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Realistic or Modern Auburn Springs



Theodore did not seem to be able to handle cigarettes yet, which told Donna all that he needed to know: Theo had never smoked one before, had probably done nothing of the sort. Donna had surmised as much from his clean-cut appearance, though he had to admit that, given the few things he did know about him (the fact that he was a Bridger and his past romantic(?) partner), there was still a part of him that didn’t quite expect that.

He eyed Theo at his coughing fits, but he made no comment about them. It happened when you were first getting used to them. Nothing about their taste or their odor was pleasant. They were harsh on your throat and your sinuses, and your mouth tasted of cigarettes until you brushed your teeth, though Donna hardly realized this fact, seeing as he smoked at regular intervals throughout the day.

He’d had much the same reaction his first time trying cigarettes, though the day seemed so long ago.

Donna didn’t remember how old he was— twelve? Thirteen? It was somewhere in there. He was in middle school, at the least. He was skipping class, which was a habit that had begun circa last week and would become a routine. Hunkered outside, seated beneath a window, he watched cars drive by and felt a mortal fear within himself: what if he got caught? He was okay with everyone knowing that he was gone— though he was easy to miss— but if they found him, would they drag him back and force him to sit through another class from hell? He couldn’t focus with the other boys from the football team kicking at the back of his seat or calling him uncreative, painful insults. He always got picked to answer, and he never knew the answers, and then everyone laughed at him, and the kicking got worse. He was sick of it, finally— was beginning to realize that it was all pointless, but only barely.

He’d sighed, kicked his legs out across the grass, and pulled at the button on his polo shirt. It was formal, neatly-pressed. There wasn’t a hair on his head that was out of place. Black leather belt, khakis, polished shoes. As a Camus, the son of a rich businessman, he had to constantly look his best, constantly hold his head up high. His head was lowered then, though, sunken to his chest as the birds twittered and time crawled by.

He was grounded from his phone for this reason or that reason. It was probably something small, something that Chelsea wouldn’t’ve gotten in trouble for, something that anyone else in the whole damn family could’ve gotten away with besides him. What it was specifically, though, was too hazy in Donna’s memory.

But the longer he’d sat there, eyes closed, listening to the birds and waiting for the bell that signified the next class, which would make him wait for the bell that signified the one after that, the more that he could pick up on. Someone’s footsteps echoed off of the right side of the building. Somewhere down the road, an engine revved loudly.

And some people, somewhere, were talking.

Donna’d opened his eyes and peeked around, keeping his head low so that no one saw him through the windows. He had not yet learned that he didn’t need to be so careful, so he tiptoed, pressed himself against the wall, made his way down to where the noises were coming from.

He’d immediately recognized them, though he could not see their faces in his memory. They were there, leaning against the wall beside the band room, cigarettes poised between their lips. They’d stared at him for a moment, disgusted expressions on his face, and they’d told him to go away.

But he’d stayed. ”You’re smoking?” he’d asked.

”State the fucking obvious, Camus,” answered one of them. ”You come to bust us, Raptor Rat? Surprise: you’re skipping, too.”

His heart was beating out of his chest, and he was afraid. He couldn’t recall now what he was afraid of— probably something superficial about someone somehow finding him, someone somehow ratting him out, someone somehow giving a fuck about him for any other reason than that he was soiling his record and thereby soiling the family name or some shit like that.

And Donna had stared at them for a long moment, and he’d realized for the first real time what he was doing— skipping class, which he’d sworn he’d never do, and moving about so that no one found him.

He’d given them some warning— some half-hearted “you’re going to die of lung cancer” or something to that effect— and they’d pulled out a box and told him to come over. They held the box out for him, just offering the sixth- or seventh-grader the cigarette, waiting for him to make his decision, and he’d decided.

He was already skipping, so there wasn’t much worse that could happen to him.

He considered this to be the start of the end— the start of his realizations, the start off him realizing his realizations.

And when he’d taken his first puff, he’d hacked for a few minutes, and his lungs and throat burned, and he’d clutched at his throat and thrown the cigarette to the ground. He’d stomped it out and asked how they hadn’t died, to which they laughed and said that you got used to it.

You did get used to it.

Now, he couldn’t remember how the rest of that interaction had gone. It was fuzzy as was, and the trail of fuzziness seemed to stop at that moment.

Theodore seemed to be slightly more resilient than young DC Camus, though; he didn’t throw down his cigarette, instead taking another puff, though that one made him cough as well.

Donna was not impressed at that, but he was something near it.

He leaned his head back against the cold metal bar as the autumn air nipped at his nose, and he poised the cigarette between his lips again.

Then, Theo spoke. "In my hundreds of hours spent contemplating existentialism, nihilism, nominalism, physical science, the mind, and language..not once have I or anyone else properly defined or put anything into terms that really matter."

Donna’s pale, dead eyes flicked to Theo as he exhaled smoke and tapped his cigarette to dispel some of its ash.

"You speak the cynical, angry blather any jaded teenager on the street could offer me,” Theo said. “It is a waste of time finding the why and the how of anything, yes, but to simply reject the search and waste time wallowing in your own angst instead?" He turned up his nose in what seemed to be disgust.

“What about it?” Donna asked in his low monotone.

"You are fortunate to be able to sit here, shirk everything, and tell me why your life and my life has no meaning,” Theo continued. “You live cozied up in your mansion, rotting away with drugs paid for with your family's riches without a worry for where you end up the next day because you do not need to worry. You live in an ignorant, uncaring stasis." He coughed. “I let myself slip and I ended up here in this shithole town in this godforsaken country working overtime seven days a week because if I did not..." He trailed off, and Donna stared at Theo blankly, no emotions behind or in his empty eyes.

“I need water,” Theo said finally.

Donna took an inhale from his cigarette, and he blew the smoke into the wind. He gestured with a slight nod of his head to a ditch to the side of the bleachers, then looked to Theo’s face. “That’s all there is,” he said. Stagnated frog shit water. If he wanted a drink, that’s all Donna had to offer. “Unless you’d like some of the Jack from my backseat…in which case.” He pulled his keys from his pocket, carelessly tossing them at Theo. They fell short— just in front of the other boy’s feet.

There was a reason why Donna was a benchwarmer.

“You’ll get used to it.” He breathed in another breath, then exhaled the cloud of smoke. “The taste. The smoke. How it dries everything up. How it burns. It never feels nice, but you get used to it, Theodore.”

He quieted a moment, leaning his head once more against the steel of the bleachers. “If you didn’t, then what…?” There was no curiosity behind his voice. It was more of a statement, said for no reason except to allow him to think aloud. “The only difference between you and me, Theo, is that I got all my shit handed to me. I’ve had my fucking life handed to me on a silver platter.” He pressed his heels into the gravel. “My father’s a rich businessman who assigned me my track of life from the second I was even conceived and even before then. My mother’s a housewife who sits her ass on the couch all day and sobs over daytime television. They’ve set my whole family up for life. My elder sister’s a whore going through graduate school who robs men for all that they have and leaves them with fucking nothing. She’s gotten pregnant a couple of times, but that was solved right away with Dad’s money.”

He took another breath of his cigarette. The breath he let out was slower, in far less of a hurry somehow than even the ones before were. “My brother…” A flicker of jealously passed across his face, so brief that it could’ve easily been missed or mistaken for a pain of some sort. When he spoke again, his dull, unemotional voice was tinged with a certain bitterness. “Chelsea…is everyone’s fucking dream. Football captain…has straight As, is a fucking celloist and violinist. Does as he’s told. Barks when they say bark, rolls over when they say roll over. Perfect…”

He breathed out a long sigh. “My sister is…sweet. Kind, if a bit wild. My mother is hard on her, for no reason that I see. She’s smart, and pretty, and everyone’s jealous of her, too…” He closed his eyes. “I’ve got all that. But I got the balls or the privilege or the money or the time to waste and to sit here, tell you that all of this shit is pointless, when you’ve been working so goddamn hard for it all your whole life or some shit like that. When everything you’ve done for probably your whole fucking life— everything everyone around you has done— is try and get to where I am. Doesn’t seem right, does it…?”

By now, his cigarette was growing small.

“That’s something I never understood. Why…I’ve gotten handed all this shit, but why I can’t use any of it. Why I can just sit here and waste away, ruin all of the fucking ‘potential’ I have, no matter how hard I claw and try to use it.” He looked at Theo. “Why are you where you are and not me? There’s no answer to that.” Another breath, in and out, and smoke. “I didn’t pick to be where I am. You didn’t pick to be where you are. But that’s just it. It doesn’t make sense. There is no reason to it. There is no reason to…anything.”

He sighed softly. “You’re right. I don’t have to care. I live in blissful ignorance of what it’s like to claw your way up in this world. I’ve not seen the bottom. I’ve not seen nothing but the best and the top.” He inclined his head slightly. “But that doesn’t mean fucking anything…” He turned his pale eyes to Theo. “Does it…?”

He breathed in another breath from his cigarette. “Being rich doesn’t suddenly give life meaning. It doesn’t suddenly make you worth something. Just because you’re at the top doesn’t mean you’re any fucking better than the scum of the earth. Sure, you’re told all of your issues are fixed when you don’t have to worry about your money. It’s always fucking money. It’s always fucking status. If you were richer, if more people revered you, then you’d be happy, then it’d all have reason. But that’s where I am. By no choice of my fucking own, by nothing that I ever did, I’m at the top…and it’s miserable, and it’s pointless, and I realize— I fucking see it.”

He dug at the gravel again. “I tried doing what they wanted. Tried…sitting in class, polishing my shoes, shoving every inkling of doubt and every syllable of a question back into the back of my mind. I fucking shut up, I sat down, I tried to do what they asked. I could never do it good enough— good enough to make them happy— but when I didn’t do what they wanted, they tried to whip me back into line. Not because my trying was anything useful, but because my not trying hurt them. Did shit to them. Threatened them. Showed what a ‘failure’ they were as parents and teachers. But it doesn’t work. It doesn’t make anything worth anything.”

He looked to Theo. He stared at him for a long moment, the deadness of his eyes boring into his skin. “So I stopped. And now here I am, killing myself every second. It might seem like I’ve got nothing to fucking lose, but I don’t know what comes next. I’m living from breath to breath, that’s how it feels. And I don’t care what comes now or after or what happened seconds ago or what’s going to happen years from now, or if I’m even going to be alive years from now.” He breathed out, dropping the cigarette butt to the ground and pulling out the pack to get another one. “If I died, I’d be doing them a favor.”

He poised a cigarette between his lips, and he put the lighter to the end. He breathed in a breath, and then exhaled it, easily.

“And I don’t give a fuck anymore,” he said. “And no one else should, either. Not you, not me. You’re up at the top or you’re trying to claw your way up, it’s all pointless in the end. And when you realize it, it’s hard to swallow. You cough, you hack, your body doesn’t want to accept it, your mind fucking fights it because it's the opposite of what you've heard all of your life, because it's not what they've fed you and told you and it's not what you've believed this whole fucking time, but…”

He breathed in from his cigarette, and he let out a long breath of smoke.

“You get used to it, Theodore. It never gets pleasant, it never gets easier, but you get used to it.”

high & ...?

the cafeteria

sweatshirt & sweatpants

fuck up
by gabriel black​



hery hery

º º code by ditto º º
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MOOD: feeling nostalgic

OUTFIT: casual but cute

LOCATION: library


TAGS: xxx

If Kass had any reservations about bringing back the nostalgia by sitting across from Syd, they disappeared the second he flashed a smile in her direction. The familiar warmth of it inviting her to let go of the weird tension that had formed over time between her and her former friends. A touch of something familiar, from before her life imploded was desperately needed even if she had tried to avoid it.

It wasn't like she was friendless since the whole fallout or anything. In fact, due to the fact that Angeline Jumper was her cousin and everyone who was anyone knew who Angie was, by association, she was considered popular by some. Still, it wasn't the same. How could it be?

“You coming in here to cram, too, or just to sit and chill whilst you watch me try and memorize the names of some historical random with a constipated look on my face?” he teased.

So, he was here to study history too. Go figure. Mrs. Von was a pop quiz enthusiast and she never seemed to let up either. Anyone who said they cruised through her class easily was cheating, lying, or a certified genius. It was almost like the woman wanted her students to fail.

Kass tapped on her history book, giving a shrug before she answered. "Same boat it seems. I promised that I wouldn't fail the test coming up but it's not looking so good," she replied. "I'm pretty sure that Mrs. Von makes up her own history. One time she told us that Napolean was attacked by bunnies. Bunnies, Syd! Can you believe that? She is insane," she rolled her eyes, though a laugh escaped her lips.

Okay, so the Napolean fact turned out to be true, at least according to google but Kassidy still wasn't buying it.

Pushing the books to the side, she retrieved a small box from her backpack and placed it on the table in front of them. "Want one?" she offered, opening the box to reveal six donuts of different types and turning them to face him once she plucked one for herself. "I made my dad stop when he dropped me off. More than enough to share," she added.

Her father was the only person besides Conan that she ever got rides with since riding the bus still kinda freaked her out. She was supposed to take her driver's test this year but she was avoiding that much to her father's dismay. Ever since her mother's accident, she just couldn't bring herself to get behind the wheel though. Even thinking about...

Moving on.

"How have you been? It's been a long time. Anything new?" she questioned. No matter how much she wanted to, she wouldn't ask about Emmett. It wasn't like it would make a difference. Plus, what if Syd told him? Pass. She needed to think of something else. Anything else. No, not his new family situation. That would be weird. Think, Kass, think.

"Have you been to Phil's lately? They are trying out this new dessert pizza or something," she put air quotes around the last words. "You should try it so I don't have to," she joked.

º º code by ditto º º
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  • how she's feeling...


Raven Rivera


Suddenly, Raven’s whole plan of ‘genuine pleasure.’ Or at the very least an ounce of enjoyment that she would’ve gotten by being near Valerie was gone. The girl had created distance between them and seemed uneasy that Raven even suggested running together like it was crazy talk. Which to be fair, it sort of was— Bridgers, springers, the whole thing was crazy itself.

Raven wasn’t completely serious, no.

But the fact that Raven felt that Valerie took to it as though it was a choice of life or death didn’t sit right with her.

The brunette nodded slowly, biting the bottom edge of her lip, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall that Valerie was against seconds ago.


What else was she supposed to say?

‘I wasn’t serious?’

Would those words even matter? Make a difference?


“I’m guessing going together is a no, too, hmm? It’s the whole… image thing, right?”

Maybe Raven had been taking this too personally, but how else was she supposed to take it? If she was going to go to homecoming, she wanted to go with the girl she was…


Sleeping with?

Is that all this was?

Is that all Raven wanted? At this point, it seemed fairly obvious that she wanted something and it wasn’t just sex.

“As long as you’re staying true to your word, I suppose.”

She was angry.

Raven wouldn’t go as far as to say hurt. But she was upset. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if the answer had just been ‘no.’ Instead of— to be fair, Raven wasn’t sure. Maybe if she hadn’t made it seem like it was the end of the world to be seen with her, it would’ve been alright.

“Let me guess, though. Dancing is a no-go? Wait a second, how about eye contact? or am I not allowed to even look at you while we’re there.” It was obvious her questions weren’t real and Raven was just airing out her slight frustration.

She was okay with keeping them a secret.

It was fun.

Hot, even.

But not if Valerie was so ashamed to even look her way at a public event. Raven wouldn’t be surprised if the night had ended up like Valerie’s party. Throwing a few insults to just make her leave her alone for the night. The brunette uncrossed her arms, gesturing towards Valerie with her hands weakly before shoving them in her pockets.

“It’s okay if you decided you didn’t want to be seen with a drug addict’s daughter— I know, I know, that’s shocking to hear right? Valerie Flores was right! ‘All Bridgers are the same.’”

Well, that was pretty much zero to a hundred real quick.

Good job, Rae.

It was just homecoming.

Why did she have to make such a big deal about it? Good question.

As much as Raven lingered on the whole; she didn’t really care about it, Valerie was just some random privileged girl she was sleeping with— Raven cared. She liked her. She knew that.

t wasn’t like she needed Valerie to run anyway. The whole idea of a plastic crown was ridiculous. But it was more than that now. Raven can handle being rejected. It’s rare, but it does happen. What she can’t handle is being underestimated, looked down on, seen as somebody who couldn’t possibly be an equal to another who was born with money.

Maybe that isn’t what Valerie thought of her, but that’s how she’d seen her.

And that alone was enough to start turning the gears in Raven’s head about their relationship.

A silence fell, Raven shook her head, avoiding Valerie’s gaze and regretting her words. “Look, maybe we just shouldn’t do whatever… this is.” She said, gesturing to them both.

Raven’s shoulders rose in a half-hearted shrug.

“... have fun at homecoming, Val.”

With that, Raven turned on her heel and left the classroom.

Heading where, exactly?

To sign up, of course.

♡coded by uxie♡

Maybe Adrian was about to lose 10 dollars because he hadn't heard anything about someone fighting either which just by knowing how the people from Auburn Spring and Ambridge get along was almost as a miracle, did they sign a peace agreement where both parties agree to leave their differences aside and get along for once, maybe they have finally realized they had more in common than they really wanted to admit.

Okay, who was he kidding? There was no way that rivalry would end even if alcohol was involved, he was pretty sure that even if both Mason and CK were completely wasted and high as a kite none of them would even come closer to agree with the other, let alone to even get along if one day both of them they happen to be on the same page and agree with each other, the world was definitely ending and Adrian for sure didn't want to mess up with the order of things, if those two were meant to hate each other there was nothing he could do.

And just like he was expecting Emmet reassured his assumption that no one got into a fight, well now for sure he was losing his money, at least losing that 10 dollars wouldn't affect him that much, after all, he recently got paid after selling one of his blown glass sculptures to a family in Auburn Springs, because while the rest of his fellow Ambridge classmates had a vendetta against the Auburn Springs people due to their accommodate life, he was out here receiving their money by doing something he loved and they were basically funding his way to university, it was all about playing smarter not harder and until this moment Adrian was actually doing a good job.

Although Emmett still mentioned some options of who could have gotten in a fight, in reality, it was almost as if the bonfire was pretty uneventful in terms of drama that would add to the rivalry, which in a sense it was kind of good. "Wish we'd've gone to the thing? The bonfire? It was supposedly a ton of fun and shit, guess some chick turned the fire different colors, but uh... I don't know. You wish we'd've tagged along and seen what all the fuss was about?" Emmett started asking him.

Did Adrian regretted not attending the bonfire? He gave a quick thought and the answer was that he really didn't mind not going, sure more than one would have told him that he was wasting his youth, he called it having priorities and he could skip on this, besides he needed to finish those glass pendants that a family in Auburn Springs wanted for their new living room, so duty called first rather than messing around, and it wasn't like wasting his money on alcohol was like the wisest decision, even if he just bet 10 dollars, but this was only an exception.

"Not really, I had other things to take care of, and the glass studio where I go needed some help with some things and they offered to pay me extra so that was my priority and after I was done I was completely exhausted and the last thing I wanted was to deal with angsty teenagers under the influence of the alcohol" He replied "Does that makes me sound like an old man? For the sake of our friendship, you better say no but what about you? You don't really seem like the crazy one for parties, but you can always surprise me"
Location: hallway | Mood: i ended up losing my money
Outift: Here | Interactions: Emmett ( Winona Winona )
Adrian Carter Brown

Code by Stardust Galaxy
@themurphman has set their status to:
honhonhon we have fucked DIRECTLY UP

@themurphman has set their outfit to:
he wears the same shit all the time, honestly

@themurphman has set their location to:
school parking lot

@themurphman has mentioned:

@themurphman has interacted with:

@themurphman has tagged:
jasmyn jasmyn

This would be an excellent time for some sort of public service announcement about not participating in distracted driving. One of those really emotional ones that aim to traumatize children into not texting or drinking and driving. Of course, Ryan was doing neither one of those things, he was definitely smarter than texting while driving or taking a few shots of something way too strong and then hopping on his death bike.

No, Ryan was completely safe in that regard. No phones, no alcohol, no anything. Instead, Ryan had practically stood up on his bike and had begun hollering out his best friend’s name across the parking lot and above the grumble of his engine.

Yeah you read that right, the dumbass had stood up. We’re talking about a full stunt driver move here, one arm off his handlebars to wave at his friend across the pavement while his feet struggled to stay planted on either side of the bike. Turns out, in an unexpected twist of events, standing up on a
motorcycle barreling through a parking lot while priding himself on the “look mom, no hands!” thing made staying balanced incredibly difficult.

And just like that, in one move that screamed nothing pure stupidity, the motorcycle skidded out from below Ryan’s legs and chucked him like a fucking ragdoll across the remaining pavement.


Ryan hissed out in pain as he ripped his helmet off, his arms and legs burning with the sudden scrapes across the pavement. Ryan was fully aware of just how idiotic his little stunt had been and no, he wasn’t about to attempt it again. But come on, dude went FLYING! He had to look at least a little bit cool somewhere in the chaos.

“Ugh, we’ve been over this, ya little shit.” Ryan grumbled to his bike which laid somewhere off to his left, wheels still spinning pointlessly as it laid on its side against the pavement. “No throwing me off. We’re totally a team here, there isn’t any reason to try and kill me every two-”

Ryan paused his very dramatic monologue (Parenting Skills Lvl 9000, if you were to ask him) to raise his face up from the pavement to look at the shoes in front of him. Yeah, he recognized those boots, they were hard not to know. In a quick jump up, Ryan pulled himself off the ground and dusted himself off, face screwing up in pain as he traced his fingers over the roughed up leather on the arms of his jacket.

“Hey Dani.” Ryan greeted in a sheepish tone, reaching a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “Faaaaaaaaaaaancy meeting you here on this lovely day.”

Without waiting for a response, Ryan walked a few paces to his left and picked his bike up off the ground. As he carefully dusted off the seat and inspected the paint job for scrapes (more like new scrapes, the thing was so damn dinged up that it was getting difficult to find them), he raised a hand to wave to a set of girls that were looking at him rather angrily. The two turned away in unison, noses snubbed up as they sauntered inside the school.

“Wow, fuckin’ rude.” Ryan mumbled to himself. With a jerk of his bike, Ryan turned his attention back to his friend in front of him. Kicking the stop out on the side of the bike, Ryan grabbed Dani and pulled her into a quick hug. Arms squeezed tightly around Dani’s sides, Ryan released her and began talking. “Dude, I have a great idea. Like an amazing idea that you are definitely gonna love, totally not a bad idea at all.”

Did Ryan ever have a ‘great’ idea? No, not in his seventeen years of life. Did he believe he had ‘great’ ideas literally 100% of the time? Hell yeah.

“We,” Ryan began as he whipped out finger guns in Dani’s direction, “should skip school and go Halloween costume shopping.” Lifting a finger, Ryan tilted his head and pursed his lips. “And before you get all ‘but Ryan, I don’t do Halloween, Halloween is for whores and children who are sometimes also whores’ on me…” Shit, where was he going with that thought? “Just, uh, don’t? Yeah, just don’t! Dude, it’ll be fun. I don’t really wanna be here right now and you look like you’re ready to kill someone’s spawn so how about we call it an academic do-da-day and go shopping? Please, please, please, please?”

º º code by ditto º º
Darcy Harris
@D-Rated has set their status to:
please snap, it's funny when you RAGE

@D-Rated has set their outfit to:
whatever (ft boots)

@D-Rated has set their location to:
school hallway

@D-Rated has mentioned:

@D-Rated has interacted with:

@D-Rated has tagged:
ditto ditto
Alright, so a lot had changed in Darcy’s time away from Auburn Springs. Fuck, pretty much everything had changed since she had left but clearly, some things were never going to change. Darcy never expected Chelsea’s absolute assholery to be the constant in her life but hey, she was gonna take what she was able to get.

“What do you want?” Darcy’s nose crinkled up. What, he wasn’t seriously expecting her to just leave, was he? CK may still be an asshole but apparently, he got dumber over the years. “Are you getting back to the old grindstone by speaking to me, as that always quickly turns to annoying the living shit out of me, or are you just coming to have small talk?”

A glint of entertainment flickered into Darcy’s eyes at the obvious annoyment already laced in CK’s voice. Oh, he totally came pre-angered and angry, raging bull CK was Darcy’s favourite flavour of CK.

“Oh totally, man. I just missed you so much while I was gone.” Darcy attempted to push through her usual sarcastic tone to sound genuine, throwing a few batting of her eyelashes in there for good measure. “I dreamt of you nightly, dude, I just couldn’t wait to see you again. Darcy and CK, back at it again and better than ever. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh?”

Chelsea closed his locker door, eyes glancing up to the caged bell above a classroom door. “Welcome back. Now go away.” He spoke bluntly as he took a few steps past Darcy, leaving her still leaning casually against a locker. “Nice to see you again.”

Honestly, Darcy really shouldn’t have expected anything more than what she had just received from the older boy. Her relationship with CK was odd, barely friendship even if you used the term incredibly loosely. They were more like acquaintances that were only acquainted at all because of proximity and not because they had anything in common. But, Darcy knew that if CK really hated her that instead of walking away just then, he would’ve decked her lights out or something. So, in a rather brilliant move, Darcy spun on her heels and jogged to catch up with him.

“Chelsea, my guy, you’ve grown a lot.” Darcy chimed in as soon as she had met his pace, her significantly smaller legs struggling to keep up. Asshat was walking fast on purpose, no doubt, and damn Darcy was out of shape. “I mean, you’re always gonna be little pipsqueak CK to me but dude, you’re so tall ‘n shit now. And your attitude, fuck that thing has gotten massive. What do your parents feed you in a day? Nothing but piss and Cheerios? Gotta be something to keep that shit up.”

Darcy looked up at CK, eyes squinting as she scanned him for any hints that what she was saying was ticking him off.

“So, what’s new around here? There’s gotta be somethin’ worth noting besides the Bridgers being all up in here.” Darcy continued rambling on, her words just flowing without much rhyme or reason. “I’m sure you just love the fact that they’re here. Make any new best buddies? I hope you weren’t going to replace me, Chels, I’d be horribly offended.”

º º code by ditto º º

Sydney Jarvis

Kass gave a tap on her history book, giving a shrug. “Same boat it seems,” she answered. “I promised that I wouldn’t fail the test coming up but it’s not looking so good.”

Syd chuckled. “I figured.” He could blame it on psychic powers, but it was more that the teacher was a psycho— seriously. The woman had issues. “I mean, seriously, what’s her issue? It’d be one thing if she taught us that wack shit, but she always has to make the quizzes worth half of our grades.”

“I’m pretty sure that Mrs. Von makes up her own history,” Kass said.

He rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it.” He sighed. “I mean, the woman’s old enough to have seen the events happen in-person, I get it, but like…c’mon.”

“One time she told us that Napoleon was attacked by bunnies. Bunnies, Syd!” Kass exclaimed. “Can you believe that?”

Syd laughed quietly. “Oh my God. She is insane.” The last three words somehow synced up with Kass’, and he laughed again, putting two fingers on each of his temples. He spared a glance at the librarian, who seemed too busy helping a small boy and looking like he wanted to die to glare at him, which was a good thing. Schwartz had the look of someone who’d kill you and then take himself out next, so his death glare seemed like a serious threat. He looked back at Kass, smiling. “Telepathic powers? Still got it,” he whispered.

He dropped his fingers. “She stays fucking wilding, I swear to you. I’m half-sure the ‘aspirin’ that she has to take for the migraines that ‘we give her’ are courtesy of the dealer on the side of the street. That’d explain why she goes all rabid chihuahua any time you mention it.”

His eyes shifted to his textbook, and he sighed, pulling his hand out from inside of it. There was no point in bookmarking that page with his hand— he probably wasn’t going to get any studying done now that Kass was here, anyway. His short attention span and difficulty focusing were never really helped by company.

His eyes moved back to the table as something was placed on it.

Oh, cha-ching.

“Donuts?” Syd asked, cocking an eyebrow and looking at Kass with a hopeful smile on his face. He gave his eyebrow a little bounce, trying to prompt her into offering him a—

“Want one?”

Look at him go. He still had it.

He tried to feign that he was honored, gasping softly and clutching a hand to his chest. “For me?”

She opened the box to reveal six donuts of many varieties. “I made my dad stop when he dropped me off.” She took a donut for herself. “More than enough to share.”

He lowered his eyebrow. “Well, in that case, hell yeah.” In any case, it was always hell yeah. As much as Syd should have been eating healthily in the off-season times to maintain his body or whatever, eh. Plus, he had a good metabolism, so why not use it? Or abuse it, whatever— however you saw it.

His smile spread into a thankful one as he picked up a chocolate donut. He took a big bite of the thing. “Mm,” he hummed, and he held a thumb up as he chewed and swallowed. “My compliments to the chef.” This donut? He’d probably sacrifice a small child for it— namely, Edwin. Then again, he’d sacrifice Ed for no reward, so maybe that wasn’t that big of a compliment. “Thanks, Cassandra,” he said, adding his kidding nickname for her with a cheeky smile.

As he dug into his donut, Kass asked, “How have you been? It’s been a long time. Anything new?”

Syd swallowed and lapped at some chocolate glaze that had fallen onto his hand. “Ehhhh.” He shrugged, and then he laughed, repeating “eh” as he looked to Kass. “It has been awhile, you’re right. Too long, really.” He took another bite of his donut, propping his other hand up behind his head and leaning back slightly in the seat. “I’ve been good, I guess. Not really much has happened.” He sighed quietly, frowning slightly as he tried to think of something to say.

Syd didn’t really have an interesting life. I mean, he wasn’t that interesting of a guy. He always kinda had too much to say over too little, but that was fine by him. That often led to him seeming like he had more going on than he actually did, though. They were still friends when his dad died, and they were still friends when he started dating Chris. That was about it as far as major events in his life.

“I got a pet rodent,” he said. He gave another shrug and another chuckle. “Don’t tell Ed or Sam. They’ll rat me— pfft. Rat me out.” He gave a small bounce of his head at the word rat, laughing softly at his unintentional pun. “Yeah, I found one of those glass holders for them when I went, uhm…out a bit ago.”

He wasn’t sure if she knew about his habit of “exploring” (aka, trespassing at random places in the dead of the night and poking around where he really shouldn’t), so just saying that he went out was probably a better choice of words.

“Bought a little hamster for the cage, named him Jorge," he continued. "He’s lived in that thing for the past two months. I keep my door locked, and as far as I know, neither Mister or Misses Jarvis knows that I’ve got the little guy. Uh, Mom and Dad.” He flicked his wrist, taking another bite of his donut. “Whatever I call them. Kinda dunno what they expect.”

He finished up his donut, then licked more chocolate from his hand. More things that he’d done popped into his head.

I vandalized the new bank. They’ve got no idea it was me. Drew a little stick man for them and everything. It was a nice little art installment.

Hey, I convinced an old woman to buy my old, non-working vacuum cleaner because I told her it was collectible. Got fifty bucks for it. She got it for a steal, really.

I think Chris is in love with me or something, or at least she cares about me more than, ya know, friends-ish. That feels kinda weird. Guess I should have expected it. Since we're, like...dating and all. I mean, I’m in love with my best friend, which, like, there’s no way that she could know. She still hates the guy, by the way. Don’t get it. Is it jealousy? She's got nothing to be jealous of. It's not like I neglect her for him or anything...not really, anyway.

He couldn’t really say any of that, so he just chuckled. “But eh, not much. That’s pretty much it.”

"Have you been to Phil's lately?” Kass asked.

“Phil’s?” Syd asked. Yeah, he went there every couple of weeks. It was greasy, calorie-loaded, artery-clogging goodness.

“They are trying out this new dessert pizza or something,” she said. “You should try it so I don't have to.”

“Wait, seriously?” His brows raised, and a nearly-excited smile came onto his face. “Huh. Well.” He chuckled. “It’s about time they try something new. I swear, it’s been the same since we were all, like, five.” Which was fine, because it was good, but ya know, what ever happened to a little bit of change? Then again, everything around here was always just…old. Stuck in its way kinda old, not crumbling at its foundation kinda old.

“Hey…” He smiled with an idea. “If I’m going to be trying it, then you’ve got to come along with. I think that’s the deal, right? That’s how it goes?” he asked teasingly, and he concluded, “Yes, yeah, that’s it. It’s a date? It’s a date.”

Laughing softly, he looked back at the box with a hopeful, puppy-dog-eyed look, and then he glanced at Kass, pouting slightly in hopes that she’d offer him a donut. His expression dissolved after a moment, and he let out a soft chuckle. “But that was plenty about me. You should catch me up, too. How’ve things been on the Hale side of things?”

no thoughts, head empty-- also fuck alaska

the library

casual, but ignore the gloves

chasing cars (live)
by snow patrol​

ed, chris, & em


jasmyn jasmyn

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They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. This was correct. However, they had never met Darcy Harris.

Chelsea couldn’t say that he was well-acquainted with the girl, but he’d had the displeasure of having more than one conversation with her during the time that she’d been around. Sadly, he could recall these conversations, none of which were pleasant and all of which involved her being an utterly annoying shit, and he didn’t care to hold any more conversations with her. From what he could already surmise, she hadn’t changed much.

He’d amend that, actually. He supposed she’d changed quite a bit— physically, at least. His eyes had caught on several…features that hadn’t really been there before, and she wasn’t wholly unattractive. If she didn’t have her personality, then he might even venture to say that she was even attractive.

However, she did have her personality. What a disappointment.

His prayers for her not to follow seemed to fall upon deaf ears, and the short girl came jogging to catch up with him.

“Chelsea, my guy, you’ve grown a lot,” Darcy chimed, trying to fall in step with him. He kept his eyes forward, lengthening his strides, yet she somehow managed to keep up. “I mean, you’re always going to be little pipsqueak CK to me but dude, you’re so tall ’n shit now.”

He spared her a cold glance, breathing out a sigh. That was such a shock, wasn’t it? People grew. It was fucking nature. He’d been…fifteen when she’d left, or something like it. If he hadn’t grown or changed since then, he’d be five-foot-six, a hundred and forty pounds, and he’d still have a proclivity towards making attempts at flirtation. Thankfully, none of those features remained about him.

“And your attitude,” she continued, “fuck that thing has gotten massive.” His expression soured for a moment, then pressed back into its neutral state. “What do your parents feed you in a day? Nothing but piss and Cheerios? Gotta be something to keep that shit up.”

“Ha,” he said, no hint of amusement in his face or in his voice. He came to a stop at a table outside of the classroom he was in first, and he dropped his backpack onto the table. “It’s piss and corn flakes,” he deadpanned, looking at her with his unamused expression as he dropped down into a seat. He crossed arms, and then crossed his legs at the ankles.

She remained, however. “So, what’s new around here?” she asked. “There’s gotta be somethin’ worth noting besides the Bridgers being all up in here. I’m sure you just love the fact they’re here. Make any new best buddies? I hope you weren’t going to replace me, Chels, I’d be horribly offended.”

He pulled a bottle of Gatorade from his backpack, untwisted the cap (snap!), and took a long drink of it, as if she weren’t waiting for his answer. Finally, he lowered it, and he breathed out a sigh from his nose. “The deadbrained Bridgers burned down their school.” He looked at Darcy. “That’s the major thing, though you pointed that out already. As far as replacing you goes, I think that too many of them tick the ‘annoying as hell’ box to say that they left room for you.”

He smiled sarcastically, though the smile immediately dropped back to his resting bitch face. “I see that you’re determined to push that envelope and keep on with that attitude of yours. How brave.”

He glanced at the clock on the wall. Time was moving too damn slow.

“Let’s see. Would you like a rundown of everything?” His voice was curt and thoroughly uninterested. “I dated Valerie last year, I got an ear pierced. My family has hardly changed. They're the same as always."

Beyond Donna getting on drugs, but it was a disgusting thought, and it was something that surely did not need to be publicized more than it already had been. If Chelsea didn't claim his brother as his own and didn't mention him, then it was as if he didn't exist, so he simply didn't mention him.

He breathed out another sigh. “I was football captain junior year and this year and now I’m forced to be co-captain because of fucking Rivera. If we win Homecoming, we get to go to playoffs. They’re already trying to take all of the credit for that shit. I was presented an award last year by some company for my ‘academic performance’. I have my senior violin and cello recital coming up. I’ve been accepted to six colleges already.” He listed everything off, even his big accomplishments, as if they were nothing more than items on a grocery list. To be honest, they were similar to that— these things were what was expected of him, and nothing more.

“Beyond that, not much,” he concluded, turning his eyes to Darcy.

He was not much of a boy for conversation, but he had time to occupy.

“So, for you,” he began. “You left abruptly. I hardly had time to celebrate your departure. It was a shock. May I asked what happened with that? Or, maybe I could rephrase that.” His voice, when he spoke again, was sopped with forced interest and pleasantry, though his face was still deadpan. “How have you been, Darcy? Has everything been going well? You’ve really changed. Last I saw you, you were depressingly small and flat-chested. Now you’re only depressingly small. I’m sure there have been other developments. Tell me about them.”

a reunion. how disappointing.

the school

something preppy

gives you hell
by the all-american rejects​

valerie & mercedes


geminiy geminiy

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MOOD: slightly catty but amused

OUTFIT: whatever whatever

LOCATION: roaming the halls

nat. prim.

TAGS: xxx

"I just moved back here, I'm Primrose by the way and I can't really tell I'm just trying to figure how everything is around here. So all the students from Ambridge move because of a fire? I'm sure that's quite the story."

"Well, contrary to the wicked step-bitch's belief," Jade paused, a smirk on her face. "That's you, by the way," she directed the words to Natalie before looking back to the new girl, "I wouldn't know anything about that. I was already here by the time it happened," she informed Prim with a shrug. Sure, she had spent more of her time in Ambridge than Auburn Springs (when she could anyway) but that didn't mean she kept up with the whole fire thing. Don't ask, don't tell. The unspoken rule.

Her eyes scanned the girl for a moment, trying to get a read on her. While she seemed to be decent enough, her appearance screamed "Springer" and Jade made note of that. Plus, hanging with Natalie on day one. Yikes. Against your will or no, Jade would've ditched the moment that the bitch opened her mouth and said hi. Which was what she was about to do now, as a matter of fact, until the next words rolled of New Girl's tongue.

A look of disgust made its way onto Jade's face and she shook her head. "Resemble each other? Let me guess, it's the blonde? Shocker," she rolled her eyes. "I would die before claiming relation to her," Jade added, Natalie's protest coming just as quickly as her own and practically causing them to talk over one another as they denied the very idea.

"What did you just call me?" Jade spat the question out. "My mother might insist I don't lay a hand on you but I've never been a fan of rules so watch it," she warned as Natalie continued to go on. "My father married her mother, and for heaven knows what kind of reasons." Natalie reluctantly explained.

This time a smirk played on Jade's lips. Bingo. "Ah, yes, my mother the master manipulator. But let's not forget that your father knew what he was getting into. After all, he only met her because he so eagerly walked into that st-" Jade paused for a second, "her job, that night," she finished as if she didn't know what she was doing. Jade was very aware that the origin of their parent's meeting was unknown to Natalie. Her father meeting his new wife in a strip club on the edge of both towns?

What a scandal.

Jade's eyes moved to the new girl, scanning her for a second before deciding they would likely never speak again. Two different worlds and two completely different girls. She was more suited to be friends with Natalie anyway. "It's been great meeting my sister's newest lackey and all but I have better things to do so enjoy the rest of your tour," she shrugged, adjusting her backpack. "Natalie," she added simply, the attitude clear in her tone.

Stepping between them, Jade nudged Natalie out of her way and walked down the hall in the opposite direction. Maybe she could actually run into someone who wouldn't bore her to death.

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MOOD: annoyed

OUTFIT: simple enough

costume shop


TAGS: xxx

The sound of a bike engine combined with her name being called out half a million times caught Dani's attention pretty quickly, causing her head to snap in the direction that the sounds were coming from. Of course, rushing towards her was none other than her best friend, standing up on his seat as if he were Evel Knievel or something.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Meet Ryan Murphy. Dani's platonic other half and apparently amateur stuntman. How did she get so lucky to be friends with such an idiot? Well, she asked herself that every day...minus the lucky part. If she could say that when they had become friends she didn't know how far his dumbassery went then she would but that would be a lie because she knew what she got herself into on day one.

Dani barely had time to react before Ryan was suddenly thrown from the motorcycle, her hands flying up to her mouth, not because she was shocked it had happened but out of pure instinct. Her hands dropped, crossing over her chest as Ryan's body slammed into the concrete, luckily not as hard as it could've or he would've ended up with a damn concussion.

Had he imagined the consequences before deciding to attempt his little stunt? Unlikely. Ryan had the habit of trying to be a certified badass but always ended up as a certified dumbass instead. He had once claimed it was part of his charm but she'd told him before that there was nothing charming about the black eye he often sported as a result of this.

“Hey Dani.” Ryan greeted in a sheepish tone. “Faaaaaaaaaaaancy meeting you here on this lovely day.”

He walked over and picked up his bike which had taken a decent beating but surprisingly hadn't fallen apart. Look, his bike had been through a lot and she wasn't sure how the thing still managed to run if she was being honest. "I'd ask what the hell you were thinking but I'm sure you weren't," she rolled her eyes. "I guess I won't lecture you for that though since you did just stop me from keying this stupid sports car," she added with a shrug. "Freud will be happy about that."

Dani braced herself at Ryan's next words because, well, rarely did one of his so-called great ideas end well. It was hard to ever really know what would come of these plans he cooked up. One time, when they were in the fifth grade, he'd actually convinced her to rollerblade down a slide because it would be "cool" and she ended up face first in the mulch with a bloody nose and nasty burn on her thighs from the hot slide. Not fun.

Sure, he had told everyone at school that they should see the other girl and that Dani had fought off a seventh-grader who tried to take her bike so it wasn't all bad. People didn't really try to mess with her too much afterward either.

"What is this amazing plan of yours now?" she asked, sarcasm dripping off the word amazing. "We should skip school and go Halloween costume shopping.” he declared, giving her no time to even reply. What could she say? He knew her well because he guessed her response right down to the 'and children who are also sometimes whores' and all. For the first time in a while, a grin formed on her face and she rolled her eyes again.

Giving her head a shake as he went on with his oh so compelling argument of why she shouldn't decline his offer, Dani raised a hand to cut him off. If she hadn't then she was certain his blast of pleases would've gone on forever. "Fine. I'll go. Only because I don't want to be here though. No fancy Auburn Springs stores," she said. Normally Dani wasn't the type to just skip school but with the stress of the Sly stuff and the morning run-in with CK, it felt like ditching this hellhole was her best option at keeping her sanity intact.

"You lead, I follow?" Dani added as she climbed onto her bike and putting her helmet back on as the engine roared.

It didn't take them long to pull up at the Halloween store, one that they had gone to since they were kids. It brought back memories like when they dressed up as Shego and Dr. Drakken from Kim Possible. Her idea, by the way, his was Tom and Jerry but there was no way she was dressing up as the little rat.

"This is stupid..." she groaned as she pushed out her kickstand with her boot and stepped off her bike.

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Lost Boys

When Xander had first heard someone mention graffiti, he'd frozen up a bit. Kind of turned to a statue, like a deer caught in the headlights type of thing, because he'd just been caught red-handed. Perhaps his tendency to freeze in situations such as this were why he... well... kind of had a record (and that wasn't a flex). It was a lot easier to catch the culprit when the culprit panicked about where to go and kind of just stayed still.

But then he was greeted with the source of the voice, and a relaxed smile replaced the momentary panicked look on his face and in his eyes. It was no one important -- just his ol' cousin, Chris, and it wasn't like she was going to rat them out or anything. Xander of course knew this. He'd dragged her along on a handful of his adventures, especially when Darcy was ahh... away. It got kind of lonely.

Of course, poor Nut had no idea that Chris wasn't about to rat them out, and clearly he couldn't pick up on how Xander was still cool as a cucumber, even as she asked if they were skipping. Because, well, duh of course they were, and Xander didn't tend to get overwhelmed in these types of situations.

Only with cops, really.

“My mom saw you guys loitering around outside when she dropped me off. Said it looks like you're ditching." She crossed her arms, and Xander glanced over her shoulder to see if he could see the car with his aunt -- bummer, he couldn't even wave at her. "You two aren't getting into trouble, right?"

Xander's gaze flicked back to look at his cousin, and he was about to reply with a "pfft, of course we are. We're Harry Nut -- the baddest bad boys to ever bad boy," except that Nut in his... panic... started tripping over his own words in a pitiful attempt to try and answer Chris' question.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Nut interjected. “Please don’t tell on us! We-we’ll go inside! Like, lickety-split, and nothing ever happened! Please, I’ve never done anything like...”

He glanced over at Nut and let out a guffaw of laughter. Oh god, this dude was so hilarious. And half the time, Xander couldn't even tell if he was trying to be that funny, or if it was just an accident or what. But for the second time today, he nearly doubled over in laughter at Nut.

“Just kidding!” she said, and she held her hand up to Xan for a high five. “Don’t tell me you’re being a bad influence again. Not this early in the morning. If so, you two are gonna need chaperoning.”

Xander grinned, high fiving her back.

“Y-Yeah! Y-You can come with, right, Xan? I…I mean…v-vandalism is a g-group effort, right?”

He glanced over at Nut, nodding his head. "Yeah, yeah, but you only want people you trust to be with you," Xander started to explain as he tucked his own can of spray paint under his chin and brought his backpack around in front of him again. As he unzipped it, he kept talking, although his words were a bit weird given the whole holding the can of spray paint under his jaw, which made it kind of hard to talk situation. "And this is Chris, she's my cousin. She's coolio in my book, although I dunno. She can be kinda boring."

He was joking, of course, and he passed the can of spray paint over to Chris. You know, the one he'd been searching for, the one that was the very specific shade of olive green that his cousin just so happened to like. And Xander, being obviously the greatest family member that anyone could ever ask for, had purchased said can of spray paint just for Chris. And boy oh boy, had it been a process. He'd had to special order it off Amazon and everything.

Once she took the can, he took the one out from under his jaw while he pulled his backpack on once more. He smiled. "Anywho, Chris is fun, but we don't need a chaperone," he glared over at her as he said that, although the corners of his lips were still tugged into a slight smile because, well, Xander obviously wasn't really annoyed or anything. Hell, at this point in his life? It took a lot for Xander to get seriously annoyed with someone.

"So we were gonna go spray painting," he started to explain to Chris, as if that wasn't obvious, and as he started down the sidewalk once more. "There's this really like... kinda rude church over on First that I was like 'welp, gotta add that to my tag list,' ya know? But ah... I think I'll save that place for another day. Need something easier for ol' Nutella here since it's his first time breaking the law."

In his head, he broke into that one song -- the nunununu breakin the law breakin the law nunununu -- and he probably would've broken into it aloud, too, had it not been for his cousin with them. Xander had to keep up some kind of aura of being totally cool and badass, obviously.

"I was thinking maybe going down to Ambridge. Lotta old buildings down there that no one really keeps an eye on, ya know? That'd be a great place to show ol' Nutella the ropes first. Oh, oh, oh! Or the train tracks. Yeah, everyone does graffiti on train cars, ya know. Plus then the whole world gets to see them. Or, well, the country."

So many places to choose, so little time to graffiti.
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Nut, Chris | tags: ditto ditto hery hery |
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MOOD: determined and bitchy as always

OUTFIT: very val

LOCATION: hallway >> cafeteria


TAGS: xxx

Val had always been about keeping up an image and everyone who knew her knew it. In fact, even the Bridgers who had only been here about a month had caught onto that fact, not that it was hard to notice. Going to homecoming with Raven wasn't only about the whole Bridgers vs Springers thing or that her parents didn't exactly accept her being into girls (even if they were the only ones who cared about it) but also the fact that she had adamantly denied being interested in the girl.

What the hell would it look like if Val ran with her for homecoming? She knew it would make it seem like they were like...dating which was a big NO. Plus, it would just prove to everyone that Val had fallen for Bridger charm. Any other Bridger would just be a question of why she was running with some stray but Raven came with other questions, rumors, whispers that she wasn't ready for.

If the dry "okay" hadn't been enough to tell Valerie that the question surrounding homecoming meant more than Raven was letting on then the body language was. As Raven moved to lean against the very wall they had just been making out against, Val's honey eyes scanned her, watching her facial expression drop from flirty to frustrated in seconds. Part of her wanted to take it back but she couldn't...she wouldn't.

“I’m guessing going together is a no, too, hmm? It’s the whole… image thing, right?” Raven finally spat out, causing Val to wince a little, hopefully not noticeably. "You know that I have a reputation. You knew this from the beginning," Val replied. The beginning of what exactly? She had no clue. What were they doing here? What was this?

Val didn't have much time to think it over silently before Raven tossed out more and more questions. “Let me guess, though. Dancing is a no-go? Wait a second, how about eye contact? or am I not allowed to even look at you while we’re there.” Rhetorical, but that didn't stop her from answering.

"You're being dramatic about this. Why do you even care anyway? It's not like you're my-" she came to a sudden halt when Raven interrupted her. --- “It’s okay if you decided you didn’t want to be seen with a drug addict’s daughter— I know, I know, that’s shocking to hear right? Valerie Flores was right! ‘All Bridgers are the same.'"

The words were filled with rage and felt like poisonous darts aimed at some imaginary bullseye on Valerie. Why the hell did she feel so guilty? Every single time she hurt Raven she got this sinking feeling, one she hadn't gotten with anyone else no matter the vile things she'd said. Yet after turning down a homecoming proposal, she felt like some wicked witch who had just cursed the princess for all of eternity.

Was that what Raven assumed that Valerie thought of her? That she was just some poor Bridger with shitty parents and the fate to end up just like them? Okay, so maybe Val hadn't done a good job in making it seem otherwise with the things she'd said about others from Ambridge but Raven was different. If she thought the same of Rae then they wouldn't even be here having this stupid discussion. A discussion which, by the way, was only serving to make them both angry.

"Are you insane? I never said that. Besides, aren't you one of those people who think homecoming is shallow and running is just for vapid bitches who care more about a plastic tiara than anything else anyway? Jesus, Rae." she started. "I don't know what the hell you expected from me here," she added, pushing off the desk and standing straight.

“Look, maybe we just shouldn’t do whatever… this is.” Raven said, gesturing to them both before she offered a shrug. "have fun at homecoming, Val.” -- And that was that. Without another word from either of them, Raven was out the door and Val was left standing there alone and wondering what the hell had just happened. She plopped down in one of the empty seats, a sigh escaping her lips. Way to go Valerie.

About fifteen minutes passed and Valerie hadn't moved from the art room. She held her phone in her hand, contemplating sending a text to Raven, one loaded with anger which she deleted right away. As she finally got up and pulled her purse onto her shoulder, static sounded from the intercom, and a voice started to, once again, rattle off the people running for homecoming royalty. When they got to the end of the list a new addition caught her attention, her jaw clenching at the names.

Chelsea Freud and Raven Rivera.

What was Raven thinking? She was running with Chelsea now? For what? Was this some kind of revenge scheme? It was ridiculous. Plus, the whole carnival fiasco had clearly taught her nothing because Val wasn't one to be outdone when it came to pettiness. If Raven was going to run with CK of all people there was no way in hell she was running alone now.

Pulling open the door to the art room, Valerie made her way down the hall, practically strutting as if she was on a mission. Well, technically she was. It didn't take her long to reach the office where the sign-ups were being done and without thinking twice she scribbled her name down next to the one person who she could think of to get under Raven's skin. Game on.

Slamming the pen down onto the clipboard, Val turned on her heels and walked back out into the hallway, her eyes locking on her target almost immediately. "Congrats. You're in the running for homecoming king, Rivera 2," she said, letting him know that there was no choice in the matter. If she had to personally drag his ass to the dance herself then she would.

"As we officially close the homecoming sign-ups we do have one last entry to announce; Valerie Flores and Mason Rivera. Please don't forget to buy your tickets for the game before Friday and cast your royalty votes at the dance!"
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cool pirate cowboy 123123
Dexter Cruz
Auburn Springs

Slivers of warm morning light filtered through the interstices of the curtains across the room and settled onto Dexter's chest. It was almost surreal catching a glimpse of the dust particles lazing about in the air, exposed to the naked eye only by the free, unimpeded beams of light. The thought of dust and dirt hardly came to mind when anywhere inside of Myron Hesler's luxurious, borderline gaudy homestead.

For a guy who hadn't even been rich that long, his stuff was way nicer than Dex's, but that was to be expected in a way. Among the snobby standards of Auburn Springs, Dex wasn't even that well-off. His place was more than big enough for a family of four and he had plenty of spending money, but it wasn't as though he lived in a mansion and drove a Lambo to school every day.

In fact, he was sort of depending on the boy whose bed he was nestled in to give him a ride. As much as Dex loved to sleep in the morning after a hookup on the home front, school didn't stop for anything. Especially not Mondays.

"Thanks for—" Yawwwwwwnnn. "—hanging with me last night, bro." The muscular teenager turned to his side, not at all surprised to observe Myron awake before him. After a satisfying stretch, he folded the blanket away from his body and heaved his body upward, scratching at his bare chest.

He yawned again, then stretched big and wide. "Did we drink last night? I feel like I can taste Henny on my teeth," the 6'4 dumbass thought aloud, bending down to scoop up his t-shirt. He looked back, careful to observe whether his latest hookup was looking in his direction. He snuck a quick sniff of his shirt, pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't smell all that bad considering it had been worn the day prior.

Well, uh, after all, most of the sweating he'd done the last night went on after he'd discarded his clothes.

After slipping on the tee, Dex made his way to the corner of the room, picking up his things as he went. Thank god for lockers; while he may not have had his backpack and, subsequently, homework ready, he could at least slip by through the day with his textbooks. At the end of the day, it wasn't as though it mattered all that much the way Dex's academic life was. Most teachers knew better than to call on him for an intelligent, relevant response of any sort.

Plus, Dad could always make sure he was on track to graduate and eligible for school sports... right?

Once he was fully-clothed and his things were all in one place, he hoisted his small bag over his shoulder and felt for his keys. What was he doing with car keys and no car anyway? "Yo, Ronny, you can give me a ride to school, yeah?" He flashed a goofy, slightly pleading smile, one his parents could never say no to. Myron was a pretty sincere, nice guy. Exactly the type those puppy dog tactics could work on.

"I would normally just hitch a ride home from Chelsea, but shit's been all busy lately." His eyes drifted to the side, moving along to view all the things on Myron's desk and shelves. Everything was all so neat and nicely-furnished—so typical. All the nice things that had recently come into the boy's possession were well-deserved, at least in Dex's opinion. Thinking about sweet ol' Myron scowling or getting into a fistfight almost sent the senior bursting into laughter. He was grateful for their somewhat recent friendship; it made him grimace and frown a lot less than Chelsea's frequent problems or Drake's confusingness; not that he held it against either of them in any way.

"He's under a lot of stress. I guess we all are lately, huh?" he explained further, "I don't blame him for it or nothin'. I just think he'd be all disappointed then run me over if I asked him to leave home early to be my chauffeur." The wide smile on his face softened as he remembered his solemn oath to CK. Loyalty was all he had to offer, but gee, was it draining.

"Anyway, is anybody home right now? Am I gonna have to sneak out a window? 'Cause I've done it before." He pointed a finger to the window in Myron's room; suggesting a fall of a number of feet was unsurprisingly not his most idiotic plans as of late. "I can also throw a mean right hook if we need it." He laughed with a gaze so devoid of higher thought, one could hear the attic spiders scurrying away in his dusty, unoccupied skull.
| mood: morning (brain no work) good | outfit: clothes | location: Myron's room | mentions: n/a| interactions: Myron | tags: Xed Xed |
Angel with a Shotgun

Yeah, Kelia's answer kind of just proved the entire point that Rory had been trying to make in the first place. Kelia's idea of fun? Newsflash: it wasn't fun at all. It was what losers did because they didn't have anything else to fucking do. Stay home and read books... who the hell did that? Next thing you knew, Kelia would be saying that she was staying home roleplaying with people on the internet or some shit. Lame.

That's why their friendship worked so well, of course. Sure, they'd become friends back when Rory wasn't wild and was more tuned down, more down-to-earth and what have you, but now? Now, Rory was obviously off the walls -- but she was fun off the walls, and of fucking course, the universe had set her and Kelia up as friends back when she was lame so that she could become cool and make Kelia cool, too.

Trust her. It made sense.

Even if Rory didn't believe in the universe setting up shit.

“Reading books can be fun Rory. You just don’t know how to enjoy anything that isn’t boom.”

"Not true," Rory argued back, even though she knew it was true. "I also enjoy reading books... especially when it's reading the instructions on how to blow them up."

Hilarious, wasn't it? Rory had never actually blown up bo--

Okay so she had once, but when a part of the book had blown off and hit her in the fucking face, she'd decided to never do it again. Not that she regretted blowing up the book then. Fuck you, Mr. Schmidt, and your fucking shitty algebra class. No, making a rap about equations didn't make them fucking fun.

“And I do know how to relax and have fun. But that’s besides the point. Look you might not want to continue your education after high school but you should at least graduate with a decent grade.”

"It's not beside the point," Rory argued back -- mostly to try and distract from the whole dumb as fuck grades talk. "Look, me graduating with a degree isn't gonna matter for anything in the future. I, for one," she placed a hand against her chest as she spoke, "will not remember what grades I graduated with, and nowhere that I fucking work is gonna say 'let's see your grades -- oh no! A C instead of an A? We can't give you the job.' That shit is only important if you decide to go to university or some shit, which I will not be doing."

Even if she had the money, Rory doubted that she'd want to attend. Purposely give herself a lifetime of debt for "better money"? Yeah, no fucking thanks. Seemed like an equal waste of time and money.

"But you know what you will remember? Hanging with your best friend and blowing shit up. You're not gonna remember shit about the uhh... I don't know, Cold War or whatever, but watching illegal fireworks go off while you're drunk? Yeah, see, that's the kind of shit that you'll remember for a lifetime."

Also it was better than studying.
| mentions: Jade, Lance, Ian | interactions: Kelia | tags: Xed Xed |
º º code by ditto º º
Superman by Boyce Avenue

The bonfire party hadn't actually been a total fucking waste, so that had been nice. That fucking... that one bit-- that one girl, Lola, had actually been decent to hangout with. It had been... weird, to say the least. It wasn't often that Mason found himself hanging out with chicks without having that end goal of getting them in bed in the forefront of his thoughts -- just like it wasn't often that he hung out with guys without the end goal of sending his fist in their bitching faces in the forefront of his thoughts. It's just how he was.

Always on edge, more or less.

But he'd actually relaxed a bit with Lola, had a good fucking time, and Raven and her fucking drama with the Auburn Springs' Queen Bitch? Straight out of his mind. Mason had more important things to worry about, like his daughter, the upcoming game, and of course, the whole fact that he was taking Lola to the Homecoming dance.

Yeah, yeah, shut your fucking trap.

Mason typically went to these events and shit alone. He was hot. It didn't take long for chicks that had also shown up alone to start flirting with him and it was like an endless buffet of free hookups. Dances were something magical, something special, and Mason spent more of his time breaking into classrooms, the locker room, even the bathrooms for hooking up than he actually did in the dance room, well, dancing.

So he wasn't exactly sure what to fucking do.

It had been... what? Three years since he'd been on an actual date? Since he'd shown up to a dance with a girl on his arm and with every need to impress her? Some shit like that -- back when he was with Adriane, and the thought of... moving on... taking a different chick as an actual date kind of threw him off his game.

Almost like he was giving up on his dream.

But fuck it, whatever. It was just a fucking date.

As he headed to his locker, he heard the intercoms announcing the couples that were running for Homecoming. Mason wasn't really paying attention -- after all, he could care less. He wasn't running this year -- not that Mason ever ran because he wanted to. People put his fucking name in or some shit, or he'd lazily agree to run with some chick. You were looking at Ambridge's junior Homecoming King, after all. He was already fucking royalty, and he found the whole thing to be a pointless waste of time.

And then, he heard two names together that he hadn't expected, but that he also wasn't surprised to hear.

Raven Rivera and Chelsea Freud.


Undoubtedly, Raven was using Chelsea to get under Valerie's skin. Dumb as fuck, if you asked him, and he shook his head at the pure childishness of this. Imagine that -- using some douchebag like Freud to fucking play dirty. Using him as a pawn. If you were going to use any fuck as a pawn, maybe use one that was at least halfway tolerable.

He shook his head again, tucking his books under his arm, and closed the door to his locker. He started walking down the hallway towards his first class, and any thoughts of Homecoming had vanished -- except, of course, what the fuck he was going to do with Lola, because holy fuck. Mason didn't know what to do. Where to start.

Unfortunately, Mason's path ended up crossing with one Valerie Flores. Shame. She might actually be drop dead fucking gorgeous if she wasn't a bigger bitch than Raven.

He didn't even acknowledge her. He didn't glance down at her. He just stared straight ahead and tried to keep fucking walking, because he didn't want to deal with her bullshit.

That didn't stop her.


He looked down at the girl as she stopped in front of him.

"Congrats. You're in the running for homecoming king, Rivera 2," she said.

Mason let out a snort of laughter and shook his head. "No," was all he responded, and then he stepped past Auburn Springs' queen bitch and started to continue his way to his class when--

"As we officially close the homecoming sign-ups we do have one last entry to announce; Valerie Flores and Mason Rivera. Please don't forget to buy your tickets for the game before Friday and cast your royalty votes at the dance!"

He came to an abrupt halt. His blood turned to ice, and then it was melted by pure fire. His hand holding his books dug into the binding, while his other hand formed into a fist. His fingernails dug into his skin, but he didn't register any of the fucking pain as he turned around to face Valerie again. His dark eyes were narrowed and if you looked really close, you could probably see the pits of hell glowing in his eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you bitches? Who the fuck in this school lets bitches sign people up without their fucking permission? Huh?" Mason's voice was cold and dripping with venom, edged with harshness as he glared down at Valerie. Unfortunately, they were in school, so he was trying to keep himself together--

Fuck it.

He threw his books at the nearest locker, nearly taking out a freshman as he did so. Mason turned his back on Valerie again, one hand moving through his short black hair while his other hand came to rest on his hip. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, trying to catch his cool.

He was going to have a word with the principal of this godawful fucking school.

"Principal Bradford, put your fucking tits away for a second and stop letting these chicks ruin my life."

Once he'd managed to catch some kind of cool (also he needed a fucking cigarette, and he was planning on getting said cigarette as soon as he was finished with fucking Valerie), he turned back to face her.

His hand dropped back to his side.

"You fucking owe me for this." He hissed.
| mentions: Raven, Chelsea, Lola | interactions: Valerie | tags: jasmyn jasmyn |
º º code by ditto º º
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Without Me

It did make him sound like an old man, but Emmett was willing to bite his tongue for now. Consider it a perk of being Emmett's friend and not someone that he considered annoying or some shit. If Adrian had been on that kind of fucking level, then Emmett would've undoubtedly dragged him.

But hey, Emmett could be nice. Despite what so many people at this school seemed to think -- and by that, he meant his ex-best friends and Sydney's bitch of a girlfriend.

"Like an old man?" Emmett echoed, and although he tried to sound convincing, he was sure that he came off as anything but. "Please... no... of course not. You? An old man? Pfft, please. I know plenty of people our age that pass up a good party because they're too tired and don't want to deal with drunk teenagers." At the end of that, his voice kind of cracked and he let out a snort of laughter at the pure stupidity of it.

Because it was stupid, and you couldn't fault him for that. Who the fuck their age would pass up a party? Well-- it wasn't the passing up the party that was the issue, it was the whole... reason for it. Not wanting to deal with drunk teenagers. Like what the fuck? Sure, Emmett sometimes wondered if Adrian was a middle-aged mom trapped in a teenage boy's body, and it was times like this that turned that wonder into stone cold belief.

He glanced over at Adrian as he asked if Emmett had attended the party which... he had not.

Emmett shrugged. "Thought about it," he responded, leaving out the part about mostly to keep an eye on Kass. It was strange. She hadn't entered his thoughts in months and now, just being back in the familiar hallways of Auburn Springs for a few weeks, and she was all he could think about.

Fucking sickening.

Fucking disgusting.

And he couldn't understand why the fuck he couldn't shake her.

He had no reason to be getting worked up about her going to the bonfire with some other dude. Absolutely no reason, and yet he had. He'd felt kind of jealous, even, especially when he'd squinted at his phone at the profile picture of the dude she was supposedly going with. Fucker looked like he belonged in college, not high school.

"Parties aren't really my thing," Emmett said, which was only half a lie. "I usually just go when Syd wants to, but he's got his girlfriend now, so..." he shrugged his shoulders, as if that was a perfect ending to his fading sentence. He understood how it was when you got in a relationship. Friends had to back off -- plus, he fucking definitely didn't want to be wrapped up and stuck as the freaking third wheel.

Fucking embarrassing.

"What d'ya say to heading outside before classes start?" Emmett asked, his hand patting the pocket where he'd deposited the cigarettes. "Take a quick smoke break. Your mom will never even know and maybe it'll help calm you down or something, you could use a little unwinding there, Adrian."
| mentions: Kass, Syd | interactions: Adrian | tags: Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy |
º º code by ditto º º
Say You Like Me

Wow, Conan was kind of dense. Or he was distracted or something, because she thought that she'd been pretty upfront about the whole definitely don't want to go thing. Or, well, at least that her sarcasm had been. Maybe she was losing her touch -- it would explain why Ryan seemed confused about whether or not she actually did like him (although, to be fair, she was equally confused regarding her tolerance towards him).

Of course he'd never seen her at many of them before -- because Jess didn't attend them because school events were stupid. Just a quick little reminder of her stance on public things in case you hadn't gotten the memo the first two or three times that she'd so adamantly bitched about them in her narration. Or aloud to anyone that bothered to listen to her for more than two fleeting seconds -- you know, before someone more interesting came along.

“Good on them inviting you to hang at the bonfire at all, must have been a fun time with those two for company. I’d be hard pressed to believe otherwise from what you’ve told me about them so far. It’d be great if there was more of that. I hope they don’t ever try to beat my ass though.”

Fun time was a bit of an overstatement. She'd regretted going in the end, because the night had ended similar to how it felt like all of her social events ended. With bitches. And her walking home alone, but at least time she wasn't drunk and had actually made it home safely.

Wild, right? Jessica Jake. Looking on the bright side of anything. The constant pessimist.

Nah, she was still pessimistic about the entire thing. It hadn't offered anything that she hadn't expected and she was quick to decide that she would've been wholly better off if she just hadn't attended the stupid bonfire in the first place.

“You’re not going to be stuck on coat check duty all night Jess. Come on, you should go with someone or at least make sure you hang out with friends. It’ll be more fun than hanging solo. Who knows, maybe that Ryan guy is planning to ask you even.”

"Eww no," she was quick to respond, her nose scrunching up while her upper lip drew back into a look of pure disgust. "If he does, I'm telling him no. I'm not... I don't want to go with anybody, that's just... no." There were certain things that were expected of Homecoming dates, and although part of her truly believed that Ryan wasn't like other guys (she felt disgusting and stupid for even thinking that), there was still that ever looming fear that would keep her held tightly back and prevent her from taking any kind of jump.

“I’m going for sure, haven’t got a date yet, but I’ll probably ask one of the Bridger girls.”

Ah good. Conversation spun back on him and away from the idea of Jess having some kind of date? Freaking good. She didn't even want to go for the coat check, but here she was. Freaking stuck with it. But she'd just bring a book and kick back in a chair behind the stupid thing and relax. And then she'd go home and go to sleep at a fairly reasonable time and by the next morning, all of Homecoming would be but a distant memory.

Jess wasn't even going to wear a dress or anything. Nope. She'd be showing up in one of those classy tuxedo shirts and jeans more than likely, and she wouldn't be coming out from behind the coat check until they gave her the green light to go.

"Do you even know any of the Bridger girls?" Jess asked. "I mean, I feel as if like... most of them would probably punch you or break your kneecaps or something if you dared to ask them."
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Conan | tags: Xed Xed |
º º code by ditto º º
Get your game face on

Dexter Cruz. Not the wealthiest kid this side of Auburn Springs, certainly not the smartest either, but he was one of the easier ones to get in with and he had the right connections like being on the football team where most of the popular kids were and being the best friend of the school’s de facto king, Chelsea Kader Freud. It also helped that he was easy on the eyes and good in bed. There was no better company for Myron to keep than Dex, especially now that the Bridgers had moved into Auburn Springs because some idiot had burned the damn school down over in Ambridge.

He’d cut off all contact with the people he knew back in Ambridge in part because he didn’t want to get caught between the Springers and Bridgers but now they were supposed to be sharing the same hallways and classes.

Next to him Dex stirred and Myron fixed on his easy laidback smile as he looked at him. "Thanks for—" Yawwwwwwnnn. "—hanging with me last night, bro."

“Morning sleepyhead,” he greeted in reply, “you’re welcome, I had fun.”

That wasn’t a lie. He did have fun. Plus, thanks to being somewhat familiar with Dex’s routine, given that this wasn’t their first rodeo and all, he had woken up before the boy had and taken a quick look through the belongings he had left lying around his room to see if there was anything worthwhile. Had he done this to Dex before? Believe it or not, only once or twice perhaps. Myron had one goal and one goal only. That was to fit in at Auburn Springs and keep himself off the bottom of the social food chain. He was tired of just surviving, he’d had more than enough of that to last him a lifetime back when he had been in Ambridge. Getting in with Dex and Angeline Jumper had helped achieve his objectives and things were going swimmingly but now that the Bridgers were in town, any bit of dirt he could use to help himself was welcome.

“We did drink. I nabbed a bottle from the cellar for us last night.” He answered cordially as Dex readied himself and Myron made sure to get an appreciative look as he slipped on his shirt. He had already settled his own clothes earlier when he woke up.

Alcohol was not something Myron was a fan of, dulled the senses too much, too many opportunities for an untimely slip up or something of the sorts but if his partner wanted to drink, he’d drink, if they wanted to dance he’d danced. Call him a puppet or whatever but he’d do what was necessary to keep the people he needed to keep happy, happy.

Following his hook-up for the night, Myron got off the bed, tidying the sheets a little before moving to secure his school bag and make sure he had everything he needed for the day, namely the goods, he had no sales planned for today but you never knew went someone wanted to call in for a last minute order, and he was not about to deprive himself of a money making opportunity.

“Yo, Ronny, you can give me a ride to school, yeah?” Myron turned to see Dex flashing him a goofy, slightly pleading smile and he smiled in return.

“Hey of course handsome. I’m happy to have you ride shotgun with me, makes for a great view and top notch company.”

“I would normally just hitch a ride home from Chelsea, but shit’s been all busy lately.”

Busy huh?

“From preparing for the big playoff game?” Myron asked as he shrugged on a jacket and checked to make sure that his hair was properly gelled and slicked into place

“He’s under a lot of stress. I guess we all are lately, huh?” he explained further.

“Well I hope I was able to help you relieve some of your stress last night.” Myron chipped in as he put the finishing touches on his attire. Never leave the house poorly dress. That was one of his many mottos, especially now that he had moved up in life thanks to winning big in the lottery. Literally.

“I don’t blame him for it or nothin’. I just think he’d be all disappointed then run me over if I asked him to leave home early to be my chauffeur.”

Sweet old Dex, he genuinely liked the guy, he was easy to be around and oh so trusting. At times like this, a part of him did feel a little bad that he had snooped through his stuff, looking to see if he could learn any useful dirt. A tiny part. People screwed each other over everyday and Myron was just doing what he had to do to make sure that wasn’t him.

“Anyway, is anybody home right now? Am I gonna have to sneak out a window? ‘Cause I’ve done it before.”

At that, Myron chuckled.

“I can also throw a mean right hook if we need it.” The boy added with a laugh.

“While I would love to see you show off your incredible athleticism and sneak out my bedroom window, that won’t be necessary. The parents are already out for work so it’s just us.” They wouldn’t have minded anyway, it wasn’t like he had never brought someone home for a hook-up before and he’d been out for years, but there was no need to disclose that much information.

“Come on. Let’s go.” He motioned for Dex to follow as he made his way out the room and down the stairs. His current home? A massive upgrade from his old one, and he’d do whatever he needed to do to stay where he was. Making a stop by the kitchen island, he grabbed a couple of sandwiches he had made earlier and handed one to Dex.

“Here, I made it while you were sleeping. An extra hot sandwich for an extra hot guy.” Corny, definitely not his best line, but tagged on to his winning smile and with his charming delivery, it was good enough.

The sandwich had more hot sauce than he would ever eat himself, but Dex liked the stuff, a fact Myron became well acquainted with when he saw just how heavy handed the boy got with it once.

Breakfast secured, he made his way out the front door and to his car, a sleek black BMW 4 Series Convertible that he had recently purchased using some of his lottery winnings and the money he had made from selling drugs on the side.

He’d closed the roof of the car last night after remembering that the Bridgers now attended Auburn Springs. There was no way he was going to risk having any of them hop into his ride and mess with it while it was parked at the school.

“Hop in.” He told Dex, doing just that himself.

Once they were all settled inside, he started up the engine and drove the car out of the garage and onto the road towards school.

“So," he began glancing over at Dex, "you talked about Chelsea and how much stress he was under earlier, but what about yourself?" Myron briefly rested an arm on Dex's shoulder for effect as he spoke, "How are you coping with the big game and everything coming up?” Frankly he was a bit more interested to hear about Chelsea, but he had a part to play, a little concern to show, even if he didn’t really care.

Cultivating and maintaining the relationship he had built with Dex was important, after all, he was one of the best lines Myron could have gotten himself at Auburn Springs and keeping that connection solid was one of his top priorities at the moment.

| mood: and action | outfit: something branded| location: car | mentions: CK | interactions: Dex | tags: hery hery |
º º code by ditto º º
Give me a break

“I also enjoy reading books…especially when it’s reading the instructions on how to blow them up.”

Remember what Kelia had said earlier? About Rory not being able to enjoy anything that didn’t involve some kind of boom? Yeah, that line there just proved her point.

“It’s not beside the point,” Rory argued.

“The court disagrees but it’ll hear you out.” Kelia said, as she leaned against the locker, readying herself for a decently long speech.

“Look, me graduating with a degree isn’t gonna matter for anything in the future. I, for one,” she placed a hand against her chest as she spoke, “will not remember what grades I graduated with,”

That point she agreed with fully. As it stood, Rory could barely keep track of her grades and she was still a student.

“and nowhere that I fucking work is gonna say ‘let’s see your grades – oh no! A C instead of an A? We can’t give you the job.”

She was right about that too, but Kelia’s point about studying and improving Rory’s grades went beyond just the letter.

“That shit is only important if you decide to go to university or some shit, which I will not be doing.”

Once it was clear that Rory was finished talking, Kelia spoke.

“Sometimes minds change, and you decide, hey I do want to go to college. Even if it doesn’t,” she raised a pointed finger and fixed Rory with a look that said don’t even think about it, “you’re still not getting out of studying for those tests. There are benefits to improving your grades beyond the letter that gets printed on the paper.”

Rory would probably argue with her about those benefits as well no doubt. That was Rory for you, the girl would go down fighting every step of the way. A fantastic quality if you asked Kelia, but also one that could make her oh so frustrating at times.

“But you know what you will remember?”

Oh no.
Kelia took a breath and rolled her eyes as she prepared herself.

Here we go again.

“Hanging with your best friend and blowing shit up.”

She knew it. Rory was always doing this, trying to convert her, get her to jump on the fun wagon or whatever. Look she had an offer on the table from one of her top university choices, but that offer was predicated on her maintaining her excellent grades and track record which meant no monkey business and no slacking off for ‘blowing shit up’. If she really wanted to do any of that then she could leave it for the summer or after she secured her place in the university and the scholarship she needed to be able to attend.

“You’re not gonna remember shit about the uhh… I don’t know, Cold War or whatever,”

Yes she would and on that note, they were definitely starting the study session with history.

“but watching illegal fireworks go off while you’re drunk? Yeah, see, that’s the kind of shit that you’ll remember for a lifetime.”

“Or,” Kelia started, trying not to roll her eyes too hard, “that’s the kind of shit that gets you into a ton of trouble. Please tell me you do not already have said illegal fireworks stashed away somewhere.”

She looked Rory dead in the eyes as she spoke and soon find herself rubbing the bridge of her nose.

“God, you and your antics are going to be the death of me.” And no, for those listening, she was not being dramatic, nor was she exaggerating. Keeping Rory from getting into very serious trouble was very taxing.

Why did young her have to make friends with Rory back when they were kids? Ugh.

Between her and the duo that was Dani and Ryan, Kelia was spent.

As if the world was determined to make her life even more difficult, an announcement about homecoming blared itself over the speakers.

Great. Homecoming. Another nuisance to deal with. Her mother would no doubt do everything she could to get her out of the house and have her attend that stupid dance.

There goes another night of studying.

The announcer was reading out the names of the people running for homecoming queen and king, another stupid tradition that Kelia largely ignored as she continued to message her nose when one set of names caught her attention.

Chelsea Freud and Raven Rivera.

“You have got to be kidding me.”
She muttered under her breath. No she was not jealous. That wasn’t why she said that. Jealousy was pointless unless it was being used as some sort of motivation and she didn’t need any sort of motivation romantically whatsoever. She needed to focus on her studies. No, the reason why she had said that, was because she hadn’t seen it coming.

What on earth was Raven up to this time?

She wasn't planning anything stupid was she? Because last she checked, Mason and Raven were buddies, and Mason and Chelsea Freud hated each others guts. So Raven and Chelsea attending the dance together just seemed to scream nothing but trouble.

Especially because the girl she knew could be just so damn rash sometimes, hell everyone around her was rash. Was there not one person she knew that had some kind of restraint?

Oh god.

Homecoming was going to be a disaster. Angry, horny teenagers from rival towns with bad blood? Kelia didn’t consider herself a pessimist by any means but how could it be anything but a disaster?

Please don’t let her find out which day homecoming is happening.

And by her, Kelia meant her mother.

Kelia turned her attention to her friend. “Please tell me you don’t have some sort of diabolical plan cooked up for homecoming.” She half groaned. Because if Rory did, then she would have to go, whether her mother forced her to or not, if only to keep her best friend from blowing everything, including herself, up.

| mood: massive headache incoming| outfit: school day | location: school | mentions: Raven, Mason, CK | interactions: Rory | tags: Winona Winona |
º º code by ditto º º
Nosy, nosy, nosy

Poor Ryan. Jess’s instant rejection of his suggestion that the guy might be thinking of asking her to homecoming followed by that look of pure disgust on her face made him feel for the poor guy even if he didn’t really know Ryan or what his feelings towards the girl were. Getting that hard of a pass from anyone had to hurt, even if it turned out that Ryan didn’t really see Jess that way.

Conan hoped for the fella’s heart that he didn’t have any such plans to ask Jess to homecoming on the horizon.

“Do you even know any of the Bridger girls?” Jess asked. “I mean, I feel as if like… most of them would probably punch you or break your kneecaps or something if you dared to ask them.”

Punch him? For asking them to homecoming? Harsh.

“I sure hope not." He chuckled, "I do need them kneecaps for the big game coming up. Coach would kill me otherwise.”

Playoffs were just around the corner and he would not want to have to explain to coach that he couldn’t play because he got his legs busted asking a girl to homecoming.

While that would surely make one hell of a story, a fun one even once he recovered, his coach definitely wouldn’t share his line of thinking. Plus, he loved playing, and if there was anything he missed about school during his year away from it, it was being on the field, pulling off big plays, playing the game.

As for her other question about Bridger girls he knew…well other than his bandmate Chris, he was currently drawing a blank so he’d work on that and get back to her about it later.

In the meantime,

“Why don’t you want to go with anybody anyway?”

He was going to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. As usual.

“Bad past date?” He asked jokingly. “I’m kidding.” He added quickly in case his words caused any offense. “But seriously why don’t you want to go with someone? If you don't mind sharing.”

Conan O'Connor. Sensitive enough to realise that one might have things they were uncomfortable with sharing, but far too nosy to not try to stick his nose into it and just leave it alone.

Most people he knew would find someone to go with them, even if they were just friends or whatever. The popular kids would not doubt be making sure they secured themselves prime partners to run with them for the title of homecoming king and queen.

Not really Conan’s scene if you asked him. For others homecoming was a confirmation of their status within the school’s social hierarchy, he was just there for the music and the party.

He was still drawing a blank on the names of Bridger girls he knew by the way.

“The only Bridger girl I can think of at the moment is my bandmate Chris.” He told Jess. “But she’s in a relationship so I’m not asking her. I’ll figure something out.” He finished with a smile. “Meeting new people is always nice anyway and what better way to get acquainted with out new classmates than a party?”

While that might have sounded like sarcasm coming from any other Springers mouth, Conan was being completely genuine. He really was looking forward to getting to know the Bridgers.

| mood: who do I know? | outfit: keep it simple | location: hallway | mentions: Chris, CK, Ryan | interactions: Jess | tags: Winona Winona |
º º code by ditto º º

Lance Donovan

Self-Appointed King of Ambridge

Lance Donovan wasn't one to have many regreats.

For as long as he could remember, resident bad boy and self-appointed King of Ambridge (although he's slowly comeing to accept that he's the only one who thinks so) did almost everything that came to mind as they would happen. If he wanted to smoke, he'd sneak away with Jade or someone he knew liked to smoke. If he wanted to wreck a Springer's car by slashing their tire, keying the doors, or break some lights, he'd do it. He might be arrested soon after, but you get it.

He just didn't feel any regrets nor would he consider apologizing for the reckless acts he committed.

But when he returned from the Bonfire party, his mother made it possible for Lance Donovan to experience something he never had even considered that was possible.

When she caught him sneaking back in, not only did she whack him aside the head with her purse, but she yelled at him. First and foremost, she angry-cried because she was worried about him. Because he didn't tell her where he went. Because of how staggering the change in his personality (her actual words) has bene like ever since he was dumped (she didn't know that), she has been worried for him.

And after her initial thrashing and verbal screaming fit and after silence provided a long enough intermission, they talked. Lance didn't want to tell her too much. There were things he kept bottled up even from one of the only people who he felt the most comfortable with. He told her where he was, saying there was a get-together and he hung out with Jade, which softened the blow somewhat. She was still mad at him, though, and made sure he knew that.

But now, as he found himself wandering through the halls, he couldn't help but linger on the moment he saw a genuine terror in his mother's eyes.

The strongest woman I know actually was afraid something happened to me,
he thought as he caught the sight of Jade with Natalie and someone who he knew he just had to introduce himself to.

And he quickly shut off the moping expression he had flipped the script by curving a smile on his face.

Though that smile didn't fade, it was the fact that Jade had separated from them and was walking his way did a curious gleam shine in his eye.
"Sorry I missed the party."
He greeted her, stopping a few feet in front of her.
"Who's the brunette, though? Don't think I recognize her."

Leave it to Lance to greet someone he regularly hooked up with by asking who the person he probably wanted to hook up with was.

♡coded by uxie♡
the grass is always greener
Edwin Jarvis
Auburn Springs

Edwin crossed his arms as Ian stomped over to the librarian. The boy turned back at him with a scowl, which he didn't acknowledge. It should have been obvious based on appearances alone that he was completely out of patience for Ian's antics.

He was serious when he said he'd be in deep shit if his mom caught wind of his math grades. Ed's parents were the most lax on him specifically, but even flunking out of high school was a stretch for what he could get away with. He hated when his dad yelled at him. No, he never cried, but it was still fucking upsetting. You'd be trembling too if the head of the Jarvis clan raised his voice at you.

It took Ian ten years to get a couple copies out of the librarian, but as soon as he did, he relaxed a little. He returned the shorter boy's thumbs up, offering a slight smile as a reward for doing a job right. For once.

And then he ruined it. Right on cue.

“You…owe me,” he stated, giggling like a negative-IQ shitface. Ed stretched his neck out to catch a glimpse of the papers behind his back. The kid had the memory of a goldfish. Had he not just been on the verge of tears at Ed's hand just moments ago?

"No... I do not," he deadpanned, reaching out but failing to grab the paper copies. His failure to relieve his friend of the papers annoyed him more than anything; he let out a low grunt. "Give it!" he demanded. He stood up, growing red in the face.

He reached again, but his hand slowed at the sound of a voice on the intercom.

"As we officially close the homecoming sign-ups we do have one last entry to announce; Valerie Flores and Mason Rivera. Please don't forget to buy your tickets for the game before Friday and cast your royalty votes at the dance!"

Edwin rolled his eyes, his attention successfully diverted to the announcement over the speaker. He beat a fist onto the table, which prompted a stern look from Mr. Schwartz. He began to sweat a little, knowing he'd regret pissing off the librarian. "Sorry!" he mouthed, offering a shy wave.

He turned his attention back to Ian, finally distracted enough not to beat him to a pulp over their homework assignment. "I can't believe that fucking bimbo thinks anyone'll vote her for anything," he scoffed, making eye contact with a few kids at the nearest table, "And Mason's way too fucking cool to drag his name through the mud with her." He'd spoken way too loud judging by all the looks he got, but it wasn't like he was Val's only vocal critic. It didn't matter if anyone heard what he said. He was more confident than that.

"Let's get out of here," he said, more as a statement than a suggestion. He picked up his backpack and moved toward the library entrance, seeing that their work was mostly done. Now all that was left was to try googling the answers on his phone. The computer was probably too public anyway, and it didn't help that Ian got extra riled up when there was more people and things going on around them, which there was a surprising amount of in the library. Ed figured it was all the visual and auditory stimulation getting to the hyperactive kid. Neither of them really fit in inside a place of studying anyway.

"I'll buy you a soda," he offered in exchange for the papers, reaching in his bag for his wallet, "I need one too. Thinking about stupid ass Valerie's got me all in a mood now."

Like he wasn't in one before.
| mood: hate it here | outfit: clothes | location: school | mentions: Val, Mason| interactions: Ian | tags: ditto ditto |

Prim got what she wanted, seeing the two girls argue was making her day if only she had some popcorn to enjoy more the little scene happening in front of her eyes would make things even better, but for now, she needed to accept what she had.

Resemble each other? Let me guess it’s the blonde? Shocker Jade said which Prim rolled her eyes at her statement “No idiot, the know it all personality, but if your first thought was the hair then it makes me think you are not the most brilliant mind out of the bunch” She thought to herself as she bit her tongue to not say more than she should.

With the small quarrel that was going on, she found that the two girls were stepsisters, well that explained a lot. It was obvious that they were the different sides of the spectrum, polar opposites whatever you wanted to call it. They were meant to be to dislike each other as if their lives depended on it.

If Prim had to judge and make a prediction based on this small interaction and what they said about the other Jade seemed like the girl whose highlight in high school was that negative in that pregnancy test who would most likely end up being a college dropout if she even made it to one, and probably ended up pregnant without knowing who the father was meanwhile Natalie seemed like the girl that most likely was a control freak and you know that annoying girl that would cause a whole drama because one of her markers got lost well that was Natalie and she would end up being that girl that would marry a “rich” guy, become an ornament to society and wear fake pearls, Prim was sure that the family gatherings would be something now she didn’t found that annoying having two half-siblings which she didn’t like that much. Listen, she couldn’t hate them, they were kids and she wasn’t a monster.

If Prim was sure about something is that she would never cross a word with Jade unless her life depended on it, if she wanted to have her ticket out of Auburn Springs, being around Jade wasn’t going to make the trick, she would most likely end up in juvie if she became friends with her, but did being friends sounded like a better idea? She would have to give it a thought before she decided.

“A pleasure to have met you too Jade” Prim said with a slight arrogance in the tone of her voice, when the girl nudged Natalie the first thought that came to Prim’s mind was childish did people in Highschool still do that? It was kind of lame if you asked her.

Prim crossed her arms as she looked to where Jade was going “Your step-sister, sounds like a delight to be with” Prim said sarcastically, as she noticed that a guy started to talk to Jade, was he looking in this direction? Well, a quick wink wouldn’t hurt anyone after all the guy was pretty good looking if she cared to say, but she was sure Natalie would think he was a scumbag or something like that “I have two half-siblings they are the children from my father and his mistress, well technically she is my stepmother now if we want to call her using a nice word, I can’t stand her either” She added.

“You were telling me about the cheerleading squad I think I’ll join if there are any spots open”
Location: hallway | Mood: annoyed
Outift: Here | Interactions: Nat ( Winona Winona ) Jade ( jasmyn jasmyn )
Primrose Wright

Code by Stardust Galaxy
fluent in buzzkill
Theodore Virtanen

"That’s all there is,” Donna answered Theo's request for water, nodding over to a pool of liquid in such a state that it could hardly be considered water by a sighted individual. The scene was almost poetic, a tragic allegory depicting his state of being. He considered putting it onto paper, but what was the use? “Unless you’d like some of the Jack from my backseat…in which case.”

Donna tossed his keys forward. Was he joking? It was hard to tell with the guy. Either way, it wasn't funny. "In which case, I will be fine without anything." He picked up the keys, then gingerly set them back beside the other boy's feet.

“You’ll get used to it. The taste. The smoke. How it dries everything up. How it burns. It never feels nice, but you get used to it, Theodore.”

Theo'd had more than one experience coughing and hacking smoke out of his lungs. He had Silas and his male friend back home to thank for that. It had only been about as many occasions as he could count on one and a half hands, and the lengthy times between each smoke didn't help his tolerance.

It didn't matter too much, anyway. The transfer student wasn't in the business of trying to impress anyone in his vicinity, much less Donna of all people. That was almost why he was able to allow himself to cut loose for once with his sullen classmate; it didn't matter what he thought of Theo. He was in no place to judge how true he stayed to his morals, even if he, too, was once in the same rule-abiding position.

"This is not my first time," he pointed out, letting the cigarette dangle between his fingers, "One of my first, but not the first." He broke eye contact for a split second. The little emotion he was letting out felt like an ocean of feeling compared to Donna's unexcitable demeanor. "I think I like it less now than other times. Maybe because I do not make smoking a habit." He considered offering up a fact about nicotine addiction and another about lung cancer, but held his tongue. Donna seemed to be the one person who knew the risks better than he did; that was what was most frightening about the young smoker.

“If you didn’t, then what…?"

Theo shrugged. "Then my life is over. I don't know. My fate lies in the hands of my providers."

His response was hardly acknowledged. The question must have been rhetorical.

“The only difference between you and me, Theo, is that I got all my shit handed to me. I’ve had my fucking life handed to me on a silver platter.”

The blonde inhaled some smoke, making an attempt to stifle the coughing that followed after. Every time he took a puff, another persistent itch stuck itself in his throat. It made him red in the face; the occasional fleck of spit ungracefully flew out of his mouth once the itch tickled his throat.

He opened his mouth to make a sarcastic dig between coughs, but restrained himself. It was beyond him what stopped him, whether it be apathy, pity, politeness, or another coughing fit setting in.

“My father’s a rich businessman who assigned me my track of life from the second I was even conceived and even before then. My mother’s a housewife who sits her ass on the couch all day and sobs over daytime television. They’ve set my whole family up for life. My elder sister’s a whore going through graduate school who robs men for all that they have and leaves them with fucking nothing. She’s gotten pregnant a couple of times, but that was solved right away with Dad’s money.”

"Sounds like a typical Springer household," he remarked, "Not that I care much for the stereotypes on either side of the bridge. All of you people are the same to me. Equally depraved and melodramatic." There wasn't a hint of humor in his voice. His response wasn't very close to the point Donna was trying to make, but it still felt like a weight lifted to get off his chest. Nobody in neither Ambridge nor Auburn Springs were worth the shit they talked to boost their egos. And ass curious as it was that a kid with the easiest life imaginable could be so miserable, it wasn't that far off the mark as far as Springer kids were.

The towns' feud and customs were so tired-out and bland that it physically ailed Theodore whenever he had the misfortune to be labeled a Bridger.

“My brother…” His uncaring façade weakened a tad. Had Theo blinked, he'd have missed the evident strife that flashed across his face and poured into his bitter words. The minute quantity of pity he had for the brown-haired boy grew in size. He must have really felt strongly about this guy. It was the only thought that had managed to break past the monotonal "I don't care" attitude. “Chelsea… is everyone’s fucking dream. Football captain… has straight As, is a fucking cellist and violinist. Does as he’s told. Barks when they say bark, rolls over when they say 'roll over.' Perfect…”

"You resent him, despite being an obedient son just like him once?" He leaned back, placing his hands behind his body on the ground for support. His cigarette still rested between his fingers, facing up at the sky. "You sympathize with me. Do you mean to be stingy with your pity?" Now he was really therapizing. Either Donna was letting him, or he just didn't care. It was a hard distinction to make when all of his inferences ended up deflected with more nihilism and contempt toward the world.

“My sister is…sweet. Kind, if a bit wild. My mother is hard on her, for no reason that I see. She’s smart, and pretty, and everyone’s jealous of her, too…”

"Sounds like someone I would not like to be around."

Donna only had a lot to say when he was ranting about the cruelty of life. It was easy to see the corrupt world for what it was when standing at the very top, but that didn't make it easier to understand. It wasn't fair to discredit his position when everything he was saying was true, but the fact was that none of it mattered. Theo didn't care to know why he should be rich and unhappy and why wishing for anything was a futile effort. It just didn't matter. He didn't need to be told any of it.

“Why are you where you are and not me? There’s no answer to that.”

I know that!

He already knew. Couldn't Donna surmise as much? Their philosophies weren't that different from one another, but the meaning felt so different coming from another mouth. Theo didn't like the feeling. Did he just resent those living his dream or was he just growing tired of being told not to care?

“I didn’t pick to be where I am. You didn’t pick to be where you are. But that’s just it. It doesn’t make sense. There is no reason to it. There is no reason to…anything.” The boys inhaled, then blew out at the same time. The tickle wasn't so bad, but it was still there.

"We all have expectations placed on us. You are suffering in your own way because of them. Perhaps my words before were too hasty a judgement..."

He continued digging at the gravel. Theodore couldn't help but be a little disgusted with the unsanitary act. Manners really were the first to go in the stages of teenage rebellion. Donna looked up every so often between words. He wasn't a half-bad speaker, even if brevity wasn't his strong suit. Theodore suspected based on little evidence that this monologue hadn't been delivered very often, if at all. Whether by random circumstance or the slight chance of opening up to him, he was intrigued.

Donna's words weren't so hard to grasp. Despite a willingness to please, an advantageous position in life, and every motivation to do well, nothing quite filled the void. Theo's heart ached a little thinking of home, how his parents had worked tirelessly to instill into him the same things that broke down the boy across from him. They were successful, and it didn't seem so bad until he was faced with such a sad burnout.

"The way you put it..." He faltered, at a loss for what to say.

It made Theo a little queasy understanding how similar they were before their paths diverged. In the back of his head, he'd always sensed the flaws of ruthlessly working to top all competition and tirelessly torturing himself for the recognition of his peers and the adults. It wasn't rocket science (and he'd know, because he'd already gone through several chapters of that subject last summer).

“And I don’t give a fuck anymore. And no one else should, either. Not you, not me. You’re up at the top or you’re trying to claw your way up, it’s all pointless in the end. And when you realize it, it’s hard to swallow. You cough, you hack, your body doesn’t want to accept it, your mind fucking fights it because it's the opposite of what you've heard all of your life, because it's not what they've fed you and told you and it's not what you've believed this whole fucking time, but…”

“You get used to it, Theodore. It never gets pleasant, it never gets easier, but you get used to it.”

Defeated, Theo let out a long sigh.

"You are right. There is no..." He hesitated again. There was no proper verbal response to the realization that had just dawned on him. It was crushingly hopeless and, worse, it had torn past all his mental defenses. "There is no point. To any of it. Years and years of trying and all we have to show for it is someone else telling us to do more. Work more. Be more. It is all arbitrary..." He lifted the cigarette up to his lips, but decided against another puff. "...bullshit."

He shook his head, then snuffed out his cigarette. He couldn't finish it. It felt like a waste (and a little rude to Donna), but forcing himself to finish it would only serve to reverse all the points made between the two of them.

"This feeling. I don't like it. How do you cope? Like, really cope?" he asked with a hint of desperation, "Resigning myself to fate—in a temporal, non-spiritual sense—feels almost too... helpless to bear. What could anyone possibly do with themself living in a constant state of impassiveness and giving up to the world?" It was a horrifying thought. While it may have been the simplest of concepts to Donna, it made Theo quiver coming to terms with the emptiness plaguing him for years.

Was facing it the right thing to do? The only alternative was mundane, self-imposed torture standing by until the universe's bottomless void of taxing demand consumed him once again. It was impossible to tell if his eyes were shut or if he'd opened them for the first time. Admitting his foolishness and recognizing the merits of Donna's philosophy was a wound to his pride he just couldn't take easily. It wasn't in his nature to bow to just anyone's words.

"I just cannot bear it, Donna. Putting all this into practice just makes no logical sense. My pride and my natural apprehension are screaming to get up and walk to class like none of this happened."

Who was the fake therapist again?
| mood: existential crisis| outfit: clothes | location: school | mentions: CK, Mer| interactions: DC | tags: ditto ditto |
Aristocrat by New Politics

Jade may have thought that she could wiggle her way under Natalie's skin with her bitchy remarks, and her threats to attack Nat, but none of that really mattered to her. Let the blonde bimbo hit her -- Natalie would make sure that her and her pathetic drug whore mother would be back on the street before noon, and that Jade would be expelled from the prestigious Auburn Springs school before she could even blink.

And with no Ambridge? Ha, Jade would have nowhere to go. She'd end up with no high school diploma just like her pathetic parents, and she would just follow inevitably in her mother's footsteps. Although Natalie thought that the age old adage of the apple doesn't fall far from the tree was a rather ridiculous concept, she did find herself thinking that it applied to certain individuals. Those individuals, of course, mainly being the druggy Bridgers.

So, no, Jade's words didn't get under her skin.

But then she watched, arms crossed over her chest, her expression downturned into a scowl as the blonde bitch stalked away... and then Natalie saw who she was stalking towards, and a lot of her bravado and general bitchy attitude seemed to falter for a moment. The scowl? Fell to be replaced by a frown and knitted eyebrows. Her arms crossed over her chest? Fell to her sides like she'd been punched in the gut.

Of course, this was but a minor bump. She quickly regained her posture, the fire in her eyes burning twice as bright after the shock of seeing Lance freaking Donovan subsided. Although Natalie was very familiar with the senior Bridger, she would never let on that she knew his name or even recognized him.

Lance who?

Oh, that guy?

He was a nobody.

“Your step-sister, sounds like a delight to be with” Prim said sarcastically, and her words managed to pull Natalie out of her reverie, and she was able to pull her eyes away from Lance and Jade.

"She's a bitch," Natalie hissed through gritted teeth as she spun on her heel and started to walk away down the hallway -- in the opposite direction of Lance and Jade, of course. If she was to continue the tour while trailing after them, there was every chance that Jade would come up with some kind of crazy idea that Natalie was stalking her or she'd lose her temper and attack Nat, and... well, actually, that wouldn't be the end of the world.

Not the end of Natalie's world, anyway.

She would make sure it would be the end of Jade's.

“I have two half-siblings they are the children from my father and his mistress, well technically she is my stepmother now if we want to call her using a nice word, I can’t stand her either” She added.

Natalie glanced over in Prim's direction. There was still a coldness to her gaze, and she was a little suspicious as to why Prim was suddenly speaking about something so... personal? It felt personal. But she decided not to think much on it, instead brushing a stray strand of blonde hair over her shoulder and lifting her head up.

"She also sounds like a bitch," Natalie responded with a casual shrug.

“You were telling me about the cheerleading squad I think I’ll join if there are any spots open."

Now there was a conversation that Natalie could get involved, and she felt herself start to relax. Some of the fire that had filled her from before started to falter and fade away.

"Of course there are spots," she responded. "Well, maybe there aren't. But I suppose that I could pull a few strings and make sure that you make it onto the team." Natalie explained with a dramatic sigh -- just to really let Prim know what an absolute strain this was going to be on her.

"I can speak with Mercedes about it. She's my friend, also on the cheer team. Decent enough cheerleader, but she's far too peppy and happy all the time." It was the damn truth, and it was incredibly annoying... but also mildly endearing.
| mentions: Jade, Lance, Mer | interactions: Prim| tags: Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy |
º º code by ditto º º

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