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Fandom Attack on Titan: Chapter II

Victoria looks at Lucas "Victoria" she says going back to her book "I'm a recruit, like everyone else" she says, not really in the mood for talking, but getting to know your comrades would be useful.
"Lucas," remarks the young man. Stretching out his hand for a handshake, he cracks a smile, faint but friendly. "Lucas Lawrence. All here by yourself? Guess I'll change that," Shortly after speaking, he settles down beside her, cross-legged on the dirt, looking over now and then at the paperback book in between her hands.
"Everyone else seemed to have fun talking to each other, didn't want to interfere" Victoria says glancing at him from the corner of her eyes "What are you aiming for? Scouting regiment?" she asks trying to start a normal conversation.
"And now we're having fun talking to each other," answers Lucas wryly.

When Victoria asks him a question, he answers, "Good guess," and smiles at her. As he smiles that smile of his, he raises one of his hands to rub away at some of the sweat bubbling in the creases in his forehead. After all, heat tends to do that and that bonfire is unfathomably hot... "Yeah, Scout Regiment. Probably think I'm crazy, huh? What about you, what division were you intending to become a part of?"
Niklas fetches a blanket from his tent, a ragged sheet of linen with holes and other imperfections here and there. "Here," he offers. "Use this for now. Little guy kind of looks cold, anyway. Will do him good. Probably why he was trying to get close to the fire, eh? Who knows."
"Maybe scout regiment or the military police" Victoria answers as she continues reading her book "Depends on my aunt and parents I guess" she says, not going into further detail "And no, you're not crazy" she adds "My uncle wanted to join too back in his day, but shit happened"
"Military Police might be better for you," murmurs Lucas. Maybe a second or two afterwards, Lucas tips his head down, referencing her book. “You seem smart enough for it. Besides, I can't imagine you in the Scout Regiment. Bookworm like you. And what happened to your uncle if that isn't too much to ask?"
"He met my aunt" Victoria says and she raises an eyebrow hearing that the military police might be better "The Scout Regiment needs smart people for your information" she says with a sly grin "Besides... what makes you think I'm only smart?" she asks closing her book and turning so she's facing Lucas completely.
He raises his eyebrows too. She's right about that, Lucas realises, "Hmmm," Pause, "Dunno. Gut feeling. You have a... look about you. Can't put my finger on it. You sure you want to become a Scout? You know the casualties of the Scout Regiment are double," He stops himself, shaking his head foolishly, “no, about five times higher than any other division, don't you?"
"I'm well aware, but I also know life in the inner wall is boring as hell" Victoria says still grinning at him "My dad thought I was only smart too" she points out "Until some boys in my neighborhood decided to bully me cause I was reading a book, I'll let you guess what happened to them" she says "Also I said maybe, being smart alone doesn't get you in the top 10" she points out.
"You're... I like you. Fun. Fiesty. Fiery," murmurs Lucas. "And, I'm telling you now, we're going to get along like," Abruptly, breaking his eyes from hers, Lucas looks over at the fire, still blazing the black night away, "a house on fire. Looking forward to working with you if we happen to end up in the same division when our training finishes. And you're right about. You need to be a Jack-of-all-trades if you want a place in the top ten."
"Not that I need to end in the top 10" Victoria mumbles to herself hoping he didn't hear it "But yeah, I don't really care where I end up, as long as my life goes from boring to not so boring" she says grinning again "And yeah probably, why did you join the military anyway?" she asks putting the book in her bag so it won't get dirty.
"Good question," says Lucas, not so sure how to answer. He takes a moment or so to do so, the moment silent for a time, save that bonefire, crackling and crackling in the dead of night. "My older brother was in the military a few years back. Following in his footsteps. Not really that good of an answer... but I want to help the Walls. Help humanity. Seems like a noble thing to do. And, besides, I wasn't doing much at home."
"Better reason then mine" is all Victoria says "My parents renovate our house, I get dumped with my stuck up aunt" she adds and she lays on her back to look at the sky, deep in thoughts, why did she join the military, she always told herself she would open a library, but here she is, in the wildernis after she joined the military.
Lucas laughs some when she mentions her aunt, "Sounds like you don't like her very much. Something happen between you two?" Reaching out in his seat of dirt and mud, he absent-mindedly picks up a twig in the grass, then tosses it into the fire, sparks and fragments of simmering embers flying upwards into the dark sky like fireflies.
Victoria groans, not this topic "Yes, I joined the military" she says bluntly "She doesn't agree with it in the slightest", not that she would understand it "Let's just say our ideas on the outside world are very different and we have different opinions in things that you can do with your life" she says with a tired sigh.
"Mum was the same with my brother when he left. And the same with me when it was my time to head out for training. Sort of sounds similar to your aunt and you," Lucas explains with a sombre tone of voice, "I think it comes from a good place. They don't want to see their loved ones... you know. Become titan food. Who would, you know?"
"The only reason my aunt let me was because she thinks I can easily get into the Military Police" Victoria says "And when I said that she's stuck up I mean it" she adds staring at the sky, her parents didn't even know she was here, since her aunt and uncle didn't tell them "If my mom found out I joined she'll drag me back home by my hair"
"Ouch," Lucas twists his face into a grimace, frowning, "That sounds painful."

"And that isn't the case for me and siblings. Well, most of my brothers, at least. I don't think my older brother was all there," Raising his hand, Lucas points to his head, two fingers circling his temple, "You know, mentally. Could barely do basic mathematics. Out of all of us, my younger sister would probably have the best chance of taking a spot in the Military Police. But she sort of has her career already. Works with Mum doing clothes. She's a seamstress."
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"How many siblings do you have?" Victoria asks tilting her head slightly "I am getting a younger brother soon, but seriously, my parents already think I'm a handful" she says with a sigh, sure she wasn't the easiest kid to raise, but at least she had a useful hobby, reading "I wanna meet your family one day" she says sitting up again "You can meet mine too if you want to"
He counts them on his fingers, almost running out, "Six brothers, two sisters," he tells her, "Yes, I know. It's a lot. And, yeah, of course, I'll have you over for dinner. Mum's cooking is to die for. She makes such a delicious tomato curry. You'll want seconds and thirds and whatever comes after thirds. And I'll meet your family too. Will be lots of fun."
"My name is Hana Moore, Sir!" Hana fumbled with her hand, accidentally saluting on the wrong side before sloppily correcting herself.
The girls face had become completely red and flushed, completely embarrassed about getting the salute wrong.

After what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence she added "I plan to join the survey corps and...um fight for humanity's future.....SIR!" Fumbling with her words, Hana copied the (almost) exact thing the last recruit had said before her.


Thinking back on that embarrassing moment made the girl cringe. Although it was a stupid thing to dwell on, it still bothered her. Causing her to distance herself from the main group of friends in her squad, thinking they thought less of her. As the others made conversation with each other, Hana sat by the edge of the river still nibbling on the last of her rations. Looking over at the beautiful landscape, she sat peacefully thinking that she could stare at it forever.
Niklas looks over one of his shoulders and in the corner of his eye spots a young cadet. She seems vaguely familiar but beneath a cloak of night it's hard for the man to tell. He strolls gingerly across the field, finishing his conversation with Midori, and finds a spot by the riverbank alongside her. "Yo," he murmurs, "I remember you... Aren't you the one who saluted wrong? Drill Sergeant Dave really went in on you for that, huh... I'm Niklas, by the way. Nik for short."
Hana was lost in a daydream, where she became the best titan killer on the squad, and didn't even notice her squad member sit down beside her.
Jumping slightly at his voice, she turned to him with a slight blush on her face. "Oh! ...I guess that was me, yeah." Laughing nervously she continued. "But! It was just because I was nervous, I swear!" The girl threw her hands up in front of her asking for forgiveness, before realising he hadn't made fun of her for it.
"I'm Hana..." Lowering her hands and thinking for a second she added. "I'm not sure I have a nickname, but its nice to meet you." Hana gave him a small smile and glanced back at her fellow cadets, before staring back out at the landscape.
Victoria smiles brightly "Wow, I have 4 cousins, two sets off twins, they're all older then I am so they're all superprotective of me" she says "I'm an only child at the mokent though, could be worse right?"

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