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Fantasy An Official Search Thread


Senior Member
Hello there :D
I am no stranger to this site, by any means. I've been in many roleplays, and as much as I hate to admit, I've flaked on a good number of them. However, I'm hopeful this time, I believe I can find something that will go long-term. Provided no major life events happen to me, I see no reason as to why I'd need to flake again. But anyways, why don't I share a little about myself.

You can call me Agent, or Fire, or whatever little nickname your heart desires.
My real name is Aaron, although, you'll never catch me having a character with that name. I love my name, but using it for a character is a little too personal for me.
I am 19 years old, going to be 20 in April. I have a complicated job situation, but let's say for right now, I'm unemployed, just searching. I am also a college student, however, I am still currently on break. Unfortunately, classes will begin next week, but even then, Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays EST, as well as evenings on Tuesdays/Thursdays EST won't be too bad for me to respond. I will write a status update though, if I am swamped by homework.
I have been roleplaying for about 6 or 7 years. To be perfectly honest, I'll admit, I'm a little murky as to when I first started, but it's been around that long ago. And, I'll also share, I started roleplaying better about 3 or 4 years ago, as it took me awhile to find my footing in this roleplay world. :3

Now that I've shared a little about me, lemme share my thoughts and rp preferences.
-I do not enjoy making character sheets. For me, a roleplay is a fresh start. My character is new, and reborn every time. I don't like designing a sheet before hand, because for me, half of the fun of roleplaying is discovering how my character is going to turn out and react. A sheet simply limits my character to a certain set of actions they're supposed to make.
-I am very much a fan of fantasy, as well as romance. Some action in the mix is nice too, and I like to tie my RPs together with comedy. Humorous situations that my character has to deal with. In that sense, I tend to be lighthearted, however I can do deeper/darker themes if the occasion arises.
-I am a male, in case you haven't figured that out yet. While I am aspiring to be author, I admit my lacking point is female characters. As such, when it comes to roleplaying, I prefer to play male characters, and play to my strengths. If you want to double up, I could make something work with a female, but I know that it probably won't stand as well as my male.
-Length, grammar, and spelling are all key points to roleplaying. Length, I prefer to hit 2 paragraphs min., and grammar/spelling, I would appreciate if there could be minimal errors.

I think I have covered everything. The only other thing is, I prefer to write in PMs, as opposed to threads.

So, if you are interested in roleplaying with me, leave a post down below, or send me a PM. Thank you c:
I would be very interested in discussing any topics you had in mind, if you're still available.
Hello! I'm pretty interested, haha. I have a few ideas on my own thread that I've been wanting to try out but no one is biting! If you're still free, I'd be happy to start a roleplay with you. c:
Hey, if you're still looking for partners I would love to figure something out with you :)

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