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Fandom Avatar: Walk through the Fire (OPEN)



New Member
The Backstory:

When Sozin’s comet let up the sky, the Fire Nation seemed unstoppable. As the world burned, the Air Nomads were wiped out, and the people of the world had little hope of escaping the Fire Nation’s wrath.

However, the comet only lit the sky ablaze for one day, and while the worst of the damage was already done, the Fire Nation soon found itself engaged in a war that began to seem overly ambitious. The tides began to turn. Their targets in the Earth Kingdom were stubborn and formidable. They didn’t fall as easily as expected, and with the Southern Water Tribe taking to the sea, an easy Fire Nation victory was no longer a forgone conclusion.

Those in Sozin’s inner circle feared that his aim to take over the world could only end in ruin, and while some kept unwavering support of their leader, others urged him to reconsider and cut his losses. The Fire Nation had made incredible gains: if they eased back on the war effort, perhaps they could keep those gains and prevent further loss of life.

Firelord Sozin would not tolerate dissent. Anyone who spoke out against him was punished swiftly and severely, and he began a massive propaganda movement to ensure that every Fire Nation citizen believed what he wanted them to. The Fire Nation was winning the war. The Fire Nation was justified in every action. The Fire Nation was the greatest nation, and every colony the conquered or nation they vanquished would be an improvement on the state of the world.

The dissenters “disappeared,” but the light of hope still couldn’t fade completely. They were survived by families who shared their beliefs, but instead of trying to save the Fire Nation from itself, they had a smaller goal: to survive. Most were tracked down, but others found refuge near the border where the Fire Lord’s grip wasn’t quite so tight.

That’s not to say that all is safe and well. The surviving rebels are still traitors on the run who can’t stay in one place for long and are looking to leave the Fire Nation entirely to start a new life. It's not going to be easy, with Fire Nation bounty hunters and assassins tracking their every move, but they’re determined to stay alive.

Current Location:
An island in the eastern Fire Nation

The current situation:
The small group of surviving rebels has come to the realization that they can no longer live safely in the Fire Nation. However, as they begin their escape things go sour quickly with Fire Nation forces hot on their heels, and they must fight for their lives to get out. The group has worked out a deal with a smuggler who’s no friend to the Fire Nation (or any authorities, really). The smuggler will give them passage to western shores of Earth Kingdom, and from there they will be on their own. (The plan will be written in passive future tense to make it seem as if everything will go according to plan)

OOC Notes:
-Please link to a character sheet before posting
-While the plot focuses on Fire Nation rebels, once we get past this first plot point, it will be open to people from different walks of life
-You can also play a baddie, but be warned, it's likely they will be killed (it's ok, you can play a good guy too! Or make another baddie!)
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At nightfall, her life would change...again.

Time was running short, with the sun already beginning to set and brisk winds that suggested a coming storm. She had only been on this island a few short weeks, and even then she had been optimistic enough to think that this place could be home. That had been foolish: home wasn't a luxury she could have, not as long as she was still in the Fire Nation.

Ezrin had wanted to say her goodbyes, but decided it would be best to leave with as little announcement as possible. There were people she would miss: the friend who gave her a place to stay and swore she supported the cause, the kind old man who lived next store and offered to give her the old stuff he still had from when his children were young...she'd miss them all but the truth of the matter was that the only people she could really trust would be leaving with her.

She was too anxious to sit still and wait, and so she went to their meeting place on the beach early, and of course as soon as she was there she wondered if she had made a terrible mistake. All alone, Ezrin felt small and vulnerable. A disturbing thought crossed her mind: what if this had all been an elaborate set up? The allies she found, their plan to escape...it could have all been a lie.

Ezrins took a deep, calming breath. That was unlikely., and if she was caught in some wild scheme it was too late now. She closed her eyes and took another long, slow breath. It helped put here mind at ease for just a moment before the sound of approaching footsteps sent a jolt down her spine and set her into a panic. Her eyes snapped open, and she turned around ready to fight if she had to.
Whistling winds howled past Okatsu's ears, her left eye flattened slowly, the pitched sound clamoured closer still, the tassel of her bow fluttered lightly in defiance of the breeze. A metaphorical symbol, for she was the tassel, and Sozin the indomitable wrath of nature.

She opened her eye for nary a second and released her bowstring, the arrow carved through the air and split her last arrow in twine; she was getting worse, 90 yards this time, a month ago she could strike 130... Nothing had been the same since the Caravan raid. For so long, Okatsu's identity was one with her brothers and sisters. She didn't lament her family, for the Yuyan were her family, she was content. She'd learned to laugh, to walk, to thrive under their tutelage; to work in perfect harmony with those she called her blood.

Now she was alone.

She'd abandoned her family. Okatsu's body lifted into a light exhale, she couldn't give in to doubt now... She hadn't betrayed them, they'd disgraced themselves. The Yuyan Archers were supposed to be honourable and righteous, to slaughter innocent children in the dead of night... If the rebel tales were correct her ex-order had even took part in the raids on the High Temple; it was sacrilege of the most grave degree.

Stranded on the last vestige of rebellion, the young girl had dedicated her spirit to trying to prepare those willing to fight for the trials ahead... Against firebenders and tanks and legions of armoured infantry, what hope did they have? But even the most masterful bender could be felled by an unseen arrow between the eyes. She'd took to instructing deserters from the army; hunters; strong-willed women and children; anyone willing to hold a bow; she offered rigorous guidance.

There'd be no more training. Their exodus to the Earth Kingdom would begin soon, Okatsu had found a purpose in training the refugees, but once there...

She turned with a sigh, but in the twinkle of her eye she saw a lone woman crested past the woods upon the golden beach that was to be there salvation. Okatsu decided to approach, her obvious footsteps caused the woman to round on her with battle ready eyes. "I'm not here to hurt you, I promise!" Okatsu smiled sadly, raising her hands in a gesture of peace. "I was training my archery in the woods, I saw you down here, thought I'd come say hi?" Her eyes twinkled with sympathy, it wasn't the first time a refugee had prepared to fight. If it wasn't for her own training on astute situational awareness, she imagined she'd be just as nervous. "I'm Okatsu," She slowly held out her hand, "I don't think we've met."
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Ezrin stood dead still and could feel her heart racing in her chest. She could feel energy twitching inside of her, like a coil wound up and ready spring in an instant, ready to firebend. It was the only weapon she had and it was a damn poor one. Until only recently, she had no interest in using her gift for anything other than making pretty flashes and sparks. She regretted that. She regretted coming out here early and coming alone.

However, once she saw the archer approaching, some of her tension eased--of course she was still alert from getting such a fright only moment ago. The other woman had a cautious air about her, a look of warmth on her face, and didn't have her weapon aimed and ready. None of these were signed of a killer, and while Ezrin was well aware of the fact that an enemy could hide behind any friendly face, she wasn't yet so hardened as to treat every stranger with mistrust.

She paused to take a deep calming breath and tried to force a smile. It helped to calm her, but only a little. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes, and they still had a wild, frightened look about them. She took a small step closer and took the other woman's outstretched hand.

"I'm Ezrin. Pleasure to meet you," she answered. Now that they were speaking, she felt a little more tension melt away. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone here."

Was that too much to say? Ezrin had no idea, this was all so new to her.

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"Are you leaving with the other refugees?" Okatsu asked, a small frown pulling on cold cheeks. She offered a warm grin as the other woman took her hand, earning a small squeeze from the young noble. "I've not decided if I want to go..." She caught her own indecision with a gentle shake of the head, shuffling the bow further down her shoulder. Those fleeing the Fire Nation's wrath saw escape as their only choice, but wasn't staying to fight just as noble? There were still so many souls trapped inland, it would weigh heavily on the archer's conscience to escape the country amidst so much pain.

It felt like running.

But did she--or anyone else here--really get to decide?

Who could stand against Sozin's warpath?

The waves gently lapped at the sands that lined the beach, washing grains of sand away with each passing. If you ignored the peril the Island was steeped in, one might even describe it as peaceful. Okatsu's eyes roamed over the woman's face, drinking in the wild raggedness buried beneath her eyes, the taut coiling of her muscles, "Are you a firebender?" She cupped her hands and brought them to her face, exhaling her breath for warmth. "I wish I could firebend." She glanced between her hands and the other woman's, "I wouldn't need to warm my hands like this..."

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Ezrin breathed a small sigh of relief. This woman was like her, and the softness and gentleness in the way she spoke made Exrin trust her. Of course, Ezrin was still on edge and sure the feeling would not subside entirely for quite a while. Her false alarm only a few short moment ago forced her to realize the gravity of her situation: that what she was about to do was dangerous and risky. Well, so was staying. She tried to soothe her troubled mind by reminded herself that she was safer now that she was no longer alone. With a skilled archer on her side she'd have better odds of survival if things went sour.

When the other woman asked if she was a firebender, Ezrin's face lit up. That was what she needed: a small distraction, something to make her feel less like useless deadweight.

"I am!" she answered, a little bright excitement in her voice. "Here...give me a moment..."

She closed her eyes and took another calming breath before she began to move her hands in a graceful, fluid motion to conjure a small flame hovering a few inches over the palm of her hand. The flame was a deeper shade of red than natural fire would be--a signature of hers back from her days as a performer.

Between the nerves that chipped away at her focus and the setting sun, these were hardly ideal circumstances for firebending. Small though her action was, it took far more effort than she expected, and she had to focus just to maintain her little red flame.

She outstretched her hand toward Okatsu, but she wasn't sure how much good such a small flame would do. "And I wish I knew how to use a weapon, or was better at firebending, or something. Never thought I'd be fighting for my life."

Effloresce Effloresce
Suri sat on a sturdy branch of an old tree at the border of the beach everyone was told to meet at. Her back rested against the trunk for support while one of her legs dangled off the side of the branch, swaying back and forth like a cat's tail. The painted wood mask kept Suri's warm breath close to her face. It was a mild comfort for an uncommon chilly night, what with being a tropical island and all. Pleasant as it was, it was also a double edged sword. Suri had not slept for nearly three days now, having spent every spare moment making preparations for that night's big operation, and the warmth of her exhales was making her eyes unbearably heavy. Having arrived far earlier than the appointed time, Suri allowed her eyes to shut. She had intended to watch people as they arrived and keep an eye out for night patrols, a compulsion of her festering paranoia, but she didn't need her eyes to see people nearby--so what was the harm?


A bright flash of crimson on the beach awoke Suri; her head sprung upright from its drooped position and slammed the back of her skull into the tree's trunk. Pain shot through her whole body, but it helped to bring her to her senses. Massaging the swelling bruise, Suri took a few seconds to process exactly what was happening. Without even turning her head, she saw two women with her other sight standing on the beach close together with one of them holding a small flame in her hand. She was fairly certain both of them were there for the evacuation just from their posture. They didn't stand with the rigid form most soldiers got from military training.

Suri sighed and rolled her amber eyes as hard as she could. She broke off an short, inch thick, piece of branch and hurled it at the firebending woman's hand to get her to stop. "Can you you please not do that." Suri said loud enough so they could hear her from her perch. "Someone could see the light from that." she scolded.

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Okatsu's smirk twinkled into her eyes as the heat of Ezrin's flame bathed her hands in a warm comfort. "Thank you, Erzrin." Her gratitude was earnest, her hands had been freezing clutched to the cool wooden bow in her frenzied training volley. Even this slight warmth was a blessing. "There's time to learn though, right?" The girl offered with reservation, she didn't know much of the other girl but firebending was still a feat to be proud of--Agni knew her brother had never shut up about it. Back when she considered him family. A lifetime ago.

Whatever conversation borne out of a common cause that would've emerged was doused as a stray branch soared the skies and struck Ezrin's hand, belied by an audible hiss of irritation from the tree nearby. Okatsu held her bow tightly, startled and wide-eyed by the movement. Slow, slightly disjointed breaths shook her frame. Her training in the Yuyan had either gotten worse, or she was overworked to the bone. Awareness was key and she'd failed to notice the masked prowler perched up in high branches. Had she been an enemy, Ezrin, and perhaps her, would be dead.

"That was unnecessary." Okatsu protested, calming her spirit with placated folded arms. "It was only a bit of warmth..."

In truth, she understood the pushback of their mysterious masked friend. It was risky to firebend out here. But a small moment of solitude was a welcome distraction from their hunt and the coming turmoil. Was it really so bad?

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A little more tension melted away. The smile on Okatsu's face, her kind words, and knowing that she had done something to help put her mind at ease and gave her confidence a boost. As she relaxed, Ezrin found it easier to focus on her bending and could keep her little flame burning without much effort.

However, her moment of calm was fleeting. She hadn't yet noticed that anyone else was nearby, so to see and hear a small piece of wood come flying toward her sent her into a panic. Acting on instinct, she leapt back and shrieked. With her concentration broken, her red flame vanished.

Her heart raced, leaving her even more fearful than she was before. Ezrin had to take a few slow, deep breaths to steady herself before she spoke. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be a problem." Her voice was shaky and small, and in that moment Ezrin realized how out of her element, how clueless she was.

ithinkcat ithinkcat Effloresce Effloresce
While many nights had passed since Hiroki was initially left on his own, he hadn't grown much more capable of fending for himself and thus had sprung at the opportunity to join a group with a common cause. Of course it caused plenty of unease. What if it was all an elaborate setup? What if he was turned away and was then truly out of options? What if they were a more extremist group than he'd bargained for? All these thoughts were buzzing through his head and frankly absorbing the majority of his thoughts.

The rest of his attention was spent double checking the directions he'd memorized. He was 100% certain he was heading the right direction, he'd memorized the geography of every fire nation territory and couldn't be more certain. Of course simply hearing directions isn't one to one with any map but it was fine... probably.

His confidence of course couldn't be entirely earned until he noticed the two figures standing on the beach ahead, he did however remain completely ignorant of the one overhead . Stepping out of the brush he sighed with relief, while the energy of the group was a little on edge but that was to be expected really.

"I hope I'm not too late to this little rendezvous. Especially if this were to be our total numbers. Though I suppose in this case smaller isn't necessarily a bad thing." He was partially musing to himself by the end of it but mostly just trying to make conversation.
Noticing the approach of a forth person, Suri clutched the hilt of her sheathed twin daos and remained quiet on the tree branch until he had approached the other two. He was another evacuee like the others, unsurprisingly. Suri hadn't suspected him of being a soldier. Patrols always traveled in pairs at a minimum. Still, it never hurts to maintain the element of surprise, Suri thought. Having shown himself to be no threat after his introduction to the others, Suri decided she should go join the group. They had already proven they needed her to tell them not to light fires at night when they were trying to stay undetected; she feared she might have to also tell them not to have shouting matches.

Suri dropped down from her perch without a single snapped twig using the sandy dirt to muffle her landing. Although hitting her head had cured her of her drowsiness for the moment, it had done nothing about the exhaustion she still felt throughout her body, and, although graceful, she had still landed harder than she had intended. Casually, she approached the three others so she could speak more quietly with them, keeping a hand on the back of her head to nurse the pulsating pain. She didn't think there had been any real harm done in lighting the small flame, aside from what felt like splitting her skull on a tree, but what the flustered woman had done was still an unnecessary risk. Perhaps throwing the branch had been a bit much, but everyone just had to do their best for one more night. They would all be home free after that to light entire forests on fire if they wanted.

The archer woman's comment annoyed Suri. She made it known with narrowed, amber eyes illuminated by the bright moonlight as she responded. "Unnecessary?" Suri asked the bow-woman rhetorically. "Would you say that bit of warmth was necessary? I wouldn't want your fingers to fall off from frostbite. That would be way worse than soldiers discovering our illegal escapade and killing everyone." Suri whispered sarcastically.

She took a deep breath and shook her head at herself for letting it get to her. It was nearly impossible for her to not always be on edge after living just over a year of with every day being a matter of life or death. Besides, she knew she'd end up being the one starting a shouting match as a result of a snide remark like the one she just made. "Just...let's try and make it harder for them to stop us tonight. Not easier. You can hold hands if you're really that cold."

Suri then turned to the man. She could swear he looked a bit familiar, but, despite how bright the moon was that night, her exhaustion made it difficult for her eyes to focus, and her other sight was almost useless for identifying most people. It didn't really matter. Suri had lost everyone close to her, so it wasn't important to remember who he was. As long as she knew he wasn't an enemy. "Let's hope more make it here unnoticed. " she replied to him.

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Yeah. Suppose it makes sense that everyone here is so on high alert. They are in hiding from the fire nation after all. There isn’t much deeper trouble someone can get themself into. Hiroki had kept looking over his shoulder the whole way there but he now wonders whether he should have been a little more cautious. This will likely be the riskiest thing he ever does, at least he’d hope. Still small talk should hopefully help with his nerves a bit, at least so long as he keeps it quiet.

He’s a little startled by the masked woman’s sudden appearance but merely flinches rather than making any sound. He then turns to her with a slightly nervous smile. “This operation feels organized enough that at the least any who do make it won’t be tailed. Can’t help but feel for any who don’t though... Anyways! Greetings, I see you’re rather light footed. Barely heard you approach.Glad to have you on our side.” It was nice enough just having any numbers in the same faction but it was certainly more reassuring knowing some of them were trained. He had practiced many different martial arts in the past but never far past surface level. They’d never been a primary interest and he was starting to regret that being the case when he thought of any conflict they might run into.

As someone who’d once held the utmost pride in his nation he was well aware of what they were capable and even more aware that in comparison he was not up to snuff. Fancy tricks might close a bit of the gap but they weren’t much in the face of military experience, especially when in a situation like this they’d probably be dealing with specialized forces. What with nobody wanting attention on the rebellion and all. All he could do was gulp down his worries and think happy thoughts, on the bright side he’d finally get to see the world when they got out of here.
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