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Fantasy Aria divided- OCC

Hello apolla apolla i see you are responsible for one of our members coding. It'd be a joy to have you on board. Take a look and see if this is up your ally. :)
Thank you for catching that. Quick question, is Luther good to go? If a like means yes, then that answers my question, but better safe than sorry.
Hey buddy Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

I like your posts but could you please refrain from asigning damage? 9 times out of ten your hits will connect. But leave it to me to say how damaging they are because there are alot of factors like size, power, durability, and such that i would be more comfortable dealing with.

Would you mind editing the brain part. Yes your blade will hit,
Yes it will find purchase. But no it will not penetrate the skull. Its far too thick. About 4 1/2 ft to be exact.
Hey buddy Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

I like your posts but could you please refrain from asigning damage? 9 times out of ten your hits will connect. But leave it to me to say how damaging they are because there are alot of factors like size, power, durability, and such that i would be more comfortable dealing with.

Would you mind editing the brain part. Yes your blade will hit,
Yes it will find purchase. But no it will not penetrate the skull. Its far too thick. About 4 1/2 ft to be exact.
Alright. But don't call me buddy. Also I can't reach the IC from here, it would be a good idea to link it.
Alright. But don't call me buddy. Also I can't reach the IC from here, it would be a good idea to link it.
Sorry i meant no disrespect i call most people some variation of buddy,pal,dude, or friend until i am given a prefered title. Do you have a preference.

The main thread is the "other" one :)
What if his soul never leaves the material plane? Since originally he was mortal when dies he could then become a demon in the real world and only when he dies as a demon he would return?
We may be able to work something put with mehrunes helping him get back to the plane. In order to become a demon he would have to die and his soul make it to mehrunes. That is if he plays his cards right. He has been serving her faithfully for nearly 90 years right? Perhaps throw in a part about how he hunts exiled demons for mehrunes to gain her favor. He might gain more boons and even a visit from the goddess herself.
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Yo! Kept debating on joining or not as I love the idea and the time period, but I was like, 'Mmm', but, hell, figure I would throw in my hat and see if its a good one! Also, I added a bit in about a small rebellion against le Queen that failed miserably (Cause, I mean, come on, no one unifies a large amount of nations without some nob deciding they don't like it) in his history which, I believe, will be the largest sticker about his acceptance or not.
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Just to make sure, does anyone have the character named Kalen Diretech? I can’t seem to find it on the CS thread. If there is one, I’m sorry. I’m either blind or blind....
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Just to make sure, does anyone have the character named Kalen Diretech? I can’t seem to find it on the CS thread. If there is one, I’m sorry. I’m either blind or blind....
There is not. He is someone i made of the top of my head. Old man. Not a good fighter. But he is guarded by four skilled mercs and a decent mage.
Hey if anyone has any suggestions of how to integrate my twins into the rp then let me know . . if not that's cool too. I'll post tomorrow afternoon. Thanks yo and can't wait to start
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Yo! Kept debating on joining or not as I love the idea and the time period, but I was like, 'Mmm', but, hell, figure I would throw in my hat and see if its a good one! Also, I added a bit in about a small rebellion against le Queen that failed miserably (Cause, I mean, come on, no one unifies a large amount of nations without some nob deciding they don't like it) in his history which, I believe, will be the largest sticker about his acceptance or not.
Acceptable. I was waiting for someone to bring an emphasis on the dark side of the war. Glad to have you on board

As for the hammer thats another story. So is it like a lightning less mjolnir? Either way i would like for it to be a divine artifact of Garrot Calderan god of war. Your character doesnt need to know about it but thats the best way to ensure the enchantments are powerful enough to accomplish the feats the hammer has displayed.

Also garrot would be a good secret patron of this guy. Garrot doesnt ask for worship, he wants good warriors, their morals be damned.
Hey if anyone has any suggestions of how to integrate my twins into the rp then let me know . . if not that's cool too. I'll post tomorrow afternoon. Thanks yo and can't wait to start
I'll have something for ya tomorrow. Goodnight guys
Acceptable. I was waiting for someone to bring an emphasis on the dark side of the war. Glad to have you on board

As for the hammer thats another story. So is it like a lightning less mjolnir? Either way i would like for it to be a divine artifact of Garrot Calderan god of war. Your character doesnt need to know about it but thats the best way to ensure the enchantments are powerful enough to accomplish the feats the hammer has displayed.

Also garrot would be a good secret patron of this guy. Garrot doesnt ask for worship, he wants good warriors, their morals be damned.

Of course, can't have everyone romanticizing war without that one veteran kindly reminding everyone that people crap themselves when they die.

No, it cannot really be thrown like mjolnir, if you did throw it, you would have to go pick it back up. It was either let it be too heavy to lift or cause some kind of burning against someone who did pick it up, as it was a hammer, I felt being too heavy to lift just fit better then a handle of +5 burning, you know? And that Warhammer is based, and inspired, by Ghal-Maraz, the Warhammer in...... Warhammer. XD

Eh, the only perk to it being Garrot is Theuderic probably hates Garrot more then any of the other 'light' gods [I mean, this is a god who makes people think war is some glorious, valorous thing and that if they fight and die on the battlefield they get to go into heaven.... to... fight.. another battle.... and doesn't tell anyone the horrors they will be committing, the amount of pain and suffering they will endure and force others to endure all whilst sitting on his high chair laughing at the ants murdering one another, as far as he is concerned, the guy is the biggest prick this side of reality, at least the dark gods are 'honest' about what they are], and the man isn't a fan of the gods as it is. There is something.. poetic about one of the god's most potent artifacts choosing someone who detest said god, but not sure if I want it to be Garrot or Bakun (I mean his symbol is, literally, a hammer and anvil and he is known for his great might).

Don't get me wrong, I am down for it being a god's artifact, but I just am not sure which god I want it to be yet as thematically, I feel Bakun is better, but the idea of Garrot's super hammer being in the hands of a man who hates everything he stands for is a very awesome idea to play with.
There is not. He is someone i made of the top of my head. Old man. Not a good fighter. But he is guarded by four skilled mercs and a decent mage.

Thanks for the clarification :) I'm assuming I have no control over his guards.

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