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Fandom Avengers: A New Age (Closed)



Friendly Neighborhood Gem-Collector
"Our very strength Invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict... Conflict breeds catastrophe."


In the wake of a Kree insurrection in 1995, S.H.I.E.L.D Director Nick Fury began a colossal project known as the Avengers Initiative, which saw the formation of an organised group of people with extraordinary gifts and abilities. Superheroes. These "Avengers" guarded the Earth from threats both internal and external, in times of turmoil even working with similarly aligned departments such as the X-Men, Sanctum Sanctorum or the Fantastic Four. Throughout these long years of chaos, the Earth's heroes battled its villains relentlessly, the Combined Organisations of the varying heroic groups and Government Peace Agencies soon saw the near-eradication and suppression of villainy. Earth entered what could only be described as a Golden Age, the people and its protectors grew content in a world fueled by change.

In 2018, Thor learnt his brother, Loki, had somehow come upon one of the six fabled Infinity Stones, the Space Stone - known as the Tesseract - and had acquired an army with the intent of launching a full-scale invasion of New York. The Iron Man, Tony Stark, took immediate steps to bolster Earth's physical defenses in the form of a robot Peacekeeping force hosted by an evolved A.I known as Ultron. The plan backfired horrendously, and Loki's invasion coincided with the A.I's rogue takeover of tech institutions across the globe. Earth was unprepared for the scale of war thrust upon them, heroes everywhere took up the mantle and rushed once more into the fray and villains long in hiding revealed themselves in chaotic emergence. As this war raged on, an unprepared Asgard was attacked by Frost Giants, leaving the bi-frost damaged and preventing Earth aid from Thor. Tony Stark, working with Bruce Banner, created an evolution of Jarvis known as Vision - powered by the Mind Stone - with the intent of fighting Ultron cybernetically. However, Loki's invasion culminated in a great battle above Avengers Tower, as a nuclear missile hacked by Ultron as a last laugh was destined to blast the whole City into dust. A 48 year old Iron Man made the ultimate sacrifice, single-handedly carrying the nuclear warhead into the rift through which Loki's forces attacked. Soon after Ultron was eliminated by Vision, but the Trickster God escaped the planet using the Space Stone.

The year is now 2031, and the scars of war plague the planet with lethal intent. Villains and crime are back in full force as Governments and Organisations suffer internal strife at an all-time high. Additionally, without a united goal and with many countries blaming America's Avengers for much of the suffering, international tensions and subterfuge are extremely common. The Old World is dead, most - if not all - of Earth's mortal defenders are either deceased or retired, the future is uncertain. It falls onto the green and inexperienced descendants of heroism to take up the mantle of their parents and safeguard their homeworld from obliteration. This is the dawn of a new age.

A new era dawned upon New York as Pietro Maximoff walked into Times Square

New York had an odd feeling, he thought to himself as he walked the streets, going unnoticed as he passed through the crowd of people in the area. For all his travels across the world, there was never a place like this. It is why he liked, though it was quite hard to beat Edinburgh sometimes. Pietro continued down the street until he reached a monument of a man in armor. Beneath the statue lay a plaque, encarved in it saying


He smirked at this. Pietro he'd known his grandfather, to see if the wild tales that his Grandma, Pepper, told him were true. Cassie believed them, to be sure, but he was skeptical. Then again though, Tony did create his father, and he was quite the marvel to behold. He soon moved on, walking the streets of that bustling city as no one noticed the man in the red hood

As he walked however, he felt something slip from his pocket. He grabbed, soon realizing what he had nearly lost: On the picture, there was him, his mother Wanda in the background, and his father, Vision. Vision was of course in his human form (after all, people would flip out if they saw a weird robot running about) and the three were standing at the gates of the Roman Catacombs. He always kept it with him, as memento of sorts since he now lived in New York alone. Pietro tried to remember where his parents were now, remembering that they were in Ankara currently. “I should probably call them” he mumbled to himself as he walked into the local Shawarma joint, titled “Avengers Shawarma,”. Funny how even now, he could never escape the legacy of his bloodline, even if it was just grab a simple bite to eat
Cassandra Stark wiped the sweat from her brow as she raised her welding mask. She put the welding torch she was holding down on her worktable and pulled up the hologram of the schematics she was using. "Friday, do me a favor and run a diagnostic on the new suit, please."
"Yes, boss." A slightly Irish-sounding female voice replied from the speakers in the lab replied. "Preparing Mark V diagnostic now...."
"Thanks," Cassie replied, picking up and taking a bite of the sandwich that was next to the welding torch.
"Suit diagnostic complete," Friday said as Cassie stared at the new helmet she had just finished. The Stark girl looked up and smiled, setting the sandwich down and clapping her hands together.
"How's it looking?"
"Power Efficiency: 400% improved
Maneuverability and Aerodynamics: 400% improved
Stereo System: 300% improved
Chassis Strength: 200% improved
Weapons Strength: 150% improved
Internal Temperature monitoring: 150% improved.
Cassie frowned. "Well, the efficiency and maneuverability were good, but I was hoping to get that Chassis and Weapons strength at least to a 300% improvement....." she shook her head. "I suppose it's good enough for now. While I'm out, would you mind running some tests to see where the problem areas are?" I have a Feeling it's the stereo system, she thought to herself.
"No problem, Boss."
"Great. I'm headed for lunch. If Morgan or Mom end up giving me a call at the lab, could you send it to my phone?"
"Will do. Have a good lunch."
"Thanks, Friday."
20 minutes later
Cassie sat on a bench across from the base of her father's statue, a plastic bowl of Leo's spaghetti in her lap. She came out here often, just to take some comfort in seeing her dad's face.

"Mom, I'm actually in Central Park....."
A pause.
"Yes, tell Grandpa Hank I still want to do chess with him this weekend...."
Another pause, and the speaker ran a hand through her brown hair.
"And tell Dad that I won't shoplift a copy of 'Grand Slam,' no matter how good he says the movie is..."
The girl smiled, chuckling. "Yeah, I know. Let me know if you need anything while I'm out."
A final pause. "Love you too, Mom. Bye."
Robin Lang hung up her phone and put her earbuds back in, continuing her jog through the park.
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Natalie Strange
The sky settled over a shining city, deep roads of crimson stretched across the horizon in a fantastical display of nature's ever-grasping dominion. Natalie's lips perked up at the sight, a warmth enveloping her figure as the bright smile transitioned into the soft chanting of the arcane. There she sat, perched upon the bedrock of Earth's existence - Avenger's tower - legs swaying in the soothing breeze. Her purpose here was to be of service, her father's orders. But how would she do that? She'd rarely spoken to the Avengers, she'd met them in the past, when the already reclusive Doctor Strange was pressured to break vigilance to socialize with Earth's new generation. Other than that, they were strangers to her.

These thoughts danced in her mind apprehensively, only interrupted by her purpose set to task. She shifted forward, sliding from the inspiring spire's great height as an energetic orange ring materialized from the sky's face. The wind rushed past her face as she plummeted through the portal at an astonishing speed, and then she was walking. The ground was sturdy and solid, the high towers of New York twisted into the sky like peerless mountains. Moments ago, she was atop one, now she was down here. Magic was an astonishing thing. It was an eery kind of calm, to wonder the streets at the peak of dawn, the bustle of a grandiose city waking to its daily routine. Natalie herself was dressed more casually than she was accustomed to within the Sanctum, in place of deep white robes she wore blue jeans and a white t-shirt, a red leather trench coat stretched down to her thighs, sleek black shades sat upon a short nose.

The original plan - well, there wasn't so much an original plan - as much as there was aimless wondering, a serene appreciation of the layout before the industrial machination awakened and the skies were drowned by the trials of society. Yet a nearby whimpering seeped into her ears, low and guttural, but discernible from that of a cat or other animal. Natalie turned to the alleyway with an apprehensive glance, unwilling - or perhaps not caring - to take chances, she drew her arms out with a rush of mystical energy, slamming her fists forward rigidly as orange discs enveloped her hands in a woeful frenzy of magic. She creeped forward, mentally prepared for a villainous trap, or perhaps a simple homeless man in need.

"Hello?" She whispered, discs still active as she walked on towards a mysterious figure, well-muscled and facing away, hunched over bestially, a loose sleeveless hoodie gripping his back. She halted in her tracks, a few feet from the man, a careful glint sparkled in concerned eyes. "Are you okay?"
Interaction - D3lmoniko D3lmoniko
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In days much like these, Perry wished he owned a car—that and understanding how to drive in general for that matter. No suit with him meant he couldn't freely swing around the city, and without any spare change meant he couldn't ride the subway. This dilemma led the man to rely on walking his way home, unsure of how much longer it took to reach his destination. Though there were positives to this issue, no matter how small they may be. He could finally simply take a brisk walk, soaking in the atmosphere and simply enjoying his day. While the noise pollution from all the cars and chatter did dampen whatever serene mindset Perry tried to enter, he attempted to ignore it—he'd done so successfully for eighteen years of his life already anyways.

Making his way down the crowded street, he suddenly stopped and looked to his side. Towering over him was a statue dedicated to a familiar face. Perry's heart sank and his lips curled into a small frown even though he's seen the statue hundreds of times. The figure of Tony Stark only evoked feelings of bittersweet happiness. While nice times were spent with the man, it saddened him to know he'd never be able to speak with him again.

Such thoughts were common in Perry whenever he passed the monument—moving on from tragedies was something he'd always had difficulties with. And while in this moment he'd typically be walking away, continuing on with the rest of his day, something else caught the man's eye. It was a familiar face, eating a bowl of spaghetti from a familiar location. Perry's frown turned into a smile, he's forgotten the last time he's seen Cassie—probably a week yet it was still nice to see her nonetheless.

"Cass!" Perry called, but given the noise around him it was unclear whether or not the Stark had heard him. He shook his head, and he began making his way to his friend in a light jog. Upon reaching her, he spoke again.

"Hey, what's up?"
Location - Tony Stark Memorial
Tags - sitanomoto sitanomoto
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Ollie's mind was a haze, like a TV channel without reception. He tried to get a grasp of what had happened, but something was stopping him. Confusion dominated his mind, and the sounds around him made him anxious. A sudden flash of light was casting shadows in the alley, and a voice called to him. Ollie quickly turned around his eyes locking to those of a girl with what seemed to be colored disks in her hands.

Thinking this was another test, his arms went to his sides, the claws slowly exiting his wrists with a cold, metallic sound. From his facial expressions, the claws did inflict some sort-of pain, and his posture turned into something more feral looking, lowering his upper body. Letting out a animal growl, Ollie jumped to his right, claws sticking into the wall. Then, he jumped to the left, and finally, lunged at Nat, claws first.

Archon Archon
Pat sat on a bench in the middle of central park, splayed over the bench in a relaxed position, eyes closed and relaxing. A slight breeze tussled his hair before a loud voice in his head growled HuNgRy. His eyes opened and the peaceful expression he head disappeared into a frown. "Seriously dude?" he asked in an exasperated tone, he sighed and straightened up. "Can it wait?" he asked, it was a beautiful day in the mid sixties, and he had traded his sweatshirt for a form fitting tee, but kept his faded jeans and boots. I rEqUiRe SuSteNaNcE tO rEmAiN iN pEaK cOnDiTiOn. it growled again, showing its agitation at not being fed. "Fine." he said as he sighed again, standing and walking down the paved path. For as much as he claimed to dislike New York, central park had reminded him of his time in Pennsylvania and the woods he had spent lots of time in.

As he walked he was lost in thought, he bumped into a man walking, apparently he hadn't appreciated that very much and turned around. "Hey man you wanna apologize?" he asked in an aggressive tone, walking closer to Pat. "I mean not really, it's not like I did anything to you." he answered, Pat hadn't noticed the guy's friend. "What you say to me you little shit, eh?" he had the accent of a New York Italian, and he shoved Pat backwards. Pat had started to reply but before he could finish a fist hit the left side of his face. The guy was wearing rings, big ones on almost every finger on his righ hand. They cut deep and surprised Pat, he most have been a boxer. The friend gave him a punch to the nose breaking it despite its reinforced forced strength. He was down on one knee before he knew it, the symbiote had probably left his nose exposed in order to spite him.

The strikes got his blood up, and he no longer felt the shredded left side of his face or broken nose. When he had went down on his knee he had turned away from them. He got to both feet and quickly turned throwing a rear punch with his left hand. It landed in the man with the rings diaphragm, and he saw the mans eyes pop out if his head when he made contact. Even when he wasn't in his "suit" he hit like a freight train. He saw the second man attempt another punch and grabbed his fist, before he started squeezing. It didn't take more than five seconds before he had him flopping liken a fish. He let the second one go, and he lay on the ground clutching his hand and whimpering. The first one had gotten back up, but Pat had his hand around his throat, and lifted the unfortunate man up above his head and chokeslammed him squarely on his back.

The two men rolled on the ground, one groaning and the other whimpering. The pain in his face came back and he lifted his left hand up to it and drew it back, seeing an alarming amount of blood staining his palm. he looked down and saw trickles running from his nose onto his shirt. "
Motherfucker." He grumbled. "This is my goddam favorite shirt." he said as he bumped into someone else. "Goddamit watch where your goi-" he stopped mid sentence as he looked at the girl he had bumped into hand coming away from the bloody mess. "Sorry." he said sheepishly, before he noticed a large globule collected on his chin, it was too late to wipe it before he saw it start falling in slow motion, dripping onto her clothes. His face got red and he looked down, not only had he been blindsided and cut up, now he was dripping blood everywhere. It was not a good start of the day for him.

sitanomoto sitanomoto
Cassie looked up from her Italian food to see none other than Perry Parker. She had some marinara sauce on her mouth and used a napkin to wipe it away, smiling a little bit. "Perry! Good to see you!" She patted the bench next to her. "Not much. Just got lunch. Spaghetti. If you're hungry, I think there's a breadstick in the bag!" She said. The Stark girl was always glad to share her food with her friends. "How have you been? How's school going?"
Pyosimros Pyosimros
Robin continued her jog around Central Park, feet moving along to the beat of her music, before being bumped into.
"Goddamit watch where you're goi-"
Robin was initially surprised at his hostility, but the surprise was quickly replaced with a good-natured smile when the guy apologized. "Hey, man, no worries--" she stopped, eyes widening and then taking in the scene before her. "Holy shit, dude, did they jump you or something? You're bleeding!" She looked back at the men on the ground, smirking. "You seemed to have handled it rather well, though."
She followed his eyes to where some of his blood had dripped onto her shirt (a light blue tee) and shook her head when she saw his embarrassed expression, waving away his concern with a flick of her hand. "Don't worry about it. I know how to get blood out of clothes. It's not a big deal," she said kindly. Robin grabbed the dude by the hand and dragged him over to a park bench that was not too far away. "Let's get you cleaned up and I can teach you how to get that blood out of your shirt, alright?"
She had a light backpack on, a small one, and once she had dragged the stranger to the seats, she put her foot up and swung her backpack around, perching it on her thigh. "Let's see.... I have a clean washcloth in here," she said, pulling it out and handing it to him. "Go ahead and wipe your face off while I get some more supplies out, alright? And don't worry about the washcloth. Like I said, I know how to get blood out of things."
She glanced over her shoulder and at the two men, still on the ground, using her earpiece to command two different ants to follow them should they get up and try to run. The earpiece itself looked like a hearing aid, so she didn't really get many questions about it.
Midrick Midrick
Deep within the confine of the Avengers tower an archaic program seems to continue to run, the main control room holding a small blinking LED flashing on and off with its exact purpose having been unknown to any but Tony himself leading it to be one of those confusing things many overlook as a mystery they would get around to eventually yet since it started back after the battle of new york it that mystery had remained. Seemingly unbeknownst to its occupants, the light, in fact, signified the receiving of a distress beacon from one of the Avengers however the weakness of the signal had made pinpointing the exact location difficult hence the full announcement had never come through. So, for now, all it can do is blink as the rest of the towers new occupants continue to go about their lives.
Natalie Strange
The assault was instant, a blinding flash of silver death arching towards her with furious intent. Natalie's hands, already prepared, slammed together as the discs conjoined into a large shield - yet the inhuman speed and ferocity defeated her mortal reflex - the claws glancing the tip of her stomach painfully. The girl let out a small hiss, combating the urge to double over in pain with a self-inherent fury of her own. Both hands now thrust forward, a telekinetic grip barreling down on the savage aggressor in the form of constructed chains, materializing upon his wrists with the artificial kiss of cold steel. A snarl gripped her face in tightened anger, the muscles in her wrists and hand itching to tighten the hold. Yet, the brief moment of hesitation gaveway for a more logical mind, her attacker had been savage and hapless, without thought to represent an intelligent ambush, and with more likeness to that of a rabid animal cornered and enraged, teeth bared to all.

Keeping the arcane constraints tight with one-hand - albeit with great mental and physical exertion - the sparkling brown of her eyes transcended into an ethereal white glow, with her free-hand she rapidly pressed a finger to the man's - or perhaps boy's - head, whispering unintelligible words that seemed to bounce off the walls in a tantalizingly soothing echo. A minor enchantment, that affords clarity to an addled mind. One of the earliest spells she was taught, for it allowed the prevention of crime and evil through the criminal's own volition. The spell wasn't mind-bending. But merely the brief dissolution of one's character; stripping them down to their bare goodness, not advanced enough to phase the strong-willed, certainly potent enough for the vast majority of humanity.

With a click, the orange discs faded into the ethereal, her emptied palms lay outstretched to catch the stranger should he feel unsteady or dizzy, a common side-effect of a sorcerer's enchantment. "Hey," Natalie asked softly, the constraints entrapping his limbs peeling back into the sorcerer's void. "Take it easy. Can you hear my voice?" She asked again, her former anger and caution long-abandoned for concern, that fickle inner-hero.
Interaction - D3lmoniko D3lmoniko

At first, Ollie struggled with the chains, trying to shimmy out of them. His teeth barred in anger, he growled at her, almost biting at her hand like a wild animal. But, the moment her hand touched his head at the words began resonating in his mind, he felt an odd warmth and calmness come to him. His barred teeth turned into just a neutral expression, and even his claws started to retract, leaving small droplets of blood on his wrists.

Feeling light headed, he fell into Natallie's arms, sighing. Looking up, Ollie's eyes went wide and he quickly raised back up, albeit a little dizzy, holding a hand on the wall to position himself. "Y-You're real." Ollie said, pointing at her. Looking down he saw blood on her stomach, and puts a hand on his mouth. "D-Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!" Ollie rushes to her, and grabs her shoulders. "We should get going to a hospital or something! I am so sooo sorry!"

This almost feral being that attacked Natallie now was trying to help her, very apologetic. Some simple dog tags were hanging around his neck, barely visible, but a name could be made out : X-46.

Archon Archon
Natalie Strange
Deep confusion settled on the sorcerer's brow as the assailant shakily stumbled from her saving grasp, one arm poised on her hip as she apprehensively gauged the now-obvious teenager. "Yes... I'm quite real." The look of terror on his face in response to her supercilious stomach wound was intriguing, briefly. "No, I'm - " the tirade of concern that followed was all-but flattering and had a similar likeness to an irritating child. She raised an eyebrow. The absurdity of the attitude redirection was enough to answer several of her questions. For one, it was clear he had a loose knowledge of these black outs and the capabilities he possessed in the form of those lethal hand-knives, but it was more apparent the episodes were uncontrollable - savage - pure unbridled rage made flesh. All the same, the satisfaction of her mystic curiosities didn't assuage the verbal spillage.

"HEY!" She bellowed with a controlling voice, having attained his attention, she held her palms over her wound, eyes tight as a feint orange glow peeked over her Caucasian tone. Her eyes fluttered open, and her hands seized his own, the wound on her stomach absent; as if never existing at all. "Your knuckles," she noted whilst seizing his hands, staring at him with a by-the-book professionalism akin to that of a teacher. Repeating the former process, the sunset glow would envelop her target's own wounds, remodeling the flesh into a fully whole hand once more. "We don't need a hospital. You, however, need to give me a rundown of..." She paused, rolling her tongue over her cheek for the sentence finale, "...This." She finished, removing a hand from one of his own, baring down and pointing at his other knuckles.
Interaction - D3lmoniko D3lmoniko

Pietro soon walked of the Shawarma join with a couple of turkey ones in his sack and eating a beef one. He remembered when he heard Cassie talking about the place, saying how good it was. He had originally thought it was just some ploy since there was a high chance that her family had bought the place out, but it turned out to be really good. He continued to walk back into Times Square

As he arrived, he soon saw Cassie sitting next to a bot. Smirking at her, he soon moved behind them and as he did, Pietro lightly tapped her on her shoulder with his Shawarma, soon saying "Huh, I thought you be busy up in the tower, Cass hehe,"
sitanomoto sitanomoto Pyosimros Pyosimros
Pat looked up after hearing her speak, telling him to relax, and her concern was unexpected, her grabbing his hand and drag him to a bench before he could protest. Your internal temperatures are rising, why? The alien in his mind questioned, having a much more stable speech pattern. Im not used to girls touching me. He replied in thought, she was helping him, no need for him to start talking to himself like mad man. He wasn't exactly smooth with the ladies, and as result he was far out of his comfort zone.

He grabbed the washcloth she handed him and pressed it against his left cheek, it stung like hell and made him wince. He sat that there, and decided to break his silence. "You talk about knowing how to get blood out of clothes a lot, makes me wonder what you down in your free time." he said with a smirk. Your attempt at humor was mediocre at best, you should improve. the Symbiote said, for his relative young age, he was quite the critic. Shut up Slaughter. Pat replied in turn. "What's your name by the way?" he instantly regretted his decision, it was stupid to be that forward. Extremely stupid. The symbiote agreed, he would have countered, but currently to busy play cool while she was looking back at the two punks he had beat.

sitanomoto sitanomoto

Ollie stood straight up. Looking at Natallie closing her wound, and then his, he smiled. "You have powers like mine! Cool!" His hands now fully healed, he made a fist then released it. "Oh, I was born with this. They are claws, and they kinda hurt when they come out." He made the claws come out, the metal making the distinct shink sound. They were unmistakably made out of metal. When they retracted, three small incisions where the claws exited seemed to not be bleeding anymore.

"The wounds close eventually. Give it a minute or so." Ollie spoke nonchalant as if this was a daily occurrence for him. "So, uhm, kind of an odd question, but where am I?"

Archon Archon
"Remember students: study chapters six through eight in your Textbook on International Law and chapters two through five of International Human Rights for your exams Monday next week." The professor spoke over the ringing of the University bells indicating that class had been dismissed. Lucy scribbled down the information in her day planner before quickly flipping it and her notebook closed. She had a laptop -- a decent quality one -- per Cassie's recommendation, but she never liked to take notes in it during class, instead preferring to write down her class notes as the professor gave his lecture or information to study as provided by the class aides. Her classmates thought it was amusing, calling her 'dated' or 'old-souled' in a loving manner.

Despite being a minor local celebrity, her university life was pretty normal. Lucy had a great reputation among the students within her class and, truthfully, with most of the University. She belonged to several clubs and teams, and often went out of her way to help other clubs she didn't belong to with their fundraising events by using the star power of her last name. In the last two semesters at NYC-U she'd only come across one incident early on in the second semester of school: a would-be photographer followed her through campus in an attempt to get scandalous behaviour shots to sell to tabloids. Instead he ended up with a broken camera and half the Varsity football team escorting him off the grounds.

She slid the laptop home into her side bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she rose. She headed down the steps from the auditorium seating when she heard her name being called from behind her. She paused and turned seeing several of her classmates catch up with her. "Hey."

"Hey you,"Amanda returned, sliding her arm under Lucy's to continue walking out of the classroom, the remainder of her friends, Rebecca, Jon and Andrew following close behind. "What are you up to tonight?" She paused, but only briefly before speaking again. "And don't tell me more training and crap: that's your excuse every time we ask you to come out with us."

Lucy smiled apologetically. "I wish I could but-"

Rebecca sighed heavily behind them. "I told you she wouldn't come with us; we're not her style."

She glanced over her shoulder at Rebecca and the boys before turning her gaze back to Amanda, the blonde watching her expectantly. "But I really can't, sorry." Lucy watched as Amanda huffed and pouted.

"Fine," she said, and released Lucy, nodding to the rest of the group. "See you Monday." Amanda called and the others mumbled their goodbyes. Lucy felt guilty, really she could take the night off, she could join her peers in whatever events they were planning tonight, or any other night; but she knew Jon and Andrew well enough the pair often drank, in public, and caused a scene. One in which she didn't want to be a part of, one which she didn't agree with.

She hefted her bag on her shoulder and headed towards the parking lot for her car. She slid her phone out of her pocket and sent a quick text to her brother.

Burgers and shakes? I'll buy.

Satisfied she tossed her bag and phone on the seat next to her before turning the car on and heading home.


Hello?” Lucy called as she stepped into the main common space for the quarters. “Anyone home?” It wasn’t often the Tower was entirely empty, but when it was on those very rare occasions, she loved it. She tossed her phone down on the counter, selecting her music app and queuing it to play through the audio system. Moving in beat with the music she collected her texts and headed for the control room to check in on things.

She dropped into a chair nearby a rarely used console to settle in for the a night of studying and cardio but paused, seeing a red light flicker on then off again. Lucy frowned, glancing along various screens and a consoles for the same indicator anywhere else to no avail. “The heck is this?” She leaned forward, tapping the notification. The program immediately initiated, spreading across the glass-topped desk and cycling through a readout of information. At first she wasn’t certain what she was seeing; something to do with the previous owners of the Avengers name. A sudden chill ran down her spine as it quickly became clear. This was a distress beacon, an old one at that. Someone, somewhere needed their help - expected their help - and here she was dancing like a child.

She cleared the screen, pulling up their alert system to send out message to Cassie and Connor to return to the Tower, ASAP.

Crono Crono
sitanomoto sitanomoto

Mentions: (sort of)
PlusUltra PlusUltra
Cassie jolted slightly when her shoulder was tapped, but turned and relaxed a little when she saw it was Pietro. She smirked. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," Cassie replied evenly. "I gotta get down to Leo's every once in a while for his Spaghetti. Best stuff in NY, hands down. Can't make this in the lab." Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out, seeing a text from Lucy. Her eyes flickered across the message and she stood up abruptly. "Yikes, Lu, what's goin' on?" She mumbled, putting a lid on her food and stuffing it back in the bag. "Fellas, we're going to have to cut this shorter than expected. Somethin's up at the tower. Uhh...." she looked around and then stuck her hand out, yelling out the customary New York "TAXI!!"
Pyosimros Pyosimros
Weason Weason
"I'm a girl. What do you think it is we do every month?" Robin said with a sly grin, pulling out a box of large band-aids.
He asked her for her name, and she chuckled a little. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She remarked, before realizing exactly what it was she said. "You probably do.... that's.... why you asked." She cleared her throat. "Uh, I'm Robin. Hi." Robin grabbed an unopened water bottle from her backpack and set it down on the bench. "How about yours? Your name, I mean."
Her attempt to be normal, she thought, was slowly drifting away. There it went. Like a dead body in the Hudson.
That was morbid.
Like a leaf in a breeze.
Midrick Midrick


??? (???)
Location: ???
Interaction: N/A
Mention: NanLia NanLia

A Symbol starts to flash on the screen along with coordinates and several energy readings in graphs, the bars hitting off the tops pulsing out from a location on the map, next to it a timer seems to be ticking up.


If that is being read right, this has been going on for a long time,

He sighed once he heard there was something wrong over at the tower. Pietro only wanted to talk to Cass for a few minutes, but he knew how this life works. Hero stuff always got in the way of actually relaxing for two seconds...maybe that is why his parents retired, he thought. He shook his head, soon flying up into the air and nodding to Perry, soon flew off towards the Tower

Once he arrived at the tower, he arrived up on the roof, coming in through the roof entrance. He never did come by then tower often, but he liked it when he did. Honestly, he'd kill to live here, but his apartment did him just fine. He soon began to walk around, trying to see if there was any sign of a person
NanLia NanLia
Connor was sitting in a nearly empty locker room half-dressed when his phone buzzed causing the young man to look over his shoulder at the phone sitting on the bench behind him. "Next time Rogers." A man spoke, passing him by heading for the exit with two others. Connor chuckled at the small banter, "Sure Williams, whatever you say pal." Connor tugged his shirt on before sitting down to glance at the text from his sister before sending back a reply, You're on. It was always a mistake to offer to pay for his food considering how much he could put away, especially after a training session but Connor wasn't one to complain. His day so far had been one of training along both newer and older agents on the Helicarrier. Connor couldn't count the amount of times he'd done this over the years, especially after his powers revealed themselves. It had been good for him at first, and in the beginning it had mostly just been his father he'd sparred with while others watched. This had been for safety because Connor had to learn how to pull his punches so to speak, when dealing with average people so that he didn't accidentally hurt anyone. Eventually he'd learned the control and it slowly became common for him to train with other agents, both to help him and them. They got more experience dealing with someone with enhanced physiology and he got practice. It was a win win.

By the time he was ready to go nearly half an hour later, sitting on his bike in the Helicarrier's garage area he was met with another message but this one was Avengers protocol. Lucy didn't send those out willy-nilly so he knew it was important so he pulled his helmet on to leave. Currently the S.H.I.E.L.D. base was parked in a bay not too far luckily. The small extension path activated ahead of him and attached to the land allowing Connor to drive across back to the mainland to head back to the tower.​
NanLia NanLia sitanomoto sitanomoto
"Not much. Just got lunch. Spaghetti. If you're hungry, I think there's a breadstick in the bag!"

"Well...I just ate lunch around half an hour ago, I'm not really in the breadstick mood right now."

"How have you been? How's school going?"

"Oh, I've been doing well enough—school's just been normal, everything's been normal...if we leave out all the y'know, 'extracurricular work'."

In the midst of their conversation, a stranger walked towards the two. A stranger to Perry, yet most likely a friend to Cassie. The man seemed normal enough, just an average brown-haired guy—most likely one of Cassie's employees or something of the like. When close enough, he said to Cassie, "Huh, I thought you be busy up in the tower, Cass hehe."

So a friend, Perry thought, his eyes scanning up and down the person, unsure of what to make of him. He and Cassie began to engage in some small-talk before the latter suddenly stopped to read a text. Almost instantly she shot up from her sitting position and after some apologies, she began to run towards the nearest taxi. All the while the stranger gave Perry a nod and...flew off.

Huh, I should get to know Cass' superhero friends for once...

Shaking his head, he began to jog towards Cassie, hoping to hitch a ride on the same taxi. It was the both talk to his friend further and to...also take a free cab ride. "Hey, Cass hold on!" Perry called to her as she began to look for a taxi. Once sufficiently close to her, Perry continued what he was saying. "First off, can I hitch a ride on the taxi you're hopping into? And also, what's up with Lu?"
Location - sitanomoto sitanomoto
Tags - Tony Stark Memorial

New York City. It was a place where her mother lived the majority of her life in, yet it was so foreign to Lydia. For the first time in her life she felt as if she were a fish out of water—she wasn't adjusted to this new pace of life, and the slight yet extremely noticeable differences of her environment tired her greatly. Before leaving, Kate would often reassure her saying, "New York'll really grow on you. I used to hate LA, and I wanted to get out ASAP but...here I am now. You'll for sure feel the same way about NYC." Lydia often fell back on these words to comfort her—she just needed to fully adjust to the life here, and she'd do fine.

Kate gave a few additional tips for her new life as well. To make some friends, and to make a name for herself through some classic acts of heroism. While Lydia hated the first tip, she was moreso inclined to follow the second. Therefore, as she was out of class and roaming the streets, Lydia began scanning for some trouble nearby. Duffelbag in hand containing a bow and quiver, it was practically all she needed. All that was missing was trouble...

Lydia's attention was turned to a certain alleyway that was emitting a strange orange glow. Almost immediately, she took cover behind the wall adjacent to the entrance of the alleyway. Her head peeked in, and from her few weeks of being in New York City, this was perhaps the first superhuman event she's experienced. It was a woman and a man in some sort of scuffle. The woman had strange orange discs around her arms while the man had metallic claws springing out of his hands. The two fought as Lydia hastily brought out her bow and quiver, carefully selecting a 'shock arrow' from the quiver.

As the two's fighting began to cease, Lydia pulled away from the wall. It was her moment to defeat the evildoer, and to save the day. Stepping a few paces forward so that she were now a mere fifteen meters from the two. Readying the trick arrow, she now aimed it near the middle of the two, unsure which individual would be the target. "Ahem, what exactly are the two of you up to?" she called to the two of them, now making her presence known. It...wasn't quite up to par to her mother's entries into combat, yet it would suffice. Quips weren't exactly her specialty anyways.
Location - Archon Archon D3lmoniko D3lmoniko
Tags - Alleyway
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"Not like yours..." Natalie lightly mumbled, acknowledging the massive disparity between learned mystic sorcery and meta-human genes. Dutifully she followed along as the confused youth proceeded to demonstrate in brutal fashion the machinations of his hidden claws. Natalie inwardly cringed, planting her hands on her face in exasperation. She opened her mouth to complain that she'd healed him for a reason, re-creating his wounds was not it. But she refrained for once, understanding the unique sensitivity of the situation. Whoever this was - they were an innocent soul - goodness caged with an inner-demon it couldn't control. She felt a pang of sympathy as she thought back to the manner she'd discovered him in. His question was predictable and one she'd surmised, connecting the unique state of his blackout with a lack of memory and the abandonment of his own self. "You're in New York City," She stated matter-of-factly, "Home of the Avengers, luckily for you. Come on, I'll take you th - " Her trajectory of speech was cut off by a womanly intrusion, the voice cascading across the walls.

Natalie turned on her heels, her cautious glare quickly morphed into stern preparations t the sight of the nocked bow in her grasp. Instinctively, her own hands once more darted out as she repeated the former ritual, orange discs materializing along her palms with a glittering spin. Without thought she took several steps forward, one step left, positioning herself directly between the claw-wielder and archer. She had no obligation to do so, but Natalie felt strangely protective of the youthful lost cub. She eyed the stranger with a predatory glower, "None of your business." She barked back assertively. Natalie cursed her luck, of course an over-eager vigilante or shady crime boots would come stomping down on her immediately after she encountered the boy.

Interactions - D3lmoniko D3lmoniko Pyosimros Pyosimros

Joan J Madrox (Prodigy)
Location: Avengers Tower
Interaction: N/A
Mention: N/A​

The tall form of Joan makes her way down the bustling street of new york, and up the street, casually drives a passenger from the airport, helps another customer in the store, attends several of her college lectures and knocks out a mugger with a well-placed kick. Seemingly everywhere at once, the young woman had made lives for herself even before graduating school, eventually, bring the majority of them over into the big city with the intent on making one of them a hero of slightly higher standing, and the method to do that is what brought her currently standing in front of the Avengers Tower as she contemplates her next moves with a coffee in her hand. Well the first idea was to simply let herself in and give them a demonstration...that might annoy some but most direct way to prove her point, she could aid in the next big disaster but there was no telling when that would be and she didn't have the luxury of a hypersonic jet to get there in time, or she could just ask...normally she would do all of them at once but this was one of those situations when the choice had to be singular.

Her eyes continue to look to the tower and beyond, piercing through the all to thin veil to see the alternate possibilities and within one the tower was only just being constructed, another long since destroyed before with a firm nod she takes a breath and walks her presence almost vanishing from sight and mind through lobby and upwards towards the true heart of the tower to eventually take a seat at one of the tables and awaiting the arrival of one of the Avengers. Pulling out her phone as she does and slowly tapping away, just one more thing to add to the list, she did love to multi-task after all.

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Lucy frowned over looking the information on the console - it didn't make sense, at least not to her. She was certain it was a distress beacon - one coming from another, fallen, Avenger - and it had been going on for some time. What she couldn't work out was: How had they missed it for so long? She huffed and moved on, they'd have to figure it out later. The important part was where this fallen ally was and how to get them home again. She pulled up the coordinates and immediately withered. "Seriously? Somalia?" Like things couldn't get any worse! With how the Worlds Nations were behaving as of late (or lack there of) she doubted there could have been another country in which the beacon could have emerged from. Somalia was notoriously inflexible when it came to speaking to it's neighbours, let alone nations nearly half way around the world and yet they would have to not only speak with their governing body in a diplomatic fashion but request to take something from their lands. At least Lucy had practice with her studies and knew what it would take just to even have the country respond to a request.

She started to run a program to image where the beacon was coming from, and it's subsequent energy readings so herself, Connor and Cassie could at least come up with a reasonable Plan-B for if, or when, their diplomatic talks fell through. She sent the program to run with the intention of going to find her gear when the Tower's defence system alerted her to a proximity violation on the roof. This happened from time to time - birds were a thing, however before she could clear the message a full scale infiltration alter sounded. She pulled the internal camera's where the breach had occurred, witnessing the man literally strolling through their quarters. Lucy activated the Lock-down system, steel doors shuttered down between thresholds through the hallway at eight feet increments and across all windows preventing escape for further breaching. She reached beneath the desk and slipped free a 9mm pistol, well within her proficiency range before speaking through the Tower's system at the pair of would-be invaders. "Remain where you are. You will be collected and processed; failure to obey will result in arrest and imprisonment."

Lucy knew, at least, that Cassie and Connor were on their way - the pair would be able to by-pass the security doors and make their way in. With a scowl of determination she made her way cautiously though the halls towards the nearest infiltrator and the brashest of the pair: the boy in their living quarters. With the final security door rising, and her pistol held forward, though pointed at the floor, she called into the room. "On your knees, hands behind your head."

PlusUltra PlusUltra Weason Weason

Crono Crono sitanomoto sitanomoto

Avengers Tower
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Cassie nodded, gesturing to the seat. She slid in, and nodded at the driver. "Avengers Tower, please, and..... hurry." She said assertively.
The taxi driver looked at her and raised an eyebrow, before recognizing her. "Yes Ma'am!" He said.

Cassie took out her phone, looking at it and sighing, texting Lucy back with an "On my way. Taxi. Left suit in lab. Not sure about ETA. Depends on rush hour."

Cassie looked back at Perry. "Lulu's being very vague about why we should hurry, but it was an 'ASAP' text, and she doesn't dish those out lightly."
Friday recognized Pietro from the bio scan. "Miss Rogers, the Male is Pietro Maximov. He has Level-2 Tower access, granted by Miss Stark." The AI said. "However, the female is unknown. Did you want me call out an Iron Legion sentry, as she seems to have materialized in the tower of her own accord?"
PlusUltra PlusUltra
Weason Weason
NanLia NanLia
Pyosimros Pyosimros

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