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Fantasy Aria Divided


"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
Welcome to Aria. A mystical kingdom which encompasses an entire planet. United under the Allbright royal family. Most recently the Mighty Queen Franz. While she was a wise, just, and universally accepted ruler, Queen Franz was not without her flaws. Her biggest however was her tendencies to "spread the love". Despite her being married the queen had three children from different fathers. Each one was a boy, and none were her husbands children. Yet it the noble blood was on queen Franz's side meaning that regardless of age and wedlock restrictions all three siblings had a claim to the throne. This was not seen as a problem, until she was murdered. Now two out of the three brothers fight over the throne Darigaas And Balmond, each boasting an army of those loyal to them and political power that is frankly unnerving. And their youngest brother, Aegon a Demigod who could put an end to this blood shed with little more than a few words is no where to be found. It looks as if the nation will soon tear itself apart if none can fix the problem in time. The question is who will be the one to rule the rubble of the once great kingdom?

(Hi guys this rp is gonna be game of thrones meets seven deadly sins. Magic and skill clash in an epic battle betweem brothers who each have a legitimate claim to the throne. Many roles can be filled. Lords, mercinaries, knights, priests. Any and everything. There are only a few major rules.
1.there are only three brothers with a legit claim to the throne. If your goal is to make a character to take the throne then this isnt the rp for you. There is too much politics and beurocrasy to simply take the Allbright crown.

2. Characters must be decently rational. Sorry but insane characters with no critical thinking will not be allowed. This is not a time period where insanity is appreciated or acknowledged. You can be a little aloof sure, a little weird, but no one is gonna let someone who makes decisions that endanger everyone live for very long.

3. You MUST chose a faction. To often we get a good story but everyone wants to be on their own side. Not here. Lone wolves die in this world. Your character must either be loyal to one of the two brothers. Or loyal to the queens plan to put the youngest on the throne. You can be loyal to yourself, or your loyalties can be false but you must start this on one side or another.​
Balmond- the eldest of the three brothers. He is a wise and cunning warrior with the most political knowledge of the three. As far as being a king goes he would likely be the best, if not for his selfish nature. He comes first, then his kingdom, then everything else. It also doesnt help that he has a foul anger driven temperment.

Darigaas- the middle child and a worthy warrior. He is like an artist of combat. Who is both beautiful and deadly. However he lacks the leadership needed and doesnt show an interest in learning to be a politician. However he is a crowd favorite, but is not without his own vices. He is Mostly seen with Alcohol, a group of women, in combat, his gluttony, lust, and pride are second to none.

Aegon- the Youngest of the three, known as the mightiest living being, he is the demigod child of queen Franz and Garotte god of war. This young man has no interest in the throne or the crown. Instead he occupies his time slaying powerful creatures. In only four years of wandering three legendary beasts thought to be unstoppable, have fallen to his bare hands. Many seek him to end the war between his brothers, But none have found him yet.​
GOT and Seven Deadly Sins? I'm totally in. Are dragons and the demon clan included in the rp?
GOT and Seven Deadly Sins? I'm totally in. Are dragons and the demon clan included in the rp?
Dragons and demons are a thing. If you want to make your own clans go on ahead. But it doesnt share lore with those two just a common theme of trechary murder magic and badasses.
Its technically still in the works. but the top scale would be just below city level. Like multi city block level spells and such.
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Obviously gods are higher than even Aegon.
Demons, Angels, and dragons can get to pretty powerful proportions as well.
Below that is Giants Ogres and other building level cratures.

Most humans can reach building level without magic in this world if they train hard enough. Magic is required for a higher level like city block or town level characters.

But attack potency is taken into account. A normal human can still kill a building level beast if they can get a good attack in.
Also for the record all races that are mortal are playable. (That means no gods, spirits, primordials, or demons/angels who cannot die.)

Time,Reality,Omni based powers are iffy. Ill allow it if its properly limited and Heavily restricted but id prefer we steer clear of them.

Magic will be spell based as opposed to raw magic based.

And example The spell fireball will be accepted over someone simply stating that they manipulate fire. That way one fire mage doesnt dominate the whole domain of fire and make it so that other fire users can be made.
Interested in my character joining Aegon's Faction.
Aegon doesn't really have a faction. At most he would have two or three traveling companions who go on wild adventures with him. He asks for friendship not subversion. However you are more than welcome to be the second of three traveling companions.
Cool. Can I be the third in Aegon's party?

Edit: If this hasn't started yet, I can make you a character sheet generator. Would just need the basic layout
Cool. Can I be the third in Aegon's party?

Edit: If this hasn't started yet, I can make you a character sheet generator. Would just need the basic layout
Excellent. With that Prince Aegons entourage is full. No need for the character sheet generator i have one in mind. Ill have it up by tomorrow.
The Cs.

Faceclaim: ( the image of your character.)

Name: (We all have them right? In his world names carry weight so think hard.)

Age: (Immortals are not accepted, But long lived beings can make up to 800 years. Experience is useful.)

Race: (Theres so much to choose from, but dont overlook the humble human.)

Gender: (this is optional, some races have no gender, others have more than two.)

Sexuality: (this is optional but relationships between characters are encouraged.)

Personality: (how does he world see them? How do their friends and loved ones see them? How do they see themselves? And how are they actually?)

History: (here is the important part. What has your character done with their lives. List achievements and accomplishments here. Any important information. Each if you will be tasked with making a portion of the lore in this world. Its up to you to make this juicy.)

Weapons & equipment: (Magic weapons are allowed but no absolutes. Ex.1 = an indestructible sword. Ex.2 a bow which never misses. Ex.3 a spear which can kill anything. If there is no way around the weapon or its insanely specific then its a no go.)

Spells: (Not everyone has magic, those do often spend long time mastering them. The maximum number of spells is 6 and as with weapons none are absolute in their power.

Abilities: (these are different than spells and skills. Abilities are usually racial, enchantment, blessing, or curse related passive or activated powers. Unlike magic they are less limited but also usually less severe and versatile. Ex.1 an elves agility. Ex.2 a dragons fire breath. Ex.3 a giants strength.)

Relationships: (it doesnt have to be all marriage and lovers. Friends, enemies, brothers & sisters. However lovers and marriage is welcome as well.)

Loyalties: (This is your faction, or who your character has pledged his/her loyalties to. It doesn't have to be the three princes directly but by some extension must have you on one or the others side.)

Other: (anything else i may have missed)

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos suzu suzu Grammatic Grammatic Balfnaught1 Balfnaught1 RI.a RI.a


Name: Aegon Warson​

Age: 19yrs​

Race: Demi-God (Human Base)​

Gender: Male​

Sexuality: Heterosexual​

Personality: One look At prince Aegon seems to say all that the world needs to know he is bored, seemingly direction less, and missing something in his life. Those who grow closer to him find that this is more so true than they would care to believe, nothing seems to be a challenge to him and he finds no more joy in contest. He does seem to crave human interaction, but die to his Name, his legend, and the current turmoil its harder to find genuine people who dont want him for his power or wealth. Internally he is torn between love for his brothers, and contempt towards them for how they have tossed the lands into turmoil. All in all he is a young man trying to find his way in life while carrying the burden of an epic destiny.​

History: Aegon is the last born son of the late Queen Franz Calderan. Yet he never really felt at home in the palace. The reaction to his presence was more often than not one of fear and Quick Flatteries before the other person fled. It was with good reason as well, as a toddler is tantrums would rattle stone, he bested both of his brothers by the time he was 12. A Few years after that he had proven himself as the mightiest in the lands when the then fifteen year old prince struck down a Giant aiming to destroy a small town, he did so with a single spear throw. In the year following there were many such feats ,However the attention he got for such things never sat right with him. After all it wasn't his power that he was able to do these things with. When his mother expressed a want for him to take the throne he fled. Being a king would never sit well woth him, people feared enough around him without throwing a crown on op of it. Yet the Kind hearted young man could never let people suffer when he could do something about it. It became almost impossible to live a normal life, why let the towns guard die against the troll when he could stop it without a life lost. It was this very same mentality that drove him to hunt his first beast. Thundracules a massive magical bird with wingspan over a thousand feet and hundreds of dead men attributed to it. Yet even this beast was no match for the prince, it was felled with only the princes blouse taking any notable damage. In the years following he slayed the beasts of stone and sea as well, the Tarasque and the Kracken. Not to mention several dozen lesser beasts of legend. He made several friends along he way, but now he is faced with the hardest choice of his life. Confront his brothers and possibly have to kill them, or let the people suffer their war until it is over.​

Weapons & equipment:
Journal: the only item that Aegon carries with him. He often writes in it about his innermost feelings and his day to day deeds. Everything else he needs he can aquire with relative ease.​

Spells: Surprisingly Aegon has never learned magic. He has never needed it.​

Conditioned Demigod Physiology- Aegon was born mighty like other demigod. Stronger, Faster, and more durable than most mortal beings can dream of. However he as pushed that to new heights with his constant seeking of his own limits. So far in fact that many people think he has many more abilities than he actually does. His strength has given the impression that he can manipulate the wind and stone, his speed has convinced many that he can teleport, or be multiple places at once. And is durability has given the impression that he is immortal. Those who are close to him know the truth, but he has grown weary of correcting people and actually gains amusement from the misconceptions.

Franz Calderan- Mother/Deceased
Balmond Ungali- brother
Darigaas Kartan- brother
Travel companion 1
Travel companion 2
Travel companion 3

Loyalties: The people of Aria.​

Other: As powerful as he is there is longer list of what he cannot do than what he can.​
Base Form
Dragon King Form (Horns and wings are made of fire)​

Name: Roakore "Roa" Thangalus

Age: 28

Race: Human/Dragon Slayer

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Roakore is a passionate person, and as such when he decides on something, he eagerly shows it. Being an extrovert, he is outgoing and friendly, almost too much so at times. Most would say Roakore was easily distracted and slightly rude person, but his friends and family know different. When Roakore makes up his mind, he follows through with his decisions and his resolve never wavers in what he believes in. Despite his easy go lucky attitude, Roakore is a calculating person and will be deadly serious when necessary. His friends are his world and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them without hesitation.

History: Ever since he was little, Roakore wanted to go on grand adventures, and as such, he would often wander through the forest that surrounded his small village. It was during such a time that a group of raiders came to his village. The villagers put up a decent fight, but they were overwhelmed. The raiders slaughtered the villagers and then set fire to the village. It was the fire that drew Roakore back to the village. Roakore tried to run into the burning town, but the flames were too intense. Instead Roakore spent hours weeping until the fire died down. Finding the remains of his family in the skeleton of his home, Roakore wanted to die. Instead, he wandered outside the destroyed village and through the vast forest in a daze. Delirious, Roakore made it to a small lake where he collapsed, ready to die.

He would wake up in a cave. He then found his rescuer to be a dragon, which had spent many days nursing Roakore back to health. When he was healthy, the dragon wanted the child to leave, but he wouldn't instead he begged for the dragon to teach him, knowing dragons were incredibly powerful magical creatures. The dragon refused, and continue to demand the dragon train him. The dragon continued to refuse, growing more impatient until it threatened to eat the boy. Roakore stood his ground, and proclaimed his reason, he couldn't and wouldn't allow something like his village to happen again if he could help it. The dragon gauged the truth and resolve within the boy's heart, and acknowledged that he was honest with no vengeful intent. So he agreed to train him.

Because humans couldn't learn dragon magic, the Dragon taught Roakore the next best thing, Dragon Slayer Magic. And so Roakore trained with his heart and soul over many years. His power once small and insignificant grew to vast ranges. Finally the dragon could teach Roakore no more, and so Roakore set out to learn about the world he hadn't been part of for 15 years. A few months thereafter, he encountered Aegon and joined his small group.

Weapons & equipment: 665f9aa7b5320eb3a5e969dbd2693ef8.jpg

Forged from Red Draconium, Brsingr is capable of channeling fire magic without strain. And due to the magical metal its made from, it is highly resistant to damage. Can only be wielded by a fire user. When not held by Roakore, the sword doesn't glow and looks mundane.

--Basic Usage--
Fire Dragon Roar: Gathers magic energy into the user's lungs, compressing it for a few seconds. Upon release, the magic transforms into a blast of fire magic with high destructive potential. Can be charged for long times, but doing so leaves caster vulnerable and depletes more magic power. Charging for longer periods of time also puts more strain on the caster's body.

Fire Dragon Ballistic Assault: The user covers their fists and feet in fire, then rapidly strikes the target. Each contact results in a small explosion, with each successful hit increasing damage output of the explosions. Can only use this spell a couple times a day, otherwise damage to the body increases quickly.

Fire Dragon Raging Cyclone: The user covers their arms in fire, then unleashes long torrents of fire. The fire explodes from the caster in streams that spiral towards a target.

--Advances Spells/Rare Usage--
Fire Dragon King Mode: The user undergoes a transformation in which their body erupts in blistering fiery magic energy that can burn objects and items within a few feet of him. Horns and wings of fire form on his body and his eyes become reptilian and fangs grow from his mouth. In this state, his magic power, strength, speed, and reflex capacities explode. Activating and maintaining this form is very draining and strenuous on the body. As such, it is only used when necessary. Can only be cast once every 96 hours (4 days) and maintained for approx 15 min max.

Fire Dragon King Roar: This is an empowered form of previous Roar spell. This spell is capable of enormous damage and destruction. Because of it's destructive potential, the magic usage is very heavy and can only be used once. As such, this is a trump card spell meant to overwhelm an opponent in an instant. Once used, the user becomes drained of their magic power. Can only be performed in Dragon King Mode.

Fire Dragon King Demolition Fist: The user unleashed enormous amounts of fire from their fist while charging up this attack. Once the charge is complete, the caster strikes the target, unleashing enormous kinetic and elemental force capable of enormous damage. This heavily draining and very damaging to the user's arm, often resulting in fractures. Can only be cast twice, once each arm until injuries from previous use heal. Can only be used in Dragon King form.

Abilities: Because of his magic, he is immune to fire. Also because of his magic, he is able to eat any fire except his own to restore his energy. Has enchanced sense of smell, sight, hearing.

Relationships: His group.

Loyalties: Aegon

Other: Cannot handle his liquor to save his life
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