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Fantasy An Earthen Lament | OOC [FULL]

Gowi Gowi OI, bossman, would the gucci gang guards have horses or be on foot? or rather, CAN they own horses?
Gowi Gowi OI, bossman, would the gucci gang guards have horses or be on foot? or rather, CAN they own horses?
I think outside of the merchant's cart-and-horse, everyone will be on foot. Plus, horse's are expensive.

also none of you put horse in your equipment
I think outside of the merchant's cart-and-horse, everyone will be on foot. Plus, horse's are expensive.

also none of you put horse in your equipment
Thank u sir, we r all equal under the soviet union
I think outside of the merchant's cart-and-horse, everyone will be on foot. Plus, horse's are expensive.

also none of you put horse in your equipment

Well, it is a swamp. Doubt there'd be much use of a horse down in the marshlands.
give me bog donkeys or give me death
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I think I can definitely get in something by the weekend ! Tentative character was a nomadic Southron Tylwyth Teg ^3^ Female, either ranger or some form or mage/druid. But just realized we already have a ranger so the other option will probably be a more rogue-ish character, if not magic.
I think I can definitely get in something by the weekend ! Tentative character is a nomadic Tylwyth Teg ^3^ Female, either ranger or some form or mage/druid. But just realized we already have a ranger so the other option will probably be a more rogue-ish character, if not magic.
Probably my fault for jumping the gun, but I will edit the opening post should you get approved as it currently is under the presumption that there are no elves around. Also keep in mind to use welsh or old irish for elven names. Some examples include Gwenledyr, Rhiannon, Aelwyd, Amrys, and Caradoc.
Probably my fault for jumping the gun, but I will edit the opening post should you get approved as it currently is under the presumption that there are no elves around. Also keep in mind to use welsh or old irish for elven names. Some examples include Gwenledyr, Rhiannon, Aelwyd, Amrys, and Caradoc.

Ouh! Okay =3 To clarify, it must be welsh or old irish? Or just has to sound like it? My elven naming conventions are typically tolkien-esque.
Ouh! Okay =3 To clarify, it must be welsh or old irish? Or just has to sound like it? My elven naming conventions are typically tolkien-esque.
It's how I have established them in my head, yeah. Single-names as we haven't defined clans exactly yet.
It's how I have established them in my head, yeah. Single-names as we haven't defined clans exactly yet.

Ah! Sure.. I shall peruse resources instead of conjuring something up for her name then. But... presumably, for her background I'd have to write about her 'clan', even if she survives on her own she'd have to come from somewhere. Should I still attempt to formulate something or wait till you properly define clans in the setting ^^?
Ah! Sure.. I shall peruse resources instead of conjuring something up for her name then. But... presumably, for her background I'd have to write about her 'clan', even if she survives on her own she'd have to come from somewhere. Should I still attempt to formulate something or wait till you properly define clans in the setting ^^?
You can send me ideas in PM so I can quickly discuss them.
all these women and you'd think that the merchant got a little confused hiring a very large man. idalie idalie and I petition that the merchant thought that Hun was a stripper's name and that's why he got signed on.
all these women and you'd think that the merchant got a little confused hiring a very large man. idalie idalie and I petition that the merchant thought that Hun was a stripper's name and that's why he got signed on.
Obviously he needed the token strongman.

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