
She quickly slipped away and walked towards the butterfly. "Its alright. If they do put you in against someone besides me, I'll back you up. If they put you against me, I won't hurt you." she said, smiling kindly.
Oh god not me' Ryo though not wanting to fight, knowing she would easily be killed, and Midus would especially be motivated to kill her. She looked nervously and then without even trying over herd the rabbit and blurted. "DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT MIDUS HE WOULD KICK YOUR A------ " she was cut of by her own hands covering her mouth. "I.. I'm so sorry it just came out I..." Her nerves were on edge and she knew she seemed to just ask for a fight.
The intercom came on to say "Statistics have been tallied and the next round will begin will Roan and Rya please report to the arena everyone else remain seated."
She turned around. "I'm faster than he is. My voice can paralyze. All I have to do is use my voice, knock him out and leave. I'm sure I could win against him."
After delievering his last comment to the snake he flew down and landed next the butterfly girl. He tried to make it look casual but tripped when he landed. He spread his wings wide to catch and balance himself, the yellows, reds, whites, and blacks flared out. He then folded his wings and said, "Hello, my name is Sash.", this was directed towards both the butterfly girl but he stuttered slightly when he said it.
Leona nodded just a little bit, glancing up gratefully at the girl. She was still a little scared though. If she was faced with a different opponent, one of the more aggressive ones, they would surely beat her to pieces. Staring off into space, a small unnoticeable tear slid down her cheek.

This isn't the right place for me.. At least I'll be killed in the fight, so than I won't have to deal with this anymore.. She thought in her head miserably, suddenly snapping out of the trance she was in and looking back down at the floor.
At the sound if the intercom Ryas heart dropped. " God no please no god." she pleaded saying a silent prayer as she headed toward the arena. She looked at her opponent. She took a deep breath. A snake. Great. She breathed out. She tried to meet his eyes wit a pleading look that said Please. Don't kill me. She knew she would die, but with all she's been through they wouldn't allow her. She grunted and went to face her opponent. (srry I'm on mobile so it Takes a bit longer to post :( . )
The butterfly girl flicked her gaze towards Sash, her purple eyes sparkling slightly in the light.

"My name's Leona.." She said, noticing he had stuttered when he had introduced himself. She wondered why he was so willing to talk to her. She thought about it for a moment, but couldn't quite figure it out. Her pale cheeks turned a shade of red when she met his gaze again. She quickly looked away and folded her wings tighter against her back.
Her ears perked up at the two names over the speaker. She crossed her arms, hoping that there wouldn't be any serious injuries. She hated blood. Absolutely despised it. All she knew was strategizing. She absentmindedly murmured her name, maybe hoping someone would recognize the name of the famous singer. "Yukari Yuzuki......."
(The battles are no kill just so you people know,unless it was mine and you had a CPU kinda thing)

Midas looked down at Rya when she walked onto arena floor and his eyes were enraged not because of her but because she was down there. He calmed himself down and yelled "Kick his d*** a** Rya!"
Roan slithered down to the arena and stared at the female before him. Although he was blind and couldn't see her face, he could tell by her rising body heat that she was nervous. He slithered into the arena and the alarm to begin went off. He bowed his head in respect towards the female and muttered "I shall not kill you.", he confirmed. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but merely because he was told not to by the scientists.

That's when he slithered forward in uneven fast turns in an attempt to throw her off. His plan was to stop merely five feet away and aim to slam/slide his tail into her ankles to knock her hard off feet.
(Ok good lol ). Hearing Midus' encouragement made her feel better. She still didn't want to fight but now, she had to. Another seep breath. She had to prove herself. She was strong. She was beautiful. She was determined. She kept telling herself she could do it until the intercom announced "Fighters Ready?"

(whoops bad timing ok ) Rya quickly thought in her head an watched the snake.She jumped up and ran, on all fours with her bear claws out. She growled and sprang toward him, leaving a scratch on his face.
Sash looked at Leona and noticed she had a beautiful pair of purple eyes. When she looked away again he cursed it. He saw her cheeks blush and felt a bit worse, he was making her uncomfortable and shy. "You don't have to be afraid or shy with me.", he smiled at her. His wings were folded around his back as they always were when he was nervous.
She went away from the two hybrids and sat along, tracing numbers and letters which wouldn't makes sense to anyone but her. She then started to tap different rythms.
The original color returned to her cheeks as Sash reassured her. Looking back up at him, her purple eyes looked unafraid for once. A perfect smile crept onto her face, but quickly vanished once the fight began. The fear she always had soon crept back inside her. Her frail hands balled up into fists and her eyes drifted back to the floor.

She could tell that Sash was trying to comfort her, but it was useless. Leona always will be afraid.
Roan sensed the vibrations in the air and could tell Rya was going to land a hit on him. He made no attempt to avoid the hit, sacrifices sometimes had to be made to get the upper hand. Roan knew that Rya, who was now passing him mid air, would be in a hard position to avoid his next move. His head shot forward and the almost elastic ligaments in his jaw allowed his mouth to open over a foot. Large venomous fangs shined in the sunlight as he went to latch down on Ryas ankle and toss her backwards into a nearby wall. He carefully positioned his jaw so that his fangs would not pierce her flesh if successful. Though, instead they would slightly scrape against skin just enough to let his slow, paralyzing (non-lethal) venom infect.
Yui yawned, wishing she could take out her book but knowing the scientists would punish her if she didn't watch the fights. She looked around at all the humans, grinning at the scene in the arena. How disgusting and barbaric. Her ears lowered as she turned back to the spar below them, her fluffy tail wrapping around her small frame.
Sash walked in front of Leona and opened his wings wide in front of her as to block the scene from her. He made sure that she would not be able to see any of the violence. "Is that better? Is the violence what bothers you?" Sash looked at her with a look of hope, maybe this would make her fell better.

[k This is my last post for tonight bye]
( sorry for all the wired posting problems. Mobile sucks. ) Rya felt a sharp point scrape against her foot. Ouchhh she thought, clenching her jaw to not tear up. She breathed in as she felt the venom seep in. While RoAn had a hold of her foot she attempted to reach back and scratch his neck or back with her claw like finger nails.
(Don't apologize! Feel free to take your time<3 lol I'm a slow ass poster)

Roan furrowed his eyebrows in pain as he felt her sharp claws along his bare upper back as he tossed her. His body tensed up at the feel of trickling blood and he hissed loudly. He stood there and glared at the girl intensely. Oh how he wanted to strangle her until she stopped breathing. He calmed himself down with the thought of the venom slowly working at her nervous system, and slowly inched closer to her. They were a comfortable ten feet apart.

"You should play dead for the scientistsss before I lossse me patience.", he muttered angrily.
(Lol Bye bye:P)

Leona looked slightly surprised when Sash blocked her view with his wings. Looking up at him with soft eyes, she nodded.

"Yes." She re-adjusted her wings so they were widely spread out. They were very long, and beautiful. Vibrant colors of blue, white, and black swirled through-out the wings, along with a pattern of white dots on the outer edges and black near the ends. They were simply gorgeous.

Soon enough, she quickly folded the delicate wings behind her back, being careful not to brush her wings against anything.

(Wings look like this(But longer.): http://img3.etsystatic.com/000/0/5446002/il_fullxfull.194285155.jpg)
Ryo just grinned happy with herself. She did make a mark, and hoped she could do more. Suddenly she felt her leg, where he had gotten a hold of her just stop. She couldn't move it. 'Da** that snake' she thought as she attempted to get closer to the snake, but the poison crept slowly up her body. " I can make my own choices" she muttered. Before being almost tottaly paralyzed she took one last snap of her jaw at him, attempting to bite.
Roan stopped and tilted his head slightly at how slow she was moving towards him, the venom obviously taking its toll. He chuckled slightly at her answer, and although with his fast reflexes he could've easily dodged her bite, he chose not to. He was glad she was sticking it out till the end, and waved his tail over so it was caught in her jaws and not his skin. His scales were tough and absorbed most of the impact. The fight was obviously over. He went to pat the head of the female, signalling a job well done. Though he wouldn't admit it, he gained a bit of admiration towards her.

That's when the scientists poured in, afraid Roan was contemplating having a snack. They injected her with an antidote as Roan slithered away.

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