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Realistic or Modern Anchored for Love

Isabel blinked at how rapidly Dawson assumed it was his fault. Before she could even tell him not to worry about it, he was apologizing to her. "Dawson, it's not your fault. There's nothing to be sorry for, I promise." She reassured him, taking his hands in hers before she bit her lip. "I'm sorry I do it a lot. It's no ones fault but my own. I get carried away in my thoughts." Sighing softly, Isabel shook away the bad vibes before she happily dug into her dinner. She could tell the curiosity was killing him and she was finally going to open up which was a huge step for her. "Six, I'm alright. Just doing what I do best and overthinking." Finally, she came out with the question that was stuck in her mind. "What was your wife like?"
"There's nothing to overthink about? They'll love you. They already do. They just haven't met you yet. You have nothing to weepy about mi amor." Smiling he turned to his ravollies and enjoyed them. They were good, but not as good as the ones he relented his mom made when he was younger."You'll hate yourself when you meet them and realize how much you worked yourself up for nothing." Dropping the subject Dawson enjoyed their teasing small talk and enjoyed the dinner he had with her. He needed this time to relax in her presence after the month he has away from her. Isabel is what, or rather who, refreshed him when he was at his end with things.
Isabel enjoyed the dinner and the small talk they shared. She would be lying if she said Dawson didn't brighten her world. He made everything better and Isabel loved that about him. When they arrived back at her apartment, she sat in his lap on her couch, her face hidden in his neck as she closed her eyes. "I love you, amore mio." She whispered softly with a gentle smile, looking up at him before she kissed him deeply. "Also, thank you for finally letting me pick up the tab." Teasingly sticking out her tongue, Isabel stood up and went to the kitchen to pour some of her detox water into her yeti. She hadn't been drinking much of it and needed to catch up.
"You're not welcome, but you did beat me to it this time so I guess you earned it," sighing he stood, his expression dull and slightly upset before he got up, looking st the time. Walking over to Isabel he pulled her towards him and kissed her, her lips tastes sweet, making him come back for more. When they finally pulled away Dawson rested his forehead on hers and rubbed her arms gently. "I have to go," he whispered softly, looking into her eyes, admiring their beauty. "Thank you for spending the night with me. I hope you sleep well." His voice still soft he pulled Bel into a tight hug, taking in her scent. "See you on the flip side, Whiskey."
Isabel bit her lip as she looked at Dawson. By his kisses, she knew it was his time to leave. Isabel had to fight back her tears before she looked at him and nodded. "Catch ya later, Six." She whispered softly, hugging him tightly and not wanting to let him go. She followed him out of the apartment and when he drove off, she took a deep breathe and walked back into her apartment, crying softly to herself. Having him leave was always a hard thing for her but she knew soon they would be together again for longer than just a night. She texted him with an attached picture of the view of the skyline.

"Thank you for a wonderful night, amore mio. I'm sad it had to end so early but it's a night I'll keep forever. See you when you get home soon <3"
When Dawson got the message he couldn't help but smile down at it. Even though he only got to spend a few hours with Isabel, it was worth it. He needed to see her and now that he had his fill for now, he coul go back to work with his head in the right place. "Until next time, I'll be looking forward to it."

As the weeks passed and the air grew colder, the snow began to fall in D.C. And Amelia adored it. She never got to experience snow until she was in her twenties but she appericated it. But right now, she was rushing through it. She was panicking and she needed someone to confirm her fear, she had tried to do it herself but she was still in denial. Walking into the building she ran through the poorly lit hallways looking for Lauren. She told her she was coming. When she found her, she followed her into an empty exam room and let her draw her blood. Amelia was shaking and near tears. This wasn't part of her plan and she didn't want to do this alone but she didn't want to tell anyone in case she was wrong. She made Lauren swear not to tell anyone, Nick included why she was here and she agreed. As she watched her friend draw her blood, she tried not to cry while Lauren told her to relax. Taking a deep breath Amelia nodded and released the tension in her muscles wincing at the stinging pinch of the needle. Once Lauren was finished Amelia watched her leave nervously and turned to her phone, reading all the messages she had yet to answer. She didn't know how to carry on a conversation with a million thoughts running through her head right now. Throwing her phone in her purse, Amelia swung her legs nervously, asking herself how she let this happen. She wanted to tell Jayden but she didn't know if he would get upset. In the privacy of the room, she let a few of her hot tears fall before she wiped them away quickly taking a deep breathe. She wasn't sure how she was going to get through this, but if she was going to be a mother, she would find her way just like she did with everything else.
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Lauren knew her friend was stressing. This was the last thing Amelia needed right now considering her move coming rather quickly. After calming Amelia down and getting the blood drawn quickly, Lauren rushed out of the room and went to test it, sighing softly as she waited for the results. When the results came out, the nurse sighed softly as she saw the results come out positive, going back to the room where her friend was. "It's positive." Smiling gently, she took hold of Amelia's hands and looked at her. "You should tell Jayden, Melia. He has a right to know and I can assure you he won't be upset. Having children is something he's always wanted. I promise you things will work out." The nurse reassured the journalist with a smile that never faded. She knew a child right now wasn't in the plan for Amelia but it was happening and Lauren knew things would work out.
When Lauren came back Amelia let go of the breath she was holding, only to lose it again. Letting Lauren take her hands Amelia kept her gaze in lap because she knew if she looked at Lauren while she spoke she would break into tears. "I will tell him, just don't tell anyone please," she pleased getting up and grabbing her things, taking the paper from Lauren before thanking her and giving her a hug. When the nurse asked where she was going, Amelia sighed, "To try to keep the job I have since I'm not going out of the country any time soon," she replied softly biting her lip. "Thank you again, Lauren, I owe you."
Lauren knew this was hard for Amelia but she watched the journalist leave the room and sighed softly. It was going to be hard keeping this a secret from her boyfriend and Jayden but she would do it for Amelia.

Jayden was at work with Nick doing a usual day shift. As Jayden sat in his office, he sighed as he kicked back and looked at Nick. "What are you and Lauren doing for the holidays? I think Amelia is going home for thanksgiving. I want to tag along but I'm not sure." He said with a smile, knowing Thanksgiving was Amelia's favorite holiday. If he spent it with her, that's when he was going to give her the gift he had been keeping. He was excited for her to have it and knew she would love it. Grabbing his phone, he texted her.

"Hi love, let's grab dinner tonight on me? Pizza and wings sound alright? We can fine in or I can pick it up and we go to your place. Doesn't matter to me. I love you"

Sending the text, the lieutenant smiled before he put away his phone and got up to go grab a sandwich from the break room. It paid off having people bring the force food because it was always tasty.
"I think you should go with her, her family likes you. And it wouldn't kill you to spend a holiday away from me, Nick teased. "I'm not sure what Lauren and I are doing we haven't talked about it yet."

Amelia had walked into the office when she heard her phone go off in her purse again. Sighing she ignored it for now and stepped into her editors office and closed the door. When she walked back out, she started crying again but pushed it away as she pulled at her phone and smiled at Jayden's text, leaning against the wall. "I'll meet you at home. Bring Chloe? I miss her." She didnher best to make it sound like nothing was wrong but in reality she was at a complete loss right now. She just lost the position she worked towards for as long as she could remember but the editors were nice enough to give her an uninteresting beat, right now she didn't really care, she was semi relieved to have something, afraid she would walk out empty handed. She had no idea what would happen best and that's frightened her as it always had. Her and Jayden agreed they weren't talking about kids or marriage a few months ago and now, they were going to have at least one of the two and they hadn't even been together a year yet. She was terrified Jayden like find a reason to walk away, even if she knew that was an irrational thought she feared having to raise a child on her own she feared she wouldn't be good enough.
Jayden smiled when he heard his phone go off again, looking at the text he received from Amelia. It was rather vague but he assumed he was just overthinking it, replying happily saying he would bring their boxer over. Getting through the day was easier for Jayden knowing he was going to spend the night with Amelia. That's what he needed after such a long and stressful day at work. Grabbing their pizza and wings, he loaded Chloe into the car and drove to Amelia's house, smiling as he opened the door and laughed when Chloe barked happily and went to curl beside Amelia. "We're home." Jayden called out, setting the pizza and wings on the counter before noticing Amelia's eyes were red. "What's wrong, love? Have you been crying?" He asked her with nothing but worry evident in his face, walking over and pulling the journalist into his lap quickly, hugging her tightly. "You're so tense. What's wrong, Amelia?"
Amelia didn't want Jayden to know she had been crying, but every time the thought of being a mother found its way back into her thoughts, she burst into tears again. Hearing Jayden at the door, Amelia did her best to compose herself, wiping away her tears and smiling when Chloe came running for her, licking her repeatedly in a gentle manner, resting her head in Amelia's lap to offer comfort. The boxer could easily sense Amelia was upset. When Jayden noticed too Amelia just sighed. "It's nothing. I just have a lot on my mind with work and it's stressing me out. I'll be fine," she reassured him. She didn't know when she wanted to tell him her news, but she knew it wasn't how she wanted to greet him first thing. "I love you," she whispered into his neck as she went to hug him for comfort. Wrinkling her nose at the smell of food as she had been for a few weeks now. "How was work?" She asked quickly to change the subject before Jayden tried to pry anymore. She hadn't even told Isabel yet and Amelia knew that was not going to blow over well when Bel found out Amelia went to Lauren first. Amelia hadn't answered any of her messages all day, which she knew would raise her suspicion because it was Amelia's day off and she never missed the chance to talk to Bel throughout the day when she could. It was hard because Amelia knew if she tried to be vague like she had been with Jayden earlier in the day, Isabel wouldn't be so easy to fool. Because of this, Amelia just decided not to answer any of the messages Isabel sent her, but she also knew it was only a matter of time before Isabel in some way, made Amelia come clean and she was dreading the encounter. The thought making her almost start crying again, for the countless time today but she managed to hold it together by a thin thread. Amelia suddenly wished she hadn't gone to see Lauren alone and asked Isabel to come with her. At the time, she was so consumed by her own fear she let herself think Isabel would be upset by the possibility, but Amelia knew the truth was, Isabel would be even more upset that Amelia didn't come to her when she was faced with her new reality. There was no winning now, she was in for it regardless. Amelia was scared. In every essence of the word and the secret, she was keeping was weighing on her, she was never good at keeping secrets when she knew keeping them would hurt other people. She swore against it. Getting up, she went to retrieve her phone while she listened to Jayden talk about his day and make their plates. Unlocking the phone, Amelia bit her lip reading all the messages again, sighing, she opened the thread and with tears brimming in her eyes she finally replied, "When can you get here? I need you."
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Isabel was buried deep in a project at work but she always made time to text Amelia. She was wondering why Amelia hadn't responded to her, it wasn't normal for her to just ignore her messages like this, especially when it was Amelia's day of. Isabel had sent her countless text again, asking why Amelia wasn't responding. Sighing as Isabel continued uploading photos onto her computer, she sorted through them and jumped at her phone when she heard Amelia's ringtone go off. She finally responded and when she read the text, Isabel stopped what she was doing and bit her lip, responding almost instantly. "I can be there tomorrow. What's wrong? Did Jayden do something?" Isabel felt her stomach churning at the thought of the couple not working out. She knew how much they meant to each other and never wanted to see them separate. Getting back on the computer, Isabel let her photos continue uploading as she booked a flight and a rental car for tomorrow, texting Dawson afterwards so that he was aware. "Amore mio, I am heading to D.C. tomorrow. Amelia called anchor. I'll be home soon after and ready to see you. I love you."

Jayden finished talking about his day, noticing Amelia had lost interest rather quickly. He was worried because she normally never acted like this. He walked over and handed her the plate of food with a smile. "Are you sure you're alright love?" He asked her gently, cupping her face and wiping away the tears quickly. "Amelia, what is it? I can't help if you won't tell me. Did I upset you?" He asked softly, the worry evident on his face. He couldn't stand being the reason Amelia was so upset in this moment.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Love you." Amelia texted back before she set her phone on the counter and looked to Jayden setting the plate down too. "No, you didn't upset me. I just have a lot going on right now and I-I wasn't expecting everything to change." she confessed letting herself break against him. As he held her, Amelia tried to regain her composure but she spent the day suppressing an overwhelming diversity of emotions and she couldn't do it anymore. "I'm scared," she whispered helplessly, still distraught by today's events. When she heard a knock at the door, she forced herself off of Jayden and went to answer, feeling her panic beginning to set in she tried to catch her breath. Seeing Lauren she took her into a hug, she was relived to have someone here who knew what was happening, she didn't want to tell Jayden alone. She knew Lauren probably came here to check on her and Amelia was thankful. Seeing the urgency in Lauren's body language to try and get Amelia to calm down made her try her hardest to fight off the panic attack she threw herself into. Keeping her eye contact away from Jayden, when she was finally calmed, she looked to Jayden at Lauren's urging her to tell him in encouraging whispers. Nodding, she took a deep breath and looked the man she loved in his blue eyes. "I'm not leaving at the end of the year. I gave up the correspondent position and settled for some local thing, I don't really know, I wasn't paying attention when they offered it to me. I just took it." When he demanded to know why and seemed to get angry with her choice she shook her head and stood when he asked why. "Because I don't want to go, Jayden! I can't!" she exclaimed. Shaking her head as he continued to try and convince her. "It's done. I already gave it up," she whispered, biting her lip. "I didn't have a choice anymore." Crossing her arms she huffed at him, tears still in her eyes as Lauren waited for Amelia to drop the bombshell. "You want reasons?" she asked, "I'll give you one big one," she said going into her purse and handing him her test results, shaking as she awaited his reaction, struggling to keep her breathing in control again. She hoped this would end well but she was prepared for the worst to happen.
Jayden was worried Amelia wasn't giving him all the pieces, truly believing he was the reason for her unhappiness. The thought made him sick to his stomach and when he watched her answer the door, he bit his lip seeing Lauren walk in to check on her friend. Watching them whisper things confused Jayden and worried him. He felt like his world was spinning when he was told Amelia gave up her correspondent position. He automatically assumed it was his fault and that was something he didn't want. He wanted Amelia to chase what she worked so hard for. Naturally, he became angry, continuing to ask why she gave it up so easily. It wasn't like her to do that and he knew the reason had to be major. When he was handed the test results, he looked at them confused, reading over what the content of them said. Taking a deep breath after everything in his mind processed, he looked up at Amelia and bit his lip, holding back the tears of joys that threatened to leave his eyes. "You're pregnant?" He asked her softly before walking over. Lauren watched her friend's reaction closely and smiled when Jayden took Amelia into a tight hug, kissing her cheek. "Oh my gosh, you're pregnant! We're going to be parents." He said faintly, twirling her around before he set her back on her feet, realizing what this meant. Biting his lip, his entire expression changed. "I'm excited and happy but I'm sorry you gave up what you worked so hard for. I know this wasn't planned but I'm ready. I love you, Amelia. You're not alone in this. I'm never going to leave you." He reassured the journalist, knowing that was one thought that ran through her mind.
At his question Amelia just nodded still upset. Seeing Jayden's reaction though did calm some of the nerves she had since she suspected she was expecting. She couldn't help but smile when she watched the joy light up Jayden's face. "I am," she whispered gently, still overwhelmed by the news. "I'm glad you're happy about it, but I'm still processing it. I just need time, this wasn't supposed to happen right now, not so soon anyway. We agreed we would talk about this later and now, it's happening and I don't have a choice but to accept it. I know that sounds horrible, but now what am I supposed to do?" Seeing the joy slowly dim in Jayden's eyes at her hesitency Amelia withdrew her thoughts. "This isn't a bad thing, Jayden. It just wasn't expected, if it was with anyone I'm glad it's with you. I just need time. Everything is different now and I have to think it through. Not to mention, I haven't told anyone else. It's a lot. I'm sorry for not telling you right away, I just got scared and didn't know what to do. I still don't know what to do."
The joy in Jayden's face slowly faded away as he listened to Amelia's point of view. She was right, this wasn't supposed to happen right now but it was and just because he was ready for it didn't mean she was. She had her whole life planned out and now she had to make changes, major changes to what the original plan was. Sighing softly, Jayden nodded as he listened to her and smiled weakly at Lauren who was still there. "I understand, Amelia." He said simply, not wanting to say anything more on the topic for fear of his joy and excitement getting crushed. "You don't need to apologize anymore, I get it. I get this is a major and unexpected change." Biting his lip, his blue eyes left hers as he turned to walk back to the living room. Lauren sighed softly as she watched and looked at Amelia, hugging her before she left. Now Amelia and Jayden needed to talk it out but Jayden refused to now. Sitting on the couch, Jayden just watched the tv series they had started together, not touching his food. He wasn't in the mood for it anymore.
Amelia watched as Jayden's mood changed drastically and she couldn't help but blame herself. She was honest with him and at times she forgot how much her honesty could hurt people when she didn't intend for it to. Approaching him slowly she sat beside him and took his hand. "I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry. I'm grateful you are this excited, it makes things easier on me and I do love you. I know this wasn't part of my grand scheme of things and that's why you feel bad, but I promise I'll make new plans, better plans because you're a part of them. Plans change and I am slowly learning to accept that. Talk to me please, I don't want you to be upset with me. I want us to make a new plan, together because I want us to work. What are we going to do?" She asked Jayden, taking a deep breath again to actually remain calm this time. "You're ready, so help me be ready too."
Jayden took a deep breath as he felt Amelia's hand take his. He was able to relax and let go of the momentary anger and sadness when he heard Amelia ask him what they were going to do. This was now a team effort, something they had to do together and Jayden was excited for it. He couldn't imagine spending his life with other than Amelia. Smiling at the amazing woman next to him, Jayden gripped her hand tightly before he sighed softly. "Well, first we need to figure out living arrangements but that can be done when the time for our gift to come inches closer." He began explaining with a bright smile. "I also need you to know I am never leaving you. I love you with every fiber of my being, okay Amelia?"
"Okay." Amelia whispered in return, offering him a smile for reassurance. "I believe you, I'm just trying to take it all in." Falling into his shoulder she curled against him. "Isabel is coming tomorrow and she's not going to take it well when she finds out I kept something this big from her, but we'll get through it, we always do." Relaxing to the sound of the officer's heartbeat. "I'm sorry, I wanted you to come with me, I don't know what I was thinking, but I didn't like being alone." she admitted with a flat sigh, laughing when Chloe found her usual spot. And of course, to diffuse the situation, Amelia did what she did best, she laughed it off. "Well, I don't think your brother has a choice but to like me now."
Jayden laughed softly at his girlfriend, shaking his head as he held her close and sighed softly. "Chris was always going to like you, trust me." He said gently, a little worried about Amelia and Isabel. "I'm going with you to every appointment from now on." He added with a smile, kissing the top of her head before he watched the tv happily. "How upset is Isabel going to be tomorrow? Do I need to be there to diffuse anything?" He asked her softly knowing Amelia and her best friend would work through it together but he was just trying to lighten the mood.
"She'll be pretty livid, but she'll get over it when I tell her. We should be fine. You probably shouldn't be here because she has no idea what is going on and even though she adores you, you've never seen her when she thinks someone upset me and right now, she thinks we're fighting. It'll be okay. I just have to handle it. I've never kept anything from her so that's why I expect it to be pretty big at first." Sitting up, she handed him his plate."Eat. It's been a long day for the both of us," She said going for the wings on her plate, not touching the pizza because it wasn't appealing, she gave half of it to Chloe and threw the pother half away before she went back for more chicken.
Eating the food on his plate, Jayden watched Amelia closely before he agreed with her. "Typical best friend assumption to think we're fighting. I get it though. I know you two will work everything out." He said reassuringly with a smile as he continued to eat before he followed Amelia to the kitchen for some more, wrapping his arms around her before he kissed her sweetly behind her ear. "I can't wait until you start showing. Once everyone knows I'm going to show you off to the world." He said with an excited grin before he served himself more food and went back to the living room, sitting where he was previously.
At his words, Amelia's heart melted into her chest. Jayden was so excited and it was precious. She knows this meant a lot to him, because the child she was now carrying was his family. At that thought she tried her hardest to keep herself from falling into all her swarming thoughts of negitivity. Jayden was sweet, and she knew he would prove to her they would make this work. Smiling at him, she kissed his cheek and followed him back to his spot where they enjoyed the rest of the evening together, the snow still softly falling.
The following day, Isabel boarded her plane to D.C. from Dallas. She was thankful this trip was a direct flight. She was getting tired of having connecting flights, especially in this weather. When Isabel arrived, she went to get her rental car, driving to Amelia's house and sighing as she walked in considering she had a key. "Good morning sunshine!" She said happily and laughed at Amelia's annoyed expression that she was here so early. "You called anchor, I'm here. What did the officer do? I'm ready to kick ass if I need to." She said confidently in the most Texan way possible.

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