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Fandom ATLA Universe RP

Brinie said:
Srry for holding this up. Gimmie a bit and i'll reply today. ( :) )
It's alright, Lepolarleopard and I are busy as of now as well. I'll reply later as well.

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As our main monitor is now absent, and we are moving on, I feel it nessasary that we adress the issue of our plot again.

As of now, all (except another person who will eventually join) of the main characters are together, which means two things; something will then happen to force the group to stick together here and now, or they were separate, only to meet up in another location, weither it be intentional or unintentional, and then stick together after that.

I had a revelation, an epiphany, of a plot device earlier today as to how the group officially becomes a group. I concluded that something supernatural was to be discovered, with the whole group present, that would then mark the chosen people around it with some sort of spell or density connection. For an example, and this is just a thought, the group comes together somewhere and find a necklace at the bottom of a ditch. When they get closer, the necklace starts glowing and suddenly, everyone has a part of the necklace around their neck, and no matter what they do, they can't get rid of it. And then somehow (idk this is just a rough draft idea bare with me) they get instructions from the avatar, or visions from people they trust about having to go on a journey together to return the necklace (or something like that, maybe they need to collect things from all reagions of the world, spit balling ideas) and that they must do it together, for when they connect all of the prices of the necklace, a map forms, magically showing the correct way to go. I was also thinking that there would be other people after this "special artifact", people who know more about it than our protagonists, who want to take the power of the artifact as their own and/or destroy the world with it. I was also thinking that is the group traveled to different reasons, they could fight big bosses, like in a video game, for each main region they visit.

If any of you like this idea, or have one of your own, please start posting!

We are getting to the climax of our responses that will keep the group together, as they don't really have much reason for hanging out at Miyuki's shop anymore.

Another thing that could possibly happen RIGHT NOW if that bandits attack the stores, and the group, or at least, a part of it, decides to take them down. Anyone is welcome to type this out, unless they had something else in mind, then feel free to type that instead!

AGAIN: Please start thinking about the future of the RP and contribute strong ideas to help the plot move forward. Don't forget that in order for this to be a thrilling group RP, the protagonists must join together and become friends, so their relationships and personalities can develope! Finding a way to eventually include Miyuki and the other absent oc would also be very helpful.

Thanks guys you are fun to work with, can't wait to read up on your ideas!!! (^U^)

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Koi Miazaki @Leo296 @Brinie @Gabriel Leko
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Hmmm I like the idea of the special thingy that they have to return back somewhere.

Problem is how will they all meet up again.

The spirit of the avatar can choose them. Like chosen warriors or something lol idk. I'm just giving ideas from another rp im in XDDDD

The returning back of the pieces of the thingy reminds me of Dragon Ball where u get to have ur wishes granted. But... I think it'd be selfish for them if thats the only reason they gathered up (to have their wishes come true). Or MEBE!!!! well yeah... Collecting the pieces together would safe the world.

Let me do some reasearch for plots and then I'm gonna enumerate them here. xD

-after some time-

Ok failed. Only reason I can think right now of them being together and forming a group is because theyre sort of like the chosen ones.


We might make a small calamity, an earthquake or tsumami or something, which will accidentally/eventually bring the group together and discover that item

Idk... I'm bad at plots hahaha
Koi Miazaki] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25272-leo296/ said:
In your last post, did Yagari thought of that or did he say that? Just so that I know I got that right. Thanks :)
Unlike Shio, he doesn't usually insult people out loud. But if asked to give his opinion, he's very honest yet very blunt and cold. I was following the format that was instructed when a character was in thought. The format was to italicize the words and add single quotations. However, I bolded his name, thoughts and what he was saying since black is his color. But the regular text is also black so I decided to bold to set it apart from the regular text. Sorry for the confusion.

@Koi Miazaki
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Leo296 said:
Unlike Shio, he doesn't usually insult people out loud. But if asked to give his opinion, he's very honest yet very blunt and cold. I was following the format that was instructed when a character was in thought. The format was to italicize the words and add single quotations. However, I bolded his name, thoughts and what he was saying since black is his color. But the regular text is also black so I decided to bold to set it apart from the regular text. Sorry for the confusion.
@Koi Miazaki
Oh its ok :)0 ty
Brinie said:
sorry for not posting, i'll have a lot more free time soon. Test, and finals. :\

Hey no sweat bruh, we all completely understand! School comes first! (^.^) ;)

Besides, it would make more sense if someone else responded first.
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Brinie said:
sorry for not posting, i'll have a lot more free time soon. Test, and finals. :\
I understand as I have a test soon and one that got delayed. Don't feel obligated to reply if you can't. As Lepolarleopard said, school comes first. Just do your best.

Sure sure, I'll get a post in today to temporarily moved Shio out of the way while I get things sorted. ( :) )

Hopefully I'll be back around the time art is.
We can plan a little semi plot for now. Like what can we do in the store...

Hmmm.. Whos left in the store again?







(dunno if I forgot anybody)

Mebe we can make a conflict? Idk...like earthquake and then they get stucked there.lol. or uhhhh idk...truth or dare hahahaah jk sorry I really dunno.
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Lepolarleopard said:
hehehe good ideas
(tho Kurai did leave, he's outside with Yula)

I suggested they get attacked by bandits, the green bandit that Shio was chasing and maybe a guy Yagari was sent to kill would be apart of that. and the others would take them down because they believe in justice. What do you guys think?

@Koi Miazaki @Leo296
Bandit attack sounds pretty good for now. It would force them to work together and get to know each other a bit better.

@Koi Mizaki

@Lepolarleopard (the one and only)
Lepolarleopard said:
hehehe good ideas
(tho Kurai did leave, he's outside with Yula)

I suggested they get attacked by bandits, the green bandit that Shio was chasing and maybe a guy Yagari was sent to kill would be apart of that. and the others would take them down because they believe in justice. What do you guys think?

@Koi Miazaki @Leo296
Yeah i like those. Though we should not make it an easy fight just because our charas are a bunch if benders xD
Lepolarleopard said:
hehehe good ideas
(tho Kurai did leave, he's outside with Yula)

I suggested they get attacked by bandits, the green bandit that Shio was chasing and maybe a guy Yagari was sent to kill would be apart of that. and the others would take them down because they believe in justice. What do you guys think?

@Koi Miazaki @Leo296
Yeah i like those. Though we should not make it an easy fight just because our charas are a bunch if benders xD
@Koi Miazaki[/URL]
Lepolarleopard said:
hehehe good ideas
(tho Kurai did leave, he's outside with Yula)

I suggested they get attacked by bandits, the green bandit that Shio was chasing and maybe a guy Yagari was sent to kill would be apart of that. and the others would take them down because they believe in justice. What do you guys think?

@Koi Miazaki @Leo296
Ok, if we don't get a response on what to do tomorrow, We'll go with this idea. Anyone can volunteer to write this, and if no one does, then I will do it. Sound good?

@Koi Miazaki



@Gabriel Leko


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