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Baby Brother Now

Internally elated that it seemed like Dean's speech skills were improving, and it seemed like he was talking more, Sam accepted the pacifier. It felt foreign between his lips, and he sucked curiously at it.
Dean smiled and poked the front of Sam's diaper, giggling childishly, as it crinkled. He wished that his brother could be a baby too, so he'd have a playmate.
Blushing like crazy at Dean poking the front of his diaper, Sam hesitantly did the same, still sucking on the pacifier. While the younger easily preferred to be the caretaker, he could at least be Dean's playmate for today.

Meanwhile, Cas was watching this with interest, also enjoying the brothers spend time together like this.
Dean raised an eyebrow and grabbed the tub of baby powder, opening the top and giving it a squeeze, getting some on his hands and rubbing it on his brothers legs, then his own. "Sammy...wike..diapoo?" He asked, smiling shyly.
Removing the pacifier from his mouth, Sam nodded, hoping to show his brother that he did enjoy this, to some extent. Besides, it's kinda hard to resist when someone asks that cutely.

Hugging Dean, Sam pressed a kiss to his baby's cheek, then trying to nuzzle his neck.
Pulling back, Sam asked, "Show me what babies do, Deanie." Of course, the taller expected a variety of answers. Dean was clever, he could figure it out.
At first Dean gave Sam an, "are you serious?" look, but he decided to help him out, and demonstrate babyish behavior to him. A hissing sound was heard as Dean started to wet his diaper, turning the front yellow.
Trying not to laugh at Dean's expression after his question, Sam was quickly perturbed by the hissing sound. Obviously, the younger Winchester was used to it. But there was no way in hell he was doing that. Nope. It just wasn't in 'im.

"Um...maybe something else," Sam muttered.
Sighing, Sam did the same, putting his fingers in his mouth, and started to suck on them. It felt alright, not great; but alright. Leaning against his brother, the taller put his head on Dean's shoulder.

Getting up from the floor, finally, Cas sat in a chair and read a book, choosing to just let the Winchesters do...what ever it was that they were doing. The angel would probably never fully understand, but he was glad that the two seemed happy.
Dean smiled and patted Sam's head, greatful for understanding little brothers, willing to do just about anything for you. Dean knows he would've done the same for Sam.
Smiling softly at Dean patting his head, Sam decided that they should play with some toys. Grabbing a few soft blocks, Sam said, "Wanna make something, baby?" While the younger was wearing a diaper, he still felt like the caretaker, which worked well for him.
Dean nodded and grabbed a block, starting to make the base of the tower, smiling happily at getting to help Sammy build something.
Proud of their tower, which stood tall, Sam tried to express his happiness he assumed a baby would. Or from what he's seen Dean do. So, bouncing up and down a bit, his diaper crinkling, the taller hoped it was up-to-par.
Stopping to grab every single stuffed animal they had, Sam arranged them into rows. A tower's defenseless without an army, after all.
Finishing the assembly of their army, the taller grinned proudly at it, before ruffling Dean's hair affectionately, "Looks good, Deanie."
While delight at his baby's clapping and smiling, Sam looked down at himself and saw that he was still wearing a diaper. "Uh...Dean, how much longer do I gotta wear this?" he asked. He didn't want to disappoint Dean or anything...but it was starting to get a little uncomfortable. Literally.
Dean frowned, and reached down, tugging at the tape on one side of Sam's diaper, letting him know that he could take it off if he wanted to.
"I'm sorry, buddy," Sam cooed sadly as he stood up and quickly changed back into his regular clothes. Hurrying back so he could sit with his little one, the taller pressed feather-y kisses along Dean's cheek, hoping to keep the mood light.
Dean blushed and giggled, reaching down and patting the front of his diaper. " 'nother!" He babbled, wanting Sam to put a few more diapers on him, so he had lots of padding and crinkles.
"Alright, alright. Just because you used your words, baby. Good job," Sam said as he started to tape a few more diapers around his brother's waist, adding to the padding and the sound of crinkles.

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