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Fantasy Atlantis [OOC]

Submersible Interior!
  • I did look around for a bit but didn't find anything quite right. Basically I imagine quintessential steampunk design: wood and copper paneling; pipes and gears and so on. (Also it should be noted that maybe looking at pictures of submarines when one has a deep water phobia is not the best choice)

    So, some inspiration: 1 2 3 4 5

    The actual setup of the submarine is more important. By necessity, there must be sleeping space, storage space, and obviously a control room of sorts. I wasn't envisioning it large enough to really give eight people lavish rooms, but if they double up and have bunks and generally close quarters, I think we can justify four rooms that way.

    I have drawn a crappy little sketch to illustrate. Scale is a bit up in the air, but the room in the back has enough space for all of them to sit together, and can be used for meals or planning or working or whatever.