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Baby Brother Now

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Dean lays naked on the blanket, squirming slightly, as he looked around the room with curious eyes, and drool dribbling out of the corner of his mouth. He'd been given a bath, and his brother, Sam, now turned 'Daddy', was busy gathering up diapering supplies and an outfit for Dean. All of this was the fault of a damn witch.
Bundling all the supplies into a pile, and carrying them back into the room where his big "little" brother laid, Sam couldn't help the smallest of smiles etching on his face. Despite being naked, Dean looked kinda cute, the usual green eyes with anger and fierceness leaking through, now instead bright green orbs of innocence.

"Hey, Dean. I...uh...got all this stuff for you. This won't take long, I promise," Sam said as he kneeled down beside the blanket and lifting his brother's legs, he put the diaper underneath, spread powder on Dean's privates (a blush burning Sam's ears), before taping it together.

Now was the harder part, getting Dean into the outfit Sam had brought. Just a simple gray pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, something comfortable enough before the younger bought different clothes.
Dean let out a soft whimper, kicking his bowlegs out at his caretaker, as he went about dressing him in his outfit. Dean was not enjoying this very much. It was bad enough to have to wear diapers, but to be dressed by your younger brother, was terrible. But little did Dean know, he'd come to appreciate it.
Noticing his brother's distress, Sam shushed him softly, "Hey. 'M almost done." Helping Dean with the shirt, Sam was finished with his task. Picking his brother up, which wasn't easy at first, the younger sat down in a chair, with Dean in his lap. They didn't have a highchair or anything yet, so Sam would also have to look for that somewhere. Most likely online. It was more discreet and easier.

Now how am I going to take care of him? Sam wondered, huffing a laugh at the sight before him: with his thumb securely in his mouth, Dean looked around the room once more with curious eyes, everything new and slightly overwhelming to the older brother.

I guess I'll just have to treat him like a baby...it'll be easier that way, Sam told himself.
Dean fusses a bit, and leans against Sam, crying softly. He's so embarrassed, to be treated like this, especially by his younger brother. He didn't think it could get much worse, until Castiel popped into the room, from out of nowhere.
Seeing the sudden appearance of the angel startled the two a bit. Maybe that habit would break, hopefully.

"Hey, Cas," Sam greeted, giving a bittersweet smile before gathering his brother in his arms, then rubbing small circles along Dean's back. It kind of reminded the younger Winchester of when Dean did this for him when they were kids.
Surprisingly, Dean is soothed by Sam rubbing his back. But now, there was another person in the room. This made Dean feel a bit uncomfortable, and he started fussing again, tears forming in the corners of his eyes once more. Dean sticks his fingers in his mouth to try and pacify himself.
"Sorry, Cas. He's, uh, a bit scared by you. But I think after a while, he'll be okay," the younger Winchester told the angel standing in front of him, "Won't you, Dean?" he cooed. Seeing his older brother with his fingers in his mouth, trying to comfort himself, had Sam frowning. The sight of Dean, the protective and tough hunter and brother he had known for his whole life, now a baby in a man's body. All because of that friggin' witch. (Do you want me or you to be Cas?)
(Can you be Cas please?)

Dean looked around the room, then up at Sam. His green eyes full of innocence. He removed his fingers from his mouth and whined, grabbing at Sam's shirt and curling his fingers around the material. But then, Dean's whining stopped momentarily, as he started to push a big mess into the back of his diaper, grunting and straining.
(Of course! I just didn't know if you did or not.)

Wrinkling his nose at the sudden smell, the angel inquired, "Sam, I believe Dean has...relieved himself."

Getting up from his chair, keeping his diaper-clad brother in his arms, Sam replied, "Yeah. I know. You wanna watch so you know what to do?"

Heading back to the blanket still lying on the floor, the younger Winchester laid Dean down, soothing him with a few rubs of his stomach. With the supplies still right beside him, Sam gave a quick smile to Cas before getting to work: tugging Dean's pants down, removing the soiled diaper and disposing of it, wiping Dean's bottom and privates, then slipping a fresh diaper with animal prints underneath, before spreading powder then taping the diaper securely around the older's waist.

"Think you can remember most of that, Cas?" Sam asked while picking Dean up and muttering words of comfort and praise in his ear. "You'll get the hang of it," he then replied when seeing the angel's slight doubt.
Dean cooes softly, as he lays his head on Sam's shoulder, drooling a little, but not too bad. He now feels much better, since he's been changed, and was now being held comfortingly by his brother, who was actually quite skilled with caretaking, despite never actually taking care of a baby before.
Feeling something wet drip onto his shoulder, Sam looks to see drool fall from Dean's mouth. Not entirely bothered by it, since the older can't help it. Internally, the younger debated on finding a cure for the witch's curse or not. Honestly....he rather enjoyed caring for Dean, but Sam couldn't help but feel guilty because he knew that his brother wouldn't want this.

Would he?

Breathing a small sigh, Sam starts to talk to Castiel about possible plans for the future, with Dean lightly resting on his shoulder.
Dean snuffles softly, and nuzzles against Sam, his eyes drooping as he tried to keep himself awake, but was losing the battle. Why was he getting sleepy all of a sudden? Was it because of the curse, or was he just tired? Either way, Dean was about to enter dreamland very shortly.
Noticing his older brother beginning to fall asleep at a rapid pace, Sam carried him over and laid him down on his bed, stacking up pillows against his side, facing the edge of the bed so Dean doesn't fall off.

Maybe I should get a crib... the younger wondered before shaking his head in horror. Why was he thinking about that?! He needed to get Dean back to normal, not design a nursery in his head.

"Sam...are you alright?" Castiel asked, narrowing his eyes. Internally, the angel was almost as concerned as Sam was, for Dean was his friend and it just felt unsettling seeing the hunter like this. Helpless and small, it was a mere shadow of himself.

The long-haired man nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine, Cas. Do you think there's a cure for this?"

A worried frown crossed the angel's face, "I don't know, Sam."

(Maybe go to the next day or so?)
(yeah. Sorry this is so late, Tumblr's being really annoying. )

Dean wakes up the next morning, and looks around. He sees tall, wooden bars surrounding him, and several soft toys and stuffed animals at his feet. He whimpers and starts to panic, rolling over onto his tummy, and pushing himself into a siting position. Why was he in a crib!??
(No! It's fine. Yeah, I know. This update is awful.)

Hearing whimpering emitting from the baby monitor, perched on the nightstand beside Sam's bed, the hunter quickly wakes up. Stumbling as fast as he can to Dean's bedroom/now-turned-nursery, Sam smiles at his baby boy. It took a while for the younger to get used to a more...Daddy/caretaker mindset, but it quickly adjusted. In his mind, Sam could give Dean the childhood he never had, instead having one filled with love and family.

"Shhhh. Hey, buddy. It's alright, Daddy's here," Sam cooed, picking up Dean almost effortlessly and rubbed his lower back in small circles.
Dean pokes out his lower lip in a pout, and starts to cry, tears rolling down his cheeks. He's so confused, and his wet diaper isn't helping the matter in any way. Dean feels like he should be dreaming, because Sam wouldn't have done all this. It was so real, though, but it couldn't be.
"Aw. Don't cry, here, lemme check your diaper, buddy." Seeing that Dean's diaper was wet, Sam carefully laid him down on the changing table in the upper right corner of the nursery. Untaping the wet diaper and throwing it away, the younger wiped away his baby's tears with his thumb, "Shhh. I'll be done soon, I promise. You're doing really good, baby."

Wiping Dean's privates and bottom, Sam noticed his brother's obvious discomfort. "There's nothing wrong with this, buddy. It's what I'm here for. It's gonna be okay." Spreading powder between his boy's legs, the hunter slipped a fresh diaper with a cute zoo-themed print before securing it snugly around Dean's waist.

Kissing his baby's forehead, Sam picked him up and sat him on his hip, "You did so good."
Dean felt a lot better, once he was all nice and dry again. It was a bit odd how something as simple as a diaper change could make him feel so good. Perhaps it was the whole concept of having someone to take care of you, tend to your needs, cater to your every whim. Sam was that, for Dean, and Dean was so thankful for it, because he was unable to care or himself at the moment.
Taking his baby to the kitchen, and sitting him in his highchair. That item was easily the most expensive in the assemble. Having to be usable by a six foot tall man, was a difficult standard for some manufactures to live up to. But Sam had managed. Anything for his baby boy.

Retrieving a bottle of formula from the kitchen, and making sure it wasn't too cold, the hunter sat down in the chair beside Dean's. Smiling at his boy's face, vivid green eyes innocent and adorable, Sam cooed, "Hey, you hungry, buddy?"
Dean let out a soft gurgle, and looked around. Everything looked different, now that he was sitting up in a highchair. He felt like a giant. Dean giggled at his silly thoughts, and looked at Sam, reaching out for the bottle. (maybe Sam feeds Dean some baby food, too?)
(Oh, sure!)

Sam huffed out a laugh at his little guy, "Here you go, buddy. Eat up. I'll get you some baby food for you too." Making sure Dean had a good grip on the bottle, the younger looked around the kitchen before finding a spoon, along with a jar of baby food. It was bananas, something good for breakfast and the start of the day. Hopefully, Dean's dislike of fruits and vegetables didn't entirely carry over in his regression.

Watching his baby set down the bottle onto his tray, saving the rest of the formula for more of his breakfast. "Such a smart boy, huh, Dean? Daddy's got some breakfast for ya." Spooning some of the food, Sam pretended it was an airplane.
Dean giggled, amused by his brother's actions. He opened his mouth and ate messily, a bit of food dribbling down his chin. He liked the bananas. They were sweet and very tasty, better than the formula by a long shot.
"Good job, buddy. See if you can eat all of it, be a good boy," Sam murmured, internally pleased that his brother seemed to like the bananas. It would be a lot easier getting him to eat certain foods, if this kept up. Today was already seeming so much better than yesterday, with Dean beginning to accept his situation and take the best out of it. Also, Castiel promised to visit sometime later this week again, and hopefully Sam's little one wouldn't be afraid anymore.

Wiping some of the fallen food from his baby's chin, Sam fed him another spoonful once more.
Dean babbled and ate the rest of the bananas, burping softly, when he finished. He had a full tummy, and a clean diaper. He was now, content. Dean loved seeing Sam smile at him. It made him feel really special, and he hardly ever got the chance to feel that way. He was a lucky baby boy.

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