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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I say blankly suddenly slightly nervous, "What everyone is doing, surviving."
I smell something, off. I look around trying to find what the smell is coming from.
"Just surviving? Eh, that's what most people say. I try to actually build, 'ya know? Put my skills to use, instead of living in fear of Zed's. If the government back in my time weren't a bunch of limp dick pansies, we could have won..." He notices how Felix is looking around, and also starts looking around. "You hear something?" He draws his AK, and pulls the bolt back, chambering a 5.45×39mm round.
"Just a, you know, feeling. Intuition or something like that I think." I lied. I look at Addie and tap my nose, hiding it from the newcomer.
I whisper, "Weird smell, not entirely zombie," then with a worried look, "but not entirely human."
I frowned. Some sort of hybrid or turning person..? I glanced around nervously and whispered back to him. "Do you think we should find out who or where it is?"
Max looks back to the two. "I didn't see anything. Anyways, I'm just going to grab some stuff from here. Notice anything interesting, like mechanical parts or metal?"
"This guy might make trouble though," I say as I glance back at him and continue whispering, "Maybe when he leaves ." Then in a normal volume, "No haven't seen anything, sorry."
I look at you again, "Exactly, which is why he cannot find out. Please." I whisper
Max is busy digging through a pile of rubble in the back, pocketing choice scraps of metal. "I'm 'gonna be able to finally build that pit of nails I always wanted to build!"
I gave a subtle nod. I knew I couldn't let this stranger find out. If he did, I'm sure he'd end up freaking out, jumping to conclusions, and killing Felix. And if that happened, I don't know how I'd survive. "I know." I whispered.
Max suddenly pops up next to the two. "So, what are you talking about?" He looks to the both of them, his face completely straight.
"What we are going to do next." I say with an equally straight face and a flat voice.
I awkwardly nodded. I shoved my hands in my pockets out of boredom and nervousness. I softly tapped one of my feet to keep myself calm with the rhythm.
"Alright. I found some cool stuff over there, if any of 'ya want to bum off of it. I mean, if you actually want to BUILD things, instead of leeching off the husk of a dead civilization that is never coming back." He walks back to the pile and resumes scavenging from it.
I notice Addie's behavior and say, "We should get going, dont know who else heard that yelling."
Marcus rubbed his eyes tiredly and nodded. "Yea....was just taking a nap.....I had a rather exhilarating run earlier..."
Devin watched as his three non-friends left the building. He followed them out. The first thing he did was to get up wind of them, Felix was sure to smell him if a full zombie's senses were anything like his own.

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