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Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

After waiting outside the building that Leon heard the cat sounds coming from and realized that no zombies were going to come out of it. He decided head back over to the house he had set camp up at he quickly grabbed all his belongings. Got onto his Harley and against his better judgment decided to head towards the building he saw the bullet come from.
I walked over to Felix. "Can I see? What is it?" I pointed at the note out of curiosity. I had a bad feeling about it but I really really wanted to know what exactly it was.
"Yeah but you're not going to like it." I say as I hand you the note
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I read it a few times, just to make sure I wasn't somehow getting it all wrong. I felt more tears spring from my eyes and thought about how Devin would turn soon enough. But then I remembered that Felix was still a zombie, meaning that Devin could be a good zombie. I stopped crying for the most part, sniffed, and softly spoke. "Do you think he could become a good zombie? Like you?" I looked up at Felix and dropped the note.
Casey smiled and nodded before taking Derrick's hand. She supposed she must have had a dumb sense of humour because she honestly didn't find his jokes that bad. It had been too long since she had someone else to travel with. Thoughts of her brother filled her mind. What smile that was once on her face disappeared. She hugged herself, almost as if she was trying to hold herself together. He said for only a few days, then we'll separate so everything will be ok... I won't get hurt and he won't get hurt... I won't have broken my promise...
"That depends on his urges and what happens to him, the reason i fought so hard was because I was training to hunt these things, when they turned me, when they killed my father, I kept killing them. Revenge is why I fought." I say with sadness obvious on my face and in my voice.
I hated to see a friend so sad, but I didn't know what else to do to make Felix not sad. So I hugged him. Besides, I knew how it felt to lose your meaning in life, and to have a new meaning, a new reason to live. His was revenge, mine was to somehow find my family, or at least find if any of them survived.
Surprise came over my face for a moment, then a sad smile as he hugged her back, "You don't have to worry about me, being what I am I shouldn't even feel like this, sad, happy all of it. So unnatural for a zombie. But we have to find Devin either way."
I finally pulled away and nodded. "I guess you feel it because you're not really a zombie. I mean, other than your abilities and appearance you're still really human. I just hope Devin doesn't end up as a bad zombie..." I zoned out for a moment and brought myself back to reality. "Right, where do you think he'd go?"
"I don't know, maybe, just maybe he went to find Marcus." I sat there thinking, "Its a long shot but it's the only thing i could guess." then with a hopeful smile, "and I never got my transmitter back from Marcus. We can use yours to contact him."
"But Addie you have to realize something, I'm the only zombie I've even heard of that doesn't kill humans, the chances that Devin," I stopped with a sad and concerned look, "I just want you to be ready for the worst possibility, because it's the more likely one to be true."
Sadness slowly creeped into my expression. "Yeah.... I guess so." I pulled Marcus's knife out of one of my pockets. "I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be, but I'm not that great at fighting or anything."
"I'm not going to make you do it Addie, and I'll do my best so that you don't have to fight anything." I say putting my hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry he's probably doing something or sleeping." I say with a smile, "if you want we can go look for one or both of them."
As i am driving towards the tall building and i notice on the upcoming street their is a pack of zombies. I stop about twenty feet away from them and get off my Harley and yell out "I was wondering if their was anymore Z-heads i could smash in!!" As most of the group turned to me i noticed that they all had pure white eyes and thought oh great more wearied zombies. As i got into an offensive stance a taller and more muscular one comes fourth and say's "Ah your the asshole who finished off my little recon team at the gas station." I say back to him " you went their how would you know?" He just chuckles and points at me and the group of zombies about six of them start to form in a circle around me. I think i might be in trouble here these guys don't seem like normal zombies that will just attack me with no thinking behind it. These ones seem like their working as a team like their all thinking the same thing. This is going to be a pain in the ass and this might be one fight i wont come back from. I yell " Lets do this you fucking dead meat bags!!!"
I look at Addie, "You hear yelling?" I run to the window looking out at street. "Should we check it out?"
Marcus jumped as Devin spoke. He rolled away from the edge and looked up at him. "What the hell dude...Anyways, did they send you?" He asked as he was crawling back to the edge of the building and taking aim at the group he mentioned.
"Do you want to stay here or just me? I dont want to leave ypu alone and I dont want to put ypu in harm's way so It's up to you." I say looking at Addie
I thought for a moment. I wanted to help a lot, and sitting here wouldn't help anyone but myself. But if I went out there I had a chance of getting hurt while helping. "I wanna come and help." A determined expression filled my face.
"Ok lets go." I say as i get ready to leave, "I want to help whoever that is to but protecting you is my priority, I just want you to know that before we go."

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