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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

"Up to you, I usually just roam until I find someone, but I dont have to worry about food as much as you do."
I thought back to my amount of food. Just some potato chips, crackers, and bottled water. "I think I've got enough for a week maybe. We could try heading to one of the bigger cities, we might even run into survivors too."
I slowly nodded. "My family and I lived in tents on one of the roofs for a while." My brothers loved living there, there were so many good parkour spots for them. "I kind of remember my way around this place, but not really."
"Any guidance is better than no guidance, do you have a place in mind that we can stay?"
I shuffled through my memories. "I guess we could stay on that rooftop I talked about. It's a pretty neat view and it's actually kinda nice sleeping in tents." We were only about a quarter of a mile away from the city now.
I nodded. "Unless you can fly." I giggled. "It's the roof of some two story book shop, kinda cute place, actually." I thought back to how mother always took a bunch of manga from the store and read it to me. She read all sorts of manga, but I only ever like one kind anyways, so she always repeated the same books over and over. I snapped out of it and realized we were within sight of the store. I jogged to it and pointed. "That's it."
I follow easily keeping pace, "You go ahead and go to the roof, I'll look around the store. What kind of books do you like?"
*I cruise down the barren roads in an old Volkswagon town car. Brushing my dirty hair back and tapping on the steering wheel. I make a sharp turn past a stop sign and pull upon an Pharmacy' parking lot. Promptly getting out the car with 'Moxxi' in my fist, grabbing a role of extension cables from the passenger side.*
Zack goes inside the old mall that was once bustling with life. This formerly grand, prime location for activity, now lies in waste. Looters ransacked the mall when the outbreak first hit and zombies have ravaged it.

"My hair is my main priority. I will only use shampoo and conditioner with natural vitamins and minerals that will take care of my hair in this humid weather. Hey I'm Zack Hall, star of Robot Ninjas 4. Only the best for me" He walks through shops and passes long abandoned kiosks. A lot of goods can still be found scattered throughout some stores in the mall. "Dammit! Only 4 different vitamins for hair support in this shampoo. Unbelievable. Do people think I just wake up in the morning and look this amazing? Well, actually I do...... but still!" Zack throws the shampoo bottle across the empty hall of the mall. Echoing. He hears a strange noise. Is it echoes from the bottle? Or someone..... or something?
"Well, I guess I don't really like many books, but here is this one manga I love, it's called dragon ball z. I think I'll just stop by the mall over there and grab one of those giant tents you always see in stores for us to use." I looked at the mall that was half a block away and began carefully but quickly moving towards it.
From the building where the entrance to the roof was, Marcus walked out, his rifle left with the person who hired him. Looking over a piece of paper betwen his fingers, he began to walk off into the city, unaware of Addie and Felix standing down the road the opposite way if his destination.

@ClickyVikki @FeIix
Devin never could remember how long he had stood there. It had felt like someone else was controlling him. He fought against the urge to attack Marcus as he lay helpless in front of him, too focused on the fight. When the Faker had been killed he felt a mental release, but this only confirmed his fears. He had become a Faker. At least, partially. He didn't have an urge to eat anything, which was a trademark of newly undead, but he also felt as if part of his body were missing. "It must be the emptiness of not having any drones." He watched two figures run of into the distance. He thought they looked like Felix and Addie. He decided to follow them.
I entered the mall and went into some sporting goods store, quickly grabbing a large tent and jogging back to the bookstore. "Got it." I held up the tent into view.
I look up as you approach and hold up a book, Dragon Ball Z, "This is the right book right?"
I wide grin appears out of nowhere on my face. "Yeah, this stuff was pretty much the only childhood I had." I took it and went to the roof of the bookstore, setting up the tent and quickly getting comfy, reading Dragon Ball Z.
I smile at you reading and say, "I'll keep watch, I learned very basic reading skills, back when my mother was alive."

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