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Fantasy Avalon

Petra can't help but stare as Damien downs his drink in a few gulps. In a matter of seconds he is up on the table, doing his... thing. Of course she thinks it is absolutely hysterical. All the while she is laughing and clapping, cheering him on, the works.

When Damien falls, she laughs for a few seconds before regaining her morals.

"Oh my god, what a show! Are you alright?"

She gives him a hand back to his seat, laughing all the while.

"A con artist, huh?" She laughs "And I'm a sorcerer!"
Enyn Enyn Azuria Azuria
Lena Yu Miraj

Lena finally got annoyed of her clothes sticking to her skin. She followed the man in the cloak into inn. Taking a look around, she figured that the inn didn't have too comfortable of a bath or a shower, but she would try anyway. "Which way to the shower?" She asked pulling out some Au into her hand, ready to pay for a night. The man before her was taking his time and she really wanted that shower.
Colgate Colgate Azuria Azuria

"urm, sorry miss!" The lady behind the counter blushed a little out of embarassment. "We don't have showers, but you can wash up at silver river east of here."
arryn arryn Enyn Enyn

The alcohol stained man glanced to his left. He held a certain sensitivity to laughter, and he was sure the girl next to him was laughing at him. So loudly too! He swivelled around and slammed his mug on the counter.

"OI! Ya got summin' a say 'n say et ta me face!" He spoke loudly and incoherently, even more so than Morris. He reeked of alcohol and the scent wafted its way to petra's and damien's noses.

Meanwhile, Morris and Roric had taken to sneaking back towards the back door of the tavern. A large lady stood at the entrance of the tavern, her face contorted with anger. Her voice filled the room, loud enough to drown out the chatter of every drunken fellow in there.


"it's me big fat wife! Quick follow me." He whispered to Roric. He slowly turned the back door and slid through motioning for Roric to follow him. The barkeep merely glanced back at them, seemingly used to his shenanigans.
"urm, sorry miss!" The lady behind the counter blushed a little out of embarassment. "We don't have showers, but you can wash up at silver river east of here."
Lena Yu Miraj
Lena sighed. She paid up 15 au for a room and left the inn before the lady could show her which room she had just rented the night for. After walking for some time, she reached the eastern gate and could see the river. I better stay close to the banks and find a shade. Don't want any peepers. Lena thought to herself. She knew she could use her simple illusions to make her body look like it's wearing clothes, or make herself look like an old hag, but nonetheless, going around without clothes was still a bit uncomfortable.
"I can't say, I've come here purely on a whim. Maybe I'll get myself a real job." Jason replied with a bit more of a relaxed tone. He must've looked tense at the sight of the dragon setting house ablaze. He began to notice that some passengers were being led away from the ports by a group of cavalry.

"Think we should join them?" He said as he pointed toward another group of people being herded from the boat. The men seemed to be in quite a rush, it almost looked as if they were going through a stage of panic. Understandable considering the massive creature that is terrorizing the town not too far away. Perhaps just blending in with them was the best option for now
NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
Looking over towards the action, Oz frowned. With a small debate going on in his head, he decided on an 'Eh, why not,' response. In accordance with this mindset, Oz shrugged. "Sure, let's go." Without waiting for a response from his companion, he started to run towards the commotion.

Most of the civilians were already lead away, but there were a few stragglers. Among them was a young girl that Oz went to throw over his shoulder until she started kicking and screaming right into his ear, "Dolly! But my dolly!" She screamed.
Lena Yu Miraj
Lena sighed. She paid up 15 au for a room and left the inn before the lady could show her which room she had just rented the night for. After walking for some time, she reached the eastern gate and could see the river. I better stay close to the banks and find a shade. Don't want any peepers. Lena thought to herself. She knew she could use her simple illusions to make her body look like it's wearing clothes, or make herself look like an old hag, but nonetheless, going around without clothes was still a bit uncomfortable.

The guard waved her to go through the gate to the river, she would have no quarrel with them today. The path to the river was oddly peaceful, the tree's glimmered under the sunlight and waved with the wind. The river itself was fairly dormant, the currents were moving slow, and not a single slime could be seen around the area where the bridge was located.
Looking over towards the action, Oz frowned. With a small debate going on in his head, he decided on an 'Eh, why not,' response. In accordance with this mindset, Oz shrugged. "Sure, let's go." Without waiting for a response from his companion, he started to run towards the commotion.

Most of the civilians were already lead away, but there were a few stragglers. Among them was a young girl that Oz went to throw over his shoulder until she started kicking and screaming right into his ear, "Dolly! But my dolly!" She screamed.

When Oz started moving away, Jason's mind snapped into action. He slightly lagging behind, having to weave through masses of people crowded together in large bunches. Finally he had caught up, but Oz had a kid slung over his shoulder like a heavy sack. His immediate reaction was to just go along with it and trail behind, then he took note of the girl's screams.

"Dolly! But my dolly!"

Children didn't exactly like him as he didn't particularly like them, but he knew the basics of kids and he knew that the girl wouldn't let her doll go that easily. She could end up doing something drastic to try to get it back, which could end with injuries. Or, the more plausible answer, she could throw a massive tantrum and be upset for the next three days or so. Jason, desperately wanting to keep his ear intact, jumped to his hands and knees to search the ground. It was odd sight, a grown man crawling for a doll.

He spent the next few moments scouring the ports for something resembling a doll. Amidst all the legs and boots, he spotted a ragged plush toy. Hurriedly, still on crawling like an infant, he pushed through until he grabbed hold of the doll. He leaped up his quite pathetic position and sprinted toward Oz.

"I found it! Now let's go before those wagons leave." His hand was bruised a bit and his back was sore, but he felt too accomplished to feel the pain.
Lena Yu Miraj
Lena smiled. It wasn't the best way to take a bath, but it wasn't the worst she's had. She immediately walked straight to the tree line and hid in a bush. Quickly and quietly taking off her closes, she cast simple illusions and made herself an illusionary set of towels and clothes to wrap around her body. She gathered her actual clothes and looked around, making sure no one saw her. Gingerly she made her way to the river banks and went to work washing her clothes.

Lena had forced her bunny ears to disappear so that any onlookers wouldn't recognize her back in town. Well if they did, shame on them for looking upon a lady as she cleaned herself. The bridge wasn't too far from where she was, and anyone from that distance would simply see a figure washing themselves. The water was cool and fresh, washing away the dirt and grime left on her clothes from being dragged across the beach. Even though it was slow moving, it was enough to rinse off the smell of salt and sea. Once she was satisfied with her work, she laid out her clothes and hanged it on a low branch.

Soon she gingerly stepped into the river herself, letting her feet feel for the proper places to stand. Slowly she got herself deep enough for the water to be waist high. And she submerged herself briefly before popping her head back out. Even if it is a river, its good enough for me.
When Oz started moving away, Jason's mind snapped into action. He slightly lagging behind, having to weave through masses of people crowded together in large bunches. Finally he had caught up, but Oz had a kid slung over his shoulder like a heavy sack. His immediate reaction was to just go along with it and trail behind, then he took note of the girl's screams.

"Dolly! But my dolly!"

Children didn't exactly like him as he didn't particularly like them, but he knew the basics of kids and he knew that the girl wouldn't let her doll go that easily. She could end up doing something drastic to try to get it back, which could end with injuries. Or, the more plausible answer, she could throw a massive tantrum and be upset for the next three days or so. Jason, desperately wanting to keep his ear intact, jumped to his hands and knees to search the ground. It was odd sight, a grown man crawling for a doll.

He spent the next few moments scouring the ports for something resembling a doll. Amidst all the legs and boots, he spotted a ragged plush toy. Hurriedly, still on crawling like an infant, he pushed through until he grabbed hold of the doll. He leaped up his quite pathetic position and sprinted toward Oz.

"I found it! Now let's go before those wagons leave." His hand was bruised a bit and his back was sore, but he felt too accomplished to feel the pain.
Oz was extremely grateful to Jason at that moment in time. While the other man was spared the brunt of the young girl's tantrum, it was up to Oz to soothe her as best he could. It would have gone better if she had been in a more rational state of mind, but it didn't seem to get through that her dolly was in the process of being fetched. But noooooo, of course she wouldn't listen and continued on in her wailing.

By the time Jason had returned, Oz had a pounding headache. After the doll had been delivered, Oz looked Jason straight in the eye and said with utmost sincerity, "Thank you. Seriously, thank you." He paused to sigh before looking back at the burning houses. By this time all the living people had been rescued but the structures were still aflame. While there were a few that struggled to put it out with water, the majority could see it was a lost cause and simply watched their houses burn. "Is there anything left to do?"
Colgate Colgate
Arriving at the inn, its first impression would not suggest any hint of garish splendor, affluent charm, no, it was plain in every respect. The wood was old and unpainted, yet not so old that it was rotting. The lobby didn't offer much space, but there were two thin hallways to either side. Neither offered more than the width of a wardrobe, and each had 3 doors pressed closely together, affording 6 rooms in total to customers, though none of them could possibly have afforded much space for anyone staying. However, the place was clean, free of dust and clutter, and featured a single pot of flowers sitting on top of a counter, with a fairly attractive young woman behind it, and spoke with a soft voice.

"Hi, are you looking for a place to stay? I can offer you a room for 15 Au a night." She gave a gentle smile to her customer.

John dug through his pockets for a brief moment, before handing the woman a handful of coins. "This should be enough for three days" He muttered as he inspected the inn. It was surprisingly nice, and while it may have been a little too small for John's taste, it was relatively cheap so he didn't mind the size of it too much.
John dug through his pockets for a brief moment, before handing the woman a handful of coins. "This should be enough for three days" He muttered as he inspected the inn. It was surprisingly nice, and while it may have been a little too small for John's taste, it was relatively cheap so he didn't mind the size of it too much.
"Thank you very much!" she gave him a bright smile in return for his patronage. "Do you need help with anything else? Like I told the other girl, we don't have any showers unfortunately, but silver river is to the east and it's clean, you could get cleaned up there and get some water in some buckets for later."
Oz was extremely grateful to Jason at that moment in time. While the other man was spared the brunt of the young girl's tantrum, it was up to Oz to soothe her as best he could. It would have gone better if she had been in a more rational state of mind, but it didn't seem to get through that her dolly was in the process of being fetched. But noooooo, of course she wouldn't listen and continued on in her wailing.

By the time Jason had returned, Oz had a pounding headache. After the doll had been delivered, Oz looked Jason straight in the eye and said with utmost sincerity, "Thank you. Seriously, thank you." He paused to sigh before looking back at the burning houses. By this time all the living people had been rescued but the structures were still aflame. While there were a few that struggled to put it out with water, the majority could see it was a lost cause and simply watched their houses burn. "Is there anything left to do?"

When the doll was given to the screaming girl, Jason could see true relief dawn on Oz. The high pitched crying had ceased and she simply acted normally. What a pair of lungs the girl had. When she grows up she should definitely be a lookout, her voice rings louder than any bell.

"Is there anything left to do?"

"I don't think so, we have the doll and most of our hearing. I say that is good enough." Jason said looking ahead for where they were going. He could faintly remember someone telling him about an inn that gave rooms for a pretty low price. He could do with nice rest, maybe something to eat as well. Of course that would require them to enter Avalon and with the dragon attack getting in might be a bit difficult. He'd take his chances, but Jason would prefer not sleeping in the woods.
When the doll was given to the screaming girl, Jason could see true relief dawn on Oz. The high pitched crying had ceased and she simply acted normally. What a pair of lungs the girl had. When she grows up she should definitely be a lookout, her voice rings louder than any bell.

"Is there anything left to do?"

"I don't think so, we have the doll and most of our hearing. I say that is good enough." Jason said looking ahead for where they were going. He could faintly remember someone telling him about an inn that gave rooms for a pretty low price. He could do with nice rest, maybe something to eat as well. Of course that would require them to enter Avalon and with the dragon attack getting in might be a bit difficult. He'd take his chances, but Jason would prefer not sleeping in the woods.
Upon hearing Jason's response, Oz did some light stretches. "Well, in that case, we should probably get going." He was anxious to get moving. Oz didn't like being in places where there was nothing left for him to do, especially seeing the motion and action of the flames. It bothered him. It made his blood pump and muscles tense. He needed to exert the energy left over from the action. After all, most of his time was spent watching over a screaming girl, which was only spiritually draining.

So impatient was he, Oz left it at that and began to explore the unknown town. He left it a silent option to Jason whether he would follow or go his own way.
Damien sits up, rubbing his nose and wincing.
"A sorcerer, eh? I could use one of tho-"
He is then interrupted by the alcohol-stained man's yelling
"OI! Ya got summin' a say 'n say et ta me face!"
Damien blinks twice, then yells back
"NOW that isn't no way to treat a lady, ya indescribably execrable degenerate, ya narcissistic armpit-licking aberration of nature!"
He then proceeds to punch the man in the face, which does absolutely nothing due to Enyn's profound lack of upper-body strength. Baffled, Enyn looks at his fist and tries again, to no avail.

arryn arryn
Petra was completely thrown off guard by the man's yelling, she got up out of her seat and took several steps back. The smell of alcohol was so strong that she could probably get drunk just by breathing. Damien yelled back and tried punching the man a few times, however all it seemed to do was anger him.

All of a sudden, a lady walked in and yelled for Morris. The sound lingered in her ears for several seconds after wards. Morris... Morris... Where was that weirdo?

Enyn Enyn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

His head twisted slightly under the punch, but he looked back at Damien, his face contorted with seething fury.

"ya lil' scrawny muntz, ye's askin' fer a lickin'" He stood up and wobbled. His stool fell over to its side. Everyone in the bar looked over to them, and even Morris, who was all but gone, peeked his head back in from the back door to look at the two. He couldn't resist.
The barkeep leaned over the counter.

"hey guys settle down, Branko take it outside but you're not fighting in my bar again." The alcohol stained man immediately turned to the barkeep, forgetting Damien for a moment.

"Bot e's d'won th' punched me!" He yelled back, spitting a little.

"Then take it outside."

Branko grumbled, but complied, shifting back to Damien. "Yer commin' out wif me n' yer gin' find yerself 'n seein' stars" He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him towards the door. The other man at the bar counter rushed over to Petra and pointed to Branko.

"you're going to want to get your friend out by any means, that guy might look like a bafoon but he's been telling me stories about fighting dragons and such, apparently he's really strong. He calls himself a dragoon, and your friend looks like the upper class type, he won't be breathing much longer."
Damien looks mildly perplexed as he is dragged out of the door, but once he is in the open, he starts yelling as loud as he can, insulting everyone in sight and telling them that if they can beat him up before Branko, he'll award them a prize.

arryn arryn Azuria Azuria
Petra shoots panicked look at Damien.

"What are you doing?! You're crazy!"

She hurries over to Branko, and places a hand on his arm, trying to get Damien out of his grasp.

"Hey, hey, listen. You don't want to do this, sir. He is sorry, just please leave him be. He's a dumbass sometimes, but he doesn't mean any harm."

She yelled aloud to the bar patrons as she tried to step in front of him,

"Uhh, no! No, no, he's drunk! Don't listen to him! Uh, no- no prize! Nothing here!"

Enyn Enyn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

"no 'arm? 'e punched me in me face!" Branko yelled, his face red from both anger and alcohol. "Imma show 'im wot a real punch looks like!" he said, reaching for the door with one hand and pulling Damien towards him with the other. He gave him a shove out the door. Everyone continued to stare but one of them, the hooded man sitting in the corner stood up and went out as well.

"Branko leave him be. You don't need to do this." he said.

"But 'e punched me in me bloody face!" He yelled back.

"No listen, I'll take care of him, you heard him yourself didn't you? He's afraid, he'd rather anyone else beat him to a pulp and he'll pay too! Don't you think that's enough?"

"Lil' wuss is gunna pee 'imself is wot!" He laughed to himself. "but imma show him wot for."

"you don't understand you dumb drunk, come talk for just a minute." he put an arm over his shoulder and led him away for a short moment, mumbling in his ear. When they returned he was no longer angry but smiling.

"'ight, o've decided Wick 'ere is gona give ya a lickin'" he said, absent-mindedly stumbling away from the bar heading to the building across from it.
Damien pulls himself up, running his hand through his hair to look at the stranger who had been introduced as Wick.

"Wick, is it? The name's Damien, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I don't see what all the fuss is about, really. Branko over there was simply rude to the lady. But since all that's been dealt with, I suppose I'll be on my way."

Damien brushes himself off and makes to leave.

arryn arryn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

"The money Damien." Wick stuck his palm out in front of him, preventing him from leaving. "I don't care what happened between you and Branko. You didn't think I was helping you out of the goodness of my heart did you? You should be thankful I don't care for complying with the first part of your offer."
Petra smirked, realizing what had just happened. She exhaled in relief.

"You scared me half to death, do you realize that?"

She digs through her satchel to find her coin purse and pulls out a couple Au. She places them in Wick's hand with a smile.

"It seems like our tour guide is MIA, so we'll be off now. We don't need anymore trouble."

She shoots a scolding look at Damien.

Enyn Enyn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

Wick looked down at his palm and frowned. "you can't be serious, this can't be it." he looked at them both.

Back in the tavern, Morris fled the scene with Roric when the two stepped out, his wife left standing in the tavern looking for him. Roric was nowhere to be found but Morris was sneaking around the side of the tavern, attempting to remain as inconspicuous as possible. He spotted everyone outside but did not say a word, stepping carefully trying to remain hidden.
Damien looks down at Petra's coins in Wick's hand and frowns, his brow furrowing.
"Well, the prize I had in mind had nothing to do with money. In short, investiture. I was merely offering a margin of stock in... myself. In other words, you invest a said amount of money in me, and I multiply its value with time. You could have monuments, empires! The actual worth of my prize would be limitless! All you need to do is give me the chance to turn your money into... more money!"

arryn arryn Azuria Azuria
Enyn Enyn arryn arryn

"What the hell are you talking about? Enough games I'm getting tired of you, explain yourself." Wick deposited the meager sum into his pocket and folded his arms.

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