Other Asking All Artists


Do you get annoyed when people say things to you like:

“Wow this is so good! I can’t even draw a stick figure/straight line!”

“It must be awesome to be so talented!”

I am not an artist, but when I see comments like this they seem kind of hollow. Sort of like fake compliments almost. Especially the second, as it doesn’t acknowledge at all the hard work that artists put in and just assumes that the artist was just born amazing at drawing.

Feel free to answer this question or express any other things that people say or do once you say that you’re an artist that annoy you. I’m genuinely curious.
To be honest for me I do some times thing the second comment can be true. I've seen some people who've drawn only for a short amount of time just be incredibly good, but that's just how I see it. Personally I find it a compliment when someone says I'm talented, but the absolute worst thing is when someone asks you to draw them or draw something for them. I don't understand why people even ask this question in the first place. It's like if someone is really good at math or writing, you don't just go up to them and ask them to do your homework or write your essays .-. Of course, commissions are different because I'm getting paid for my time.

I get a little bugged, yeah, but try to be understanding since they're usually just trying to compliment my drawings and show support. Though, it does get somewhat repetitive.

The first comment used to make me feel oddly guilty. They usually mean well, but having your art compared to someone else's skill level doesn't feel too great either way. Kicking yourself to give a compliment is sort of backhanded, too. You could draw just as well and probably better than I can if you put in the effort, time, and practice.

The second comment is a bit on the annoying side. It does sort of feel like undermining the work that's put in to art. While there are a few people who can just pick something up and go with it, most people can't, and a lot of people seem to think otherwise when it comes to art. But, again, it's usually just an attempt to to compliment, so I don't get worked up over it.

"Can you draw ____ for me?" I don't get this as much anymore, but I used to have a hard time saying no because "I don't want to" was never a good enough excuse to those asking. I'd say that I would draw it and then never did, which isn't great. ha. Nowadays if someone asks me to draw something for them I mention paying for it and they tend to back off. Usually people who want commissions will outright ask my prices or if I'm open.

"Can you teach me?"--- I'm not an art teacher. I'd gladly offer tips and videos for you that I find helpful, but I can't teach you.

"____ style/medium is easy." Each medium and generalized style has it's pros and cons, as well as things you have to learn and overcome in order to do them. Saying one is entirely easier than the other is something I find annoying.

"Why are they naked/Where's their clothes/why is ___ missing?"-- I'm not finished.

One thing that happens, although not very often, is the "buttering up" person. They only contact you after seeing your art, sending private messages complimenting you and trying to have a conversation as if you'd spoken a lot before even though you've never had prior contact with them. This can go on for a little while before they finally ask what they want from you. Sometimes it's fair and they aren't trying to get free art, but that isn't often the case from my experiences.
These types of people bug me just because right off the bat everything they say seems unauthentic, and it generally ends in being a waste of time because they never contact you again after the rejection. I get not feeling comfortable with straight up asking for art, but it makes me more uncomfortable when it feels like you're trying to butter me up first and makes it more unlikely that I'll do it.
One thing that happens, although not very often, is the "buttering up" person. They only contact you after seeing your art, sending private messages complimenting you and trying to have a conversation as if you'd spoken a lot before even though you've never had prior contact with them. This can go on for a little while before they finally ask what they want from you. Sometimes it's fair and they aren't trying to get free art, but that isn't often the case from my experiences.
These types of people bug me just because right off the bat everything they say seems unauthentic, and it generally ends in being a waste of time because they never contact you again after the rejection. I get not feeling comfortable with straight up asking for art, but it makes me more uncomfortable when it feels like you're trying to butter me up first and makes it more unlikely that I'll do it.

Oh yuck. This sounds awful. I'm glad it doesn't happen too often
Ha ha ha. Good questions! XD

The first one: it doesn't bother me at all. It's a nice compliment. Not original, but nice.

The second one: "Talented" in general irks me. Like others have said, it's denying the fact that you are good at art because you worked damn hard. There are people who are insanely young and insanely good, like this site's peritwinkle peritwinkle and I definitely think she is talented (as well as very skilled). However, I feel that using the word 'talented" is problematic in many ways. I teach art to young people and the worst thing is when they are frustrated and down on themselves because they weren't born with the ability to draw. The idea of talent puts so many people off wanting to improve their skills because of the feeling that if they aren't good first time, then they never will be. Being good at art is possible for literally anyone IF they are willing to put the time in to practice their abilities and work at getting better. Some people do have more natural talent than others, but that isn't necessarily the thing that makes you become good (or successful) at art. It is just one of a number of factors.

So, yeah, I do take offence at being called "talented" and also if someone else calls someone "talented" to me I'm like "ehhh...no" and correct them, because it's so, so, so harmful. Worse if anyone says "I can't draw" in the context of a drawing workshop or something and I'm like "YES YOU CAN" XDDD Parents say it in front of their kids a lot and I think that's kind of depressing.

On a lighter note the best comment that I have had (strangely often) is when I'm drawing in public and someone says "did you draw that?!?!" when I'm sitting there with a pencil in my hand, sketchbook open, with graphite covered fingers. XD

And one that is somewhat annoying (but you learn to live with it, lol) is when you've just doodled loads of faces and such and someone is like "Who is that?" "Who is that?" pointing to each one, as if they are supposed to be actual people.
I agree with Crayons Crayons , the word ‘talented’ frustrates me even if it’s meant as a compliment. While I do believe some people have it easier when it comes to learning certain skills, everything takes loads of practice. I have been drawing constantly since I was a little kid and worked a lot to get better, and when people say things like “yes, but you’re talented”, it diminishes both the essence of the compliment and my efforts to get to where I am now.

However, some people simply don’t realize that, and it has to do with the way we all were educated growing up (X is good at maths, Y is a piano prodigy, etc., facts which stick with us and we take for granted).

(p.s. Thank you, I’m humbled :) )
I agree with Crayons Crayons , the word ‘talented’ frustrates me even if it’s meant as a compliment. While I do believe some people have it easier when it comes to learning certain skills, everything takes loads of practice. I have been drawing constantly since I was a little kid and worked a lot to get better, and when people say things like “yes, but you’re talented”, it diminishes both the essence of the compliment and my efforts to get to where I am now.

However, some people simply don’t realize that, and it has to do with the way we all were educated growing up (X is good at maths, Y is a piano prodigy, etc., facts which stick with us and we take for granted).

(p.s. Thank you, I’m humbled :) )

^^^^ This. So much this.

I mean I understand they're trying to give me a compliment, but like... Y'all, no one is magically born with the ability to draw. Practice. It's all just practice. Some people have an easier time practicing, but all of us have to practice?

You wanna know how Leonardo Da Vinci became a world renowned painter? Practice. Monet? Practice. Every artist ever? Practice.

If you want to learn to draw, guess what? You don't need talent. You just gotta practice.
another annoying artist thing is "can you draw this for me-"
especially when they're asking you to do like.. graphic design, and you're an illustrator, and they think they're basically the same thing..
Yeah, I do,

I'm in an art class and every time I draw anything everyone says it's good, people say theirs is terrible... and that they can't draw stick figures...
Something that bothers me is when I get compliments I never know what to say! Because after I say thanks once over the class people will comment on my work and I feel uncomfortable saying 'oh, thanks...' since I can't ignore them...
Yes. It really annoys me, it makes me feel bad and I shouldn't have to feel that way. When people comment on my art saying things like "Wow, I can't draw a circle", it seems like they're putting attention onto them and it's kinda rude imo.
Yes. It really annoys me, it makes me feel bad and I shouldn't have to feel that way. When people comment on my art saying things like "Wow, I can't draw a circle", it seems like they're putting attention onto them and it's kinda rude imo.

Hm I didn’t really think about that aspect. it’s sort of similar to people who only listen enough in a conversation so they can talk about themselves

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