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Fantasy Aria Divided

hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm a little busy with things irl at the moment so my profile will take some time! I'm definitely still interested!

Name: Luther Pendragora

Age: 46

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Luther is a stern man at the best of times. He does not often smile, and even when he does it's barely noticeable. He believes that Aegon is a hair's breadth away from being a god, and that he will be the next king, and the first god king. He actively spreads Aegon's great accomplishments and preaches of the teachings he has gleaned from his few interactions with the young prince. And though Aegon does not actively seek the crown, Luther is hell bent on presenting it to him.

History: Luther has a humble beginning. He was born into a farming family, one of countless children serving as free labor and a chance at a more comfortable life. His early life was as you would expect it, he worked the land his family had and took care of the animals they managed to get their hands on. On top of that, his family often worried incessantly about how the gods might perceive things, and spent a lot of time sending prayers and performing rituals.

It wasn't until much later into his life that his true calling appeared. He saw the youngest prince, Aegon, slay an evil giant with a flick of his wrist. The calm he displayed during this kill, as well as the ease, that convinced him that he was a god. Since then, he has made it his personal quest to spread the fact that Aegon was a god. What aspect did he preside over, was the question he was most often asked. Well, obviously Uxna, Goddess of the Hunt, had him within her sights, her latest query but not to be hunted by bow or spear. And it was not impossible for two gods to share an aspect. However, at the risk of offending Uxna, Luther went even further. Aegon does not waste his time hunting simple beasts. Oh no, he tracks down true monsters. Aegon was, without a doubt, the future God of Slayers.

And so, Luther picked up a spear and hammer, simple and effective weapons that do not take much to learn. These tools would serve a dual purpose. They would protect him in the melee, and they would ensure that the God King would wear that crown.

Weapons & equipment:
A hunting spear. Meant originally for boars, it is more than capable of piercing human flesh.
A blacksmith's hammer, with slight modifications made to catch weapons with the head. Can easily crush through armor.

Spells: N/A

Abilities: Human resilience- Humans are much tougher than most would expect. How else would you explain they have survived for so long.

Relationships: Luther has severed all ties with his family, perhaps for their safety, perhaps because they don't believe Aegon is a god. However, he has managed to collect a small following of like minded individuals that one could confuse with a cult.

Loyalties: God King Aegon

Other: He is the de facto leader of the "Slayer Cult", a cult that believes Aegon is the future God of Slayers, once he has ascended from this mortal plane.
Name: Darigaas Kartan

Age: 28yrs

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Those who look at darigaas from a distance see the regal carrying of a noble warrior. His legend proceeds him wherever he goes, making it easy for him to disappoint someone once they get close to him. Once they are close enough one can see that in reality he is just a pampered brat, one who happens to be a great warrior as well, not a good combination. Yet dont let him hear you say so, in his mind he is the creme of the crop, the best of the best, and the greatest thing since the gift of magic. Yet deep down, he knows the truth, his greatness is a mask that he wears to overcompensate for the fact that of the three brothers he is the least noble blooded.

History: Darigaas Kartan son of the simple stable boy Adrian Kartan. This young prince was born with a chip on his shoulder. Caught between two brothers from great lineage darigaas refused to take the backseat. He didnt have the natural magic abilities of Balmond, nor the divine might of Aegon. What he did have was tenacity and loads of time. Not to mention training from the greatest teachers money could buy. He grew into a mighty champion of aria. He may not have been unbeatable, but his pride was. Even when his younger brother Aegon defeated him he accepted it as destiny, after all it isnt every day a warrior gets to test his metal against the war gods son. It also helped that he was always fond of little Aegon, far more so than he was with his older brother Balmond. That changed the day his mother died. He blamed Aegon, if he hadnt left then he could've prevented their mothers death, after all who coulds best the one who beat the mighty Darigaas. When the claims for the throne began the come into play darigaas jumped in for two reasons, one he could prove that the royal bloodline was just as strong in him as it was in his other brothers, two because he feared what would happen if Balmond took the throne.

Weapons & equipment:
Keen Blade of champions- A sword gifted to him after winning a tournament. It will never rust, never dull, and emits a chime like a bell when it is unsheathed.

Vorpal Spear- the powerful enchantment on this spear allows it to penetrate almost any defense, in addition wounds from this blade will never heal.

Charm person- while not on par with many high level mages, darigaas can make it damn hard to hate him.

Frenzy- Able to be cast on multiple targets, the frenzy spell makes an opponent stop thinking and fly into a blind rage. As with all mind altering abilities, it can be resisted with enough willpower.


Balmond- brother/ nemisis
Aegon- brother/ hates

Loyalties: Himself, his fans.

Other: while many play it off like he is nothing special, few can dispute his skill with sword and spear.​
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The brothers are done. Will begin on the threads when i get off work in 2 1/2 hours.
Just a quick question, as Kimora is loyal to the queen I'd assume she would still be at the kingdom. though would the brother/s who are at the kingdom have any decline about that or anything.
Trying to work out where Kimora will start out before looking for Aegon.

Name: Buras

Age: 27

Race: Blessed Human.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Buras has two sides to him. One where he shouts "F**KING KILL!" and runs screaming bloody murder at the closest sentient thing, axes spinning. This side of him does not come out on a day to day basis, for it is pointless and useless for most mundane things. The only time this side has revealed itself is in combat. The sanctity of duels being held on the same level as the common battlefield.

The more ordinary side of his is a loud man that enjoys the luxuries of life, before they are so violently taken from him courtesy of his god(s). Drinking, eating, laughing, rough housing, women, Buras devours them all like a man who had, until recently, been lost at sea. For what is life if not to enjoy what it offers?

History: Buras comes from the frost bitten lands of the Far North, where scattered tribes fight to eek out their survival. A place whose gods revolved around the raw savagery of combat, and the pleasures of life. These were the lands that Buras was born into, raised to love, and trained to fight for. He was a member of the Split Skull tribe, who claimed that the skull was what held the soul, the soul that would be trapped in the rotting body unless they are freed from their self made prison. They were not the largest, nor were they the most powerful, but seeing axe wielding warriors almost always split the skulls of your shield mates certainly makes you reconsider fighting them.

Like all the people of the Far North, and almost every religion beyond, Buras was called by one god. Baalog, God of Death, Blood, and the Winter Storm. Baalog was not a god many of the Far North liked. But Buras was different. He saw that without death, life would be meaningless. The harsh storms shaped his people. And the blood that flowed through his veins? The first few drops had to come form somewhere. This was all thanks to Baalog, a god that few truly appreciated.

But there were soft, fertile lands to the south. Lands that knew not of his gods and their ways. So he journeyed south, closer and closer to the kingdom that claimed to rule him. Until one day, he arrived at the capital. It is not entirely clear how he became one of Darigaas' entourage, but now he fights alongside the middle child, his blood lust consuming him every battle and his other pleasures being satisfied every other moment.

Weapons & equipment:
Light leather armor allows the freedom of movement that Buras' reckless, unorthodox, and bloody combat style that his god(s) so demand.
Axe array:
  • Two axes shaped from a mysterious metal found in the Far North which emit a cold rivaling it's ferocious blizzards. Their handles are made of an even more mysterious dark wood that soaks up any and all blood that. And these axes came from a place where supposedly no trees grow. Perhaps they are not wood after all.
  • A two handed axe cleaves through more stubborn foes. It's jagged edge make whatever wounds it makes to be far worse and bleed profusely, satisfying his chosen god Baalog and slowly draining his combatant dry.
Spells: Buras has no spells himself, they are all blessings given to him by Baalog. Read abilities.

Abilities: Being Chosen by Baalog, Buras receives a few traits.
  1. Unending Battle: As a fight progresses, Buras' strength, dexterity, and overall physical prowess. There appears to be no limit to this, but it does not increase his skill and it takes a while to really ramp up to where he is near super human.
  2. Winters Storm: Born in the Far North, Buras is naturally resistant to the cold. However, the God of the Winter Storm has chosen to make him completely immune to this. However, this leads to him only feeling heat, and he is often very hot. This makes him weak to fire based attacks.
  3. Undying: Not necessarily. He can simply keep fighting even if his guts are hanging out.
Relationships: Darigaas' retainer. If that is what you'd call him. Maybe it's a bit more accurate to call him a faithful hunting hound.

Loyalties: Baalog above all else. However, a close second would be Darigaas.

Other: (anything else i may have missed)

Sir. Marius Glücklich


"unlucky" human


Sexuality: Who would even think about Marius in this way I do not know but he doesn't mind.

Marius is a very lazy man, not because he is old he has always been slow. He perceives the world very critically due to his "gift", and due to the way he has perceived the world he never found any reason to work hard or have an aspiration to do anything. Though that doesn't mean that he's a horrible human being, he actually has been shown to try and help people bring out their true selves due to his own lack of a goal. But he also has positives related to his personality, he is actually known to be a very calm and collected man, a factor of experience and the simple fact that being too hectic requires too much effort.

He is also quite a condescending, witty man, if he sees an opportunity for a joke that will make everyone groan of course he would go for it or if someone does something that makes no absolute sense he will make his duty to make said person remember their mistake forever.

Marius was born as an average normal human, in an average normal bustling city to a normal family. And he would've had a normal life if he didn't have what he thinks the worse luck of anyone in the recent 10 millennia, according to him at least. You see in this town it was a tradition to devote a newborn child to a patron god for their birth, and how did that did you wonder? They left the newborn toddler in a circle surrounded by items representing the god, the child would walk towards an item and whichever he touched that god will become his patron.

What baby Marius did was walk to the outer most layer of the circle and was in front of two items, a bag of gold representative of the god of merchants, trading and good luck and a fucking skull representative of the god of death judge of the underworld and fucking misfortune.Anyways from the way I described the items you can assume which one Marius chose, he chose the skull, coincidentally the last baby to chose that in said town was also seen 10.000 years ago.

His town clearly not happy with having a follower of the god of death leave the child with a passing mercenary band which was about to go down to the capital, they took the baby and the skull(they wanted to be get rid with it) reluctantly after being given 300 copper coins.

He grew up in the mercenary band and became rather adept with the spear as it didn't require him to move around a lot and it was a good walking stick, when queen Franz proceeded to start her conquest to rule the world he joined her conquest as mercenary and after showing off his abilities he was able to become her guard and then teach her offspring in the arts of combat.

Using his gift he taught both Balmond and Darigaas who was the more motivated of two, much to his discontent. And lastly Aegon, but due to the fact that he was a litteral demi-god Marius didn;t have to do much with him, even though he still has bragging rights to say that he taught him.

Weapons & equipment:
Spear of decay (portrayed) = the spear is actually just a stick with a spear shaft grafted onto it and the skull that made him end up in his unfortunate position on the back of it, it doesn't actually decay anything but he does try to occasionally cover in dung to hopefully infect anyone who he stabs it with.

Pipe (Also portrayed) = That isn't any normal pipe, Marius has a special type of tobacco for it that has anyone who smells it get effectively drunk, and luckily this time it does not work on him.

Eyes of the judge: This ability allows Marius after looking into someone's eyes to see their intentions, though depending on how much he stares in the eyes of someone for he can determine their personality and even their potential though you won't find him staring into someone's eye directly for 30 minutes in order to do that.

Queen's father - "He was my first boss, of course, I am going to hate him."

Queen Franz - "I told you that she is going to be open to many different types of men and guessed what happened."

Balmond - "He was alright, a center of attention type of guy. Very proud in the worst possible ways."

Darigaas - "He was my best my student, much to my discontent and my personal time. I am happy though to see him indulge in what he loves, which is extreme alcoholism and murdering people. Great guy really."

Aegon - "My best student, I had the best time teaching him due to the fact that I didn't have to do anything and I was getting paid for it."

Alia - "Wood witch Balmond found a stroll and now follows him around, not questionable in any way or shape."

//If you guys want a relantionship with him due to his history feel free to @ me and Ill add you in here, mkay?.

Loyalties: Saw the war starting so he screwed up off looking for Aegon the guy who he has the highest chance of survival with (talked it over with agent23)​
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View media item 34096Name: Dezra Karlson
Age: 23
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: All of history is a class struggle, with quite a bit of magic and weird beings in the mix. Dezra is a revolutionary before his time, dedicated to ideals that would have gotten him killed if he weren't so handy with a polearm and fleet of foot. Authority is meaningless without a reason to listen to that authority, private ownership is an outdated concept, and the sooner the workers get together and throw off the chains (literal and metaphorical) binding them to their owners the better. Dezra isn't stupid. He knows the best way to get people to listen is to show how it's a better idea. Otherwise you end up run out of town or the rebellion goes sour. So he keeps most of it to himself, but tries to plant ideas.
Dezra is friendly, cheerful, and ready to lend a hand when needed. It's his attempts to stave off boredom you need to watch out for. When he's faced with injustice he seeks to remedy it by the most direct methods possible.
History: Dezra was born to a traveling merchant family. On their travels he saw first hand how much suffering was caused by the strong preying on the weak. But it was more than that, the weak were also preying on the weak through ownership. A man who never worked a day in his life could get rich just because the families working his land worked hard. Then the worst day of Dezra's life happened. His parents' caravan was set upon by bandits who worked for a landowner as guards and slaughtered. Dezra tried to escape, but he was spotted and the bandits came after him. He rifled through the chest containing the most valuable items the caravan had, and came across a metal pole. Desperately swinging it as a weapon, Dezra was shocked when it morphed into an axe, and the bandits were even more shocked when the hilt lengthened at his will, allowing him enough reach to cut them down. The last bandit tried to flee using his magic boots, but Dezra took him down with a crossbow bolt. Taking the bandit's boots and whatever he could salvage, Dezra set off. He eventually fell in with Aegon, and the rest is history.
Weapons & equipment:
Pole of Arming: A metal pole that can turn into an axe or polearm depending on the wielder's will. It's incredibly sharp.
Boots of Striding and Springing: Boots that increase the wearer's speed, allow him to leap great distances, and allow him to always lands on his feet. They also negate any damage from falls if the wearer lands on his feet.
Dustcloud Cloak: The wearer can create a dustcloud around himself, obscuring him from view. The wearer can see through it fine and is not hampered by it.
Spells: Dezra knows one minor spell for cleaning skin and clothing.
Born into Revolution: Dezra has the winds of change at his back. He has high resistance to any spell or ability that would cause him to violate his beliefs.
Relationships (and Dezra's opions of them):
Aegon: Best friends! A good-hearted man who needs to step up. His birthright is his responibility, and that is a tragedy because he did not choose it. Even so every effort should be made to ensure he stays true to himself.​
Balmond: A brutal despot who will continue the corrupt reign of the aristocracy and owners. If it takes killing him so be it, but he will not take the throne.​
Darigaas: A hedonistic manchild who will send the kingdom on a downward spiral. If it takes killing him so be it, but he will not take the throne.​
Roakore: An extremely strange being, and Dezra is glad he is on their side.​
Luther: A danger to Aegon's mental well-being, but an ally they can't afford to alienate.​
Loyalties: Wants to put Aegon on the throne to get some serious reforms passed. If there will be a royal ass on the thrown, it might as well belong to a halfway decent person.



Human/Ice Warrior



Yuan is said to be a cold-hearted killer , head guardsman to the late Queen Franz and now head guard to her middle son Darigraas. Yet, when you get to meet Yuan, he is a very caring person. He doesn't let many people in since people are usually afraid of him once they learn about his past. Overall, Yuan is a caring soul who doesn't like to show it

Yuan was born on the far side of the kingdom, he was raised in a small village at the top of a mountain. This village was a village like no other, in the sense that everyone that was born there was made of ice. The only exception to this is Yuan, his mother, a human, fell in love with an ice warrior of the village. She was a merchant that made regular trips to the village. When she met his father, it was love at first sight. She decided to stay, at the top of a mountain, in freezing cold weather just for this warrior made of ice. They eventually had a baby, Yuan, sadly his mother died in childbirth. Yuan grew up in the village, learning there ways, training as one, never knowing his mother. His father treated him well, gave him everything he could. Yuan was special, a hybrid, he had the powers of the ice warriors, yet maintained the human-like body. That made him able to go places no other ice warrior could, for they would melt. He learned their magic, their fighting styles, and at the age of 18, he left. When he reached the capital, he joined the royal guard, as fighting is the only thing he knew how to do well. He climbed the ranks, slowly at first, but by his sixth year, he was a commander, with only two people above him. In the next five years, they both stepped down, leaving Yuan as the head guardsman to the now late Queen Franz. When she died, he was away on a mission, specifically sent by the queen herself. Now, he is the head guard to Darigaas, for he is, in Yuan's eyes, the most attractive, oops I mean, most suited for the throne.

Weapons & equipment:
As shown in the photo, he was a sword that is sheathed on his back, as well, he has a combat knife with the sheath around his waist. The sword and knife are enchanted to freeze anything they cut.
The entirety of his clothes are enchanted, to keep him cold.


Ice creation:
With ice creation Yuan creates anything of his hearts desire out of ice that does not melt naturally, although the things he creates only lasts for about one hour. The most popular thing he creates is spears, as that is one of the weapons he trained with. The bigger the thing Yuan creates the more stress it puts on his body

Ice followers:
Like ice creation, Yuan uses this to create things. This spell creates human-like figures made of ice they are equipped with either a bow and arrow, also made of ice or a single handed sword and shield, also made of ice, depending on what Yuan want them to have. He can only summon two at a time and they only last for an hour.


Yuan has freezing breath, hence why he wears a mask, so that he doesn't freeze everything he breaths on.

He also has the ability to freeze basically anything, or at least cool them down. For example, he can not freeze fire, but he can make the flame smaller, he can put out small fires such as matches and candles(but that isn't that impressive is it?).


Mother: Deceased

Father: Alive. Has a healthy relationship with his father, but hasn't seen him in about a decade.

Darigaas: Alive. Has a strong bond with Darigaas, as Darigaas basically has to trust Yuan with his life//Possible love interest?!?!?!

Buras: Alive. A, hopefully, mutual friendship


Himself, and Darigaas

Has ice cold eyes
Is this still open? If so, is love to play a character who says she's sides with the second oldest, but really is still loyal to the late queen

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