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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"The president's daughter?" Jeng reiterated. "I never knew the president even had kids, to be honest. Her guard doesn't seem to fond of her," He joked, taking note of her guard's subtle yet noticeable annoyed expression. "Who else is scheduled to appear, I wonder? Besides the president himself, of course."
Opal scanned the room calmly, blocking out most of what her charge was saying. Despite the hefty payday, she was beginning to regret not finding a days work painting a fence or something. As her gold eyes traveled the room, they met the Avatar's gaze. She shifted her feet slightly, skirt swaying. With a small smirk, she gave him a small respectful bow, and his guard one too, for good measure.
Jeng waved back, slightly surprised that she noticed him. I hope everyone gets here soon, he thought, I'm starving. Jeng's stomach grumbled, which caused him to blush slightly. He found himself biting his nails, nervous as to how the lunch would go. Ugh, this is nerve-wracking. What if I say something wrong? I'd die. I wasn't this nervous when I got here, what happened?
Fei bowed at the other guard. Both of them are guards here and they rather be friends with each other.

"Avatar?" Fei called, slowly walking to direct him to his chair. "Why don't you take a seat for now? Several guest haven't arrived yet, including the president him self."
"Right, good idea, Officer." Jeng promptly took a seat, still a bit on edge. "I'm having lunch with the president of the United Republic, and I never did anything but exist. Funny how things work like that." He found it odd that the president was late to his own lunch. Or were they just early? Jeng couldn't really tell. "So, how many people are scheduled to show up here?" He asked.
"Nah, relax. That's probably because this is the first time you actually do your work as an Avatar. You'll get used to it." Fei take a step behind, positioning her self behing Jeng in an almost similar manner as the president's daughter guard. "Counting from the seat, a total of ten. Government officials, president and his wife, and I heard a famous sport star is going to attend too."
"A sports star, huh? I wonder how that happened." Jeng was curious as to why, of all the politicians invited, an athlete was thrown into the mix. He shrugged off the thought, and went over a list of things to discuss. He found it interesting that people from all over the world would be visiting, from all four nations, just to have lunch. No, too simple; there must be some sort of agenda to this meeting. He despised serious gatherings, but like Chen said, he would probably get used to them before long.

Jay tugged at the collar of his suit as he walked through the lavish halls of the building. He hated being so formally dressed but his sponsors had insisted he make a good impression. In fact several representatives of Earth Soccer had approached him and asked if he could speak with the president as currently the sport wasn't even recognised by the city. If he could secure the recognition than it would mean a lot more funding for the sport and in turn, more money for Jay.

Khan had dropped him off at the building and had gone over to the mechanics to check on the progress of Jay's airship. Jay had allowed his team to borrow it for a stag weekend and tagged along to. The next morning they woke up in the Si Wong desert surrounded by the ruins of the airship and several very annoyed strippers. Jay laughed at the memory as he pushed open the final door, revealing the lunch room. His appearance drew the attention of the rooms occupants, some looking on in confusion, others in recognition and in the case of one exceedingly important young girl, ecstatic joy. The presidents daughter sprung to her feet and crossed the room faster than Jay thought possibly and flung her arms around him. He smiled awkwardly and placed on hand on her back and murmured something about being glad to be there, painfully aware that the whole room was watching whilst at the same time blissfully unaware of the girls constant babbling. The girl in question released her grip and half lead, half dragged Jay over to a vacant spot next to her on the table.

As he walked over he looked around the room taking in the faces of those around him. His eyes were immediately drawn to a boy sitting beside a police officer, looking somewhat lost and overwhelmed. He hoped that this wasn't the Avatar. Jay had been expecting a hulking warrior or some sort of young prodigy but honestly he wasn't impressed. Eventually he took his seat besides the Presidents daughter who continued her nonsense babblings which Jay responded to with a simple nod or murmur, wishing he had declined the invitation in the first place.
Opal glanced up as another young man entered the room. Her charge lept to her feet and flung herself at him, babbling excitedly. The fiery girl winced on his behalf. From the look on his face, the affection was not mutual. As the two sat down and began talking, or in his case, listening, another servant came to Opal's side. The servant relayed the president's request of a quick word with his daughter. Her reputation really had preceded her here, she was being treated as a high-ranking member of the staff. Nodding, the temporary guardian stepped forward. “Sorry to interrupt. Miss, your father requests a word." She said softly, leaning towards the girl's ear on the side opposite her companion. Briefly, her golden eyes looked across the girl at him, a tiny smile on her lips. She backed away quickly as the girl huffed loudly and stood. With a pout, the daughter went to her father. She would return in a matter of minutes, but it inconvienced her to no end to be away from her beloved star for even that long.
President Kavi

President Kavi had been in his study looking over the plans for a new building that would revolutionize Republic City. This building would be the start of a new era. Proud of his work President Kavi had lost track of time and forgotten about his lunch with Avatar Jeng. A small knock on the door broke President Kavi out of his daze. "Come in." The door revealed a thin man in a suit. "Mr. President, the Avatar has arrived as well as your daughter's guest." "My daughter's...Hie let my daughter know that I need to have a word with her." "Right away Mr. President." "Oh and Hie...Make sure the Avatar is treated with the greatest respect. Nothing can go wrong." "Yes sir." Hie exited the room.

A moment later Mi Yun arrived, "Daddy!" Mi Yun ran towards her father and embraced him in a tight hug.

"How is my only and favorite daughter?"

"I'm doing wonderful daddy! I everything is great. I'm so happy it's like I'm flying through the sky and doing circle's in the air!"

"And why is that sweetie?"

"Because Jay is here!"


"I invited him for lunch and he accepted! We're going to get married and I'm going to wear a beautiful white gown adorned with diamonds and a golden tiara and we'll dance all night. Oh daddy! It'll be fantastic!"

"Honey why didn't you tell me you had invited another guest?"

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise! I mean what better way for you to meet my future husband than at lunch with the Avatar right? I just hope he doesn't zap him with his super powers."

"Sweetie next time you invite someone to an important event you have to ask first."

"I'm so sorry daddy, can he stay daddy pretty please?"

"Oh of course he can my dear! Anything that makes you happy. Now come on we don't want to keep the Avatar waiting any longer."

Mi Yun wrapped her arm around her dad's and they made their way to the meeting room for lunch.
A man came in to fetch the President's daughter, and the same person came in again. This time to announce the President's arrival.

"President Kavi, of the Republic City."

Fei tapped Jeng's shoulder so he could be ready, as she her self straighten her back and fix her standing position to look proper and ready.

Jay managed to contain his sigh of relief until Mi Yun was out of earshot, his ears basking in the sweet relief of silence. The girl wasn't half bad, just didn't seem to understand the difference between a conversation and blitzing someone with words. He glanced over to Opal, catching her smile, flashing one briefly in return. He was about to say something when a man came in and announced the President's imminent arrival. Jay turned towards the door, waiting expectantly.
(um could some one give me an over veiw of what happened or if any one is in republic city)

Raiden walks out of an old arena, where people fight each other for money, and collect his 100 ryo. "So you beat every one up with your Lightning again now too huh Raiden?" Says the old man who was giving him the money.

"Ya, but I don't want to hurt any body it's just that this is the only way i can get money" *Raiden walks out into republic city.
@jamaicanviking[/URL] @too much idea @Allcure @Flutterby


"10 yuans? You've got to be kidding me this is an original Water Tribe weapon passed down from the Generation of Avatar Kuruk! It is worth more than 10 yuans!" "Take it or leave it boy. I don't got time for nonsense." Ryo had been searching for a decent offer for his scimitar, but no one seemed to understand the value of such a valuable antique. A woman even tried to trade it for a fish and a piece of bread.

Ryo's hand ran through his hair frustratingly. "FINE! I'll take the 10" "That was a very wise decision m'boy...very wise" The old man he had been trading with gave a devilish grin making it obvious that he had just played the boy. Traders seemed to have a sixth sense that told them when a person was desperate. This old man took advantage of Ryo's desperation for money and had just acquired something that was probably worth ten times what he was paying.

Ryo grabbed the money from the man's hand and stormed off nearly knocking over a girl and a boy who seemed to have just arrived. "Why don't you watch where you are going?"

*Raiden gets knocked down and his hair starts to spark because of his anger* "Hey man cool down. I might know some one who will give you a better price for that weapon."
"Why don't you, you punk?!"Thorn said with an annoyed look. "Please relax Thorn"she told him calmly"it was an accident" Thorn grumbled and glared at him.
Jeng straightened himself in his seat at the president's arrival. "Hello, Mr. President, sir!" He got up from his chair and took the president's open hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm flattered, but I wouldn't say I'm 'great' just yet, sir. I still have a long way to go." He then sat back down, hoping that he made a good impression on the government official. I hope they don't expect me to do any airbending or anything, Jeng prayed to himself silently.
Opal smiled a little wider at the sight of Jay's relieved grin at her. She stepped back into her place, keeping her eyes formally straight forward as the president entered. She watched the spectical with a blank expression, not interested in the politics of the lunch.

Ryo looked at the guy who's hair was beginning to flame. "I think it's a bit to late for that pal." His voice wasn't angry but it sure as hell wasn't in an apologetic tone. He looked at the other guy who was being controlled by a girl who appeared to be his sister. "Why don't you put a muzzle on that thing before he bites someone." He told the girl. Ryo still had the same sour expression he had been wearing since he left that guy who asked him about his past a while back.

Ryo had nothing against these people he had just bumped into although his attitude sure made it seem that way. Ryo was just a fight with life at the moment and the odds were not in his favor. Aside from finding someone to take him back home, this day was going downhill fast.

@Raiden Hyugga @TheMoonRose

President Kavi

There was silence for only a second before servants began parading out of a door in the corner. The President smiled widely awaiting the routine of the servants. The servants performed a choreographed routine as they made their way around the tables and served the first entree. A fresh house salad. Several servants danced around placing the china on the table and cutlery, while the chef chopped fresh heads of lettuce.

President Kavi's smile widened for the great finale. The chef threw the chopped lettuce over his head and threw a punch in the air. A gust of wind left his hand and the chef began airbending the salad onto the plates. President Kavi began clapping enthusiastically and looked around desperately for the same response out of his guests.

While all this was going on Mi Yun jumped up and down on her seat urging Jay to be as excited as she was.

"Eh? Eh? They're great aren't they? Some of the finest money could buy...Enough of that dig in!" After a couple of bites President Kavi began to speak between bites. "So...Avatar Jeng...How was your trip here...was the train station...good enough for you...or shall we tare it down and build a new one?" President Kavi laughed making it seem like what he said was a joke, but he was being completely serious.

Jeng, his mouth full of food, swallowed hard so that he could speak freely. "The train was excellent, sir. A bit cramped, sure, but that's to be expected." Jeng chuckled at this, before continuing on. "It's really an honor to be here, sir. Never in my life would I have imagined eating with the president of the United Republic, yet here I am."
Fei bowed a little when the President call out her name. From his unfriendly tone, Fei deduced that he didn't expect her to be there... Or any people to be there but the Avatar and her daughter.

But there she is, aongside the sport star and her daughter's bodyguard.

Fei decided to stay professional, and when the food comes in she take several step back to give the guests opportunity to eat.
Zujin groaned as the sunlight poured through her small window. She wasn't ready to begin living again. Making her home above a tea shop in the middle of a busy merchant district, of Republic City nonetheless, meant no peace and quiet no matter what time it was. Sirens and civilians made it nearly impossible for Zujin to sleep soundly. But that was her life, and it had been for a few years now. She never was able to get used to it though... With little time to dwell, she rose from her bed, slugging around the open floor plan to get dressed. She pulled on her usual outfit, midriff showing as always. She braided her hair and put on her symbolic Fire Nation jewelry. Taking a moment to smile in the mirror, she realized she was going to be late for opening.

Zujin bounced down the stairs leading right into the kitchen of Ocha. The smells of tea and coffee were already filling the air. Moto, the elderly owner of the Ocha shop scolded Zujin as she quickly threw on her apron. "Child, I let you live right upstairs and you are still late to opening. Let me tell you, if you are late at all anymore, I will kick you out onto the streets where I found you!" Zujin flashed a smile at Moto as she quickly downed a cup of coffee. She scrunched her face in disgust. She would much rather have tea, but didn't have time to be picky. Zujin was already out on the floor, taking orders and buzzing around.

As her shift came to a close, Zujin threw her apron over a chair, itching to make her way into the city. She wanted to scout out a place for her to try her hand at street performing. She missed her days as a circus member. She wanted to be loved and adored by strangers once again. She craved the applause they would give her. And it would be the perfect pick-me-up for the funk she had been in. Roaming the market, she found a space that seemed big enough, yet still had a crowd. With a smile, she bent backwards, placing her hands on the ground behind her. Pushing her feet off, she began to balance on her hands. She continued this feet of flips, bends, and amazement as the by standards watched her little show.
Kano had watched the avatar enter city hall, along with an escort.

"The Avatar's a lot, younger than I thought." Kano murmured. He was heading back to the trader's market to shop, after seeing the Avatar, his excitement had died down. Grabbing a copy of the newspaper and leaving a couple coins for the seller, he murmured,"I feel ol-". His monologue was cut short, however, when he met a ring of onlookers.

Looking through the crowd, he came face to face with a young girl, adorned in fire nation fashion. A street performer? He watched her flips and tricks for another minute before he fished out another coin and tossed it at a pile of coins that had collected.

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