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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

As Marcus exited an abandoned superstore with his bag full of food for his employer, two zombies came sprinting towards him. With a gunslinger's speed, he brought his shotgun up and shot both shells, the razor blades ripping through their heads and killing them. He began to sprint back towards the building. Who knows who heard the shots.
I nodded at Felix but quickly took my eyes from the book when I heard two distinctly close gunshots. "That was really close..." I looked over at Felix. "Should we check it out?"
I run to the edge of the roof look in the direction of the gunshots, "Up to you." I look back at you, "If we do, same as last time?"
Below, Marcus was running as fast as he could towards the buildinv next to theirs. He quickly opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. He smiled at his employer and gave him 3/4 of the food as per their deal. The two went their separate ways with marcus going into the building Addie and Felix were on, finding the sporting goods store, and collapsing out of tiredness from the run onto a couple of comfortable looking beanbags, his rifle and other gear piled beside him.
"Ok lets go." I say as i pull out my daggers and slowly creep downstairs.
I follow close behind gripping the knife. Somewhere relatively close I could've sworn I heard a door slam and practically jumped in surprise. I take a deep breath and continue following Felix.
I glance back at you asking quietly, "You also hear a door slam?"
Marcus was still fast asleep on the beanbags, another dream starting in his head, one that was not a nightmare for once.
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A sudden look of worry comes over me and creeps into my voice, "Stay close, and be ready for anything." I make my way through the second floor and down the stairs to the first.
As Devin traveled the highway he began to remember. He remembered his children being killed, himself being captured... and the pain. They had not been kind in their experiments.
I walk out the door and look around, "Want to look at the sports store first?"
"What was that sound?" Zack thinks to himself. "Better go check it out. Might be a beautiful damsel in distress. Only one man that can save the day" *looks down and flexes his muscle* "If it's not a supermodel I'm going to be dissapointed. But then even a supermodel is not as pretty as me. Curse me and these phenomenal features I have"

Zack finds the stairs and leaves to find the source of the noise. It sounds like it came from outside not too far
I head to the sports store constantly keeping watch to male sure nothing sneaks up on us
Devin heard some shots. Shots meant somebody was shooting, he would try to steer clear of any zombies or humans until he had found Felix. He wanted to confront Felix alone, he didn't want Addie to know the truth. He also knew that Felix would kill him if he became dangerous, Addie wouldn't.
As I went back to my Harley grabbed a few drinks for me and the two mysterious kids he had just fought with. I turned around to go and give it to them but they where already heading back to where they came from. Slightly sad at the fact they just left him but understands why he did just attack them the other day. So a little depressed from being alone again because he hasn't had any interaction with peaceful people for going on seven months now. So he just slips the drinks back into the bike bag and gets on it. He looks up at the building and see's no light and assumes that who ever was up their probably left. As he sits their on his bike he figures out what he wants to do. Maybe head for the next city but with a bigger city means more zombies and most likely the kids that he has seen have picked this small town apart. So he sighs and says "to the city i go yea." He starts his Harley and goes to the highway and gets on it. About a half an hour later he see's the skyline of the city in front of him. As he enters the city a lot of abandoned cars litter the streets and its also very quiet . Which is kind of creepy for a big city like this. So as he drives through looking for a place to make camp i see a mall once again making a mental note to avoid it. And notices a few stores on the other side of the street but the one that catch's the eye the most is a two story book store. And he also decides to stay away from their because staying their looks like its asking for trouble. Plus i don't like books he adds to the end of his thought. But a block away is some small houses as i drive down to them i see something or some one come out of the mall. Not really worried about it i continue down the block and see an old fire house.I say "Perfect" get off my bike go through to the back and check the door and it is unlocked. As i go in i shut the door behind me and lock it go to the garage and open the door and pull my bike in. As i clear the house making sure no one is around and free of the undead I go back to the room that had some bunk beds into and set my main part of camp here. I fall asleep without meaning to and am woke by some commotion down the block. I glance out the window and see some figures walking in front of that book store and i shrug and try to go back to sleep.

(sorry for just leaving yesterday with no notice. But my computer had to be rebooted.)
Zack arrives on the first floor. "Looks like I'm close to the exit, I know I heard something outside. It's my future supermodel baby's mom, she's waiting for me, I'm sure of it" As he starts walking down the large hall, he notices a sports store. "Maybe they have some weights, this physique *he flexes his arms and does a stance a greek warrior would do* doesn't just happen. I have to maintain this amazing body. Maybe they have some decent weights for me to use"

Zack Hall(Yes, THE Zack Hall) starts walking towards the sports store

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Devin stealthily slipped from building to building. Things began to become familiar.

"This is the city I woke up in."

He remembered avoiding this area because of the concentration of humans. But there was another memory. "I was bit before. It happened in that mall."

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