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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Zujin was resting on her elbows as her torso was bent, leaving her feet to hover freely above her head. Just as a coin was about to hit the small pile, she reached out, grabbing it in her hands. She pushed herself up, rolling up to a standing position. She had been nearly face to face with a younger boy. She held the coin up, twirling it through her fingers. "Hey thanks kid," she flashed a smile. She began gathering up the coins scattered around the ground. She put them in a small sack, coins jingling in excitement, much like herself.
"You're welcome," Kano murmured before resuming his pace. Where should he go now? It was a slow day, without much to do, he continued browsing through the trader's market. It only took a few steps for something blue to catch his eye.

A waterbending scroll. He had been saving up his allowance, so why not? He thought. Reaching for his knapsack, he felt something bump into him. That was normal, it's crowded here after all. But he felt his bag tearing from him, as he let out a yelp, stumbling backwards.

It was a thief.
Zujin had watched the boy go. Something about him just seemed... approachable. She was a bit sad at the face she would probably never see him again. On her way back to the tea shop, she saw the familiar face eyeing something blue. Must be a waterbender then, she thought to herself. She watched him, thinking about whether or not she should approach him, possibly make small talk or something. She continued to watch as someone bumped into him, causing the boy to yelp and stumble. She knew that move all to well. She was guilty of mastering that move when she first moved into Republic city. Keep walking, she thought, eyebrows pulling together in sympathy. This isn't your fight. Besides, this happens all the time. You can't save everyone... She battled herself.

Before she could make a decision, she darted across the street, catching up to the thief within a few quick moments. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, pulling him close as if they were good friends. She smiled, no emotion behind the grin. She balled her fist, as if she were holding a handle of some kind. "I do believe you have something that isn't yours. It would be a shame if someone caught you, wouldn't it?" In the next moment, a small stream of flames shot from her fist, resembling a blade made from fire. "I wouldn't want you to get burnt or anything," she threatened.
Kano twisted around, having regained his balance, to find that the street performer had apprehended the thief. Approaching them, he reclaimed his knapsack and replaced it on his front instead.

"Thanks!" Kano smiled at the girl, bending out some water from his water bottle before spraying it on the thief's hands and shoes and freezing it, locking the thief to the ground. Turning to the girl, he inquired, "You can probably turn off the flames now." He smiled.

"I'm Kano," He inquired, "What's your name?"
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Opal watched as the food was brought in, flashingly she might add. She shifted her feet, swaying back and forth slightly. Here she was, in a room with a few extremely interesting people, and she was unable to speak to them. It was, to say the least, a bummer. A servant sidled up to her. “Opal Dragon!" He whispered, causing the Fire native to wince. She didnt like being called by her ‘fighter name'. “Yes?" She responded briskly, hiding her discomfort with a smile. The servant held out a pen and paper.

“Can I have an autograph? I know it is improper, but I saw you in the Chi-Sein tournament and I cant miss an opportunity like this." He whispered hurriedly, smiling hopefully.

Opal hissed softly and snatched the paper, quickly scrawling a message and her signature. This was why most fighters wore masks. “Get back to work." She muttered, shoving the paper into his hands. He took, grinning widely, and scampered away, leaving Opal scowling.
President Kavi

"Hie! Make a note. Tear down the train station and build a bigger one to satisfy the Avatar's likings. Our new station has to be so big it never gets cramped!" President Kavi was on his last bit of salad when the servants entered the room again with the main entree. "Ah Maple Barbecue glazed Salmon my favorite!" The President's eyes filled with joy as the exquisite dish was being served in yet another choreographed routine. "So Avatar Jeng, what brings you to Republic City?"

((Sorry for the short post. My brain isn't working as well as it should be right now...))
The Avatar wasn't sure whether that was a joke or not, but he laughed anyway. "What brings me here? Well, the White Lotus told me I was supposed to start my training here. I'm not a fully-fledged Avatar just yet, sir." He began to dig into the fish, and could see why the President liked it so much; it was delicious. "This is amazing!" He exclaimed. "Back in Ba Sing Se, fish was hard to come buy, and was really expensive, so you can see why we only had it on special occasions." Jeng was starting to feel more relaxed; perhaps he had been overly exaggerating the importance of the event. It was only a luncheon, after all, and people were meant to have fun here. Well, as much fun as you can have eating.

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Zujin didn't even have time to get a good explanation from the thief before the boy from earlier made his way over. She flashed a crooked smile as he thanked her. "Aw hey it was no big deal. I know I'm no avatar and can't save the world, but I can try." She saw the boy taking out a stream of water before spraying it onto the captor, freezing him in place. She realized she still had her flames blazing at the thiefs neck, even though he was no longer a threat. "Oh, I guess you're right," she stepped back, looking around for a cop to come help out their situation. "Nice to officially meet you Kano. I'm Zujin;" she reached her hand out for him to shake. "Waitress, performer, firebender extraordinaire," she bragged. "But you can call me Zujin for short," she smiled again.
Shaking the hand ZuJin extended to him-awkwardly if nothing else- and smiled gratefully.

"Thanks for helping me," He retracted his arm,"I owe you, d'you need any help with anything?" He asked, people this kind are rare in Republic City.


"..and that is why I should be chosen to go to Republic City." There was a dead silence in the room. Niyok stared at Izumi's proud face. Izumi had just ranted on for about an hour about why she had to be one of the chose healers to go to Republic City. Niyok, the tribe's healer, had listened intently to Izumi's argument, but her mind had been made up. "No." "Thank you Miss Niyok! I knew you would see my...no? Why not?" Izumi's proud face had fallen into disbelief. She had been almost sure that she had changed Miss Niyok's mind into letting her go, but-- "You are much too young to go and you are behind on your training." Izumi was in shock. "Young? Behind? But I'm one of the best healers of my age and I'm super mature!" Izumi stomped her feet on the ground. "I want to go to Republic City! I want to go and see my brother! I want to go!" Niyok rolled her eyes stood up to let Izumi out of her hut. "My answer is final Izumi. You are not ready to go to Republic City. Now go." Izumi stormed out of the hut and headed to Yao's ship once more.


Ryo had finally gotten something other than chips in his stomach and honestly he was in a much better mood. Ryo had been walking around the Market and saw a street performer. He was about to approach the crowed when he saw that kid from before. He took a step back remembering that earlier he had snapped at him. Ryo felt a bit of guilt now that he was thinking on a full stomach. In that moment Ryo wished that he would have asked the kid's name so he could go up to him and apologize. As Ryo moved through the crowd to go up to the kid and apologize he noticed a bright yellow spirit in the corner of his eye. Ryo turned to look at the spirit and saw that it wasn't alone. It was following a group of people who seemed to be up to no good. Ryo looked back at the kid, but he was gone. He decided to follow the spirit instead.

Ryo followed the spirit through a back alley into a small shack. The group of people had disappeared into the shack and the spirit hovered above them. Ryo stayed hidden behind a trashcan while he watched the spirit circle around the shack. All of a sudden the spirit began to circle the shack faster and faster until a tornado formed on top of the shack tearing off the roof. Ryo was outraged by the spirit attacking the people and jumped out of his hiding. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Ryo uncapped his canteen and bended the water out. Ryo created a tendril of water and lashed it towards the spirit breaking it's circle and stopping the tornado.

The group of men came running out of the shack with scared expressions. Ryo moved to help the men, but the only ran passed him without looking back. "You're welcome..." Ryo was about to bend the water back to his canteen when he was knocked down by a gust of wind. Ryo landed on the ground with a loud thud. When he looked up at what had caused the wind he saw the spirit swiping air down at the unroofed shack. To Ryo's surprise spirits began flying out of the shack and teaming up with the yellow spirit to let the rest of the spirits out.

He wasn't trying to hurt the men...the men were keeping the spirits hostage. Ryo stood up and ran to the shack. He was planning on helping out the spirits and freeing their friends, but they took is as a threat. The yellow spirit let out an air blast that sent Ryo flying back. Again Ryo landed on the floor with a loud thud. Ryo stood back up and bended the water over his hands and froze it forming blades of ice. Ryo charged towards the yellow spirit and slashed him with the ice blades. The spirit fell back and disappeared.

Meanwhile the other spirits had finished freeing their friends and witnessed Ryo's fight with the yellow spirit. Furious the spirits began press closer and closer together until the combined into one enormous spirit. It stared down at Ryo and opened his mouth to let out a bright purple ray. Ryo was able to jump out of the way in time, but found a large whole inches away from him. The spirit grabbed the shack with its claws, crushed it into tiny pieces and made its way towards City Hall. "This is bad..."

President Kavi

President Kavi was enjoying his lunch apart from the fact that there were unwanted guests in the room, but he wasn't going to throw a fit. "It is rather unfortunate that the Avatar isn't dwelling in riches. You should have the best foods every day. Were the best clothing. Don't worry son, I'll take you to the best shopping center Republic City has to offer and buy you anything you want. Take it as a small token of gratitude." President Kavi smiled another one of his award winning smiles and resumed eating. After a couple of bites he resumed with small talk, "So...Officer Chen how is are the new trainees doing? Are they as good as our last batch?" He turned to the avatar for a moment to explain, "Republic City keeps it's police for in tip top shape. We leave no room for mistakes and keep our officers fresh." He turned back to Officer Chen to await a response when the room began to pound.

President Kavi looked down at his glass of wine and saw the red liquid rippling. He looked back at his guest to see if they felt it too and it wasn't just the stress talking. Seconds later the door burst open revealing Hie. "President Kavi, Republic City is under attack! There's a giant spirit blasting everything!" There was a moment a silence then the president stood up. He looked towards Officer Chen and his voice went from amicable to stern and demanding. "Officer Chen gather up your best officers and lead a group to take down the spirit." He looked over to his daughter's guard. "Young lady make sure nothing happens to my butter biscuit." He looked at Jay, "Jay, my dear boy. If you ever want to have my daughter's hand in marriage this is your chance to prove yourself." Lastly he looked at Jeng and with a strong and respectable tone he said, "Avatar Jeng, my city is in your hands."

@jamaicanviking @too much idea @Flutterby @Allcure

((@IronDragon @Deadkool If you are looking for a chance to Jump In now is your chance. You have your character roaming around the city and see the spirit and go to attack))

((@TheMoonRose @Otakuyaki @Kat Attack If you all could send your characters after the spirit too that'd be great. The faster we get Team Avatar together, the sooner we can start traveling ^_^ That is all. ))
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Ming was between jobs, walking about Republic city when he noticed a massive spirit tearing through the city. Ming saw Ryo, trying to defeat the threat before it combined. He ran over to him, picking up two rods along the way. Ming tossed one to Ryo before saying "Names Ming, mind filling me in on why this overgrown wind gust is destroying the city?" Air swirled around Ming, he readied him self to attack the spirit, but kept on the defensive until Ryo filled him in.
Opal listened boredly to the lunch conversation, trying not to let it bother her. Slowly, she became aware of the earth buzzing underneath her. Uneasily, she looked around the room for someone else who noticed. Her silent inquiry was answered when Hie burst into the room and announced that there was an enormous spirit attacking the city. For a moment, she was too shocked and confused to move. The president's words roused her from her paralysis, and she firmly grabbed the girl's arm. “Lets go," She said briskly, praying she would come without protest. She didn't want to have to carry her to safety, wasnt sure she would be able to lift the taller in the first place.
Jeng nearly choked on his food as he heard the news. "Under attack?! But I'm not ready!" Why today, of all the days, would a crisis have to happen just as he arrived? The Avatar ran his fingers through his hair, taking a deep breath before getting up from his seat. "Ugh. And here I thought this was going to be a good day." This was going to be a tough fight; Jeng only knew earthbending, so he lacked the ability to manually subdue the spirit with waterbending, but maybe he could at least talk some sense into it. Or throw some rocks at it, he didn't know. "Ok. Mr. President, if you'll excuse me, I have an angry spirit to take down." And with that, he was off, gesturing for Chen Fei to follow.

As soon as he exited City Hall, Jeng could see the thing lumbering towards him, and immediately felt less confident in his duties. "Ok, I was expecting it to be big, but not THIS big." He stomped on the floor, knocking a large boulder from under himself into the air and levitating himself off the ground, hovering close to the spirit. "Yo, Gigantic Spirit Guy," Jeng shouted to the beast, trying to get its attention. "Care to tell me why you want to blow up this fine city?" Oh, man, he thought to himself, this is a lot more draining than I previously thought. Ugh.
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Kano was speechless. Who wouldn't be? The earth was shaking beneath his feet, and a giant spirit loomed in the distance, firing a giant purple ray.

"What in th-" The spirit had crashed its claws onto a nearby building, sending debris flying towards the market in a great gust of wind. Suddenly, the spirit had stopped in its tracks. It's reached city hall. Kano broke into a sprint, rushing down the street through the fleeing crowd of the trader's market. This was his ticket to something big.
"That's not good. Not good at all." Fei scratched the back of her head, confused of what to do. She watched how the Avatar levitates him self above, to speak with the gigantic spirit… Eye to eye? Spirit to spirit?

Anyhow, Fei understands that they need time to talk about this peacefully and now is the perfect time to do her duty as a police officer.

"Alright people! Let's start the evacuation!" Fei shouted, directing the people to another road that will take them out of possible battle zone. "Nothing to see here! Just the Avatar talking to a big fan of his!"
"Big fan indeed," Jeng mumbled to himself. "Ok, listen pally," he said with a sigh, "Since you're not cooperating, I'm gonna start throwing rocks at you until you do." He somersaulted off of his rock and launched it at the creature's large eye, causing it to recoil in pain and stagger backwards. Once the Avatar landed back onto solid ground, he made yet another strike, kicking his knee in an upwards motion and causing a pillar of earth to jut from the ground, hitting the spirit once again, this time jabbing it in the side. This, however, only succeeded in making this the thing angrier, provoking it to fire another large purple energy beam. Jeng's eyes went wide as the creature fired, and was barely able to get out of the way before the beam impacted, creating a molten crater in its wake. "Ok, that was outright terrifying." The Avatar couldn't do this alone; he needed assistance, and he needed it fast.

Ryo grabbed the Ming's arm and began running towards City Hall. "Spirit. Rescue Mission. Giant Spirit." Ryo shouted out a few words explaining the situation as best he could without loosing his breath. He needed all the energy he could if he was going to fix his mistake. Somewhere in the way Ryo let go of Ming's arm hoping he would follow him since he would need all the help he could if he wanted to do this, but he understood if Ming ran away. Ryo would have done it if he hadn't caused it.

It had been a while since Ryo had been in the heart of Republic City. The last time he was there he was declared a traitor by the warrior Chief. Guess it's time for a little reunion. Ryo saw the spirit from a distance and sped up his pace. By the looks of it he was already attacking city and it didn't look so good. Ryo finally turned the corner which put him right in front of City Hall. He caught a glimpse of a guy throwing rocks at him, but it seemed to have a slight effect on the monster. Ryo looked around and more people had gathered to fight against the spirit. The Republic City police was there which sent a chill down Ryo's back. He was a wanted man despite the situation.

Ryo stood still for a moment trying to figure out what he was supposed to do. He broke out of his thought when the spirit shot another laser. Ryo knew then that there was no time to think. There was only time to act. Ryo bended the water from a near by fountain and formed a wave in which he rode on top. The wave carried him until he was half as tall as the spirit. When he saw the opportunity Ryo began striking the spirit with his ice claws.

((Spirit 390/500 {-70 points-Avatar Jeng} ({40 points Ryo}))
Thorn and Lilly heard noises from city hall. Both ran over to help the attack.

Lilly opened the container at her side. She moved her hands in a quick motion and pulled a stream of water from the container. She tried to hit the spirit with a slicing motion.

Thorn stomped the ground and lifted a chunk of earth. He tried to throw it towards the center of the spirit.

(Spirit 350/500[-20 Lilly] [-20 Thorn])
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Running into the scene, Kano watched the man he had stumbled into earlier bend water into the spirit, before joining in. Shifting his arms, he bent the water and created a giant mist, before slowly releasing a long steady breath, freezing the mist upon the spirit.

"I see you're here too?" He shouted at the Southerner's direction(@NessieAlways), before pulling more water, hitting the spirit with water before freezing it, slowly immobilising him. He then pulled up a wave beneath him, and sent it crashing upon the spirit.

((Spirit 310/500 {-40 points Kano}))
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The Avatar watched in silent awe as other benders came onto the scene, each doing their part in taking down the spirit. He took this as a good opportunity to attack while the thing was distracted, spinning around in a roundhouse kick and sending a large piece of building debris crashing into the spirit. "Come get some!" Jeng shouted cockily, throwing another boulder at the creature. "You had to do this the hard way, didn't ya?" He turned to the group of waterbenders, shouting to get their attention. "Yo, aim for its big eye! It can't shoot what it can't see!"

@Otakuyaki @NessieAlways @Deadkool @TheMoonRose

(( Spirit 270/500 {-40 points Jeng} ))
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Lilly nodded and gathered some water. She then began to freeze the water. Once fully frozen, the made it into shards and sent them towards the spirit's eye.

((Spirit 250/500 {-20 points Lilly} ))
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Ryo was surprised to see the guy from earlier fighting off the spirit also. What he was more surprised at was his waterbending. Sure the guy had said that he trained with his mother and read a few scroll, but Ryo hadn't processed the fact that he was also a bender. It was shocking seeing water benders he didn't know. It reminded him that the Southern Water Tribe wasn't the only place with waterbenders.

The surprise of seeing the guy made Ryo loose his concentration. The spirit took advantage of this and struck his with one of his arms. Ryo lost control of his wave and fell fast to the floor. Quickly Ryo gathered up the water and formed a blanket of snow to prepare for a soft landing. Ryo landed on his back, and although the snow was there to break his fall, the impact still caused some pain. Ryo winced, but stood back up and lifted himself with a whirlpool.

Once he was back up Ryo noticed another person coming towards them, he advised them to shoot for the eye. Ryo was about to argue that this was his fight and he would do what ever he felt like doing, but shooting the eye did seem like a reasonable idea. Ryo just nodded and slashed at the spirit with a blade of ice. At that moment Ryo noticed two other people. The boy and the girl he had bumped into at the market. What the hell? Is everyone a waterbender now? Ryo rolled his eyes and tried to make his way to the Spirit's eye, but it was hard to hit something that was always watching you. Ryo continued slashing and stabbing the spirit's back and side in effort of distracting him enough to give someone a clean shot at the eye.

@Otakuyaki @jamaicanviking @TheMoonRose

((Spirit 200/500 {-50 points Ryo} ))
Kano watched as Ryo was struck by the spirit and pulled up a cover of mist. It would be easier to support everyone in the mist if there was water to draw from around him, and luckily, the monster was large enough to be noticeable, even within the thick blanket of fog Kano had layed over them.

"Yo, aim for its big eye! It can't shoot what it can't see!" Kano heard the avatar holler before running towards the Southerner he had met. Drawing together some water from the mist he created, he enveloped the man's injury, healing the bruise beneath the tear of the man's sleeve. The spirit however, turned around, feeling the hacking and slashing of his blind spots. A roar erupted from the angered spirit, and it slammed down a claw upon them. Gathering the water around him, he pulled up a wave beneath them in an attempt to jump out of harms way, but the hand crashed upon the wave, and they were blown forwards.

((Spirit 150/500 {-50 points Kano} ))
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(Sorry needed a intro post, thought I try something.)

Sogata looked around on the boat. His hood was drawn. When it came to it he kept his hood up. That’s how he liked it. He always had a hoodie on. It was like his comfort item. This one was a little more special then the other two that he had in his bag. It was given to him by his adopted family. The first part of his life was hell. He can remember everything that has happened to him.His memory is foggy about his biological parents, and his whole biological family for that matter. They abandoned him when he was about 6, he was left in an alleyway in the bad part of the fire nation capital. It was only when a man showed him the littlest bit of kindness, did he change. That happens when your twelve.

His adopted parents took him in when he was about 12, and raised him till he could stand on his two feet. Then he set off for the republic city, to try and see if he could make it big there. Which is why he is on a tourist ship from the fire nation capital to the main port of Republic city. He was staring off at the giant statue of Avatar Aang. His mind raced back to the day he got on the boat, and the day he left his family.

His bag was packed, and slung over his back. His adopted mother and sister were crying. His adopted father had some tears running down his face, but they weren’t as bad as his mother and sister. He looked at them and smirked.“Dry those tears. Do not cry for me. I promise you all that I will come home when my trip comes to it’s end. When I do, I will have so many new stories for you.” He said as he poked his sisters nose. “I will make you proud.” He said as he looked to his mother. “ And I will be stronger.” He said to his father.

They all hugged. After a couple minutes worth of hugging, Sogata backed out. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna miss my boat if I don’t leave.” He said as he made his way to the door. He was stopped when he felt his leg get a little heavier. He looked down to see his sister latched onto his leg, tears still streaming down her face. He chuckled and bent down, as best he could, till he was close to her. “You have to stay here, but I will come back. You know what, I will make a promise with you. No matter what happens I will come back to you.” He smiled as she let go. She put a locket around his neck. They hugged one last time before he left.

Now he’s here, in Republic city. When the boat docked he made his way off and into a back alley. He was going to ignore the authority as best as he could. He made his way to the market place where he saw a beautiful women dance around. He thought about saying something, but notice that she rushed off and saved a guy. Sogata thought that this guy must’ve been her boyfriend. “It was too good to be true.” He said as he turned to looked away when he noticed a couple punks steal a purse. Sogata took notice and decided to rush in.

He took off into a dead sprint running past people left and right. His hood was still drawn, he didn’t have any shoes on, and his sleeves looked like they been burnt off. He saw a few creates out in the roadway. They were different heights. He jumped on the smaller one, then one size bigger, then another size bigger. After he was on the last one he jumped off. He was about 10 feet in the air. The fall wouldn’t do that much damage to him, if he touched the ground. He kicked his foot under him and a stream of constant fire began to pour out of his foot. Sogata was partially flying, he practiced on the boat.

He caught up to them and grabbed their shirts, and made them fall over. He stopped the fire and landed on the ground. “I would suggest giving that back.” He said as he looked at them.

Afraid, the two purse snatchers took off, leaving the purse. Sogata grabbed the purse and brought it back to the women who lost her purse.
Lilly ran over to Ryo"need some help?"she asked sarcastically. She started to collect water from around them.

(( Spirit 165/500 {+15 points Lilly} ))
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