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any partners in crime out there?


Word Nerd
Hello, there, my name is Hyacinth, and it's very nice to meet you!

I've been in the RP game for a few years sporadically now, and I'm hoping to make it into more of a long-term hobby. I'm looking for someone to help facilitate that-- and hopefully I can make a friend or two along the way, yeah?

Anyway, cutting to the chase-- here are some points to consider.

-I'm literate. I can do paragraph on paragraph on paragraph, forever. I'd expect that we trade at least three paragraphs/post, or about 250-1,000 words. I don't care if you make a couple errors-- spelling isn't real, as I always say.

-I'm chatty. I will want to make friends with you. I hope this isn't a terrible prospect. I don't bite and I'm fairly difficult to offend, so it should be quite alright.

-I'm pretty damn active. I'll be able to post at least once a day, unless something absolutely terrible like finals are happening.

-On the other side of the coin, I suffer mental illness and a rather packed schedule, so I might make semi-frequent, short absences.

-I don't like doing f/m. I can be persuaded, but it's not my thing. I do a lot more m/m. f/f and pairings involving non-binary characters are also more than welcome.

-I'm juuuuuuuuuust under 18, so someone 16-19 might be most opportune.

And now, on to the kinds of things I always see put under those tabs, only I can't do BBCode.


-Fate/Zero (kirei/gilgamesh, it's embarrassing but ryuunosuke/caster, i don't ship it but platonic waver/iskandar)

-Undertale (a little hesitant to do this one, but... i'm like, ready to marry mettaton. we could do something with mettaton.)

-Ace Attorney (i'll be your best friend IF you let me play edgeworth. barking up the phoenix/edgeworth tree at the moment, i'd do apollo/klavier too but that's about it.)

-OHSHC (haven't seen it in a while. but i like tamaki and want to see him grow up a little. let's deal with this stupid fop's future.)

-Fire Emblem: Awakening (lon'qu/libra?? chrom/frederick?? lissa/maribelle?? ask me if i ship anything else, other pairings are escaping me. there are many.)

-Howl’s Moving Castle (everyone has a favorite ghibli movie and you’re darned tootin’ this is mine. i love the setting. let’s put OCs in it. i’m not too proud to beg.)

Of course, this isn't a complete list. If you can think of something, I won't be weirded out if you ask if I've seen/read/played/otherwise consumed it.

Plots (although I suppose I should really call these ‘Premises’)

Plot A

Anything involving a medieval/fantasy setting and some social-outcast kids who set out on their own. I leave this so vague because there is so much room for interpretation. Are they gay? Do they have big swords? Is there magic? Will they overthrow the government? All of the above? (please! i realized as i was typing that that it sounded awesome!!)

Plot B

Our characters are scraping out a living in a nasty post-nuclear desert of a place, some sixty years after the apocalypse/war/self-inflicted death of some large percentage of mankind. They don’t want to save the world. They are not going to do much crusading or destroying of evil governments. But they might, you know, come of age… build some new houses… improve their community… get sand in their shoes… kiss… The possibilities are endless.

Misc. Pairings

-Botanist/Mage (fantasy)

-Student (but of something cool, like magic)/Student (of some similarly cool discipline)

-gays with dragons (hear me out on this one)



-Noble/Noble (please let’s. imagine the foppery. imagine the red wine and limp handshakes.)

-Time Traveler/Person Experiencing Time Like A Normal Person, Thank You Very Much


As always, I'm super into seeing what y'all have to say, so any and all input is much appreciated. It's your RP, too! Ask me if you've got any questions, I don't bite. Feel free to PM me or whatever. I look forward to seeing what we come up with!!

I have read this and let me say, I am very interested

Sometimes I can find it a tad hard to get three paragraphs every time (I adore writing, but my words can sometimes fail me haha), but I can definitely do it if I put my mind to it.

I'm super interested in both plot a and b, as well as guard/noble, and am completely willing to listen to what the gays with dragons is all about :)

So, if you'd like, I'd love to rp with you!

(Also on another note, I LOVE Studio Ghibli. So much. So I may actually be willing to do a Howl-based rp. Actually, I'd be more than willing. Very willing.)
Hello, there!! It's very nice to meet you, and I'm excited to see what we can come up with!!

What, would you say, are you most interested in doing?
Hmm, I guess if I had to put it in order then it'd be:

1) Howl rp, now that I think about it. It seems like there'd be a lot we could do with that

2) Guard/noble. I've always had a soft spot for these :)

3) Either plot A or B

4) Dragons :)

So yeah, that's my list, but I'm more than willing to do any of these!
hi i have an wizard who is very gay and very trash

perhaps he and another very gay wizard could snip and snap at each other all throughout wizard school because (spoiler) they actually want to make out

but then some kinda apocalypse happens and they gotta save the world?

none of this is cliche, all of this is cool

ps there are some examples of my posts here
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@Du Pain

I'd be down with doing something with Howl. Were you leaning more towards using OCS or canon characters? I really like the universe and feel like there's a lot to be done with it.


Love me some gay wizards. That sounds like a good idea, let's play with that. (I'll get back to you when school lets out)
I'm cool with either ocs or canon characters, but I think it'd be really interesting to see how we could incorporate ocs into that universe :)
Using OCs sounds great. And, you know, I bet they have dragons. We could do the HMC thing and the gays with dragons thing... at the SAME TIME. If you're up for that.
Yo! If you're still looking, I'd be down to try and develop something based off of Plot A, or any of your Misc Ideas. I just love fantasy....and world building....and time travel! :D

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