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Realistic or Modern Auburn Springs

Lost Boys

That easygoing smile on Xander's face faltered for a moment, but only for a brief moment before it returned tenfold. Hey, look, Nut could freak out about this or whatever as much as he wanted, but he wasn't going to ruin today for Xander. Nope. He was going to have fun, god damn it, and Nut was welcome to join him or stick here at the school and be a yawn boring loser.

He listened as his buddy kept rambling on, and Xander kept that pleasant smile glued to his face as he kept walking along. Now, Nut had resorted to walking backwards while he stumbled over his words.

Eventually, those panicked words were brought to an abrupt halt as poor Nut hit a crack in the sidewalk and fell backwards onto his butt. Xander winced empathetically as he watched and his footsteps came to a stop so he was standing beside Nut, and looking down at his taller friend as Nut stammered out the exact same sentiment that he had stammered out half a dozen times already.

We can't skip.

Xander rolled his eyes as he held his hand out to Nut. He waited until his friend accepted his hand and then Xander pulled him to his feet. His smile was still pleasant, although perhaps not as wide as it had been prior to the repeated nononono we can't skip, because Xander had been really looking forward to having someone to cause havoc with. He would ask Darcy, but she was already on such thin ice that Xander knew that even if she agreed to go, it could be very, very bad. So Xander would just have to do it all on his own yet again, which was totally fine.

He didn't want to make his new friend uncomfortable, of course.

Xander's head tilted slightly to the side as he looked up at Nut.

"Alright, dude, look, it's... it's fine if you don't wanna come, okay?" He said, still smiling, although the disappointment was still evident in his tone of voice. "I don't wanna force you to go if you aren't feeling it or something, but you're uhhh... you don't think you're overreacting a bit or something?" He asked, his smile almost pity filled now instead of anything else, not that Xander realized that.

"And just because you end up in detention once or twice doesn't mean you're a bad kid. You know that, right?" Xander asked, and then placed a paint-stained hand over his chest. "Like, do you think I'm a bad kid? Because I've been in detention quite a few times, but I don't think I'm really a bad kid. I like to think of it as more of a... uhh... like, I'm trying to make memories that'll help me remember these days when I'm old and boring, you know?"

He nodded his head in agreement with himself. Yeah, Xander always had Xander's back.

Hehe, funny, right? Because he was Xander.
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Nut| tags: ditto ditto |
º º code by ditto º º
Angel with a Shotgun

Rory was expecting some actual fucking support from her best friend, as one should. She was the kind of person that didn't want some actual advice. She just wanted her friends to blindly support her, especially when it came to shit such as Ian's poor choice in friends.

She didn't want lectures, and she didn't want people voicing their ill-informed opinions. Because yeah, in her unasked for opinion, they were all ill-informed. Like, was it too much to ask for her to just be able to bitch without people trying to give her advice? And it wasn't even necessarily the advice, it was just that people's advice was always wrong, and you know what the perfect example of that was?

Kelia's next fucking words.

"That, is exactly how I feel about you and your relationship with trouble."

Rory's jaw dropped as her gaze followed after Kelia as her friend headed across the hallway to her locker. Angrily, she snatched her books and notebook out of her locker and slammed it shut before she followed after Kelia, her steps heavy on the ground.

"And you are right, unless you plan to put him on a leash you can't keep track of his every movement which frankly I was tempted to do to you once or twice."

She rolled her eyes as she leaned her shoulder against the locker beside Kelia. Her eyebrows were drawn together, her lips downturned in a frown as she glared at Kelia. Fuck that -- she never needed a leash, because Rory knew how to take care of herself. She knew how to look out for herself and she wasn't a fucking dumbass like her baby brother was. Yeah, see, Rory was fine. Rory had always been fine, and Rory would always be fine. But there was something about Ian that just... she knew just wouldn't be. She couldn't explain it, but like a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Some shit that was kind of just... telling her she needed to keep an eye on him.


There was no way that was how Kelia had ever felt, because Rory had always taken care of herself just fine.

"I would tell you to let him get into trouble once and feel the consequences but that hasn't worked with you so I doubt it would work with him either. Actually... this isn't a bad arrangement."

"Come again?" Rory asked, the look of annoyance now being replaced with one of pure confusion.

"He keeps looking for trouble with Jade, you keep an eye on him so he doesn't get into any, consequently you can't go looking for trouble either and so both stay out of trouble. Brilliant." She shut the locker door as she turned to look at Rory. "I think he should continue being friends with Jade."

And yet again, Rory's jaw dropped fucking open. Practically to the goddamn floor as she stared at her friend.

"Fucking excuse me?" She snapped, and yeah, her tone may have been a bit harsh, but she was still being way fucking nicer about this dumb, dumb fucking idea than she would've been if it had been anyone else that had suggested it. But it being Kelia's mouth that had uttered some a bad idea, well... it was enough to at least keep her fingers clenching her books instead of forming a fist.

"No that's a horrible fucking idea. Horrible. I don't get into troub-- okay, I do, but I can look out for myself." She jabbed one finger into her chest for extra emphasis, her voice kind of a low hiss as she spoke. "I can't fucking be around to watch Ian every time he's with fucking Jade, either, okay? I've got shit to do. Shit that doesn't allow me to just... just... drop fucking everything because my brother's a dumbass."

"No," she snapped, shaking her head again as she repeated the same sentiment as before. "No, no, no. He's just... he's gotta stop hanging out with Jade. End of story. And you know what, just because of your horrible idea... you're going to help me figure out how to make that happen, so." Rory smirked at him.

Well, that was more because Rory didn't have any ideas.
| mentions: Jade, Lance, Ian | interactions: Kelia | tags: Xed Xed |
º º code by ditto º º
Rx (Medicate)

Oh hell yeah. Fuck yeah. Hell to the fuck yeah. Drake had hoped that Link would agree to go with him, and a weary smile flickered onto his features for a moment before falling again. See now this was the kind of support and shit that he really needed, really wanted. People to just blindly agree to go with him and smoke. None of that shit that was all... well, whatever the fuck Ryan and Dani had tried pulling on him on Twitter a while back.

To be perfectly honest, Drake couldn't really remember most of it. That's how most of his memories seemed to be lately it seemed. Brief blips in his thoughts, all clouded and foggy with just the general gist there, but none of the details. The details were lost to the wind, kind of washed up and left muddled on a distant shore somewhere. Or probably underneath the current, drowned.

Yeah, that was more likely.

Everything about Drake could really be related back to drowning.

(Trust him, it made sense.)

Drake led the way out towards the back of the Auburn Springs high school. Naturally, he'd figured out the best places to hide out and smoke a joint within the first couple days of being at the school. Hell, he'd even started his secret stashes around the school, including his all-time favorite: hidden in the ceiling of the locker room. Yeah, that was the best because you know, the school ceilings kinda just popped up.

"I can't get too fucked up. Got practice after school."

He glanced towards Link as he placed the joint in his mouth. He brought his lighter up, one hand hovering on the side of the blunt's end so the breeze didn't knock out the flame as he tried to, well, light the lighter. It took a moment before the weak flame finally started to flicker and, after another second, the joint was lit and blissfulness was just mere minutes away. He put the lighter back in his pocket and breathed in the first inhalation of smoke.

It filled his lungs, and Drake already felt better. Lighter than a feather. Of course he knew that shit hadn't kicked in yet, but there was something about the feel of smoke in his lungs and the smell of a burning joint that just brought him such happiness. He brough the blunt away and held it out to Link, and exhaled slowly, watching as the smoke billowed out in front of him and drifted back into his face.


"So do I," he admitted with a laugh, and he was about to ask what practice? when suddenly something clicked in the haziness of his brain. Mason had mentioned Link's name at some point over the last couple days, and he was willing to bet that was why. "Football?" He asked, and gave a shake of his head. "You're gonna wanna be as fucked up as you can be. Mason and CK are..." he shook his head again as the words failed him.

"They're all grrr and shit the entire practice. Like I could handle it when it was just Mason, ya know? But having two Masons is..." he exhaled slowly, shaking his head yet again, and now his brain started to hurt from all of the rattling around it did. "It's like a pissin' contest that no one's gonna win, ya know? 'Cause they're both too stubborn to give in and shit and it's just... fucking... yeah."
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Link | tags: gh0stwriter gh0stwriter |
º º code by ditto º º
Without Me

Being back in Auburn Springs felt like something out of a nightmare. The halls of this high school had been something that Emmett had never planned to see and after his messy breakup with one bitch who's name he'd rather not think about?

(And yeah, he didn't actually mean bitch but he was kind of hoping that if he thought shitty things about her, the clutching pain in his chest every time her face flashed through his thoughts, or he accidentally passed her in the hallways at their now shared school, or her name was mentioned, or any number of other reminders of her existence might just... you know, it might make that clutching pain just fuck off.)

Emmett wanted to go home. Back to Ambridge -- which was a fucking place he'd never thought that he'd consider home, and even now thinking of it like that just... felt... wrong. Weird. Very wrong and weird. But it was the closest thing he had to a home right now, and that home happened to be Emmett's pallet bed on the floor of his dad's... coworker or some shit's living room while his dad took the couch.

Yeah, he hadn't exactly had the most... stable of living experiences for the past year or so, but fuck it. It was fine.

The only one who knew anything about that was Sydney and, as such, Sydney was also the only person that Emmett was ever willing to share his whole... you know... fucking address with. So fucking suck his dick, Darcy, because she wasn't finding out shit about his address and she could try as hard as she wanted, but with the weekly fucking moves? Ha, good fucking luck.

And he could easily just avoid her at school.

(Also don't suck his dick because he didn't like Darcy like that and the very idea kind of just made his nose crinkle up in disgust.)

And he'd been invited to hangout with the whole gang minus Darcy and of course fucking you know who, which meant just... who? Oph, Syd, and now Syd's girlfriend Chris? You know, the girl that Emmett was positive didn't like him and he couldn't quite figure out why, but he also hadn't bothered to dwell on the entire predicament for all that long. At some point, Emmett had stopped caring so much about what others thought of him.

Originally, he'd been down to go with them, but then Adrian had asked him to hangout. Like fucking look at that -- Em did have friends. Ultimately, he'd ditched on the gang to hang with Adrian alone because, well... the only person he really liked from the gang was Syd, and honestly... hanging with Syd was great and all. And he could tolerate either Oph or Chris, but both of them together pissed him off.

So pizza with Adrian it had fucking been.

He'd been walking down the hallway, minding his own business, when Adrian's familiar voice drew him out of his thoughts. He lifted his gaze from its place on the floor, one eyebrow raising up a bit as he looked over at Adrian as his buddy talked. His expression remained mostly neutral, although there was a small moment of aha in his head. He'd been wondering what happened to his cigarettes.

He flashed Adrian a grin as he took the box of cigarettes back. He popped it open, counting to make sure they were all there and no one had stolen one or two and, upon seeing that all were accounted for, he pushed the box into its familiar place in the pocket of his jacket before turning his attention back to Adrian.

"Oh come on, man," he started. "You're overreacting. Couldn't of been half as bad as you're making it out to be." Emmett said, scoffing as he spoke. Yeah, brushing shit off was something that Emmett had gotten very good at. "Did you tell her they were mine? Is she gonna ground you from hanging out with me? 'Oh not that Emmett Gray kid, he's such a bad influence.'"

He snorted at his own joke.

"Your mom should chill. At least it's not drugs."
| mentions: Kass, Syd, Darcy, Oph, Chris | interactions: Adrian | tags: Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy |
º º code by ditto º º

jade jennings

ambridge > as ~ 17 ~ senior

Surprise. Jade Jennings was actually at school for once and she wasn't defacing school property or sitting in the office. Granted she was coming from the office but still, she wasn't there anymore. Besides, it had been over something stupid anyway so it hardly counted. It wasn't her fault that Mr. Jordan had gotten so offended when she told him that he looked like Mister Clean on drugs. He really did though. The deeply sunken eyes, the fact that he looked like he never showered, and then, of course, he was blindingly bald. Truth hurts.

Still, he had sent her to the principal's office where they threatened to give her detention till the end of the semester if she didn't "straighten up" or whatever. Like she actually cared or would stay after for said detention even if they did give it to her.

She barely showed up to school as is and when she did it was only to get someone else to do her work for her or because she had nothing better to do. It wasn’t that Jade wasn’t smart either, she just didn’t…care enough. Why should she anyway?

As she made her way down the hallway, she could hear a few voices. The sound started off quiet but grew louder and louder until it became close and clear enough for her to recognize one of the voices. Her ugly step-sister, spawn of her mother's long-term sugar daddy. Her eyes rolled at the shrill sound of the she-devil before she spun around to face her, a smirk tugging at her lips when she noticed her sister wasn't alone.

"Nat. Does trying to perfect that mean girl routine ever get old for you? I mean, you're not even friends with the actual mean girls of Auburn Springs. Let me guess, they rejected you? I can't say I blame them," she spat out, letting her eyes flicker over to the guest of honor who got to see the little sister spat in person.

Studying the girl for a moment, she could tell that she didn't recognize her but she seemed like someone who'd fit it better on the Springer side than in Ambridge. "You're new? And they gave you this as a guide? Did you do something wrong? I can only assume having to spend the day with my si-" she caught herself at the disgusting words. "Natalie...is meant to be a punishment," she finished.

♡coded by uxie♡
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the snitch

Nut looked up at Xan, brows knit tightly, downturned lips slightly ajar, and he studied his friend’s face.

Nut wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and he knew that. “Chronic dumbass” was a phrase that got tossed around a lot when his name came up in conversation, and he couldn’t really disagree with that assessment. He wasn’t the best with social cues or understanding what to say when.

What he had a knack for, though, was how people were feeling in any given moment. Now, he often reasoned negative emotions away— part of his undying optimism was taking the bad and switching it out for much more pleasant ideas or just overlooking them entirely— but he could still recognize them.

(Example: he knew, when he hung out at Nat, that she looked disgusted with him; he simply ignored it, though, when he was around her because he liked being around her— and he liked her.)

So, right away, as he looked up at his friend, he caught sight of the way that his smile had faded.


Slowly, Nut reached out to take his hand and let him pull him up.

Oh, so Xan didn’t like him, uh…what he was…doing? What he was saying?

“Alright, dude, look, it’s…it’s fine if you don’t want to come, okay?” Xan said, smiling, but Nut could hear the disappointment in his voice. Nut looked down at his feet.

Oh. It was about him not wanting to skip.

“I don’t wanna force you to go if you aren’t feeling it or something, but you’re uhhh…you don’t think you’re overreacting a bit or something?”

Nut looked up at his friend’s face again, frowning slightly. “Oh, uhh…”

No, no, he didn’t, really. Detention would— would soil his record! And an absence would mean no new certificate!

“And just because you end up in detention once or twice—“ (Nut’s eyes bugged at twice.) “— doesn’t mean you’re a bad kid. You know that, right?” Xan put a paint-stained hand over this chest. “Like, do you think I’m a bad kid? Because I’ve been in detention a few times, but I don’t think I’m really a bad kid. I like to think of it as more of a…uh…like, I’m trying to make memories that’ll help me remember these days when I’m old and boring, you know?”

Xan gave a sure nod to himself, and Nut slowly joined in his nodding.

It was— uh, it was— it was one time.

And, like, like, like, Xanny Manny— Handy Manny Xanny...he sounded so sad and looked so sad, and…and, like, Nut really liked to do the right thing, and he never willingly ever really did anything that was “bad”, but…well, was it worse to hurt his friend, or was it worse to break an— gulp— eleven year streak of perfect attendance to keep from hurting his friend? Because he…

Okay, here. It was time to reason. If Nut had a dollar for every year that he’d gone without missing school a day, he’d have eleven dollars. With eleven dollars, he could buy himself eleven packs of Ramen noodles, which he could keep in his locker and rip open to have as snacks and share with guys like Xan and…Xan.

He would’ve said Nat, but he’d fucked that relationship up…

(Nut was gonna get more friends soon, trust him! He’d only been at this new school for a couple of weeks.)

But…if he hurt Xan, he’d have to eat the Ramen noodles alone, and he didn’t like to be alone. It was always…weird being alone, even if he was alone a lot of the time.


He didn’t want to be alone.

Xan might be the same way, too. He’d have to go alone today, too. And then…then what?

Nut didn’t wanna do that to him.

With a soft sigh, Nut tried to wipe the worry and reluctance from his face but failed miserably. His smile was toothy but more akin to a grimace as he gave Xan his answer. “Yeah…yeah, right. Yeah, I’ll go. Yeah, I’ll get detention,” he said. “Yes, yeah, absolutely. Hell yes, heck yes, fuck yeah, let’s do this, let’s get it, let’s go.”

The more he said variants of yes, the more he felt it, and by the end, he was genuinely smiling, and he was even kinda laughing.

And then he paused, and then his smile fell a bit. “Where…are we going?”

Hopefully it wasn’t too far away. He didn’t want to miss the algebra exam.


the front of the school


monster (under my bed)
by call me karizma​



Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º

  • how she's feeling...

    to be determined

kassidy hale

auburn springs ~ 16 ~ junior

Most teenagers didn't get to school way earlier than they needed to let alone do so in order to get some light studying done in the library before classes, yet here Kassidy was. Sure, to anyone on the outside it seemed as if she was trying to be some outstanding student. For her though, it was less about being an overachiever and more about distraction.

Focusing on school is part of what helped Kass ignore the many things in life that were secretly eating at her. Things she didn't want to talk about or think about or feel. Like her mother's death that she felt like she might never recover from sometimes or her father's sudden stress levels that were causing him to stay up all hours of the night which he wouldn't explain to her. Things like losing all of her friends in one fell swoop at a time where life already felt like it was crumbling beneath her feet.

Speaking of, that was another thing she did when she was trying to not deal with the overwhelming emotions. Push people away. It was something she'd been particularly good at in the past year with people like Oph. Yeah, it was a lot easier to say that the breakup had been the only cause in the rift between friends or that people just grew apart and it was life. It was a lie though. There were a lot of factors, that had just been the first domino to fall and so it was front and center of the situation.

For a year they basically just didn't talk to each other. Well, Kass didn't talk to them and vice versa. Somehow Emmett had managed to come out of it unscathed in her opinion. It seemed as if everything was just the same as before for him. Like they were just...divorced parents and he got full custody or something. Sure, she didn't try to change it because it was the whole thing was just weird. A lot had happened and it was a mess. One she had chosen to ignore until Darcy came back home that is.

Her homecoming should've been a good thing, it was a good thing, but she had also been gone so long. They couldn't talk to her while she was in that damn reform school so naturally, Darcy had no clue what she was walking into. The announcement that she was back should've been met with "I'm so happy you're finally home" messages and the five friends planning a big reunion at Phil's Pizza Parlour. She deserves a warm welcome but that isn't what they gave her.

Instead, the group chat being revived had only brought up memories that clearly none of them cared for and while it had forced them to talk, that wasn't exactly a good thing. The tension between both her and Emmett had always been pretty clear but talking to him again...it was worse than just catching a glimpse of him in the hallways and she already avoided that as best as she could now that he was going to Auburn Springs.

What? Could you blame her?

She didn't want to see him because she didn't want to think about how they used to walk hand in hand back in middle school, how he made her smile when they'd pass notes during history class, the way she really thought they were going to be together forever like only a stupid kid would. Not that Kassidy cared about a silly breakup anymore. It was just annoying.

She was soooo over it. And him...

No. She wasn't. But pretending was so much less painful.

So, again, that explained why she was at the library right now. Where she could get her mind on anything else and added bonus, she didn't run the risk of running into him here so it was the perfect place to hang out until the bell rang. All of that was out of sight, out of her damn mind. At least that was the goal until her eyes landed on another familiar face that brought along a wave of nostalgia as well.

Sydney was Emmett's best friend and of course, her former friend. He was also someone who she had just recently reconnected with when Darcy came back. Things had never been hostile with Syd like they were with Em or sometimes Oph, they just weren't close anymore. But a few days ago they had both agreed on how they needed to catch up again so now was as good a time as any, at least that's what the universe seemed to be telling her.

"Hey, Syd," she said softly as she approached him. "Mind if I sit here?" she added, motioning to the chair across from him.

♡coded by uxie♡
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At first, Prim thought that the reason Natalie would say she shouldn't bother into joining the other clubs was either because it was full of losers or they were just lame because all the money went to sports, well the last one was just an assumption because let's be clear the highschool of Auburn Springs was for sure the kind of school who only cared about sports or was she the only one getting that vibe?

Instead, she started rambling about how the students from Ambridge were now part of them, which piqued Prim's curiosity, she knew about Ambridge even since she was a child, the not so nice part of the city, the one full with the people you don't want to be seen, and for some reason, which by the words of her guide it was because fire and now they were attending the same high school and this Natalie girl had a strong opinion about them calling them savage, well Prim was sure she wouldn't like to know that Prim thought of everyone in Auburn Springs as nobodies, because let's be real, there isn't anyone that was incredibly successful and that came from Auburn Springs, but Prim wasn't going to be the one to break the bubble Natalie lived in.

Listen even if Prim was from Auburn Springs, she at least didn't spend all her life in that hell hole and her time there was just temporary but that was the point of conversation here since Natalie was still rambling about the Ambridge students, talk about holding a grudge, it didn't take long until she addressed a girl, which name was Jade and she was most likely from Ambridge great, with a snarky comment Natalie made her presence being known, especially to this Jade girl and just with the same attitude, excellent the girls are fightthing could this even be worse, she hadn't been there one hour and now she was in the middle of a catfight.

Prim wasn't expecting that the new girl would talk to her since it was pretty obvious she and Natalie wanted to be close to each other, and the words of Jade just added to the facts "I just moved back here, I'm Primrose by the way and I can't really tell I'm just trying to figure how everything is around here. So all the students from Ambridge move because of a fire? I'm sure that's quite the story" She replied, as she ignored the questions about Natalie, she would rather stay neutral, than being added to their bickering, but that didn't mean that Primrose wouldn't use her new girl card to start drama between this two, because Primrose was the type of girl that liked seeing the world burn but no burn in it and seeing this two-fight would be a great show "I know this might sound strange, but are you two like cousins or something? You two resemble the other"
Location: school | Mood: I didn't sign up for this
Outift: Here | Interactions: Nat ( Winona Winona ) Jade ( jasmyn jasmyn )
Primrose Wright

Code by Stardust Galaxy

Sydney Jarvis

Nothing said “I’m so loved and appreciated” like being ditched.

No, seriously, it was okay. I mean, there wasn’t much that could upset a guy like Sydney Jarvis…but still.

I mean, Syd wasn’t irrational. Like, he got it. Oph and Em didn’t necessarily see eye-to-eye anymore, and…well, Chris and Em never had. It made sense with Oph, at least. I mean, she was Kass’ old best friend, and…well, the whole “we aren’t dating so we gotta hate each other” thing with Em and Kass? Like, it made sense that he and Oph didn’t necessarily get along anymore. He still didn’t know what the hell Chris’ deal was with Em, but…well.

To be clear, it wasn’t the kinda thing there of, like, “I don’t want him to come”. To be honest, if he could, Syd would spend all of his time with Em— okay, no, that sounded creepy...but you got his gist. But it was a thing of “I don’t want him to come if he’s going to be miserable the whole time”.

Look, he’d anticipated that Em wasn’t going to be a fan of the whole “let’s go to a Mexican restaurant and chill together” thing that he had going on with Oph. First of all, it had come up on a dime— it literally just came from Syd being like “ayo I don’t really wanna hang at this bonfire if you aren’t there”, Oph being like “I can’t, I have brothers to watch”, and Syd being like “lol sucks, let’s go out to eat— I’ll sneak you out”— and knowing Em, he’d need time to mentally prepare to handle having to deal with Oph, but…well, second of all, Sydney had invited his girlfriend to come along, which…uh, her, together with Oph? Yeah, no. He was sure that Em wasn’t going to like that. (And yeah, yeah, Chrissy wasn’t going to like it, either.)

So, he didn’t invite him. Outta sight, outta mind. Tree-fell-in-a-forest-and-Em-wasn’t-there-to-hear-it-type-thing.

And then Oph went and invited Em.

And she made Syd break the news to Chris.



But, to be honest, he was kinda excited. I mean, a date with his three favorite people in the world and he didn’t have to sell his soul or bribe them into coming beyond offering to buy them the mid-tier Mexican food with his allowance? Sounded like a fucking deal if he’d ever heard one.

…and then Em had just…not…shown.

Syd was kinda feeling that phrase, uh..."always the bridesmaid never the bride".

Was that the right phrase?

Okay, he didn’t mean it in a simp-y way. He just felt, uh...he just…

Nevermind, actually…heh. Just...diiiisregard.

Oh look. A butterfly.

Okay, and now his stories were all jumbled.

Yeah, so that happened, he narrowly avoided a fight with Chris over Em, and— oh.

Did he mention how Darcy came back?

That was a big thing.

A big thing.

Yeah— yes. That Darcy— Dar Dar Binks, the one and only. The truest, bestest Darcy Harris that there was, straight outta the…uh…anger-management-thingy-that-he-couldn’t-remember-the-name-for.

Forgive him if he didn’t sound enthused. It was mostly just that…well…

He kinda treated her shittily, and he apologized for it…and then they fought again.

Her welcome hadn’t been the most pleasant. It wasn’t her fault that she texted the— psht— “BFFS5EVER” group chat. Yeah, that old thing. It was mega-awkward, and Syd, as excited as he was, just texted “welcome back!”…and…left.

Yeah. It was great going on his part.

And then, uh…well, he said that he was sorry, and they kinda patched that over.

And then she harassed Em for “being a dick” and also saying that he hated her.

Okay, Syd knew that…well…Em could be a dick sometimes. Don’t tell anyone that he admitted that, but…yeah. Look, everyone had their moments, and Darcy didn’t understand what Em had gone through. And Em saying that he hated Darcy wasn’t right— but it also wasn’t the truth, and Syd knew that. Still, if Em didn’t want to apologize for that, there was no reason for Darcy to incessantly text him— and then try to get Chris to talk to Syd and try and get Em’s address from him.

It was a whole mess…

…but Syd had stayed up until Sunday morning making a little card for her. It wasn’t the most pretty thing, but…well, Syd never claimed to be an artist. He’d hot glued a box of apology cigarettes in it— she seemed like the type to smoke, too— and he taped a photo-copied photo of the group when they were kids.

Things had changed, definitely…but he wanted to welcome Darcy back, really.

He’d also…well, he’d chatted with Kass. No, seriously, he didn’t mean to sound so…uh…dejected there. In truth, he was very happy that he’d reconnected with her. He…well, they were close at one point, even if it was elementary school, and, yeah, throughout the breakup, he’d tried to be there, but it had just been so long.

And Darcy coming back and looking back through his old photos to make that card for her just brought back so many memories that, yeah…yeah, it was totally random, but he wanted to become friends with her again.

The conversation had gone surprisingly well, and Syd had an ice cream date with her at some nondescript time in the future.

Which, to be honest, felt kinda weird because she was his best friend’s ex and…well…not even an ex that he wanted him with to be begin with and, yeah, may or may not have stretched the truth about to separate, but that was neither here nor there, and if he wanted to move on with his life, he was just going to have to…well, move on, forget that, and work on becoming friend with Kass again.

Needless to say, it was a very, very, very eventful weekend.

And…fuuuuuuuck, it was Monday morning already, and there went his alarm, screeching him into consciousness.

Syd slapped weakly at the soccer ball alarm clock on his nightstand, only succeeding in knocking it off of his nightstand along with...

As he bent to pick it up, groaning, he realized that he’d knocked off the history textbook that he was supposed to study over the weekend.


…Well, guess who was skipping third period today?

What was that, teach? Oh, no, he was having a case of the runs! Must have been some bad food from Saturday. Oh, yeah, no! It was just, uh…the food poisoning had lain latent in his gut and had only just now kicked in— and it would miraculously stop at the bell ringing. It must’ve been that particular pitch that did it! Spread the word.

He dragged himself out of bed, and within the next forty minutes, it was time to drive his favorite little shit and his surprisingly pleasant older brother to pristine Auburn Springs High.

Of course, after they left and went into the school, he had to satiate the need that came upon him at least once an hour via one of the packs of cigarettes in his glovebox.

After that, he headed inside, and he remembered, once again, that damn history test.

…Could he really afford to miss that class again? He really didn’t want Mr. Jarvis— or “Dad” or whatever he’d like him to call him, because it tended to slip his mind— to, uh…get a call from the school saying that his recently-adopted, supposedly upstanding son had missed class too many times. It was bad enough as was with his low grades.

With a soft sigh, he pulled the card he’d made for Darcy out of his bag and slipped it into her locker with her poorly-scrawled name facing upward. He, uh…didn’t really, uh…he wasn’t equipped for an in-person delivery.

He hoped that she’d see the card— and wouldn’t immediately throw it out.

Moving past that, he walked to the library, brows furrowed.

Well…it looked like it was time try and cram all of the information that he should’ve been studying for the past two months into his brain really quick.

He pulled his textbook out of his backpack with a grunt of effort, flipping it open to chapter three.

His lips moved slightly as he read the same paragraph over and over and over again.

And over.

And over and over and over again.

"Hey, Syd," came a soft voice, and he looked up in confusion at his name.

When he saw who was speaking, a small smile broke out onto his face. “Oh, hey, Kass,” he greeted casually, leaning back in his chair slightly.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked, motioning to the chair across from him.

“Oh, be my guest,” he said, his smile broadening, and he pushed it out for her with his foot.

He glanced down at his textbook and at the same paragraph that he’d been reading over and over and over again, and he pushed it to the side slightly, instead turning his eyes too Kass.

“What’s up?” he asked in a quiet voice. “You coming in here to cram, too, or just to sit and chill whilst you watch me try and memorize the names of some historical random with a constipated look on my face?” he teased.

He closed the cover of his book, but he kept his hand on the page, and he sat his elbow on the table, propping his head up on his chin. “I’m glad to see you here,” he admitted. “It’s so damn boring. I can’t get these words to stick in my head. Seriously, why the fuck should I care about William Seward’s weird ass obsession with Alaska? I don’t even know where Alaska is. I mean, come on.”

no thoughts, head empty-- also fuck alaska

the library

casual, but ignore the gloves

chasing cars (live)
by snow patrol​

chris, em, oph, darcy, & ed


geminiy geminiy (just because of the card thing, hehe)
jasmyn jasmyn

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Kill The Director

It was funny.

Talking with Angie had almost made Ophelia feel like a girl. Their 'banter' if— you could even call it that. It had reminded her of one of those movies where the mean girl picks on the wallflower, and.. yeah, that sounded really sad but of course-- Ophelia was the cool main character and Ange was just the mean, boring extra who gets tomato sauce thrown at her at the end of the movie y'know?

Why tomato sauce exactly?

Because, well, since the past few weeks since she'd gotten the job at Phil's.

Phil's pizzeria, that is.

Yes, the one where Em, Kass, Darcy, Syd and Oph would go to all the damn time. It's a depressing reminder but hey, free pizza. Is she right or is she right? Anyway, since she'd gotten the job at the pizza parlor Oph's mind has been filled with everything pizza related. Last night, she could've sworn she was hand-tossing one in her sleep. Which... should say something about where she's spending her time most days because she's just a server.

“I would be a great muse…”

Ophelia felt almost compelled to watch.

Her gaze lingered on Ange, and she wondered if she too, believed that Ophelia being here had somehow meant she was intruding between the blonde and her own reflection.

Could a girl genuinely be that in love with herself?

The answer?


Most definitely not.

But did it seem like it?

The way she carried herself, the way she spoke, the way her eyes would give a once over to anyone walking past her— absolutely.

But, even Angie knew deep, deep, deep down that she was nobody than anybody else.

Course’ she’d have something to say about that, but it was just the truth.

Despite knowing the ‘truth,’ that didn't mean Ophelia didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable or insecure at the sight of her. Facades were a very big thing, and no matter how good of a liar Angeline was, everybody has insecurities. If somebody could genuinely look in a mirror and not have a second thought about the smallest thing, well, then they just weren't human.

“... Uh, I’m sure you would be. I probably would’ve made you my real one if you didn’t question my lying skills.”

To be fair, Oph definitely wasn’t the greatest liar. But when it came down to important things, she thinks she could pull it off quite well.

Not a jack of all trades, but a jack of pulling something out of her ass whenever the hell she needs something at that moment in time, thank you.

"Pun game on point too?! Tsk, and you said I should be the comedian. "

Ophie rolled her eyes, standing her ground against the lockers, deciding to listen to Ange's whole ‘mean’ girl act.

It wasn't like she had anywhere to be.

At least nowhere right now.

But as Angeline continued...

Ophelia wished she was anywhere but here.

"But hm…”

She sighed, walking closer to Oph and the brunette watched her, curious in whatever she was on about now.

"Damn, it’s almost like…hm…”

Hm what? Get to the point, woman.

Angie tapped her chin, clearly trying to get a rise out of the younger girl-- and it was working.

“The poem was written about some kind of deep feelings that you don’t want anyone to know about…"

At this, Oph couldn't help but stiffen slightly, furrowing her brows in confusion and obvious discomfort. She crossed her arms but Ophelia did nothing more, staying almost incredibly quiet even as her next words came to pass.

“Or maybe something happened? You were in love with some girl…”

They made eye contact and Ophelia’s stomach churned.

“…and the love was unrequited?”

What the hell was this chick on? Adderall? How was she still focused on the damn poem? If anything, she was determined, Oph would give her that.

“Or is that too stereotypical? Ooh, wait— was it a rejected confession?”

Angeline laughed and Oph suddenly made herself smaller, shrinking a little against the lockers.

“Oh, you do seem like the pitiful type to have one of those.”

Ophelia avoided eye contact at this point, instead finding the floor much more interesting than the blonde’s face. A face that reminded her of a certain someone a little too much.

“Do tell, do tell, I’m all ears.”

What was someone supposed to do in a situation like this? Oph felt interrogated, backed up into a corner like a sad little raccoon who got caught digging through the trash.



Saved by the bell.

“Great convo. Afraid’ I have to get wherever the hell I’m supposed to be, enjoy torturing the girls in the bathroom Ange, I know it’s your favorite pastime and mine to comfort them.”

Two fingers were placed horizontally against her forehead and off, saluting the girl as she kicked herself off the lockers, adjusting her bag before going… anywhere Angeline wasn’t.

The rest of those few hours went by uneventful, Angeline and her faithful sidekick, the poem— the poem that she wrote, by the by. That unholy pair had been the only downside of her school day so far, don’t get Oph wrong though— she’s just waiting for the rest to drop.

Fail a pop quiz? Have some random pretty chick insult her? Fall into the toilet— look, man. Who knows? The list just goes on and on. Safe to say Oph wasn’t an optimistic person half the time.

Can you really blame her though?

She sat at the empty lunch table, picking at some chipped paint when she glanced up, noticing Kass making conversation with some random guy with an irritating smile on her face.

She hated that.

How could she just… throw random smiles at all these people, strike up conversations, walk into school and everyone immediately perks up as if she were a godsend.

Ophelia wondered what it was like to be Kassidy Hale.

What was it like to be so annoyingly perfect that it hurt?

Suddenly, her vision was blocked by another blonde and Oph looked up to see none other than Devilline herself. It was weird, it was like the girl sensed an ounce of gossip to be had and followed it with a sniff of her nose like a dog.

Bark, bark, Ange.

“Twice in one day? Couldn’t stay away huh?”
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Ange| tags: ditto ditto |
º º code by ditto º º

angeline jumper
the bitch

The little girl looked so uncomfortable, like a kid standing onstage at a Christmas concert just before they pissed their pants. It made Angeline’s heart happy, just seeing her squirm like a worm on a hook or a bug trapped in a spider’s web.


“Yes?” Angeline pressed, bearing her bright, predatory smile. “Well? Spit it out. Come on, go ahead; I believe in you.”


Well, fuck.

Angie glared up at the speaker, a scowl flicking across her face.

“Great convo,” Oph said quickly. “Afraid I have to get wherever the hell I’m supposed to be, enjoy torturing the girls in the bathroom Ange, I know it’s your favorite pastime and mine to comfort them.”

The small girl gave her a two-finger salute, and Angeline, scowling darkly, glared down at her as she walked off.

“Absolutely invigorating,” Angeline said, putting a manicured middle finger to her forehead and flicking her wrist to salute the retreating figure.

Ugh. Little girls. Oph really thought that she had done something by that last…comment, but there was one thing to know about Angeline:

Nothing could deter her.

• • • • •​


Usually, Angeline Jumper was pasted to the side of Valerie Flores as they made their way to the lunch tables, Angie with her salad and Val with whatever she pleased, and she would seat herself on the edge of her seat at the table, cross her legs, check her makeup, and then glare down random people at other tables as she gossiped with Val and Nat and Myron and whomever else was deemed worthy enough to join them that day.

However, there were rare times when Angie had more pressing matters to address. Typically, those matters weren’t really issues and were more I want to hit on the new hot dude, but on occasion, there were secrets to dig or drag (“bully” was too gross of a word, as was “harass”) out of the weaker and less fortunate who just so happened to make any sort of misstep in front of Angie or arouse any sort of curiosity from her.

Today, one such target had aroused suspicion, curiosity, and just general interest: Ophelia Warren, the little Bridger-Springer half-breed pound puppy who, as Angie approached the tables with her salad, was staring at...

Angie followed her eyes, and she immediately knew who. A laugh bubbled out of her, but it was slightly disgusted.

Ophelia was staring at Kassidy Hale. Yes, that Kass— Angie’s cousin.

Angeline walked in front of the table to block Ophelia’s view, putting one hand on the table while the other held her salad. A falsely sweet and friendly smile snaked its way across her face.

“Hello, fair Ophelia,” Angie said in her sickly-sweet, mocking way.

“Twice in one day?” Oph asked. “Couldn’t stay away huh?”

Angie laughed prettily, bringing the hand sitting on the table up to cover her nose. “I really couldn’t.” She inclined her head poising her finger on her chin. “I’ve been thinking about that poem that you wrote, actually— all morning.” She looked up at the light, pretending to be straining to think a smile of false admiration came upon her face. “What were the words…summer rain…?” She giggled, looking back at Oph. She swatted the air. “I can’t get it out of my head. Beautiful, really.” Her sweetness made the comment obviously sarcastic.

She shook her head. “I asked you about your inspiration this morning, and the bell so rudely interrupted us.” She gestured to the cafeteria’s speaker. “However, judging by the way you were shifting so much…” She giggled. “I think I was on the right track.”

She took a step to the side, looking at Kass and speaking to Oph. “You were staring at my cousin,” she said, and then she looked at Oph, face unamused for a moment before a cunning smile came upon her face. “What’s your weird obsession with her?” Her smile was growing more vicious by the second. “It’s creepy, if I’m honest— in an almost obsessive way.” She giggled, then cocked her head slightly. “Are you jealous of her?” she asked. “Or…hm...”

She slowly stepped in front of the table to obstruct Oph’s view once again, and she leaned down putting down her salad so she could place both hands on the table. “Is it something more?” She looked Oph in the eyes, her smile full of venom as she sat up, poising a finger on her chin. “Summer rain?”

(you're the) devil in disguise
by elvis presley​

kass < 3

ophelia < 3

Soap Soap < 3

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Darcy Harris
@D-Rated has set their status to:

@D-Rated has set their outfit to:
whatever (ft boots)

@D-Rated has set their location to:
somewhere in the school

@D-Rated has mentioned:
Syd, Em, Oph, Kass

@D-Rated has interacted with:

@D-Rated has tagged:
ditto ditto
“Welcome back to another fresh fuckin’ layer of hell,” Darcy growled to herself, or perhaps to the school towering in front of her.

Ah, Auburn Springs High: the biggest sack of steaming dog shit this side of town. That should have been the school’s motto, really, because between the obnoxious students and the stuck up staff and the constant smell of something gross lingering in the hallways after P.E. class, it really was a steaming sack of dog shit.

Unfortunately for Darcy, she had pretended for the longest time that she was going to love being home again. She had convinced herself from within the walls of Saint Helldrews that Auburn Springs would be a welcome saviour from all the stupid live in therapy and the roommates and all the extra stupid shit that her previous home (could she even call such a nasty place a home?) had offered her. Darcy could deal with the foolish amount of Daddy’s money that caused people to lose their last brain cell or the overly fancy cars revving their engines at like four in the morning if it meant getting out of Saint Andrews. That was a normal compromise right?

Yeah, no. Darcy Harris could not have been more incorrect.

Look, Saint Andrews was bad. We’re talking next level horrible here, even for someone as tough and resilient as Darcy. The school was horrible, the counselling sucked, her roommate smelled consistently of onions, the food tasted like cardboard. But Auburn Springs? It was the same kind of bad but in the complete opposite direction.

Everything about Auburn Springs was polished and calculated, the entire town feeling like it would collapse if someone breathed too hard or a singular gelled hair fell out of place. There was no room for fun or casualness or anything besides uptight perfection: completely the opposite of what Darcy wanted out of her life. She was the kind of girl that was rough and tumble, the kind of person that strayed from the norm to do whatever the hell she wanted. Auburn Springs couldn’t offer her that.

Returning to such a weird and almost dystopian town was bad enough but there had been exactly a singular thing, well technically two things, that she was looking forward to upon her return. Darcy had missed Xander more than anything, their communications over the past year having been cut by the stupid administrators at Saint Andrews (because talking to the one person who keeps you sane is totally a great therapy technique, 10/10 job there). Darcy had also missed her best friends, the people that she had known forever and had loved for just as long.

Unfortunately for Darcy, they fucking hated her guts.

Darcy didn’t know what she did wrong, seeing as she hadn’t been allowed to speak to them in well over a year and a half, but apparently someone got a stick up their ass about something Darcy had done. Sure, everyone claimed it wasn’t her, but come on? No friend group just goes up in flames the second someone leaves without a reason and since Darcy was the one that had changed, clearly it was her fault.

Ah yes, Darcy Harris: Queen of Fuckups She Wasn’t Even Aware She Caused (the Third).

So yeah, Auburn Springs sucked as it was, but now she was faced with a whole new problem. Cast your votes now! What is Darcy’s new problem? Is it:
a) Having no friends left
b) Being blamed for an issue she wasn’t even aware was happening
c) Still harbouring feelings for someone from a long time ago (and is afraid to see said person)
d) Being back in a shithole town
e) Once again being the new kid only this time, she’s a new kid featuring Anger Issues

Did you cast your vote?

TRICK QUESTION! It was actually:
f) All of the fucking above.

With a heavy sigh, Darcy pushed past a group of girls and into the school. Fuck that place, fuck those people, fuck those people especially, fuck, fuck, fuck.

She was mad. Darcy was really, really mad. No amount of begging to her parents worked to stop her from returning to school so, on top of attending the place against her will, now she was stuck in the same building that the people who now hate her along with every other idiotic Tom, Dick, and Harry in Auburn Springs (and apparently Ambridge, but that was a whole different story that Darcy really didn’t give a shit about).

Roaming through the hallways, Darcy stopped in front of a group of lockers. 1101, 1102, 1103, 1105… Wait, where the hell was 1104? Where the hell was her locker?

“Are you fucking serious?” Darcy growled under her breath. Looking around, her eyes settled on the (apparently) very illusive locker 1104. Pulling open the door, a small item fell onto Darcy’s boots.

Great, not even one day back and she was already getting creepy shit shoved in her locker. Just. Fucking. Perfect.

Picking up the paper, which she now realized was a card, Darcy’s face fell. She recognized that scrawl anywhere, there wasn’t even a reason to read the name. Sydney Jarvis, one of the many people that apparently couldn’t stand her anymore. Anger boiled in Darcy’s veins. Seriously, a card? Not even just a card but a card shoved into her locker and not even given to her? Within the card, alongside a weirdly written apology note, was a package of cigarettes and a photo.

Darcy ripped the photo off of the card, scowling down at the faces that stared back at her. Everyone in that photo were people she had once considered family, people that she had spent long lonely nights hoping and dreaming that she would get to see again, people that Darcy wanted nothing more than to tell them everything that had happened to her. People that were effectively nothing more than strangers now. Darcy knew she fucked up with what had happened, but she never thought defending her brother would mean she would lose them.

She had none of them anymore. Not Em, not Syd, not Kass, not Ophelia. Fuck, Darcy barely even had herself. The photo only stood as a sick reminder that while she was doing the time she had to, the world grew to hate her.

So, in one swift movement, Darcy dumped the entire thing in the trash can and slammed her locker door.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Darcy growled to the group of boys slightly down the way from where she was standing, four pairs of nosey eyes staring right through her. Somewhere down the hall, another locker was slammed.

Er, rather slammed upon.

A familiar face amongst the crowd, finally. Books tucked under her arm, Darcy walked up to the open locker door and leaned against the now extra-dented locker.

“To think I’m the one who people think have serious anger management problems,” Darcy scoffed, reaching out and closing the locker door rather sharply in CK’s face. “What’s up? It’s been a minute since we’ve last talked, Chelsea.”

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Lost Boys

Really, Xan could've cared less one way or another if Nut decided to tag along with him. Again, sure, it would be nice to have the company, but putting his own friend's (and so far only friend at the school) comfort over his own selfish desires was something that, well... Xander was willing to do. He was used to being alone, anyway, even if he didn't particularly enjoy it. It was one of those things that you kind of rolled with eventually. Got used to the whole... no one wanting to hang around with you that he'd adjusted to at his private school following the last couple of years.

However, then Nut did the unexplainable. He changed his tune and suddenly, suddenly, he was saying that he actually did want to skip with Xander! And Xander couldn't stop the bright grin that became plastered on his face thanks to that sudden change. Because hey, getting into trouble was fun, but getting into trouble with friends, well...

Okay to be fair, he'd never actually gotten into trouble with friends, but he imagined that it was great fun. And you know what else? Xander was willing to bet that being arrested with friends created the kind of unbreakable bond that he'd only ever managed to achieve with Darcy.

"Dude, really?" He asked, double checking that this was what Nut wanted to do, but then he didn't wait for a chance for Nut to reply. After all, this was every chance that giving him that chance to rethink his decision might cause him to back out, and then Xander would be back to square one.

Square one being completely alone, naturally.

"Well, c'mon, Nutella," Xander said with a tilt of his head and then he resumed his walk away from the school. His steps were more purposeful this time, and the bounce to his walk had returned tenfold now that that little block in the road had been removed -- that block of course being Nut's apprehension at skipping school, which led Xan to believe that he'd probably have an equally large conniption regarding... well... their illegal fun.

So he decided not to mention it yet.

Nut asked where they were going, and Xan's response for now was just a simple shrug.

"Not sure yet. See where the day takes us or something. That's a saying, isn't it? Some kind of life motto?"

Xander actually didn't know if it was, nor did he care enough to continue to ponder and try to remember what he was trying to reference. In fact, within seconds, the entire sentence had been forgotten and discarded in the back of his head and Xander was now focused on more important things.

Like the burning questions that kept him up late at night, unable to sleep, tossing and turning in his bed as he pondered whatever the answer may be.

So he looked over at Nut, his eyebrows drawn together with a certain curiosity, and then he asked the burning question.

"Are you allergic to nuts? 'Cause wouldn't it be kinda funny if you were allergic to nuts and your nickname was Nut? Like naming yourself after something that could kill you. Ballsy."
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Nut| tags: ditto ditto |
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Aristocrat by New Politics

"Always such a pleasure to speak with you, Jade," Natalie responded to the bitch, her words dripping heavy with sarcasm. Normally, Natalie would have no issue is just ignoring her step sister's nagging remarks. Most of the time, she would allow Jade to throw her little tantrum and then when she was done, Natalie would excuse herself. There was no point in giving into Jade's cutting words, because clearly, the blonde bimbo enjoyed it a little too much.

However, she was already annoyed with... who knew what when it came to Natalie, plus this ridiculous little tour, and Jade even had the gall to try and say that getting a tour led by Natalie was equivalent to torture. Honestly, how dare she. What gave her the right to be so brutally mean to Natalie with no reason?

It took a lot to bite her tongue and to not engage any further with Jade -- of course, ignoring the fact that Natalie had been the one to start this little spat between the two of them. But alas, the young blonde would never accept fault for anything, least of all something that she could so easily write off as someone else's fault in her head.

And then, Prim spoke.

And asked the worst question that Natalie had ever had the horror of hearing.

"I know this might sound strange, but are you two like cousins or something? You two resemble the other."

"Are you kidding me?" Natalie snapped immediately, her nose wrinkling up in pure disgust, her pale eyes burning with hatred as she looked away from Jade to the new biggest threat to her reputation. Imagine if that kind of ridiculous rumor became, well, a rumor and started traveling around. It would tarnish her name and whatever scraps of reputation she was so adamantly protective of. For anyone to think...

To think that she might be related to a Bridger.

And not just any kind of Bridger, not just any normal, drug addicted, career criminal Bridger.

No, she would be attached to one that was known for her promiscuous behavior and would inevitably fall into the same shoes as her gold-digging bitch of her mother.

"Absolutely not," Natalie snapped. "Not related at all, and thank god. I don't know what I would ever do if I had to admit to being related to this trash." She waved a dismissive hand at Jade, even risking a glance over at her, but looking at the blonde and thinking that they might have some sort of resemblance made her nose wrinkle up even further in disgust.

Honestly, she had never heard such a cruel insult directed at her.

"However, unfortunately, she does live with me. My father married her mother, and for heaven knows what kind of reasons." Although she didn't say it, it was implied in there that her father was simply too good for Jade's mother, and also, oh... that Natalie definitely saw her as a gold digging whore.

But she didn't say it aloud, so Jade couldn't fault her for it.
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Primrose, Jade| tags: Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy jasmyn jasmyn |
º º code by ditto º º


“To think I’m the one who people think have serious anger management problems.”

The words were pointed at him, and Chelsea sighed deeply. The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but not familiar enough to conjure any memory or image in his head. He pulled his head out of the locker and sat back on his heels, looking down at the person who was talking to him.

It took him a moment to recognize the short, petite girl as he peered down his nose with his stoic expression.

“What’s up?” she asked. “It’s been a minute since we’ve last talked, Chelsea.”

It clicked as she said his name.

“Harris,” he said with a sigh, disinterest glazing over his eyes. He leaned his head back into his locker. “It has been a minute.” He pulled out a book and tucked it beneath his arm, brushing his hair off of his forehead with a few fingers.

He glanced to his left.

The girl was still there.

“What do you want?” he asked, voice thoroughly unamused. He raised an eyebrow. “Are you getting back to the old grindstone by speaking to me, as that always quickly turns to annoying the living shit out of me, or are you just coming to have small talk?”

The anger that he felt only moments before during his brief conversation (if you could even venture to call it that) with Monroe was obviously still present, and it cut with every short word.

Then again, Chelsea usually spoke in that way. The boy was notorious for his serious, perpetually-pissed attitude, hence his reputation for 1) never being able to take a joke and 2) not being that pleasant to hold a conversation with, in general.

(The latter tended to get misconstrued as Chelsea can’t hold a conversation, but he was very eloquently spoken and well-versed in taking his way out of things (or simply talking in circles). He was a Freud, and the son of a Camus; his eloquence— and seriousness— were a small but important part of his formidability. Suffice to say, Chelsea could hold a conversation. His tone, though, made him seem so condescending that it was far from “nice” to speak with him.)

He glanced at the clock. There were ten minutes before the bell.

Looking at her again, he heaved a sigh. “Welcome back. Now go away,” he said in his steady, even tone, and he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. “Nice to see you again.”

His tongue was firmly in his cheek.

He began to make his way away from her and down the hall, working his jaw and praying that she wouldn’t follow.

He couldn’t handle annoying little shits today.

(Or ever, really.)


the school

something preppy

gives you hell
by the all-american rejects​



geminiy geminiy

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  • how she's feeling...

    worried >> fucking annoyed

danielle monroe

ambridge ~ 17 ~ junior

Dani should've walked away from the situation the second she realized that Chelsea Freud was the source of the voice. After all, her friends had recently kidnapped him and threatened him. No, not only him but his sister as well. Dani might not have tied him up herself or threatened him directly but she hadn't exactly done anything to stop the whole thing either.

Dani had been there and she knew it was wrong but she did fucking nothing to stop it. Sly was never easy to sway once his mind was made up but if anyone could've gotten him to rethink, it was Dani and she knew it. She was well aware that she could've done something and she didn't. Conclusion: Danielle Monroe was just as guilty.

Now Sly was missing and she hadn't heard from Ren either, it was safe to say that Dani was alone, at least for the time being. The way Chelsea looked at her was as if he knew this. Like he had locked in on it and was ready to use it to her advantage.

“You’re new at this school, and now that I’m seeing you again, I figured that I’d tell you…learn some respect.”

"Respect? Funny. I'm afraid I don't see what there is to respect here. -- You must really be on edge from being so easily taken down by mere peasants, huh? What a shame that in reality, the self-proclaimed king of Auburn Springs High is nothing but a weak link. Good thing for you that your peers haven't seen through your tough guy act like we have," she countered.

Did she know what had happened was wrong? Yes. Did she wish she could have a fucking redo on that entire night? Absolutely. Was she gonna back down and let him feel like she was some puppy running away with its tail tucked? Hell no.

“Bridgers might fight, but Springers? We do it cleaner, better, and without dirtying our hands. Don’t test your luck—“ he glared down at her “— further than you have already.”

As his eyes locked with hers, she could see the warning behind them. The hidden threat of "one wrong move and I can ruin your life" in his every word. Her jaw clenched as she attempted to keep her expression steady, not wanting to reveal even a hint of fear even though she was scared. Not of him in particular because he was nothing to her, but of what he was capable of doing or what he may have already done.

“And don’t test my patience. I’m a Freud if you haven’t heard. What you’ve seen of me is nothing.”

Nothing was right. Sure, she had heard plenty from Sly and Mason. She had seen his arrogant displays of "I'm the alpha" on Twitter but in person, she'd seen nothing to support what she took as an act. Still, she was far from dumb. Explosive? Impulsive? Loyal to a fault. Yes, yes, and yes. But outright dumb...no. Dani knew he was pissed and rightfully so. It was only a matter of time before something came of it.

"Do yourself a favor, Freud. Don't mistake me being alone here today for weakness. You'd regret it," she countered his threat through clenched teeth.

Of course, even as the narcissistic bastard went to walk away he couldn't help but turn around to give her one last "piece of advice" or whatever before making his way to the school building. She watched him until he disappeared, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was even holding.

Her eyes flickered over to his shiny sports car and all she wanted to do was drive the key from her bike right along the side of it. Scratch up the pretty paint job that he probably took way too much pride in. Luckily she a new voice caught her attention and pulled her from the destructive thought causing her to turn and see who it was.

None other than Ryan Murphy. Talk about great timing.

♡coded by uxie♡

the snitch

(tw: brief mention of child abuse)

A bright smile came onto Xander’s face, and that was enough for Nut to think that he made the right decision, at least in the moment.

His friend was smiling! His friend wasn’t upset anymore! That was good enough for him.

“Dude, really?” Xan asked, and Nut gave a nod, hoping that they’d get going before he changed his mind.

Usually, once Nut made up his mind about something, it was set in stone, but with risky things— risky things like skipping class and ruining his perfect attendance record—…ehhh, not so much.

But he didn’t have to hope for long, because hardly a beat after Xan finished that sentence, he started another one.

“Well, c’mon, Nutella,” Xan said, beckoning Nut to come along with a tilt of his head, and then he started tromping away all determinedly.

“Nutella…?” Nut repeated in a mutter to himself, and then a smile spread across his face.

A nickname? Nut never got called nicknames.

Well, aside from Nut, but that was what he asked people to call him.

Oh, and Narc. Nut got called Narc a lot, too.

And Snitch.

And Annoying.

Oh! Oh!

And Waste of Space. Couldn’t forget that classic.

He flinched at that thought, but he quickly brushed it aside, smiling again.


A nickname.

A term of endearment.

Given by a…


Nut hadn’t really had one of those before, either.

That was what he wanted when he came to this new school, but then he’d gotten all caught up with Nat. He still wanted to be friends with her, but now that he’d cried in front of her, he’d kind of ruined it.

But now…he had Xan.

That was…hehe, look at him go.

Nut began to follow behind Xan like a puppy, nearly on his heels.

"Not sure yet,” Xan responded. “See where the day takes us or something. That's a saying, isn't it? Some kind of life motto?"

“Motto?” Nut asked curiously, and he touched the pads of his fingers to his chin in thought.


“I dunno,” he concluded with a shrug, smiling brightly. “I know they put things like…’stop and sniff the flowers’ and stuff on sticky things for your bumpers. You mean that?” He paused another moment, looking up at the roof over the walkway. He could see a bird’s nest in one of the railings, and he studied it for as long as he could until they passed it, and then he looked at the back of Xan’s head. “Sounds like one to me!” he said, quickening his pace so he could walk alongside Xan. “Like…uh…I could see that on a license plate! Or whatever those things are called.”

Xan looked over at him, brows knit together, and Nut wondered for a moment if he’d said something wrong.

“Are you allergic to nuts?” Xan finally asked.

“‘uh?” Nut asked, cocking his head.

“‘Cause wouldn’t it be kinda funny if you were allergic to nuts and your nickname was Nut? Like naming yourself after something that could kill you. Ballsy,” Xan said.

Nut laughed, smiling brightly. “That’d be hilarious!” he remarked. More laughter bubbled from his lips. “Like nicknaming yourself, uh…Spider when you were afraid of spiders or Heart Attack when you’re on, like, life support or something!”

That slipped out.

“Sorry,” he said quickly. “The last one was kinda sad.”

He shook his head dismissively. “No,” he answered Xan’s question. “I like nuts. I like peanuts and almonds and chestnuts and pecans and all kinds of them. Not allergic to them. And even if I was, I would still eat them. Peanut butter is, like…bitching.” He laughed happily. “But I eat just about anything. I even ate a hamburger that someone left on a table once when I was a kid. That was a bad idea, though. I dunno what they did to it, but I had to get taken to the nurse’s office during PE. They took me to the hospital and my stomach got pumped!” He shook his head. “And then my mom got pissed at—…enough of that story!”

Yeah, he wasn’t going to overshare and tell his friend that his mom bitch-slapped him and bruised up his torso for that. Nut might not have had much of a filter, but he knew where to stop a personal story.

Nut also had a pressing question, and he was going to ask that now that Xan had asked him his.

“Isn’t Xan a drug?” Nut asked incredulously. “Do you do drugs?”

But Nut! You don’t ask people that kind of stuff! you might be thinking.

But he can’t hear you.

He’s just a character.



the front of the school


monster (under my bed)
by call me karizma​



Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:
mood: blazin’
outfit: shirt and pants
location: school
mentions: Mason and CK
interactions: drake
tags: Winona Winona
Lincoln Bello
1 the fence™

He really didn’t know why he cared. He never would have cared about showing up high or drunk before. There was this one time back in Ambridge. He got so baked before school that he ended up staying in home room all six periods. It’s why he’s an expert on the fall of the Roman Empire. It was the teacher’s fault for not noticing.

That shit wouldn’t fly in Auburn Springs. Not with his dad and step-monster. Not with the teachers. He watched the smoke billowing from Drake’s mouth as he grabbed the joint and mimicked the other boy’s actions. He held it a bit longer. Really wanting to savor the moment and kill as much time before he had to go back to everyday life.

“So do I,”

Link let out a small laugh. Oh yeah, Drake was also in the football team. A lot of the Bridgers were. Too many. He took another hit from the joint before holding it out for Drake. Releasing the smoke followed by a heavy sigh.

"You're gonna wanna be as fucked up as you can be. Mason and CK are..."

CK was a dick. He knew that much from the year he had already spent in Auburn Springs. Link never understood why the Bridgers had stayed so passive. Not giving the Springers enough shit for being douchnozzles. Even Mason had changed. Or maybe he had. The last year had been one big blur.

“I don’t get it, dude. The Springers give us so much shit and we just take it.” The weed taking over like it always did. Chatty and relaxed. “They look down on us and we do nothing.” He knew it was a hard position to take now. Given his recent upgrade in area codes. Maybe that was part of why he and Mason weren’t as close. He wasn’t a Bridger anymore— not really. Not according to most. But he wasn’t a Springer either.

He was stuck in a weird fucking limbo where nothing made sense and suddenly he had all this responsibility and a ‘reputation’ to maintain. He didn’t want any of it— at least that’s what he told himself. Dangle the chance at not being an outcast and eventually curiosity could get the best of you.

“It’s like a pissin’ contest that no one’s gonna win, ya know? ‘Cause they’re both too stubborn to give in and shit and it’s just...fucking...yeah.”

“Can’t wait.” He said sarcastically as he leaned back on his elbows and stared up at the sky. “What about you, man? How’s life?” It’s been a minute for these two. The lot of them were inseparable back in the day. Back when life was normal. But now, things are muddled, complicated. Made it harder to keep track.

º º code by ditto º º
I suck at songs so no song

Rory’s jaw dropped to the floor at her comment and Kelia wasn’t in the least bit surprised by the little outburst that followed.

“Fucking excuse me?”

Classic Rory.

“No that’s a horrible fucking idea. Horrible. I don’t get into troub—”

Kelia cocked an eyebrow.

“—okay, I do, but I can look out for myself.”

That sounded more like it. She leaned against her locker, clutching her books to her chest as she listened to her friend, curious as to what she would spin next.

“I can’t fucking be around to watch Ian every time he’s fucking with Jade, either, okay? I’ve got shit to do. Shit that doesn't allow me to just... just... drop fucking everything because my brother's a dumbass.”

She raised her brows at Rory again in an unspoken question.


No doubt the shit she was thinking of was nothing good and nothing worthwhile, and no getting into trouble in the name of ‘fun’ or whatever was most definitely not worthwhile. Call her a party pooper or whatever but Kelia was just looking out for her friends, and looking out for her friends equated to making sure they were ok and would be ok, not necessarily that they would be happy or feeling good.

What kind of friend was she if she let her friends just spend all their time running wild, causing trouble and neglecting important things that would actually help them like school? Of course, it wasn’t realistic to get them to focus purely on school either, not everyone was made that way, certainly not Rory, she knew that much.

Allowing Ian to hang with Jade wasn’t really going to lead to anything productive or worthwhile either, in fact it was risky, but if it kept Rory out of trouble for a while that was a good enough start.

"No," Rory snapped, shaking her head again as she repeated the same sentiment as before. "No, no, no. He's just... he's gotta stop hanging out with Jade. End of story. And you know what, just because of your horrible idea... you're going to help me figure out how to make that happen, so." Rory smirked at her.

Horrible idea perhaps, but it was an idea that had some merit nonetheless. Jade certainly wasn’t going to do Rory any favours with helping to keep her brother out of trouble. That was a pipedream. But the one Rory had to control wasn’t Jade and her wild antics and dangerous ways, it was Ian, a far simpler and easier task. Even with Jade’s assistance, however much she was even willing to provide the boy in the first place, keeping him in line was probably still a manageable task for Rory, no matter how difficult Ian was planning on making it with his attempts to resist or shake her off. There was really no reason for her to think of a different solution when this one was perfectly feasible and probably the most likely to have the desired effects, as horrible as it sounded. And she told her friend as much.

“Horrible idea yes, but it kept you both out of trouble at the bonfire. It worked once, it can work again.” She could already feel Rory’s agitation surging. Seriously though what was it with the Hansen’s and their insatiable urge to look for trouble? Well she knew the damn reasons, she’d knew Rory well enough, long enough to understand her best friend, but seriously, why?

Kelia studied her friend’s face for a moment.

Ah hell. Fine. Letting Ian continue to hang around Jade wasn’t going to help him in the long term anyway. She could provide help in coming to a more favourable solution. Blasted friendship. She was so going to regret doing this later when Rory got into trouble again and Ian joined his sister because there was just no such thing as a perfect plan that would always work.

“I don’t have to help you figure out how to keep him away from Jade… but I will.” She added before Rory could protest, giving her a pointed look that told her to hold her tongue. Kelia sighed, rubbing her temples. She was definitely going to regret this, so she might as well get something out of it. “In exchange for my assistance, you are going to spend two hours with me in the library studying for that test we have coming up, and after we are done studying, I will help you come up with something. Those are my terms. Take them or leave them.”

If Rory refused, a very real possibility, then she was perfectly fine leaving Rory to come up with her own game plan or whatever. She’d bet her lunch that her best friend didn’t have one anyway or she would have gone ahead and put it into action already.

| mood: I'm going to regret this | outfit: school day | location: school | mentions: Ian, Jade | interactions: Rory | tags: Winona Winona |
º º code by ditto º º
Rx (Medicate)

Drake wasn't perhaps the most sentimental of people, but there was something incredibly relaxing and nostalgic about being behind the school alone, smoking weed with Link. Like for a moment, he could just close his eyes and take a step back into the past, when everything about his fucking life didn't suck.


Except that his life had always sucked, so he guessed there really wasn't any stepping back from there. He'd always kind of felt like he lived life on the edge, kind of teetering on the brink where if he gave in and fell over, he'd go falling, falling, falling... into... some kind of oblivion.

Who really knew? Drake already felt like he was falling. Like the ground had been pulled out from underneath his feet, and he was just endlessly falling with the wind rushing through his hair and drowning out any other noises, and there was nothing that he could do until his body went splat on impact.

He chuckled at the thought.

“I don’t get it, dude. The Springers give us so much shit and we just take it.” Link was saying, and Drake's wistful smile faltered as he was dragged back into reality. “They look down on us and we do nothing.”

Drake nodded his weary head in agreement.

"Mason's all weird about it," he started. With Drake, things tended to fall back onto conversation about his brother -- especially when it came to shit such as this, which was like... political but not political because they were in a school. But Drake had yet to form his own opinion regarding the relationship between the Springers and the Bridgers, aside from the fact that he'd made a couple of new friends, so the only opinion he could really relate was his brother's.

"Yeah, he's all... he's all like..." he smacked his dry lips together for a moment, eyebrows drawing together over bleary eyes. "He doesn't wanna start shit, I guess... so he's trying to keep calm, trying to keep all of the other Bridgers from starting shit 'cause I guess uhh... I guess..." he tilted his head slightly to the side and reached a hand up to scratch at the side of his head, before his train of thought presented itself once more and he was able to finish his sentence; "oh, he said uhh... if a fight breaks out or somethin', the Bridgers are gonna get expelled first, even if the Springers started it. Says we're on their turf now, gotta play by their rules or somethin'."

He shrugged as if he didn't understand Mason's whole thought process, but Drake did. How could he not when he'd spent his entire life staring across the river at the more privileged folks?

Springers always got let off easy.

Mason was right.

Not that Mason's opinion about starting shit with the Springers affected Drake in particular, because well... he didn't fight. He didn't get into it with others. The most he did was smoke a blunt outside the school, and although that was pushing it, there was no way that was going to get him expelled.

... Okay, so maybe it would, but Drake had never been known for being the smartest of fellas.

“What about you, man? How’s life?” Link asked.

Drake took the blunt back and turned it over in his fingers, studying the burning tip for a moment before he glanced back over at Link. There was a faint smile stretched across his face, lazy in its nature, and undoubtedly a fleeting moment. He wasn't smiling because he was happy, after all, but he was smiling because that was such a ridiculous, shit question to ask of someone, so he shook his head and looked back down at the joint.

"I dunno," he started. "Got outta rehab a couple months back." His grinned widened a bit, albeit this one was more... maniacal than anything. He wiggled the joint in his fingers. "Didn't work, but hey, solid effort." Drake gave a shrug of his shoulders as he brought the joint to his lips once more, and savored the smoke that filled his lungs. Weed, for him, was a familiar mistress, and one that he couldn't see living his life without.

He held the smoke in his lungs until it started to burn, and then he released it slowly, accompanied with a heavy sigh.

"So shit as always," he responded and held the blunt out for Link, but didn't look over at him as he did so. Instead, he let his lazy gaze focus on a nearby tree. "What 'bout you?"
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Link | tags: gh0stwriter gh0stwriter |
º º code by ditto º º
Angel with a Shotgun

She couldn't believe her friend. So much for fucking friend... solidarity or... some shit. Look, Rory wasn't known for being the sharpest tool in the shed, so she wasn't entirely sure what the proper term was but you get it. So much for friend loyalty. She was still pouting, although in Rory-like fashion, which meant that it didn't resemble pouting. More just an angry glare, like her very gaze might just cause the girl before her to go up in flames.

Pick your words fucking carefully, Kelia.

Although that may have been what Rory's thoughts were, it didn't take a genius to know that she wasn't actually going to do shit. Rory may have been well-known for extreme lack of self-control -- she tended to hit without thinking, tended to start shit without thinking about the consequences -- but that extreme lack of self-control didn't apply itself to situations that had to do with her friends, or people she generally cared about. She tended to think a little less irrationally, a little more rationally. As in, she was much less likely to start a fight with Kelia.

That being said, she was thinking about it.

“Horrible idea yes, but it kept you both out of trouble at the bonfire. It worked once, it can work again.”


Her fists subconsciously curled into fists, a natural reaction that she tended to have whenever she was growing frustrated with a situation. And this situation? Being told that Jade fucking Jennings might actually be good for her little brother? Yeah, it was about to send her over the edge.

Clearly, Kelia wasn't heeding Rory's fucking words at all -- because if she was, she would've gotten it through her thick fucking skull that Rory didn't fucking need to be watched. She didn't need to be kept out of fucking trouble, because she could handle herself and shit. After all, what was another fucking trip to the... to the police station, or the hospital? You visited a few times, and suddenly the entire situation was a lot less scary, a lot less intimidating, and--

.... Okay, so the only thing that might hold her back from that would be the whole... potentially ruining the good thing that Rory and Ian had going with their foster home. Most foster homes kind of frowned on the whole fucking idea of their foster kids getting into trouble.

Which was why Ian needed to stay out of trouble, because Ian was going to get caught.

“I don’t have to help you figure out how to keep him away from Jade… but I will. In exchange for my assistance, you are going to spend two hours with me in the library studying for that test we have coming up, and after we are done studying, I will help you come up with something. Those are my terms. Take them or leave them.”


No fucking way.

A wide grin broke out across Rory's face and she nodded her head eagerly in agreement. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. "See I knew you'd come around to my side of thinking. Help me take out the bitch that is Jade Jennings and keep her away from my little brother and shit. I knew you'd fucking cave." Rory said, her voice a little too smug for... well... the circumstances.

Of course, she did elicit a groan at the idea of studying, and Rory turned, leaning her back against the locker, her head slamming into the cold metal at top as her eyes glued themselves to the ceiling overhead. "Fine," she grumbled. "We'll fucking... studying or whatever. What test is it over? What class?" She asked, turning her head to look over at Kelia, because well...

Rory had no fucking idea.

Rory hadn't even known that they had a fucking test coming up.

But hey, that's why she kept Kelia around. Kelia kept her grounded in reality, and also kept her from totally flunking out of all of her classes. She was probably the sole reason that Rory had managed to maintain her C average throughout the years of school and hadn't been held back, even after the shit that happened when she was younger... and the constant bouncing between foster homes.
| mentions: Jade, Lance, Ian | interactions: Kelia | tags: Xed Xed |
º º code by ditto º º

The Bonfire had been...interesting. Which honestly is more then she thought she'd say about it once it was all over and done with. Lola wasn't an easily impressed girl, so to even get that level of response from her was a feat and possible stretching it. A bit surprising would probably be more accurate. She'd never got to run into Link, but whatever he'd spent his time doing had put him in a mood the past couple days.

She wanted to ask, but she figured if he wanted to talk about it then he would. He knew he could tell her anything by this point especially if it was serious. Sure tiny trivial things they tended to let go under the radar because for how close they were they weren't ever the 'connected at the hip' type of close siblings. Which she liked. It let them still be their own people and not just twins.

However the point being that if he was really stuck in something she'd know. However if his mood began to sour more she'd at least extend the opportunity and open the door to talk because let's face it dudes can be stubborn. Especially when it comes to talking about things like...feelings. For now? For now she'd let him handle it.

Plus perhaps it was something as simple as having to do with the fact he was now on the football team. How exactly that came to be she had no idea, and honestly didn't care. Sure she'd prefer her brother not turn into one of these self absorbed springer jocks, but now some people from Ambridge were on the team too...though she wasn't sure if that was much better. She supposed only time would tell.

Honestly anything that boosts his ego or reckless nature she figured would end badly. However now wasn't the time to judge. Would she still? of course, but mostly in her head. Right now she needed to probably figure out a way to be at least decently supportive of him. She really wasn't feeling having to go to the football games now, but she supposed maybe at least his first? Just homecoming and pray he hates it and quits?

She supposed now she had two reasons to go to the game and dance now. She hadn't gotten to tell Link yet, though would he actually care? But the last surprising bit from the bonfire was when Mason suggested they go. Now to be honest she thought he was joking at first, which she felt was understandable since they'd not spent any time together or talked since she left Ambridge a year ago.

She supposed they were kinda friends? A version of it like most people who hung around Link back then. She'd had a good time with him that night, so why not? Mostly she was surprised he was interested in going with her because contrary to what Raven had said, she knew there was no way Mason found her that hot, and just her general demeanor tended not to be the type guys wanted to spend ore time with. Not with girls like Jade, Raven, or even Valarie around. There were plenty of drop dead gorgeous girls around and some of them where even nice too that trying your luck with would have much better chances.

Regardless, he apparently meant it and so she agreed. Simple as that. There was no need to complicate things in her head by thinking more on it, which is also why she didn't bother Link with it.

Lola groaned slamming her locker door shut. Well at least she was guy free for the rest of today. Most of the guys she knew were either busy or on the football team and had practice. Though to be honest who all did she really spend time with outside of Link? She she should probably do like him and start reconnecting with people from Ambridge she's not seen in forever...but she saw most of them as Links friends that she was around because she was around him. After all none of them had taken time to reach out to her either. The people she'd spoken to the most even on twitter is Jade and Lance oddly enough and even that's not much.

Whatever Lola didn't need friends, she didn't need anyone. her stomach rumbled a bit...you know what she did need? Food. She could go to the house and rumage something before the adults arrived.

Lola B.
Mood: Hungry
Location: School Locker
Outfit: Yup she's that type
Interactions: None yet
Mentions: Link, Mason, Raven, Jade, Lance, Valarie
coded by incandescent


Okay, maybe Adrian did exaggerate how things happened, instead of his mother getting angry at him to lecture him for having cigarettes, she just gave him a confused and concerned stare and ask him if they belonged to him, to which Adrian just simply replied it belonged to Emmet, this ease the whole situation, and no, his mom didn't lecture him about the friendships he had and that he shouldn't hang out with that kind of people, because it was pretty obvious that 90% of the teenage population in Cambridge smoke, and he was pretty sure he was being generous with the number and it was most likely like a 99%, so instead Adrian's mom just simply told him that he should tell Emmet that smoking was bad, well it wasn't like Adrian hadn't implied to him and other people that smoking was bad, but just him couldn't stop them.

"Fine, you caught me it wasn't that bad, she didn't threaten to disown me or something along those lines so you can stop worrying about what could have happened to me, and yes I did tell her they were yours and I'm just passing the message, and she says you should stop smoking or at least try to smoke less, but it's up to you to listen I mean I have tried to do my good action, so I'm pretty sure my mother getting involved wouldn't change a thing" He replied.

"Oh, if they were drugs, she would really kill me she is something she is angry and let me tell you, you don't want to know that side of her so you would rather not do them or at least have them when you are on the car with me, not because I'll be your supporter, but I really like having a room to myself, or what you can call having a room since I still have to share my room with Brian, and having to deal with a twelve-year-old that is starting to hit puberty is not nice, you know is on that kind of moments that I wished I was a single child, I and guess you are lucky since you don't have to look out for the life of three children and acting as their part-time father"

As the two of them made their way through the hallways, the talking from the other students was most likely about the same thing, the bonfire "It seems the bonfire was like a big thing, have you heard something about it? You know what I bet you 10 bucks that someone arrives with a black eye, my guess is either Mason and CK fought each other, but that's just a basic pair that would beat each other up, that it takes the whole fun of this so I'm going with Ian he seems like the type of guy that would end up with a black eye and would make it seemed as if he fought an entire army just by himself while he most likely was the one that was beaten. Do you have any guesses?"
Location: hallway | Mood: I don't want to lose my money
Outift: Here | Interactions: Emmett ( Winona Winona )
Adrian Carter Brown

Code by Stardust Galaxy
the grass is always greener
Edwin Jarvis
Auburn Springs

Edweiner? Jesus fucking Christ, he was getting tired of being undermined by his friends. And by friends, that meant Ian Hansen, the weird-as-shit dweeb so uncool he had no other choice but to stick around and leech off of Ed's undying swagger. See, the way their friendship was supposed to work was that Ian would learn to idolize Ed and, in return, he'd be showered with bromance and tutoring on how to be a heartthrob.

But, alas, he was Ian. He loved to push Ed's buttons and make him out to be an idiot, but shrunk away and cowered whenever the marginally taller boy threatened to knock his teeth out. What a little bitch; thank god his little shit energy wasn't contagious.

“We aren’t breaking into…Miss McBitch’s class, right? Heh, not that that scares me or anything, hahahaaa, but…we’re not doin’ that, right?”

Ed stopped just outside the library, then whipped around to shoot Ian a nasty glare. "Do you want me to fail? Do you wanna fail?" he snapped, jerking his body aggressively at Ian's and pulling back. The kid responded so sporadically to his intimidation tactics that it was hard to say whether or not he'd flinch or laugh in his face this time. However, his true colors had already bled through after the slightest mention of trouble.

“Heh, the library,” Ian observed, and Ed could feel the nervous sweat pooling in his ass crack evaporate, “That’s where we were going. I knew that.”

"If we don't get those answers, the least of your problems is gonna be the principal yelling at you or Rory ripping your balls off," he growled, leaning in so close that the tips of their noses nearly touched. Knowing Ian, the weird little fucker would have kissed him or something.

He ripped his face away from his friend's personal space, maintaining his cold scowl. "Don't forget I could call a hit on you at any time. I'm not fucking kidding, Hansen. Don't cross me." He raised a finger, slowly wagging it forward and backwards as a crude emulation of his father's scolding. Years and years of criminal conversation had rendered the sophomore immune from any real sense of immediate danger, but his threats sure as hell weren't lost on others. At least, they shouldn't have been. Ed didn't fucking joke.

“Are we…seriously gonna dig through all these books for the answers? You think they have the answers for math in books? Books have words, not numbers,” Ian said confusedly, and he lowered his voice to a whisper again to add, “stupid idiotface, hahahaaa.”

"I am going to skin you alive, kid," Ed threatened, raising his voice as his patience wore thin, "Do you have a goddamn brain? Is there anything even fucking in there?" He raised a fist and knocked harshly on Ian's skull, although the dull force of his knuckles was hardly enough to elicit a cry of pain... from a normal person.

"Do you not have computers in Ambridge?" he scoffed, barging in through the library's doors while beckoning for Ian to follow suit, "There are computers with internet here. It takes like five seconds to dig up an answer key online. Have you been paying attention all this time?" No, he most definitely did not need an answer, but that didn't mean Ed's rhetorical bullying was entirely lost on his dimwit of a companion.

"And if we can't find the answers online," he explained, the urgency in his voice exuding arrogance and frustration, "Then we go force them out of someone else. Half the people in our class are spineless dickbrains. How hard could that be?" He cleared his throat, scanning the library for familiar faces. There wasn't a wide selection of classmates to extort homework out of this early before school, but Ed had faith that his masterminding would inevitably yield the pair the treasure they sought.

"And if that somehow doesn't work, then we go to the source. 'McBitch' probably couldn't see us burgling her shit behind that giant hook nose of hers anyway."

With that generously extensive explanation out of the way, Ed stalked over to the nearest computer and seated himself in front of it, leaving his backpack by the side of his chair. "Uh..." He fell silent, then leaned over to the side to dig through his things. "Uh, what's the name of the publisher? And the page of the sheet...?" he inquired with knitted brows. Wait... where the shit is my paper?

He dug through his bag once more, this time more rushed and angrily. "Ian, give me your homework sheet," he barked, reaching an arm out to collect what was owed for all the favors he'd done for the ratty little boy, "I can't find mine. It might be in Sydphilis' car or something."

Either Ed could (a) take Ian's homework page for himself, (b) selflessly copy the questions onto a sheet of paper and take more time, (c) send Syd to find the sheet at home or in the car, or (d) spend a billion hours scouring math webpages for a blank copy he could print. Auburn Springs was a well-funded school, but even rich people had their limitations with Wi-Fi. Why did all the bad things have to happen to Ed? Who decided his life had to be so hard?

"Ian, I have no homework page and I have no answers. Class is starting soonish. Stop standing around like a dumbass and DO SOMETHING!" As he snarled at the boy, a crumpled up ball of numbers and Edwin's name slipped out of his pocket, bouncing onto the ground until it skidded to a halt by his own feet. It had to have been the homework sheet, and it escaped Ed's mind that he'd angrily shoved it into his coat pocket earlier in the morning.

However, the paper had little significance in the moment as Ed laid down his agitation onto his bumbling, inadequate, cowardly partner. His eyes were only trained on the boy, holding him mentally hostage. "Do you even realize how much shit I'm in?" the rich boy said with serious eyes, "Now the fucking paper's gone and this progress report's gonna say I'm flunking math and my mom's gonna get a call and she's not gonna be happy. Is that it? Do you hate me? Do you hate my mom? Do you want us all to be fucking unhappy? You don't, right? Get MOVING!"
| mood: hate it here | outfit: clothes | location: school | mentions: Rory, Syd| interactions: Ian | tags: ditto ditto |
Lost Boys

A little part of Xander had expected Nut to be confused by his question regarding, well, if he was allergic to nuts, but lo and behold, Nut handled it like a cheap and even answered him. Something about that made an easy, warm smile rise on Xander's face, and he smiled over at his buddy as he listened.

So far -- public school? Ten times better than his old private school.

People here at least knew how to have fun -- even if it had taken a little convincing from Xander to get Nut to agree to go. Er-- ... well, maybe not convincing, but uhh... actually, Xander didn't really know what had caused Nut to change his tune, but he wasn't about to complain about his good luck.

“That’d be hilarious!” Nut remarked with a laugh. “Like nicknaming yourself, uh…Spider when you were afraid of spiders or Heart Attack when you’re on, like, life support or something!”

Xander blinked at his friend for a moment.

“Sorry,” he said quickly. “The last one was kinda sad.”

For a long moment, Xander just stared up at Nut, but then he doubled over in laughter. His hands clutched at his stomach, his eyes watering a bit, as the laughter wracked his body.

"No, no, it was funny," he responded as the laughter died away from his lips. Xander let out a little snort, shaking his head again as he straightened back up. "That's how I wanna be when I'm old. Some really, really ironic nickname that seems real sad but is also real funny, ya know?"

Hehe... Heart Attack.

“No,” Nut finally answered his question. “I like nuts. I like peanuts and almonds and chestnuts and pecans and all kinds of them. Not allergic to them. And even if I was, I would still eat them. Peanut butter is, like…bitching.” He laughed happily. “But I eat just about anything. I even ate a hamburger that someone left on a table once when I was a kid. That was a bad idea, though. I dunno what they did to it, but I had to get taken to the nurse’s office during PE. They took me to the hospital and my stomach got pumped!” He shook his head. “And then my mom got pissed at—…enough of that story!”

For a good while, Xander wasn't entirely sure of how to respond to Nut's little story. So he just blinked at his friend for a moment, and then nodded his head. "Yeah, I like nuts, too," he said, not making any comment about eating a random hamburger and having to end up in the hospital, because uhh...

Well, Xander wasn't sure what he was supposed to say.

Believe it or not, but Xander had never eaten random things that he found.

“Isn’t Xan a drug?” Nut asked. “Do you do drugs?”

He blinked over at his friend, a touch taken aback at first by that question, because it was often asked if he did drugs because of his name. Typically, Xander was asked if he was on drugs thanks to other behaviors. Such as... his... just general demeanor, to be perfectly honest, had raised the question more than once if he was high.

(Generally the answer was yes, but it was just weed, so Xander hardly counted it.)

So as an answer to Nut's question, Xander simply gave a shake of his head.

"Nah," he replied, "I just thought Xander sounded really cool, but I never thought like... 'oh, shortened to Xan, which is also the shorthand version of Xanax, so now I am Xan, drug nicknamed man, but not the doer of the drugs." Xander explained, giving a little nod of his head as if he were agreeing with his own words.

"Well, 'cept weed, but that hardly counts."

Xander, in proper Xan fashion, skipped his way over that admission as he swung his backpack over his shoulder to bring it in front of himself. It dangled haphazardly from one shoulder, his hand supporting the bottom of it, while he used his free hand to unzip the top of it.

"So, guess I can tell you what I'm thinking," Xan started as he opened the backpack up and peeked inside before he stuck his hand in and started fishing around for what he needed. "I was thinking we're gonna go and graffiti some uhh... well I haven't gotten that far, but I was thinking maybe train cars? Like cool people do, so then our artwork can be seen across the country," he hesitated, hand still in his backpack, and looked at Nut with a curious expression. "What's your favorite color?"
| mentions: N/A | interactions: Nut| tags: ditto ditto |
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