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Fandom Attack on Titan: Chapter II

Last night was quite lovely. The moon was shaped in an adorable crescent, reminding the cadet of a clipped toenail. She couldn't find the right words to describe it, so toenail would have to do. A warm spring breeze passed as she snacked on some leftover food she had managed to sneak passed the Sargent, the nasty old fellow. He'd probably would have reprimanded her if he saw her eating more then her distributed portions. Luckily, her fellow bunk mates, with a little convincing, decided to help her. The thought made her chuckle as she ate while sitting on roof of the mess hall, getting a great view of the camp. It wasn't much going on since everyone was soundly asleep, but it was better than staring at a wall listening to the majestic snores of her barrack mates. Yes, last night was lovely. So why did the morning have to be so terrible?

The screaming from outside awoke her from her sleep, the sudden shouts causing Pia to jump. A loud thump echoed throughout the room, tears spilling from her eyes as she rubbed her head in a futile attempt to ease the pain. The few cadets that were still in the barrack explained to her what the commotion was about, and if she didn't want to get an ear full from the Sergeant then she'd needed to get dressed and inside the carriages. Geez. She stopped rubbing her head and proceeded to quickly get dressed. It took her about six minutes to finish throwing on her uniform, Pia neglecting to fix her hair or properly button her shirt as she the buttons were all placed in the wrong holes. You'd think that having done this for a month that'd she'd be used to all this by now. If she'd known that this was going to happen, she'd never would have stayed up late last night. Groggy and tired, she gave herself a hard slap on the face. This was no time to be sleep deprived! One more check and she was ready, disregarding her extreme bed head and the fact that her jacket inside out. Pia ran out the building and into one of the carriages.

Hopping on board, she saw a rather familiar face sitting next to a two other familiar faces. Well, technically they all were familiar faces since she had seen them all for the past month. Semantic, she shrugged.Politely moving through the crowd of extraordinarily long legs, she waved at Yahiro, the black haired man seemingly upset. She chuckled, remembering how he'd always look upset or disinterested.

"Why good morning Yahiro! Did ya sleep good." she chirped, somehow filled with energy despite the rough morning. Taking a seat next to him, she couldn't help but notice someone missing.

"Hey, where's Anniya? You don't think she's still sleepin' do ya?" she questioned, her voice filled with mild concern. They wouldn't leave her here ... would they?

mindheist mindheist
Yuri looked at Niklas, sparing a quick glance at Midori. “No, we haven’t met before,” she said. Niklas seemed excited to get going but Midori seemed very uninterested in leaving, or he was tired. The line between the two’s very blurry.
Yuri turned toward Midori. “Nice to meet you, Midori. I’m Yuri,” she said with, what she thought was a relatively large smile, but in reality it was almost unnoticeable.
He nodded at her, he sat up about trying to get comfortable on the ride, it really wasn't that comfortable.
He laughs when Linne says it's horrible and, before she tells her story, whispers shamefully, "It's either that or," Pause, "we say she was adopted. Everyone's hard on her but I'm sure she's everyone's favourite. Even Mum's. She's definitely mine. Little Lenna."

He looks at the strip of fleshy scar tissue that runs across Linne's nose following her story, having not even noticed it before. "We should play rock war sometime," he urges. "Sounds like a lot of fun. And, as a side note, that scar looks cool. Like a battle souvenir. When we're soldiers, you can lie and tell everyone you got it wrestling one on one with a titan."

When Pia arrives on their carriage, he smiles at her, greeting her with a grin.
Well, that's a conversation and a half. Smiling at Midori and Yuri to ease the awkward silence, he finally says, "Where are you two from? I don't reckon I've ever asked." Niklas sets his back on the hardwood edge of the carriage and boy is it uncomfortable. He finds himself adjusting every now and then, feeling eighty rather than eighteen with all of these back aches.
"That would be nice..." Linne said, leaning back to look up at the sky. She cracks a wide grin at the comment on her scar. "Doesn't it? I've been planning on that story ever since I decided to join. A veteran even as a cadet!" She replies before looking over to and nodding a greeting to Pia.
"Great minds think alike," declares Lucas the cadet, matching her smile with a warm, welcoming one of his own. After a while, he follows Linne's eyes to the sky, a long sheet of darkening cyan. Morning has passed and so has afternoon at this point, evening very evidently influencing the deeply rich colour of the horizon. He overhears someone in another carriage and asks Linne the same question, "By the way, where are you from?"
"I'm from the Utopia District," Yuri said matter-of-factly. She had to admit the seats in the cart wasn't the most comfortable, but it could be worse. "I should have brought a pillow with me with how uncomfortable the seats are," she said jokingly. "So what about you two? Where are you guys from?" she said while adjusting slightly and crossing her legs.
Linne furrows her brow in thought up at the sky. She could have sworn that came up sometime. Such general information surely came up that first night. It didn't. Coming to that realization she gave a small, barely noticeable shrug and answered "Krolva District. Yourself?"
"Trost," he answers plainly. Shortly afterwards, Lucas rubs his chin in sombre thought. "Kind of miss home, you know. Miss Mum's dinners. This is what it must feel like to be homesick. Always thought being homesick, as they call it, was a load of crap but, huh... apparently not."
"Pillow? I don't even know if that would help with how these horses are moving," remarks Niklas to Yuri. He raises his voice so that it can carry above the clap, clap, clap of horse hooves. "I don't know about Midori... but I'm from Karanes. The easternmost district of Wall Rose. Lived by a quiet street near the town centre with my mother, father and our dog."

Night is here.

The carriages and carts are disengaged and the horses are led to a riverbank where they're fed and watered, eased to sweet slumber for the rough ride that awaits them in the dawn. They're a day or so away from their destination.

Soldiers collect firewood from the stockpiles and combust them, setting up several bonfires to keep away night's black. Out of the firewood some make torches, using them to navigate omniscient darkness. The fires are set up and soon so are the tents, cadets instructed to make themselves comfortable enough to rest for the night after they've had at their rations.

A snobbish brat, very clearly from Wall Sina, complains about someone stealing his rations, calling this someone peasant and pauper and other disparaging disses aimed at his social class. He's plump with purple cheeks rounded by fat.

Sometimes the aristocracy of Wall Sina send their children into the military to instil them with discipline, making contracts and other agreements written with quill and ink that ensures they'll always have a place open for them in the Military Police... if they manage to stick it out until the end. Complete safety from the titans is guaranteed. The Royal Government denies this but all are privy to the truth. While those of Wall Maria and Rose must be of the top ten to become Military Police, for Sina's noblemen and women this isn't the case. There's a few instances of this, one of which sees a nobleman who became Military Police despite coming a hundred and something place.

This peasant has enough and says something to the brat about being careful of the Persona Non Grata. Everyone around them falls silent. “That's way too far,” one cadet gravely grumbles, “Don't even joke about that, man.”

A younger cadet, maybe twelve or thirteen, cluelessly asks, “Who are the Persona Non Grata?” The cadet by his side asks in turn if the boy has been living under a rock and depicts the Persona Non Grata as, “A Marxist organisation of thieves and thugs intent on overthrowing Wall Sina's monarchy.”

Following the argument, a lot of the cadets decide to sleep after they've eaten. A few, however, decide to sit by the bonfires, talking while time flies... much like those fireflies, those smouldering fragments of crimson coals that drift above the flames.
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Midori is quiet by the time they arrive at the bonefire he decides to eat in quiet once he's done he sees the fire cackle and burn.

He's head ache with pain as he groaned rubbing his head as he looked up at the sky that was sparkling brightly with stars.

He had debated on going to the bonefire or towards the tents to sleep. He prefer the latter as he looked around the bushy trees and bushes as something rustled in them, curious he went closer to inspect the rustling bushes, it rustled again.

Out popped a white fluffy bunny, Midori jumped in surprise, it had a old rotten carrot in its mouth. He let out a soft smile, a hand caustiously going over to pet it.
Niklas is thankful for the travel hiatus. Maybe now those blisters on his backside can heal some.

He has his rations, a loaf of bread with some fruit. The fruit isn't ripe but beggars can't be choosers, as the smallfolk so like to say. To wash it all down he drinks a cup of water. Afterwards, he raises himself to his feet and makes his way towards the riverbank. He washes his face of sweat and anything else in the shallows of the bank and puts his hand into the stream, his slender fingers splitting it fivefold into ripples that catch blue moonlight along with red firelight. Spotting Midori a distance away by several feet of foliage, he investigates.

"Found a friend?" remarks Niklas about the bunny. "Cute little guy, ain't he? You should keep him."
Midori jumps at the sudden voice and appreance and he's about to attack when he glances up and see it was just Niklas. Stops but blushes with more embarrasment of being caught off guard petting a bunny.

The bunny hops closer to Midori, he's surprise he didn't run away with his jumping and movement. "That'd be possible, there's no where to put him." He mumbled sounding bit dissapointed actually.
"Can hide him under your bunk," advises the young man to Midori, cradling his chin in one hand. He rubs thoughtfully for a moment or so before he speaks again. "What do they eat, anyway? I read about them before. Grass, fruit, berries? Some kind of plant, yeah? Sure you could spare some of your rations for him. That," Nik points at the carrot, brown with rot and speckles of dirt, and sours his expression into a frown, "doesn't look so appetising."
"He's a surivior I'm assuming or else if he wasn't he probably have some other bunny or someone else most likely help him get food," he rubs the bunnies chin, "I guess I could." He mumbles
"Just like us," smiles the Dok as he whispers this. This smile is light-hearted and carries with it a pacific ambience that could ease anyone, even in this darkness, as black as pitch as it appears to be. Crouching down low so he can look at the bunny better, he repeats himself, his voice as warm as the radiating heat from the bonfire. "Just like us humans. Doing anything and everything to ensure we don't end up in a titan's stomach. In the case of this guy, though, I guess it's some fox's or bear's."
He held open his arms as he jumped right into to them he had peachy fur and long ears with a white pach of furr on his chest.

He seemed to have grown fond of him already, "His names Warrior now." He muttered with a smile rubbing his nose gently
"Warrior," Niklas repeats, smiling still, corners of lips raised into his cheeks. "Good name. Let's hope you don't forget it like mine," he jokes.
He huffed annoyed but seemed generally relaxed. He stood from his spot legs cranking as he hid the bunny in his arms, still wasn't very clever but he'll think of something.
Victoria is sitting quietly near the campfire, sitting cross legged holding a book, she wondered what their training would be though, giving a quick glance at everyone else she pauses on the bunny before going back to her book.
Lucas, waving adieu to several other cadets he was conversing with, approaches Victoria, tilting his head to one side. At this angle the firelight of the bonfire catches his left cheek in a fiery red afterglow. "Hey, you," remarks Lucas above the crack and crackle of the blaze. "Never seen you around here before. What's your name?"

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