling the need to hear some giggles at the moment.
Feeling loose and giddy, a rare feeling for the younger Winchester, he didn't stop his tickle-assault, and added to it by blowing raspberries against Dean's tummy, "That's what you get for trying to get away from me, Deanie." Sam mock-growled.
Eventually Sam relented, and stopped his attack. When he saw a small puff of white in the corner of his eye, the taller turned around and grabbed it without a second thought. It was Dean's bunny, slightly forgotten throughout the day.

Showing the stuffie to his brother, Sam asked, "Want your friend?"
Dean nodded, and made grabby hands for the bunny, pouting adorably, as he reached up, trying to take the bunny from Sam.
"Whenever you pout like that, you know I can't say no," Sam teased as he gave Dean his beloved, furry friend.

"Has he acquired a name for it?" Cas wondered, head tilted slightly.
"I think he'll come up for a name when he's ready," Sam murmured in a reply to Cas' question.

The sight of Dean rocking and cooing to his friend was very cute, and both caretaker's hearts warmed immensely.
Picking up both Dean and his bunny, Sam carried him into the kitchen and sat him in his highchair, his furry friend right beside. While Cas took his place at the table next to their little one, the hazel-eyed man started cooking.
Dean smiled at Cas, and babbled to him, while they waited for the food to cook. Dean hadn't really gotten to just hang out with Cas that much lately, so he took this time as an oppourtunity.
Castiel nodded along with Dean's babbles, letting his nephew know he was listening. While it wasn't proper words, it still meant something. And so pressing a fond kiss to their baby's cheek, the angel listened to everything Dean said.
Knowing that his brother was starting to get impatient, Sam hurried and finished making lunch. Bringing the food to the table, and giving Dean a bottle of juice, the taller started to eat while he watched Cas feed their baby.
"I'm sure you'll do fine," Castiel said gently as he gave Dean the spoon. Their little one was coming along so well.
Dean held the spoon in his hands, and slowly started to feed himself, of course, he made a mess, but it didn't bother him.

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