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Fandom ══════ Let's Go Out There and Make People Smile! ══════


Possible Cryptid
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

══════ Hello There! ══════

Welcome to another one of my niche search threads! This time, I am looking to do a roleplay for the adult animated show, Smiling Friends. I binged the first season not too long ago and I have to say I really enjoy all of the characters and the absurd world that they live in. As such, I thought it could be fun to do a roleplay that follows the episodic nature of the show, with all the characters (canon and otherwise) dealing with both the mundane and ridiculous. So, if anyone is interested, then please feel free to either post here or send me a message.

Until then, thank you and happy writing!

══════ About Me ══════

  • I am an adult and generally go by they/them.
  • I am a lit. writer and write in both third person and past tense. I am also multipara and normally do upwards of 300-to-800 words in a post. However, I can do more or less depending on the circumstance.
  • I am in the EST time zone and normally do around two posts per week, if not more. However, due to a busier schedule, my activity will be slower. If by chance I will not be online for a while, I will do my best to let you know beforehand.
  • I am open to doubling and will prefer to do so if you ask me to play a canon character for your OC. But if you just want to play a canon character then that’s totally fine!
  • I love OOC chatter and I am all for discussing ideas, headcanons, and the like!

══════ Requirements ══════

  • You must be over the age of 18. I apologize to the younger members of this site, but I am an adult and therefore more comfortable writing with those in my age range.
  • As stated before, I am lit. and multipara. As such, I am looking for people who are lit. and multipara as well.
  • If you are no longer interested in continuing a roleplay, then that is 100% okay. Things happen! Just please try and let me know that you will no longer be posting in the roleplay.
  • If we double, I expect that we both try and keep things as equal as possible. This means giving both sides their time to shine and not focusing too much on a specific character/pairing.
  • OCs are welcomed, but they must fit into the plot/setting and follow established lore/canon. Please understand that I have the right to say no to your character, just as you have the right to say no to mine.

══════ Limits ══════

  • Pairings such as Abuser/Victim, Underage/Adult, and Sibling/Sibling (this includes step-siblings or any other familial relationships) are some of the pairing types that I do NOT feel comfortable with and therefore will not do.
  • I will not romanticize things such as abuse, manipulation, stalking, etc. Although I do not mind exploring darker concepts, I will not make them out to be healthy.
  • I am not comfortable with graphic depictions of self-harm, suicide, or non-consensual acts.
  • Being disrespectful or attempting to push boundaries will result in me discontinuing the roleplay, no exceptions.

══════ Characters ══════

★ = Amount of Muse/Craving.

Characters I Am Seeking-
  • Pim Pimling (★★★★★)
  • Gwimbly (★★★★☆)
  • Charlie Dompler (★★★☆☆)
  • Allan Red (★★★☆☆)
  • Original Character (★★★☆☆)
Characters I Am Willing to Write-
  • Charlie Dompler (★★★★☆)
  • Allan Red (★★★★☆)
  • Glep (★★★☆☆)
  • Mr. Boss (★★★☆☆)
  • Original Character (★★★★★)

══════ Plot Ideas ══════

  • The Smiling Friends find themselves in a horror movie scenario after taking up a job in rural New Jersey at a former sleepaway camp turned lakeside resort.
  • The Smiling Friends get the seemingly simple task of getting a kid to smile for some family pictures. However, things soon go awry when said kid wanders off under their watch.
  • After being mistaken for a paranormal investigation team by an misinformed client, the Smiling Friends must find a way to get a particularly stubborn poltergeist to leave the house that it has been haunting.

══════ Wishlist ══════

(Things I really want to include in the roleplay will be underlined.)

OC and Canon | OC and OC | Canon and Canon | Pim Pimling and OC | Long-Term | Low Pressure Response Times | Episodic Stories With Some Reoccuring Plotlines| Character Exploration | Wholesome and Supportive Friendships | Mundane Situations Taking A Turn for the Absurd | The Smiling Friends Finally Get The Vacation They Deserve | More to Be Added…


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