• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Auburn Springs

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 1:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Karmyn, Rae



When Mercedes approached, there seemed to be a small lull in the business of the cupcake stand. Karmyn had approached the girl and was helping her out, and Natalie was just wrapping up her own transaction before she stepped across the truck to go stand beside Karmyn and peer down at Mercedes.

A faint laugh erupted from her lips as she looked at the two large boxes of cupcakes. "Mer, are you going to eat all twenty of those?" She asked with a giggle. It had been... too long since Natalie had really hung out with Mercedes, and part of her wanted to tell Karmyn never mind so she could exit this cupcake stand and go hangout with her friend.

But there would be plenty of time to hangout with Mercedes after the Bridgers were out of their school.

Not that it mattered too much. Sure, they could raise the money, but it probably wouldn't be until next year at the earliest that the school was done and they were able to head home. That helped her in the long-term, sure, but that didn't help remove one particular Bridger. He would be graduating this year, anyway, and aside from him....

It wasn't like there were too many of the Bridgers that she really wanted out.

Her smile had faded for a moment at the thought, but it returned brighter than ever.

"Save a box for me. When we're done here, maybe we can go like... back to your house and watch TV and get sick off of cupcakes. Like when we were little, you know?"

Plus, well, Nat just needed one normal night at this point.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: startled

OUTFIT: Black sweatpants and white jean jacket

LOCATION: the fair
TL;DR Oli is astounded by this random little kid and the sky.
Oliver James
Shadow dust.

Oliver didn’t know why he bothered coming to this stupid fair. Well no, he did actually, but now he was kind of regretting it. Even if he’d only just arrived. Especially because he’d only just arrived, and he already felt the buzz of annoyance that took jabs at him whenever he was around people. It was, however, better than sitting in the silence of his house, his mother’s wary eyes following him everywhere he went. He couldn’t escape her disappointment. Couldn’t escape the constant reminders that Rosalie was gone and it was his fault. Pictures of her were on every available surface in the house. Pictures of her running, carefree through the grass, the hot sand in summer, the woods. Pictures of him with her, happy and just as carefree.

He couldn’t bear to look at her, and so here he was, slouched down on some bench inside the fairgrounds, scowling at everyone who dared make eye contact with him. His sketch book lay open in his lap, a charcoal pencil grasped between his fingers. Vague outlines of what would soon be the scene before him were sketched in graphite: the various booths with brightly painted signs. People milling about, laughing, talking, holding hands. Crumpled pieces of trash blowing along idly with the autumn wind, left untouched by those around him. It was unseasonably warm, and the sun shone, merry and bright in the crystalline sky.

Rosalie would have loved it. It was why he brought his book everywhere he went. In the centre of the page he was working on, Rosalie was there too, back to him and pointing to the vendor selling balloons. His mother had photographs. Oli had these drawings of Rose in places she would have loved. Places she would never get to go. Because of him.

Something was missing from the picture, though he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. A weary sigh escaped him and he snapped the book closed, tucking the pencil behind his ear. Black dust stained his fingertips. “It’s shadow dust Oli,” Rosalie used to giggle, holding his hand up close to her face to inspect each finger separately.

“Shadow dust,” Oliver whispered, tucking his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. A ghost of a smile turned the corners of his lips up at the memory before fading as quickly as it had come, replaced with his usual brooding expression. Someone coming out of the bathroom besides the bench shot him a puzzled look and Oli glared at them, contempt written across his every feature. Didn’t people know how to mind their own business?

A single cloud drifted across his vision, unhurried and meandering, its shape ebbing and flowing along with whatever tide the sky contained. The sky and the sea were one and the same, Oliver supposed. He hated them both. The cloud finally dissolved, torn apart by the unforgiving torrent hidden so cleverly from sight. Why did people find things like the sea and the placid blue sky above them so quaint? DIdn’t they know the destruction they wrought? Didn’t they see the danger hidden behind such ethereal beauty? He hadn’t until it was too late. How sorry they would be when they finally learned. How sorry indeed.

Pulling his hands out of his pockets, Oli studied them, another sigh coming from deep within his chest. Suddenly a figure blocked his vision; a kid with his mother coming to a stop in front of him, an apologetic look plastered on the woman’s face.

“I’m so sorry,” the mom began, offering him a smile. “Tristan here thought you were doing something for the booths,” she added, waving her free hand to encompass the people around him. “He’s convinced he’s going to be the next Picasso, and well he saw you drawing and…” she trailed off, still not interpreting his look of mild panic and utter distaste correctly. She thought he cared!

“What is on your hands?” The boy interrupted, reaching for Oliver’s black-stained fingers. The gesture hurt enough inside that he pressed his eyes closed as a warm hand enveloped his, taking a minute to study each of his fingers. Oli was unable to pull his hand away, and so he sat there, frozen in place.

The boy—Tristan—lifted his blue-eyed gaze to Oli’s own turquoise orbs as he opened his eyes once again, waiting for an answer. Eyes amazingly similar to Rosalie. The tiniest of smiles graced his face again before he answered, not moving to pry his hand from the kid’s.

“It’s shadow dust,” he murmured quietly. The mother looked at him, obviously puzzled, but his answer seemed to satisfy Tristan. The brown haired boy nodded, taking a minute to look at his own hand, still holding Oli’s in the other one.

“Shadow dust,” the boy echoed, like he had known the answer all along, and he’d finally found the words to explain it. Tristan nodded again, his expression serious and contemplative, before moving to hoist himself up onto the bench besides Oli, dropping his hand at last. His mother gave him a look as if asking his permission to stay. Oliver merely nodded, before turning back to Tristan, who was leafing through his sketchbook, carefully turning each page as not to smudge anything. When he got to the page Oli had been working on just now, the young boy’s small finger pointed right at where Rosalie was, before turning to him.

“Who is that?” He asked, craning his neck to look around the fair for an ebony haired girl who would not be there. Oli didn’t have to heart to tell him that, and instead removed the pencil from where he had tucked it behind his ear, twirling it between his fingers.

“That’s my sister, Rosalie,” Oli responded after a moment, watching as a stray red balloon drifted from the hands of the unsuspecting vendor and floated through the sky, the wind blowing it this way and that. No one else seemed to notice.

Tristan was frowning, and for a minute he continued studying Oli’s drawing. “She looks like a ghost,” was Tristan’s only response, and Oli blinked in surprise. She did look like a ghost, faded and almost transparent, as if she didn’t really belong in the scene in the first place. In his moment of confusion, the pencil had slipped from his grasp and onto the ground, where Tristan stooped down to grab it, staining his own fingers. The boy handed the pencil back, before pointing to the sky.

“And the sky,” he said, jerking his head to the real sky in front of them. “There’s...nothing there. No sun, no clouds, but you can see shadows and highlights on everything else,” Tristan clarified, shrugging and looking down at his fingers. “My teacher told me that the sky's the most important part of any drawing, ‘cus it contains the spirits of everyone who’s ever loved us,” he said solemnly. “If we don’t love the sky, how can they know we love them, too?”

Oli didn’t have an answer, struck silent by the words. What sort of elementary school taught that?

Tristan was grinning at his fingers, looking pleased. He wiggled them in the air before Oli’s face, giggling. “Look, I have some shadow dust too,” the boy chirped.

Oli wasn’t focusing on that, however. He was too busy staring at the sky he had drawn. At how utterly wrong it looked, how empty and flat. That was what had been missing from the drawing. The sky he hated so much.

Oliver was still staring at his sky when Tristan’s mother tugged him away, the boy waving goodbye with his charcoal smudged fingers. A part of him was sad to see him go, the clever little artist who reminded him of his sister so. Who had told him to love the sky with all his heart, so that she would know.

When he looked up, Tristan was long gone, and a cloud had moved over the sun, casting everything around them in shadow.

How fitting.

code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr






Having the Ambridge students in the school was...

Fucking awesome.

Way better than the Auburn Springs students that Jess was so used to be surrounded bad. For once in her life, Jess felt like there were actually people around her that understood her particular sense of humor. People that she felt closer with and more comfortable around than those that she had known since childhood.

Well, literally just Ryan and Henri, but still.

That was two more people than Jess had just a couple weeks ago, so she was... beyond excited. Hell, Jess had even gone to a party, which had been one of the worst experiences of her life. She hadn't spent a super long time there before she'd headed home. And okay, like, it hadn't been a horrible experience, it was just that...

All the people. The smell of alcohol.

Hell on earth.

But seeing Ryan had been nice.

Now, Jess was heading to the fair. Something that she had avoided for her entire high school career and yet here she was, rolling up to a fair full of overpriced food, rigged games, and snotty-nosed kids. Honestly, it was pretty much the opposite of what Jess actually wanted to do and yet here she was. Showing up for....

She really didn't know.

Well, to hangout with Ryan.

Luckily, the school wasn't super far from Jess' home, so she was able to walk. She hesitated near the entrance to the fair, debating on just... turning around and heading home. Yep, that would be the better idea. Just go home. Play some video games and avoid people for even longer. That would be the safer option. The smarter option.

Well, maybe Jess was tired of playing things safe...

So she stepped into the fair.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Edwin Jarvis
Auburn Springs
Edwin let out a dramatic sigh. Sam had given him, nearly word for word, the exact same platitudes he'd expected to hear. "I bet Mom and Dad told you to say that," he grumbled, his voice barely audible over the sound of horrendous club music, "Dad surpassed Alphonso Ali years ago, he told me so. If he didn't need him before, the family sure as hell doesn't need his replacements now, Sammy." He shook his head disapprovingly and downed the rest of his glass, before filling it back up with the bottle on the table purely for the aesthetic. The thick cloud of smoke wafting around the room gave everything a hazy tint, setting an opportunity for a cool and mysterious photoshoot. Too bad Ed would be skinned alive if he exposed his father's favorite secret meeting place for all of Instagram to see.

Fortunately, Sam had already been zoning out all day, so when Val and Roman entered the lounge, the two hadn't been bickering. That would be... unprofessional. He grinned amusedly once he picked up on their guests' discomfort, even though Val seemed to be putting on a brave face. She doesn't know what that tortured soul Roman's roped her into, does she?

The silence while waiting for Sam to speak up was unbearable. Edwin had been shot down every time he tried to plead a case for spearheading the meeting's discussion, but every time it was explained to him how much more Sam knew about these matters and how much more diplomatic and amicable he was capable of being. Yeah, right. After finally giving in to letting Sam run the show, he had the audacity to sit there and stare like an idiot, frozen like a deer in the headlights during his own damn meeting. What did their parents see in him that made them declare, "Ah, now here's a fine leader in the making!"?

Val finally spoke and, while her condescending voice was like a million nails on a million chalkboards all at once, the broken silence indicated that the meeting had started and Edwin was free to speak out of turn. Just for good measure, he stomped on Sam's foot under the table so the scatterbrained asshole would quit muttering made up words and get his head in the game. "Thought you'd never ask, Valerie. How's your brother?" Ed had only been present for the aftermath of Val's little family emergency over Twitter, but it was plenty of time to revel in the chaos surrounding her. He had to hand it to him, Ricardo Flores had no problem getting around. Finally, Edwin would have some good ammunition to retaliate against the soulless failure of a Regina George impersonator for her many, many attempts at patronizing Ed on Twitter to get a rise out of him.

Ed hailed the trembling waitress and requested two more wine glasses for their guests. He maintained a small, friendly smile, but his mocking glare exposed his true thoughts. He bounced eye contact between Val and Roman as he poured the vintage red wine into their glasses, sliding each over to the older boy and girl. Roman's glass snagged on the tablecloth, causing a tiny bit of spillage on the otherwise immaculate, white surface. At least on their side. There was already a sizable spot of red just near where Ed's doubly-refilled glass was sitting.

The young boy directed his full attention to a petrified Roman, delighted that the Jarvises seemed to have the upper hand before any business had even begun to be negotiated. Taking control of this meeting would be a cakewalk. Ed had no real plans for what he wanted to get out of it and was mostly in it just to pretend like he was a crime boss, but hey, if he veered too far from whatever plan he'd ignored the explanation to, Sam would step in. Probably. "So, Roman, delegate for Mr. Alphonso Ali—may he rest and relax in peace in his jail cell,—we got shit to figure out." He looked over to Sam and smirked. This is how you radiate confidence, baby. "Your people? My people? We all still cool? As in, 'we've still got that alliance thing going on' cool?"
VIP room
Kio.exe Kio.exe (Sam) @finessekid.23 (Roman) jasmyn jasmyn (Val)
coded by natasha.
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Blood, Guts, and Angel Cake.
Take drugs on gravestones. To figure it all out on your own
The last rumbled roar of her engine echos around the parking lot that just seemed to be filling up with every fleeting second. She caught a few gazes, even hearing some high whistles as she turned the car off and stepped out of the vehicle. Tropical scented smoke billowing out of the window as she spent time rolling it up so if someone wanted to take her car they'd have to break the window first. She slips out with the blunt still lit, the one her mother gave her before she left tucked neatly in her back pocket for later use. Once the door was shut and locked behind her, Madison lent against it with her arms crossed over her chest and one foot bent so she could bask in the brisk fall air that swirled around her.

She took a deep pull from the blunt between her lips, letting the effects of the leaves in the wrapping take over her body, before she stubbed it out to smoke the rest later. Stuffing it into her pocket and slowly blowing the smoke out of her mouth and up into the air. A large white puffed cloud the result. Maddie unlocked her car to dig in the side pocket of the door and pull out some of her body spray. She was a stoner, yeah, but she knew better then to walk around smelling like one. Once she smelled of something tropical and sweet, she was locking up once more and then heading for the entrance of the rather decent looking get up. The Springers really know how to throw a fundraiser.

"Leave it to the richies to get an actual carnival like they had one at their disposal." She had muttered under her breath. Getting closer with each step. She wasn't really in a hurry to get inside, the people around her seemed to be however, so she took slow lazy steps. The blunt starting to kick in rather quickly. Maddie smiled. 'Must have been that new stuff Mom's dealer sold to me. Makes me excited to try moms blunt out later.'

"Just the one?" A girl at the entrance booth questioned when she spotted Maddie standing there with a grin on her face.


The girl dished out a paper wrist band that you would find at a real carnival, this was really impressive. Pulling out the right amount of change for the band, she handed it over to the girl before offering her left wrist. Soft brushes of finger tips slipped over her wrist which caught her attention as she eyed the girl up and down. 'Is she flirting with me?'

"Alright, you're all set."

Madison chuckled and offered the girl a sly wink before adding, "Thanks.~" Watching as the girl gasped. And was that a blush? That really boosted Maddie's ego quite a bit. And she was pretty sure the girl was a springer.

After the little interaction, Maddie made her way further into the tresses of screaming people and blaring pop music from the latest radio station. The mechanical sounds of rides being put to work. And the hustle and bustle of students and Auburn Spring citizens alike going between concession stands and game booths. She hand't realized it till now when the smell of fried foods wafted around her but Madison was hungry. And she knew that her first stop was the corn dog stand.

code by valen t.

"So you're making them pay, now?" Nancy asked, earning a playful glare from Raven as she returned her focus to the mirror. Applying a burgundy shade of lipstick with very careful precision. This stuff stained your skin if you weren't careful-- and Raven wasn't about to have that. "It's to rebuild the school. Charity and all. I'm gonna get me some of that good karma." The brunette pinched her fingers, rubbing them together before laughing it off. She wouldn't steal from the fund, Raven didn't steal period.

It was a big part of why she had returned that dollhouse Dani had gotten for Ari. Okay, well, threw away but still. Ariana wasn't her child but Raven had been there since the day she was born, it was hard to not get attached to her. Especially after Adriane had ran off, throwing away her motherly duties. Raven wasn't about to sit around and not help. She just... couldn't do that. There was no way she would.

But back to the matter at hand. "Andrea, can you get me the clicker?" Her grandmother spoke and Raven quickly obliged. Grabbing the remote and gently laying it on the armrest of the couch. Her Abuela quickly became very protective once Raven had moved in with her, taught her many, many things. But the one thing that stuck with Raven was doing the right thing morally. At least, legally.

Especially when it mattered most.

There was just a certain line not to cross and Raven respected that more than anyone. She had placed her own morals above anything and a few toys that Ari didn't have, wasn't going to destroy her emotionally. If the kid wanted it that badly, Raven would've saved up for it. It would've been a good Christmas present. At the thought of money, she sighed heavily. Stressed about the situation She knew she had to do something about.

"Thank you, Andi." A hand was placed on top of hers, Rose tapping gently before taking the remote to flip through the channels. Raven smiled softly and returned her attention towards getting ready.

There was barely any reaction from Nancy, this has been the new normal for the past few years. It didn't particularly hurt Raven because she didn't remember her, there was moments where Rose did and when she didn't. It wasn't her fault and it was a common thing for people with Alzheimer's. Some called their grandchildren by their children's names, their sons by their husbands names and so on.

She knew that and learned to be okay with it a long time ago.

"I thought it'd be fun. No one else signed up so, I signed Mason and I up for it." Raven stated with the raise of an eyebrow, grabbing her bag and a last glance at her appearance, she was right about ready to go.

"Wait, he agreed to that?"


God, she was gonna make a killing.


And naturally, as always. Raven was right. She was just glad the lipstick she chose wasn't smudgeable.

The next guy who approached had the ego the size of the Grand Canyon. Tall, dark and handsome would be the description. The problem wasn't that he was good looking! It was simply because he knew that. Confidence was great and all... on certain people. The walk, the smirk, and the hairstyle. It was like every boy who had a fade in the back was one of those guys. Now, she doesn't judge a book by it's cover and all... but when it was clear, it was clear. He placed five dollars on the table and stared at her expectedly.

"What? No hello? How was your day?"


Raven took the money and handed it towards Henri, leaning over and placing the quickest kiss against lips. It was so fast even she barely even closed her eyes. "Okay, go make nice with yourself." She shooed him off with a wave of her hand and sighed. This wasn't fun. Okay, it was sort of fun. At least when the people were enjoyable. Between the eleven year olds-- who had only got a peck on the nose, by the way, and the assholes who saw her as a free way to get off. This wasn't entirely as exciting as she thought it would be.

"But that's not--"

Raven ignored him, returning her focus to Mason and Henri. "I mean, Henri could always take your spot. I'd pay millions to kiss her. Tried once when I was eight, didn't work out very well." She grinned, leaning down to her bag to grab a compact blush, staring at her reflection in the mirror while she wiped the corners of her lips. Raven needed to made sure she looked at the very least-- presentable, for the next customer.

Tilting her mirror behind her, she caught Mason's gaze through it. Rolling her eyes at the sight of the partner she decided to choose.

"You're not gonna get any action if you keep that pout on your face. No one wants pouty lips, Mason."


Nixiee Nixiee Winona Winona
code by valen t.

raid kills bugs dead!

Bug accidentally spent way too much on churros. They'd never had one before, or even seen one, but they smelled really really good. They also bought a brownie and stuffed it in their pocket for later. The churros were doughy, and tasted thickly of cinnamon sugar. Bug almost wondered if four would be enough for them.

After that they blew another few bucks on some game where you throw darts at balloons. They only hit a couple and won a plush bear, not even as big as a Beanie Baby. They stuffed that in the pocket that didn't have a brownie in it. Then they saw a really neat-looking cockroach and followed it for a few minutes before somebody accidentally stepped on it. They had to keep from crying over it. That cockroach was probably having a great day. They must've stared at its flattened remains for a really long time, because some woman bumped into them and said "excuse me" in a really bitchy tone, as if Bug's grieving was somehow inconveniencing her.

Well, now their good mood was offset. They needed something to fix it... then suddenly, they peeped Maddie off near the corn dog stand. Perfect timing! They ran up to her.

"Maaaaaddiiiiieee!" They bonked their head into her back. "I got a churro. I got four. Also this bear." They pulled the bear out. It dangled from a keychain.





nine lives


Well, okay. At least Mercedes was the first important customer. She was glad that Karmyn had girls to help her out. Lord knows Mercedes wouldn't of been able to, having been in her own little barbie world-- which... wasn't as glamourous as it sounded. But she was happy at least someone was there for Karmyn because she couldn't be. The brunette mustered up a wave and a smile towards Natalie and Regan. "No promises, missy." The brunette forced a chuckle, reaching out for the pink box while some other customers had started to get antsy. "I've been good!" A lie, but... a white one.

White lies were nice. Sugar coated and sweet. Almost as disgusting as these cupcakes sounded. Sorry, Karm. Mercedes wasn't a big sweet tooth today. "Oh! Uh... I got a lot of homework, so maybe another time. I'm gonna get going before hungry Nancy back here throws a fit. Love you girls." The tiny girl placed her hand to her lips, blowing a kiss to her friends and walking away with her cupcakes-- but not before placing another hundred dollars onto the counter, practically speed-walking away.

What? Any money was good money and maybe Karmyn would get like... praised for how much she made. "Cupcake?" She opened the box, handing them out whoever would take them.

Mer had passed by the kissing booth and halted in her tracks, spotting Henri. "Hey! Mason! Hammi! Wait. I'm sorry, you don't like that. Sorry. Sorry. A peace offering for you," Mercedes had slid over the cupcake on the counter, ignoring the intimidating brunette who was clearly too focused fixing her makeup to even notice her. The red head little girl had also caught Mer's attention-- and a genuine smile spread across her face. "y'know, I just remembered I'm allergic to chocolate, so... these are all for you." Yet another lie! She was on a roll today. Mer had pushed the box of cupcakes towards the toddler, sure, she didn't ask Mason-- her father, apparently. But like... it was either that or she'd have to throw them away. Food shouldn't go to waste. She was rich, not wasteful.

Another hundred dollars was placed onto the counter and then she was off yet again, Mercedes searching for yet another person to spend minimal time with.

Oh! Perfect. "Drake!" The brunette approached the baked goods stand. She had to admit, none of these things sounded appetizing, but boy, did they look like it.

"Whatcha got here?"
INTERACTIONS:: Karmyn, Nat, Rae, Mason, Henri, Ari, Drake.


TAGS: @le reveur Winona Winona @sunshineysoul Nixiee Nixiee
code by valen t.
MOOD: happy


Isabella ( r e i r e i )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Fletcher and Juniper are waiting for Isa
Fletcher Gray
I’m totally better...

Gray sat slumped on his couch, waiting for Juniper to finish getting ready and for Isa to arrive, so they could all go to the fair. He’d been ready for hours, since his idea of “getting ready” was throwing on halfway decent clothes and shoving a rice krispy treat into his mouth. Women, he thought, amused. They take so gosh darn long to get ready.

As he was just about to decide to take a nap on the couch, Juniper’s door creaked open and she stepped out, a triumphant grin on her face. Gray mirrored her expression, nodding his head in approval. “Dinosaur pants with rainboots and a Hello Kitty shirt. Nice,” he laughed, holding his hand up for a fist bump. She certainly had better taste than him.

Gray sat up, patting the couch next to him. “Come on, get up here and let me do your hair,” he said, holding up a pair of scissors that had been left on the coffee table in front of him. Juni tried to run, shrieking laughter following her as Gray stood up, grinning and gave chase. It was the same thing every morning, a routine of sorts.

When he finally caught up to her, he wrapped his hands around her middle, hoisting her up and throwing her over his shoulder. Tiny hands pounded on his back as Juniper laughed, and he set her down gently on the couch. Her comb was in her hand and as Gray went to grab it, she snatched it away, sticking her tongue out at him.

“Isa can do it. She’s better. You always make ‘em all lumpy,” she grinned, crossing her arms.

“Give me the comb you little heathen,” Gray exclaimed, indignant. “I’ll not have you comparing me to her. I’m obviously better,” he added, prying the comb gently from his sister’s hand.

She snorted, and raised a single eyebrow, a gesture he had taught her. He squaked in fake outrage and a bright giggle escaped from Juniper as he fell down on the couch, a comedic pout on his face.

“How dare you use my own gesture against me, Juni,” he told her, wiping a pretend tear from the corner of his eye. “How will I go on? My own sister has betrayed me,” he added, flopping back onto the couch and playing dead, one eye cracked open as he watched her try to be sneaky and jump on him. Right before she launched herself at him, Gray sat up, giving her the same look she had given him.

“You think you’re slick, don’t you,” he grinned, flicking her nose. “Fine. Isa can do your hair. But don't complain to me when she makes it too tight,” he continued, crossing his arms and staring at the door. Juniper mirrored him, and so they sat, staring at the door and waiting for the last part of their dysfunctional family to arrive.

“I’m totally better,” he said, his gaze pinned on the door.

“Are not.”

“Am too.”

“Are not.”

“Fine. I’ll go find a new little sister then.”

“No one else would put up with you.”

“Isa told you to say that didn’t she.”

code by valen t.


mood: mad + location: grey's + outfit: xxx + tags: Kio.exe Kio.exe

Isa was getting ready for the carnival, she was riding with Gray and her baby girl, Juni. That little girl had her wrapped around her finger. It's not like she minded. It was a weird family all together but they were a family. Her mom spoiled Juni and Gray like they were her own kids and grandkid. She can still remember the first day she met them, she was on the run from her mother and she was just walking around. She started to follow Gray for some reason, and it came to the point where she started to basically live with them. She doesn’t know how it happened. She was just following him for the heck of it but she started to care for him and his baby sister. Even when her mom eventually found her, she went back. She become Juni's mom, and it just works. Her mom basically feeds them sometimes and it works.

She walks out of her room and goes to her mother. ”I'm going out with Gray and the baby. I’ll be home tomorrow maybe?” She tells her as she kisses her cheek. Her mother just sighed and grumbled. She walks out the door, and walks to Gray’s. They lived about 20 minutes away from her so it wasn’t a bad walk. Once she gets there, she walks in using the key she has. She sees Gray trying to mess with her baby’s hair.

”GET AWAY FROM MY CHILD YOU DEMON!” Juni of course laughs and runs to Isa with the comb.Who picks her up carefully as she glares at Gray. She walks to him slapping his head, and mumbles under her breath. She places the young girl down and carefully does her hair. Making sure there’s no lumps and that she wasn’t pulling hard. Once her hair is in perfect state. She smiled and kissed Juni's cheek. ”There you go, a perfect hair for a perfect baby girl.” she then turns to Gray glaring at him.

coded by natasha.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 9:14 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... katee nausbaum ...

kissing booth! yay!




henri Nixiee Nixiee raven Soap Soap mason, xan Winona Winona oliver Chimney Swift Chimney Swift darwin Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy

Katee’s bright smile was now riddled with small brown specks where the chocolate had nestled into his crooked teeth. One half of a brownie remained in his left hand. The other one? Welp, it was on its way through his digestive system.

Brownies! Sugar! That was definitely not what Katee needed, but it was definitely what Katee wanted. Plus, it was free! No need to dig out the crumpled, heavy paper bag of pennies wallet! Great way to start off a carnival, he had to say.

Xan spoke again. “So, what are you guys doing here? Gonna go do some fair games? Got some food and stuff? I saw another sweets stand, but I mean…”

Katee shoved the last of the other brownie in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it.

“Couldn’t turn down the chance for a bit of a high, ya know?”

H— what?

Nut’s eyes went round, and he lightly touched at his throat with a hand.


“My brownies…” His lips sunk into a frown. His brows knitted.

Sugar high? Was that what he meant? Or did he mean that Xan had, like, shoved some kind of drug in the brownies or something?

It was a lot to think about…so he didn’t think.

"Or, or, or, we could leave.”

Leave? Noooo, they’d just gotten here!

As Xan spoke of his plan to foolproof plan to vandalize a house, Nut’s eyes widened even more, and he shook his head enthusiastically the further and further he got.


“That’s illegal!” Katee piped. “No!” To Xan’s questions, he gave a quick response: “We gotta play some games, too! We can’t just leave!”

He looked around, looking for something to change the subject to. No spray-painting dicks on buildings! No leaving! So how did he switch things up?

“Er, hey!” He pointed at a random booth. “C’mon, guys, let’s go see what that is! It looks fun!” He smiled again, the chocolate in his teeth staring back at the others.

With that, he took off— took off as in walked pretty slowly. Due to his high spirits, he kinda felt like something bad was gonna happen, ‘cuz bad things always happened when he felt good. It was kinda his talent, ya know. Expert messer-upper. Insert sunglasses emoji.

His feet came to stop at the booth, and his eyes trailed up to the sign, a brow raised.

Kissing booth?” he read, confused. “Like, the movie?”

“…I mean, Henri could always take your spot. I'd pay millions to kiss her. Tried once when I was eight, didn't work out very well... You're not gonna get any action if you keep that pout on your face. No one wants pouty lips, Mason."

Confused at the voice by what he had just overheard, Katee’s eyes trailed to the girl who had spoken them. “Raven?” he asked, brows knitted in confusion. “Kissing Henri? Like, first kiss?” He looked at Henri. “I thought that you never kissed anyone before? Are you kissing her?” He looked at Raven, smiling. “You’re Henri’s first kiss, Raven!”

He glanced over at Mason, and he grinned at the dude. "Also, I think that people wanna kiss pouty lips, Mason! I would!"

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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MOOD: Noped Out
location: The Carnival
interaction ❜ Xander Winona Winona , Katee ditto ditto , Darwin Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy , Oliver Kio.exe Kio.exe


Oliver's keen senses picked up an unusual aftertaste... huh, probably something stuck to the pan. No matter. It was still good. Besides, anything was good on an empty stomach.

"Gonna go do some fair games? Get some food and stuff? I saw another sweets stand, but I mean... couldn't turn down the chance for a little bit of a high, ya know?"

Oliver, who had just swallowed the last of his brownie, skeptically raised an eyebrow at Xander. A little bit of a high... In truth, Oliver had naïvely misunderstood the comment. He thought Xander was saying he was high, probably from smoking something at some point before. It did not at all occur to Oliver that they'd all been dosed up on a heavy helping of THC. It would be a while before he felt it.

Xan then suggested leaving the carnival to draw crude depictions of male genitalia on the buildings of Auburn Springs. Oliver frowned, edging away from the group as he silently flicked through his phone for a few moments, wanting to distance himself from the proposal as much as he could in this horribly confining space. This all seemed like a bad idea, but he didn't say anything. Katee did that for him, voicing concern over the legality of Xan's hobby and prancing off to find something else to do. Something at a stall a little way's off, manned by Raven and Mason (and Mason's tiny daughter) that had already attracted quite a crowd.

The kissing booth? No. Fuck no. No, no no no. What on earth was Katee thinking? Oliver felt his teeth clench and a rush of anxiety clamp down on his throat. He couldn't be around this. Not right now. Not today. The fair was overcrowded and noisy as it was. The last thing he needed was to be assaulted on the lips again. Besides, he had... vague and murky memories that something bad had happened with Mason at the party. He looked at Mason and felt nails dig into his shoulder, heat brush his skin...

Oliver tapped Katee on the shoulder, whispered something barely audible about needing to use the bathroom, and took off running.
He had no intention of returning.

It took Oliver several minutes to find his counterpart Oliver, Oliver James. By the time he spotted the taller Oliver perched on one of the benches, Smaller Oliver was wheezing from exhaustion and clearly already out of sorts from the intense environment. He climbed up onto the bench with the other Oliver, with a breathless "Sorry." Even he himself wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. Though he'd known Oliver James longer than he could remember, he had this indescribable presence and way of carrying himself that always seemed to leave Oliver Dreyfuss at a loss.

Remembering their brief online exchange, Oliver rolled back his jacket sleeve to show his mangled left hand. Ace-bandaged at the wrist as if for a sprain, four of his fingers were skewed at the joints and seemed not to move, and his wrist held the appendage at crooked angle. His fingertips, knuckles and the side of his palm all had an odd bluish tint. "This one." He said simply, biting into his lower lip as if in embarrassment. His face went blank and vacant, eyes shifting side to side as he added "It doesn't hurt." A bald lie. "I just want to go please, it's too much here."

code by valen t.
MOOD: Much Excitement
location: The Gomez Residence
interaction ❜ Faith r e i r e i


Eugene didn't know what the Bridgers were talking about. He had a great party.

In the week since, he and Faith had been inseparable. He bought her candy and showed her all the cool music venues, she put up with his hyperactive persona and spontaneous puns and monologues. And really... she was just the coolest.

With her, and Dex quickly stepping into position as his first mate, best friend and partner in GIF crimes, Eugene almost felt like a normal teen again. Like the gaping void the last few years had left had started to seal up.

The school carnival was as new and exciting for him as it was for any of the freshman and new arrivals. He'd missed it his own freshman year, and his sophomore year... didn't really happen. This year they were fundraising to rebuild the Ambridge school, which was very exciting to Eugene who had always thought they deserved a school that was less gross and run-down. Maybe the fire was like, a good thing. Gene got to meet all these cool new people (even if most of them seemed crabby and unpersonable), and they got a brand new shiny school to do whatever it was they did in there. A blessing disguised as a raging inferno. He almost wished he'd thought to set it alight himself.

Anyhow, he was having a little trouble picking up Faith for the carnival. He'd called an Uber almost no idea ago only for the map to show the car somewhere in the Pacific Ocean near Hawai'i. Wack. Guess it was time to walk. Saying goodbye to his father and brother and giving his stepmother his usual forced half-smile (which she did not return), he ducked out and pulled up Faith's address on Google Maps. She lived closer to the location than he did, which was very convenient.

In about 10 minutes, he'd arrived, skipping up the front steps and cheerfully ringing the doorbell. Hopefully she'd be ready... and not too kissed that he was so abominably late. C- in boyfriending this morning. Whoops.

code by valen t.
mood :

mixed feelings

location :

sly @finessekid.23

dani ~ bisexual ~ 17 ~ ambridge
Danielle monroe

In the week following Valerie’s disaster of a party, Dani had managed to avoid too much conversation with anyone, including her friends. In fact, outside of a few Twitter exchanges and talking to Oliver here and there, which was only because he lived with her, she'd done a damn good job of isolating herself. There were many reasons the girl was dodging human interactions but at the top of the list was Sly. It all came back down to him and what had happened that night.

From Sly and Chelsea Freud's fight, to kidnapping and threatening him and his sister, to that stupid argument. Honestly, Dani knew that the second she tried to talk to Raven or Ryan in person her emotions would get the best of her. Lying was one thing but when every emotion possible was still swirling around in her head, it would be harder not to vent and let it all spill to her best friends. She couldn't do that. Even if she only told them about the fighting with Sly part, they would be pissed or ask more questions and it was just better that she avoided that.

The one person she could talk to, that she wanted to talk to was Sly and they were stuck in this weird limbo. It was like each of them was waiting for the other to make a move but their feelings and pride keep holding them back. In all honesty, Dani was still upset. At first, she had taken the blame and felt that he was right. She had wanted him to go to the stupid party and she had walked away from him. If she hadn't left him, he might've never gone after the frat boy in the first place. The more and more time went by though, she realized how wrong he was.

Dani had done nothing but stand by Sly's side even during the worst of things. Time and time again she had told him that she would do anything for him and she'd damn sure proven that. Now she was just angry. Thinking about how he let his ex-girlfriend talk to her without saying a word to defend her, berated her as if she was the cause of the mess they'd been in, and then pushed her away like nothing.

There were no texts, no calls, no trying to make things right. It had just been radio silence since that night. His voice echoed in her mind, over and over, yelling at her to get out of the car and she hated it. Maybe it was just the fear and anger talking for him in the heat of the moment but that hadn't made it hurt less and she couldn't see past that pain. So, as much as it was killing her to not talk to him the girl had remained distant. After all, in her mind, he'd made it clear how he felt...

Sighing, Dani turned off the water and stepped out of the steamy shower. She wrapped the light blue towel around herself and pulled her hair down from the shower cap it had been in. The pink locks fell on her shoulders as she opened the bathroom door and walked down the hallway. When she turned the corner into her bedroom her eyes fell on Sly and she froze for a moment. Seriously? He hadn't bothered with her all week and not he was just showing up out of the blue?

"What are you doing here? Did my mom let you in?" she finally said as she walked by him and to her dresser in search of something to wear. "I haven't heard from you all week, Sly. Come to throw the blame on me for that too?" she said, her back to him as she pulled on the jeans. Spinning around and leaning on the dresser she finally let her eyes focus on him as she waited for his response. She'd be lying if she said that seeing him didn't lift a weight off her shoulders but she wasn't telling him that.

coded by reveriee.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 1:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr





Soap Soap

A lopsided grin broke out on his face when Mercedes approached. Sure, Drake had been keeping up and had been fairly busy with the stoners of both schools being attracted to his stand -- apparently, word had gotten around Auburn Springs fairly quickly that Drake was ahh... well, you know, known for his consistent stoner attitude. Hell, Drake had even started selling weed (and maybe some other shit) to some of the Springers. Not that he'd shared any of the money with Mason, of course.

Mason wouldn't accept it if he did. His brother had some stupid, shitty morale compass that kept him from doing anything remotely fun -- or, you know, getting them out of the shitty apartment they were currently stuck in. No amount of "Imagine the better life Ari could have" had ever gotten Mason onto Drake's side when it came to means of acquiring money.

Well, at least Mason was mostly chill with the weed thing. It was anything past that where he'd... kind of freak the fuck out. Ridiculous worry and freaking out if you asked Drake.

You overdose one time...

"Right, so... mostly sold out of brownies but I have some of those." Drake looked down at the remaining sweets as he ran a hand through his hair, which just made the unkempt mess even more of a disaster than before. "Uhh... I tried some cookies, and oh--" he held a finger up to Mercedes with a little grin.

Drake crouched down behind the table and reached underneath it, pulling out a cardboard box that was not nearly as fancy as whatever Karmyn had but hey, stoners didn't really care what their shit came in, so long as they got high.

With a smile, he straightened back up and put the box down on the table. He opened it up and then pushed it towards Mercedes. "So, I promised you bacon cupcakes, so I did my best. I Googled a maple bacon recipe and tried to make them, and they tasted alright when I tried them at home, but ahh..." he shrugged, his smile faltering a little bit.

Maybe he was a little nervous. Mercedes had been nice to him when her friends had turned on him because of that bitch Honey, and he was eager to keep that little friendship. Uhh, if it could be considered friendship. Acquaintanceship. Basically, he just wanted to keep her as his ally, alright? And it would suck if that was lost over Drake ruining the cupcakes.

"All for you -- if you want 'em, 'course."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 1:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Nut, Darwin, Raven, Henri



Weird boy ran off, leaving Xander alone with Nut and Darwin. Well, hey, whatever! That was fine and grand. Whatever, whatever, you know? Xander kept that bright, optimistic smile on his face as Nut started talking about... not... wanting... to leave. What? He thought Bridgers weren't the type of people to hang around these parts, and he thought they liked to get in mischief. Xander had certainly gotten into plenty of trouble when he lived across the bridge, albeit he'd been eight, sooo... most of his trouble had involved kicking people in the shins or stealing lemonade that one time Darla's lemonade stand.

Alrighty, well, it was fine. Whatever. Xander's beaming smile and optimistic attitude wouldn't be upset by this minor inconvenience! Even if the backpack full of spray paint cans was starting to get heavy, he'd manage to enjoy his entire night here with these guys. Yep, yep, yep. Fairs were still fun! Even with the lack of being able to make beautiful art.

(By beautiful art, he of course meant his vandalism dicks.)

Xander bounced after his new friend as they approached... the... kissing booth...?

"We're not seriously paying to kiss people, are we?" Xander whispered to Darwin as he came to an awkward halt behind Nut.

Well, if this was what they were doing, he could... at least talk to the people.

Xander bounced forward and placed the tray of brownies down on the counter as Nut was calling out some girl named... Henri? Yeah, Henri. He was pretty sure he recognized that name as one of the girls that told him not to catch himself on fire. Or maybe one of the girls who told him he should catch himself on fire. Look, look, it had been a wild night.

"Hi, I'm Xander. Brownies? I got them from that Bridger kid." He said and gestured in the direction of Drake's stand with a grin before looking at Nut before letting his gaze go to Henri, a grin still on his face. "Aye, nothing wrong with not kissing, anyone, though. I've never had my first kiss." He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Because it was no big deal.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 1:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Raven, Henri, Nut



No one wants to kiss pouty lips--


Mason didn't want anyone to kiss his fucking lips and he shot a glare over at Henri which she mentioned volunteering -- of which he did not. Raven had signed him up against his fucking will and Mason was still fucking pissed about it and really wanted to fucking yell at the school or some shit for letting someone sign him up without his permission. What kind of fucking dumbass shit was this?

He was still boiling in his seat when Mercedes -- CK's little fucking bitch sister -- came running, tossed some money at them, and left a shit ton of cupcakes -- probably for fucking Ari. Mason rolled his eyes, but pulled himself to his feet and stepped over to the counter. He popped open the box, overlooking the cupcakes, before he pulled one out, unwrapped it, and passed it to Ari.

"This is fucking ridiculous..." he was grumbling to himself as--


Fucking no.

Nut came up. On a day-to-day basis, Mason could handle Nut. The little fucker reminded Mason of a young him. You know, probably the kind of dumbass he'd be had he not knocked up Adriane and ended up with a toddler at seventeen. So normally, he had a soft spot for Nut and the fucking nonsense that rambled out of his mouth.


Not so much.

First, the little fuck announced that Henri had never kissed someone before -- which, great, fuck it. Whatever. Who really gave a shit?

But then.

"Also, I think that people wanna kiss pouty lips, Mason! I would!"

Mason's jaw dropped open for a moment before shutting, tightly. He considered responding to Nut but instead, he just squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, a ragged breath inhaling through his nose and then exhaling sharply.

"Raven, I need a fucking smoke break." He grumbled.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

just like heaven

Good for a high. A high?

But Darwin had already finished it.

It immediately threatened to come back up and all over his shirt. He'd been stoned before, but only in private. Nobody told him... Immediately his fingers began to twitch. Fuck. Why did he come out here, this was a horrible idea. Existing was a mistake, actually. To disappear, at that very moment, would have been some sort of blessing.

Nut Guy was suddenly beginning to walk away while Darwin was contemplating the plans to commit vandalism. (Darwin had done illegal things before, but rarely ever for fun. Mostly he stole.) Through almost shaky vision, Darwin parsed what he realized was... a kissing booth. His throat tightened. People are really paying to kiss? It seemed incredibly unsanitary -- though Darwin was used to unsanitary conditions, this just seemed like a bit much. Were people showing their vaccination records from the get-go, or was it more of a "hope for the best" situation?

It wasn't like Darwin was a germaphobe or anything. This seemed like a pretty reasonable fear.

To make things even worse, Oliver left. And while he said something about the bathroom, Darwin had enough experience with being an anxious wreck to know that he wasn't coming back. Sure, Oliver gave off a vibe of total annoyed indifference towards Darwin, but he was also the only person that Darwin even slightly knew in this group. Not that he was significantly more predictable than any of these strangers.

Keeping to himself was the right call all along, and this was just proof.

Darwin had never snogged nor smooched another person, and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that if he was maybe 13 or 14 years old. However, he was 17, nearly a legal adult. He wasn't closeted, but also wasn't quite open about liking boys, since it tended to attract negative attention. Then again, his liberal use of make-up and nail polish probably suggested something, dare he say, queer was afoot.

Maybe being stoned would be a blessing.

"Uhm..." He was about to say something like, I'd kiss Mason, but the words got caught in his throat. Thank God. That'd be a horrible first impression. Instead he said something arguably just as bad: "Do, uh, do you all... 'ave up-to-date medical documents, or--" Oh, Mason seemed mad. Not at what Darwin said. Darwin wasn't sure if anyone heard what he said.

Darwin shook all over. He wasn't cold, just scared.





Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ditto ditto Winona Winona @kissing booth squad

nine lives

MOOD: anxious

OUTFIT: Black sweatpants and white jean jacket

LOCATION: the fair
Oli D ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )
TL;DR Oli D and Oli J are with each other.
Oliver James
Oh go away...

A few minutes later, Oliver’s phone began to buzz incessantly in his pocket, and he pulled it out, frowning. What was going on now?

As he read, occasionally texting back, Oliver’s frown grew, and his foot began to tap anxiously on the ground. What was Oliver D, his counterpart, talking about? Oliver certainly hadn’t heard about him hurting his hand.

Where are you? Come here, he typed into the chat, sighing. He and the other Oliver certainly weren’t friends. No, Oli J didn’t do friends, and he made sure Oli D knew it. Even if he had a soft spot for the boy. Not that he’d ever admit it, of course.

Clicking off his phone after getting an answer, Oliver leaned his head back against the concrete wall behind him, shutting his eyes. Knowing Oli D, it would take the kid a while to get there.

After a few minutes of blissful silence, Oliver felt a warm body sit besides him, and cracking open a blue eye, he saw it was Oli, there at last. Sighing, Oliver closed his eyes again until Oli said something about his hand, the one he had hurt.

Oliver opened both eyes and sat up straight as Oli D held out his hand for him to inspect. Shit. It was a bruised mess of twisted bones and swollen joints. Shit. For a second, blinding anger washed over him and he closed his eyes again, being sure to keep his breathing steady. He couldn’t make the kid panic.

With shaking hands, Oliver reached out and held Oli’s mangled one in his own, making sure to be as gentle as possible as he examined it further. Shit. He needed to see a doctor.

“Bullshit it doesn’t hurt,” Oliver hissed, giving Oli an incredulous look. “And it’s not fine. You need to see a doctor. Not that I care or anything,” Oliver added, shrugging and releasing Oli’s hand.

It was always like this, with them, for as long as Oliver could remember. Oli D would do something stupid and Oliver J would yell at him, but if anyone else so much as dared breath in Oli’s direction the wrong way, they were as good as dead.

“Why were you hanging out with those losers anyways, hmm?” Oliver asked, leaning his head back against the wall. “You know they’re only going to get you in trouble, and I don’t feel like cleaning up after you again,” he continued, no real anger in his voice. There was never any real anger with Oli D.

“Just...go away, so I can nap,” he added, closing his eyes. Please don’t leave, he thought, cracking open an eye just barely to make sure Oli wasn’t moving to go.

His foot was still tapping the ground anxiously, and his fingers fidgeted with the wire binding of his sketchbook. Why he was anxious now, he hadn’t a clue, but he certainly wouldn’t let Oli know. The boy had a way of picking up on his very energy that irritated Oliver to no end.

God he was annoying. And incredibly sweet, and smart in all the wrong ways. He was sort of Oliver’s best friend. Not that Oli knew that. As if Oliver would tell him that.

But it was nice.

code by valen t.
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Dexter Cruz
Auburn Springs
Dexter winced after Ren's comments on his attire. "Oh... well, I like it. It reminds me of private school," he protested, tugging at his collar. The gentle boy was very aware of his severe lack of fashion sense and general deficit in presentability, but hearing it from Ren got to him just a little bit more. He quickly recovered from this blow to his ego as always, leaning down to let Ren fix his hair. "Heheh... you're short." That was definitely subjective, especially coming from a 6'4 giant.

Dex prodded a bit at his chest, feeling a bit exposed with more skin showing. Not that it's ever bothered him before; he just found it amusing to find that he was comparing himself to a salsa dancer with the adjustments to his shirt. Plus, Ren had way more of her torso and, ahem, chest, in the open anyway, so it wouldn't have been that much of a stretch to just go shirtless as the night went on. Dex flashed a goofy smile, staring like a fool back at Ren. "Hey, thanks a lot, Ren! That's really sweet of you." He ran his hand through his messed up hair, appreciating the familiar knots and tangles he'd grown accustomed to.

He nodded at Ren's request—or demand—and scanned the area for the nearest food stand. He'd just bought some baked goods and he was already ready for more. It was a good thing Dex's parents knew him well enough to stock his wallet before sending him off to any location with food vendors. "Candy apples? Sure, how many you want?" Dex inquired, tapping his chin, "I think I'll do three. Or three and a half. Wanna split one?"

The entire time they'd been speaking, Dexter had been resisting the urge to pull in Ren for a hug with the fear he'd get his blood drained by her vampire teeth or something. Before flicking his head toward the direction of where Dex suspected the candy apples to be, he reached his hand out and hesitated for a moment. Oftentimes with his friends and family, he'd excitedly tug at their wrists and drag them along with him, but again, Ren's teeth. Too risky.

"Get a move on, Ren & Stimpy! We got a loooong food tour head of us," the dark-haired boy urged enthusiastically, turning around and walking backwards while facing Ren. He had a spring in his step, ready to chase the night ahead of them. Mission accomplished. Team Pirate Cowboy Dexter... party of two!
sustenance hour
@le reveur (Ren)
coded by natasha.
Theodore Virtanen
Theo stood tall and straight over a now-seated DC, both of his hands shoved into his jeans' pockets. He had already gathered that DC was a fairly apathetic guy, his dry tone of voice rivaling even that of the passive-aggressive international student right in front of him. Is this boy trying to level with me? Perchance he is calling me short?

The topic of hookups had been brought up by Theo again—just to make sure they were on the same page. DC could act as aloof and uncaring as he wanted, but Theo couldn't just get over that moment in the football shed so easily. DC was right there, nearly witnessing him do the... the... sukupuoliyhdyntä.


Theo was ashamed to have let himself be so irresponsible and reckless at school of all places. The worst part of it all was that a tiny part of him liked the thrill. The risk of expulsion via unwanted voyeurs, rushing the crucial school tour, the sense of euphoria and stimulation from the coke... all products of the seed Silas had planted in Theo long before they ever got serious with one another. No, the gardening kind of seed. Don't be gross.

Whether Silas was around anymore or not didn't matter. Theodore had a taste of the excitement of being a carefree teenager with mountains of shirked responsibilities behind them, fostering the same reckless intrigue he'd sworn off his entire life. With the help of Silas, he dipped his toes so slowly into that dangerous world that he didn't even realize he was a part of it the whole time. And now Silas was gone—but why had the intrigue lingered? Like an addict, young Theodore didn't realize he was hooked until he was sober. You were never above them. Look at yourself, pining over a bad, bad man for sex and drugs. And now you discuss hookup so casually.

And, why, oh why, was Theo disappointed to have been turned down? He hadn't inquired about a hookup with the hope that DC would oblige; he was merely requesting clarification. So why was he so invested in the answer? He felt dirty, desperate... beneath DC. And the condescending comments weren't helping. Worst of all, he grew a little giddy when DC called him handsome. It hadn't registered as a compliment in time for Theo to react properly. He appeared neutral and cool as always, which was probably more of a blessing than he realized. The last thing he wanted was to appear as sex-crazed as his ex...hookup? "I see. Yes, I was merely asking you to explicate the purpose of this conversation."

He stared back at DC expectantly as he fumbled over his words. Since he'd met the stoic junior, he'd spoken only with brazen eloquence. It naturally came as a surprise to witness such a sudden shift in confidence, especially after the boy had discussed hookup prospects so matter-of-factly. "We know? Just what are we knowing?" he asked quizzically, completely clueless as to what DC was attempting to allude to.

"Oh? That is all you wanted? I did not realize you had been keeping it secret," Theodore responded with a mild degree of surprise, "You had no problem making it known to me and Silas. Why is that?"
outside staff parking lot
say whaaat
ditto ditto (Donna)
coded by natasha.
MOOD: Hey...!
location: The Carnival
interaction ❜ Oliver Kio.exe Kio.exe



Oli J. reached out for Oli D.'s hand, gently thumbing over the fractures, but even that light contact was enough to make the smaller of the boys pull back and wince.

Obviously this didn't exactly drive home his "it doesn't hurt" case.

"Bullshit it doesn't hurt. And it's not fine. You need to see a doctor. Not that I care, or anything."

The Doctor? Dreyfuss had... limited experiences with doctors. His mother had a violent distrust for medicine and had refused him all but the most strictly necessary procedures. Vaccinations the school wouldn't excuse, his neuropsych evaluation, fixing his collapsed lung (even though she was the one that splintered his rib into it in the first place), getting his appendix removed when it gave up on him. That was it. Anything else, and he had been on his own. After his father up and left, the family hadn't had medical insurance anyway.

This wasn't the first time Oliver had neglected a broken bone. It would not be the last.

Oliver James proceeded to question his younger cohort's choice of company: “You know they’re only going to get you in trouble, and I don’t feel like cleaning up after you again,” Dreyfuss only groaned in response, looking away and raking the fingers of his good hand down the side of his face. Oli J wasn't wrong: Nut was good-intentioned but had a propensity to find trouble that rivaled Oliver's own, Darwin was volatile and had all the stability of a glass staircase, and Xan... Xan just emanated trouble. Maybe Oliver had been a little reckless to think he himself was stable enough to stay safe with them, especially after the party... Or maybe his counterpart Oliver was just shaking his fragile confidence again. Damn it.

And then Oliver James asked him to leave. What? That didn't make any sense. Oliver was usually the only person on earth Oli could read... maybe it was the shared name. It had to be that. Couldn't possibly be anything else.

"What!? No. No, no, no. I'm not. I won't... I..." Oliver protested with a flash of indignation. Anyone other than Oliver James, and he would have simply run off without another word, but him-- his friend who definitely and most certainly did not like him, his protector who absolutely honestly did not care-- with him, Oliver D. found the confidence to talk back a little. They shared an odd little symbiosis where in all other ways, Dreyfuss felt like a parasite.

No immediate response. Oliver J. was still pretending to be drifting off on the bench, eyes closed and fingers gently fiddling with his sketchbook's spine. Oliver D., exhaling sharply in frustration, tugged the sleeve of his double's jacket. "Hey! You're not sleeping! It's too loud for that; I'm not dumb, you know. Come on, will you... agh, fine. I'll go to the doctor, but you have to take me okay? Please?"

Brown eyes met a wink of blue. Not sleeping after all... perfect. Oliver couldn't help but smile a little, pulling his legs up onto the bench and kneeling to match the other's height. "You're a liar." He quipped, folding his arms over his chest. For once, he didn't sound hurt and fearful. Despite everything, a little spark of life had returned to him.

code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 1:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr





Winona Winona

He had expected to run into fellow bridgers. With the fire, it had become inevitable. But he didn’t expect to run into Rory Hansen.

Memories flooded his brain. Rory and he had been inseparable the few weeks they had been placed in the same foster home. Most of the time, it was chasing after the twins and making sure they didn’t blow the house up with everyone inside. But a few times they had been able to sneak off. Share a bottle one of them had stolen…on the pier or the park…or the roof of their foster home while their foster parent’s freaked out about two of their kids missing curfew. It was quite entertaining and in retrospect, Link had no idea how they stayed together as long as they did. Rory and the twins got the boot first, but it wasn’t long after that he had been placed in a different home.

"Moving up in the world, huh? You live in one of those fucking mansions with the gold plated stairs and shit?"

Link’s eyes met Rory’s and he slipped his hands in his pockets. An uncomfortable smirk formed on his face as if she had just caught him stealing a cookie from the cookie jar or staring at her ass, which he had done EXACTLY one time. That he got caught anyway. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “My new stepmom says gold plating is tacky and lacks any amount of class.” His failed attempt at a joke. “We have marble stairs.” He rolled his eyes and was glad when she just moved on to his question.

“But the twins wanted to come so I'm here to make sure Zane doesn't set anything on fire and Ian doesn't get himself a fish to put in our toilet."

Link let out a small laugh. The Twins. The twins were a force to be reckoned with. But you’d want to do that reckoning from the safety of an underground bunker lined with lead. Even then, your odds were probably not too good. Guess not everything changes. Rory had always looked after the twins. Always put their needs above hers.

"What are you doing here? Out to meet up with some of your new Springer besties? Or spending a day with your new family?"

“Springer besties?” He mocked a wounded expression. “I thought you knew me better than that. You know I can’t make friends.” A smirk playfully formed on his lips as they stopped in front of the fair gates.

“And the new family has me living in the guest house and tells everyone I’m an orphan charity case, BUT, stepmom gave me a hundred bucks. Wanna see what kind of trouble we can get up to?” He said glancing over at her. It didn’t bother him that his new family didn’t want him. Nope. Not one bit.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: hungry




Isabella ( r e i r e i )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Gray is hungry
Fletcher Gray
God I’m starving

Gray was ready for Isa’s anger as she walked in the door, and so he sat, a shit eating grin on his face as she yelled at him. Another part of their routine. Unbothered, he leaned back on the couch, eyes closed while Isa did Juniper’s hair, arms tucked behind his head.

“Don’t be so cranky, Isa dear. I think it looked perfectly lovely before you came along,” Gray teased, his eyes still closed. “Is what’s her name coming with us?” He asked, cracking open one grey eye to peer at Isa. “Cathy? No...Catie? No not that either. Oh! Callie. Is she coming?” He finished. Callie was Isa’s girlfriend, and a Springer, two things that made Gray instantly distrustful of the girl. Even if she did seem nice.

Sighing, as Isa finished Juni’s hair, Gray heaved himself up off the couch, rifling through his cabinets for a snack. That was the thing about Gray—he was always hungry. Pulling out a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Gray dug into the bag, not bothering with a bowl or milk, simply pouring some into his mouth.

“Did you tell mom I said hi?” He asked, through a mouth full of cereal. Isa’s mom was practically his own mother, and the woman adored him. And Juni. But mostly him. Who could deny a pretty face like his? Gray certainly didn’t know.

Their friendship was an odd one, he supposed. It had begun the day she’d started following him, just a young girl on the run from her mother. Gray, true to his nature, of course, had threatened to flay her alive if she kept following him. She ended up spending the night at his place, and they’d been friends since. An odd friendship indeed.

Shoving another handful of sugary cereal into his mouth, Gray raised his eyebrows at Isa, grabbing his keys from where they had been discarded on the counter. “Are you staying here tonight?” He asked, shoving shoes on his feet and throwing the box of cereal onto the counter haphazardly. They had to go, or they’d be late. Not that you could really be late to a fair but...Juniper was excited to go. He was too, he supposed, if only because of the food. His stomach grumbled at the thought and he frowned down at it. “I’m bloody starving,” he added, patting his stomach.

“Alright let’s go. We’re going to be late.”
code by valen t.
MOOD: amused

OUTFIT: Black sweatpants and white jean jacket

LOCATION: the fair
Oli D ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )
TL;DR Oli J is amused.
Oliver James
You’re the worst...

"What!? No. No, no, no. I'm not. I won't... I..."

Oliver fought a groan at the words, still pretending to be asleep. If it had been anyone else, he would have snapped back, or punched them. But it was Oliver Dreyfuss, and instead of being annoyed, Oliver James was only amused.

"Hey! You're not sleeping! It's too loud for that; I'm not dumb, you know. Come on, will you... agh, fine. I'll go to the doctor, but you have to take me okay? Please?"

Oliver fought the smile that tried to claw its way onto his face at the words, even as a wave of relief washed over him. Oli would go to the doctor, and he’d even let Oliver bring him. God he wished Oliver D’s mother was a guy so that he could knock some sense into her. This wasn’t the first time his counterpart had been hurt, and Oliver James knew deep down it wouldn’t be the last. And it irritated him to no end.

A tugging could be felt on Oliver’s jacket, and he cracked an eye open again, the corners of his lips turning up in an almost imperceptible smile. He could feel Oli D shift besides him, kneeling so that he was at eye level with Oliver.

“You’re a liar.”

Shit. He’d been found out. Sighing, he opened his eyes and sat up, frowning. “I would never lie to you, Oliver. What sort of person do you think I am, hmm?” He asked, keeping his face serious, his voice even. Moving his gaze from Oli D’s face, Oliver took a moment to study the fair around him. The same balloon vendor was standing directly in front of them, a few metres away. The same booths were set up in rows some distance away, and people were still streaming in and out of the bathrooms besides them. He didn’t know what he’d expected to change.

Oliver sighed again, crossing his arms. “Seeing as I’m stuck with you, what do you want to do?” He asked, meeting his gaze again. “We’ll do whatever you want. I honestly couldn’t care less, so decide quick or I really will take a nap,” he continued, smirking. As if he could sleep now. He felt wired, like he’d just chugged a cup of coffee. “Or we could go to the doctor’s now, if you’d like,” he finished, his frown deepening as he studied Oli’s hand again. He’d seen, caused, and had worse injuries, but for some reason the sight made Oliver want to break things.

Babysitting Oliver was not how he’d planned to spend his day, but for some reason it felt...better. Better than sitting here on this bench by himself, trapped in his own mind. Certainly better than being home, with his parent’s disappointment following him everywhere. Scrubbing at his eyes, Oliver waited for his younger friend’s answer, scowling.

“You’re the worst, you know that?”

code by valen t.
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