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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

I stop walking half way there, "Run," I say simply to Addie, "that smell, it hasn't gone away. I'll meet you there."
It worked. "Felix! It's me Devin. Don't shoot."

Devin slid out from behind the pile of ruble he was hiding behind.

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I instantly pull out my bow and turn towards the smell, knocking an arrow
I got to the bookstore and get to the tent on the roof. I plopped on the tent floor and tried to read some more Dragonball Z, but I couldn't pay attention to it. I was too worried.
Wiping his hands off, Max steps back from the pile, his bag significantly heavier. He wanders back towards his base, whistling all the while.
Casey listened to the crunch of rocks and broken glass from under her feet. There was a distant sound of quick-paced footsteps. Casey quickly pulled out her karambits, looking around alertly. Her pace slowed down so she was at Derrick's side; strategically it was better to be close together in case of an ambush. She continued to look around, starting slightly at Derrick's soft chuckles. She couldn't make out what he had said, but she assumed if it were important enough he would repeat it.
*In a hesitant standoff, Alistar eventually mustered the courage to take the jump from one building to another. He landed and tumbled, pulling himself back up, it's all familiar. He's definitely been here before. Sighing, he clutches 'Moxxi' in his fist.*

"Heh, well... it's familiar now."

*Sits on the ledge and lights a cigarette with his makeshift lighter.*
SaintRaven367 said:
*In a hesitant standoff, Alistar eventually mustered the courage to take the jump from one building to another. He landed and tumbled, pulling himself back up, it's all familiar. He's definitely been here before. Sighing, he clutches 'Moxxi' in his fist.*
"Heh, well... it's familiar now."

*Sits on the ledge and lights a cigarette with his makeshift lighter.*
Hearing the flick of metal striking flint, Max looks up and notices a man (Alistar) sitting on a ledge. He calls out "Hey there! I've been seeing a lot of people 'round here recently."
*The sudden voice startles him momentarily, in that he dropped his lighter. He curses under his breath and loosens his grip on his Lever action shotgun. *

"Ah, damn it."

*Looks down at Max, he puffs his cigarette and exhales it through his nose. Observing ever so curiously*

"Yeah? You know of any camps?"
I got out of the tent and carefully peeked out from the rooftop, seeing if I could see where Felix was. I frowned when I didn't see him anywhere, but heard very faint voices that clearly weren't coming from him.
SaintRaven367 said:
*The sudden voice startles him momentarily, in that he dropped his lighter. He curses under his breath and loosens his grip on his Lever action shotgun. *
"Ah, damn it."

*Looks down at Max, he puffs his cigarette and exhales it through his nose. Observing ever so curiously*

"Yeah? You know of any camps?"
"I got my own place. Really well defended. Actually, I didn't know anyonelse was in the city until today. I thought everyone was too much of a god damn coward to actually try and reclaim the place."
*Inhales the cigarette and nods his head. His fingers flicked it down below and he began a careful descent down, hanging on the ledge and dropping to the one under him repeatedly*

"I see, well... better grouped then alone so... count me in.*

*He lands with a thud and puts 'Moxxi" in her holster. Adjusting the duffel bag on his back, he firmly shakes Max's hand, but tends to look around often.*

"Alistar Godfrey, Colorado."
SaintRaven367 said:
*Inhales the cigarette and nods his head. His fingers flicked it down below and he began a careful descent down, hanging on the ledge and dropping to the one under him repeatedly*
"I see, well... better grouped then alone so... count me in.*

*He lands with a thud and puts 'Moxxi" in her holster. Adjusting the duffel bag on his back, he firmly shakes Max's hand, but tends to look around often.*

"Alistar Godfrey, Colorado."
"Names Max, Max Rockatanansky. New York. Pre-Outbreak. My base is just a few blocks away." Max seems...calm about the whole situation, as if he has nothing to worry about.
SaintRaven367 said:
"A pleasure"
*He shifts uncomfortably and sighs.*

"Anybody else alive?"
"I saw a kid and an older guy earlier at the mall. I've also been hearing gunshots recently. That's it. There are some pretty large communities down South, though. Where the climate is hotter and better for growing." He starts to walk away, and motions with his hand for Alistar to follow. "They actually have a good setup. Food, water, a decent amount of power, some small "factories". He says the last part with air quotes. "However, I felt an...urge to go North. To set up a place of my own, and to help rebuild this shattered nation. Call it an ambition."
The voices I'd heard were getting fainter until I didn't even hear anything at all. Whoever it was must've gone in the other direction. I sighed and sat comfortably on the rooftop, watching the sunset; a little lemon drop falling steadily beneath the sherbet colored horizon. I frowned at how I looked at the sunset. I was clearly hungry, so I pulled some junk food out of my backpack and began eating it.
Hazeron said:
"I saw a kid and an older guy earlier at the mall. I've also been hearing gunshots recently. That's it. There are some pretty large communities down South, though. Where the climate is hotter and better for growing." He starts to walk away, and motions with his hand for Alistar to follow. "They actually have a good setup. Food, water, a decent amount of power, some small "factories". He says the last part with air quotes. "However, I felt an...urge to go North. To set up a place of my own, and to help rebuild this shattered nation. Call it an ambition."
"Yeah, i know that much... I prefer to stay in the colder regions. Them biters seem to move slower there. I just been wandering by myself for months, trying to find someone worth staying with... more or less cheesy but..."

*Follows behind you closely*

"Call mine 'soul searching'"

SaintRaven367 said:
"Yeah, i know that much... I prefer to stay in the colder regions. Them biters seem to move slower there. I just been wandering by myself for months, trying to find someone worth staying with... more or less cheesy but..."
*Follows behind you closely*

"Call mine 'soul searching'"

Max nodded, and then turned his head to look at Alistar. "I've heard that many times before. There is always a reason to travel...whether it is simple flight or a trip of sudden inspiration, or on the way to a far off goal, we all must walk a road in our life. And it is on these roads that we are made men." Max delivered his monologue with a completely straight face, before turning back around.
Devin slowly walked over to Felix. "Thanks for sending her away. I don't want to attack her by accident. I'm still trying to get my urges under control. But I didn't come here to talk about myself. I wanted to ask you what you thought about being healed." He paused as he looked deep into his fellow zombie's eyes.
"Being healed?" I say as I put down my bow but keeping my arrow in place
Marcus had left the sporting goods store and was now rummaging through a book store, looking for anything that would catch his interest. He sighed as he closed yet another book and set it back where it was. "Nothin' good anymore..."
My eyelids flew open as I heard someone downstairs in the bookstore. I instinctively grabbed mother's knife from my right pocket and listened to the noise carefully, wondering if it was Felix. I carefully opened the door that led downstairs and into the bookstore and awkwardly whispered. "Felix, is that you....?" I waited for the response, hoping it wasn't some random person, or worse, a bad natured zombie.

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