
Midas watched as she ate the cookie but returned his attention to his work "I know." He continued this until Ryo walked by and made fun of him as he stood up with the barbel and dropped it noisily on the ground. Then started to chase after her snorting once dragging one of his horns against the wall scrapping off chunks of plaster and wood.
Nanoki jolted and flew after Midas,"she only said that because you helped that frightened woman"she said flying upside down infront of Midas then jolted colliding with a bunch of barrels and her basket with sweets fell and scattered around. Nanoki sat up rubbing her head then looked aroud forthw cause of her collision and found it,"you barrels! You made me drop my sweets!"she said and kicked a barrel she then looked at all her sweets and sniffled then began crying.
In her mind, Ryo giggled, even though this had gone horribly wrong, she still thought it was sort of funny. On the outside she was screaming and crying like a little girl. She ran, looking behind her as Midus drew closer.. SHe slipped and fell on the dirty floor and hit her head. She felt it slightly bleeding as she plead to Midus. " I-Im sorry Midus I seriously am! " She had to think of somthing quick, a lie, he had to believe... " Im sorry.. yo-your really strong and i look up to you---" That was true, it really was.. " I I just said that cus.. cus I.. Like you!" The words came out of her mouth before she could even think them. What the HECK did she just blurt out? My god, she was in trouble. But for a second she thought.. Why did she say that? There had to be a reason.
Leona sat back and watched, the tears still slipping down her cheeks. Folding her delicate wings on her back, she walked back into the training room and sat down on one of the bench's. Her purple eyes watched the other people around her, admiring how strong each of them were. She balled up her frail hands and looked down sadly.

If only I were that strong, than maybe I wouldn't be punished. She thought, taking a deep breath. She hated herself for being so fragile. It was impossible for her to do any kind of physical training. Even if she tried, she would only end up hurting herself.

Leona looked over at the bull hybrid who had saved her, and blinked softly. She was grateful for him to protect her like that, but it's useless to help her. The scientist's are always going to pick on her, and there's nothing anybody can do to stop it.

"You should of just left me to die." She wanted to tell the bull hybrid. A single tear dripped out of her eye and hit the floor.

"I'm useless here anyways." She said in a whisper.
Yui went back to her book, glad that her scientist had more or less given up on the fox hybrid. Yui would rather be intelligent than strong, anyway. She would feel happier winning by outwitting opponents, not by breaking their limbs. Violence had never particularly appealed to her.
He stopped just before he ran into her and snorted and turned around to go back to his exersises. "That's right and don't you forget it little girl or next time I won't give it a second thought to run strait over you." he spoke as he walked threw all of the ruble he had left behind and walked past the girl who dropped all her sweets. He had just gotten back when the intercom had turned on to say "Midas and Viren please report to the arena now,and all others report to the stands now."
Sash was alone in a isolated corner of the gym running full speed on the treadmills highest speed. He had logged a distance of thirty miles by the time he jumped off to see what all the commotion was about. He found the pretty girl with the butterfly wings crying against a wall and down a hallway another girl with wings was muttering and crying at a barrel while the large bull guy chased another girl. What a mess, can't anyone be reasonable. Sash helped the butterfly girl up and brushed a tear from her eyes giving her a smile. After that he went over to the other girl who was part bird and picked up a cookie. He used his wings to make a small gust and clean off the cookie before offering it to her with a smile.
Right before Midus could leave she said "Im sorry Midus.." and a tear rolled down her cheek. A trinkle of blood ran down the back of her head but she had to be strong. Everyone had gotten hurt before, well pretty much everyday. Over the intercom a voice called Midus to fight. 'Oh god not another fight...' she thought, especially concered about her "friend" Midus. She got up, still crying a bit with her hurt head and stumbled up to the arena.
Leona looked up at the falcon hybrid, slightly startled when he brushed away her tears. She wasn't really expecting someone to be so nice to her, since her shyness causes people to leave her alone.

"Thank you.." She murmured in a small voice. When the intercom came on, she winced and froze up. After hearing she wasn't going to be in the arena this time, she sighed in relief and become more mobile. Being in the arena scared her. She wasn't a good fighter and she usually ended up getting beaten to death.

The butterfly girl shivered, remembering the last time she was in the arena. She glanced up at the falcon hybrid's eyes, blushing a little when he looked back at her. She headed towards the stand, flashing the falcon hybrid a shy look.
Nanoki blinked and blushed she smiled and handed t she ate one half and have him the second half. Nanoki then grabbed his hand and walked to the stands with him."there's going to be a scary fight"Nanoki said pouting then saw Midas and frowned,"he's kinda mean.... I thought we could be friends.."she said softly.
Midas stood in the middle of the arena waiting to see his opponent on the other side,slowly the gates on the other side started to open and a scorpion hybrid walked out he had a giant scorpion tail coming out from his back. A side of the arena full of scientist erupted in cheers for the scorpion hybrid. The both walked to their starting points and waited for the bell to ring.
Sash pulled his hand away but tried to not be rude about it. He ate the other half of the cookie and said thank you. He nodded when she commented on the bull guy being mean. He really was quite mean. Sash began to hover a few inches off of the ground and flew towards the exit to watch the arena match. He made a second glance at the butterfly girl. She was very beautiful he thought. Why was she so shy and passive he wondered. Sash shook his head and concentrated on other things. He couldn't get too close or they might use her against him. Someone being hurt on his behalf was never ok. He flew out to the stands and hovered in the air above them to watch the match.
Yui groaned when she heard the intercom on. She was glad it wasn't her, but felt sorry for whatever hybrids had to battle it out this round. Luckily none of the hybrids had died. The scientists stopped the fight when someone went unconscious. They probably didn't want to lose their precious experiments.
Nanoki blinked looking at the scorpion. A female scientist that was Nanoki's trainer gave her a basket of sweets and patted her head,"thank you"Nanoki said. The scientist nodded smiling and walked away. Nanoki held out a cookie for the boy she had pulled by her."yummy"Nanoki said.
When the bell had rung almost immidiatly the scorpions hybrids tail stabbed into the ground in front of him. Midas jumped back and racked his foot on the ground charged at the scorpion hybrid. The scorpion jumped in the air over him and Midas rammed strait into the wall and he slowly pulled himself out just in time to see the scorpion flick his tail at him. Midas caught his tail and smiled. While holding on to his tail he spun around in circles and slammed his body into the concrete wall leaving a sickening crack flowing threw the air. Guards started to walk out to get the scorpion hybrid but Midas wasn't done. He walked back a little and charged again using his horns to flip the scorpion hybrid in the air. He got down on all fours and at just the right time thrusted both of his legs backward slamming his chest in the wall leaving a small crack in the wall that became visible when the scorpion body slumped to the ground.
Rya took her seat in the stands. Around her was a falcon boy, and a girl with cookies. She was scared for Midus. That scorpion kid look like he could give a beating. She didn't know why she suddenly felt for the boy Maybe it's because he was in the same situation. Well she didn't know. She sat nervously, chewing her nails.
She watched, slight fear in her eyes. The bull hybrid was strong, but she could probably outwit him if she were pitted against him. The others seemed pretty weak and she loved a challenge. Challenges were fun and made her quicker and stronger. She tapped fast on her leg as if she were typing a strategy.
Roan watched quietly from the hall and took mental notes on Midas, figuring he could be a serious opponent in the future. That's when vibrations of the tapping broke his concentration and he hissed. What was that? He flicked his tongue in and out a few times and his white eyes widened. A rabbit? He loved rabbits, they were simply delicious. He couldn't help but sneak over to where the Rabbit hybrid was.

"You seem eager. Realizing you might not be able to hold your weight againssst a bull?", he hissed behind her, a smartass grin plastered on his face.

(ooc: I kinda wanna fight someone now xD any takers?)
Leona sat down, looking at the concrete floor below her. She refused to watch the fights, no matter how interesting it was to the others. A pang of fear crept inside her as she realized it could be her turn next. Her breath become unsteady and fast as her heart throbbed fearfully.

Even the thought of her fighting one of the others made her feel faint.

She tucked her wings in closer to her back, trying to not brush the beautiful dust off her wings. Her purple eyes flashed up towards the falcon hybrid, watching him for a few seconds. Than she quickly looked down.
She turned around, her eyes narrowed angrily. "Oh I'm sure I could hold against him. I mean, between my voice and my speed, if the scientists decide not to stop me after he's knocked out, I'm sure he'll be dead."
Sash was quite surprised by the pair who were to battle. A bull hybrid and a scorpion hybrid, what an interesting match-up. He wasn't sure of who would wing but he felt bad for the scorpion for some reason. He began to adjust his vision to see the fight better when he saw the butterfly girl and stared for a moment. He quickly glanced away. He saw the snake hybrid taunting the rabbit hybrid and didn't like it. He hovered silently up behind him and whispered to him, "How about picking on someone who is equivalent to your animals predator, hmmm? You ever seen what a bird of prey does to a snake?" Sash put as much malice as he could form into these words.
Midas was then led back into the stands and sat down by some guards and they walked away to their stations. Midas cracked his neck after sitting down and laid back. He looked up closing his eyes trying to calm himself from the previous battle. He looked down to the arena waiting for the next contestants in their games. (I've finished the fight)
Her response only made his grin widen. How interesting, a spunky rabbit. He was too use to them being timid and quick to flee. That's when he let out a chuckle at what the Falcon hybrid whispered to him. He didn't even bother turning his head.

"Why, yessss. I have seen birds swallowed up in a meer two gulps, now that I think back. As for equivalent... I'm not sure your breed deservesss such a generous compliment.", Roan said with an innocent enough smile.
The butterfly girl looked up when the fight was over, and almost immediately, her eyes widened. Her heart began beating quickly as she realized it was someone else's turn to fight.

Please don't pick me next. She thought fearfully in her head, balling up her small hands, prepared to hear her name come out of the intercom. She was surely to die if it was her turn to fight. She was far to fragile to fight anyone..
Sash grinned, "Way I remember is a bit different, bird kind see you as something lowly enough that you are only used as food for the hatchlings. As for birds being eaten by snakes, they were not birds of prey."

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