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Fantasy An Earthen Lament | OOC [FULL]

Or to scare the swamp ghouls away from his harem. It's a very sound strategy to manipulate desperate women who desperately need coin. It's also sexist and gross. But this is the world of An Earthen Lament!
Cant believe 'av been conned into a harem anime scenario where all I do is spook ghouls
Don't worry, eventually the harem will fall in Hun's lap and create very weird tension.
i don't think he's strong enough to handle like 6 girls falling on top of him at once.... don't worry, got you some Arcane Thunder-thighs spell
Jk girls I'll carry ur emotional baggage... haha... unless?
To be fair, parts of the society are pro-female. The rebellion was led by one, after all.
I think the people of the swamp might be less... libertarian... about things. But as stated in the post gender norms still exist and well, yeah. Stuff.
you're lucky it makes you so hot.... haha just kidding...
oh babe... my learned behaviour and coping mechanism to understand faults in the judicial system is just one slice of this pie ((;
What is that font, though! Why does it look like Times New Roman and Georgia had a dumpster baby?
That would explain my incredible formatting and fashion sense.
I'mma take a break from writing the sheet. All that's left is about half of the backstory section.

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