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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Salex said:
well i think this rp is not for me then... hey no hard feelings though, i just can't think up of an OC, maybe later ill come back... probably unlikely, well see ya all then!
wait... so we're leaving?

yeah i mean we can't think of an OC anyways

oh.... SHIT, well it's been fun guys, cya all hopefully in another rp!
Goodbye Salex. Hey, how bout some Hearthstone?
I guess I'll be leaving this as well. I'm not a big fan of detailed RP, nor those who restrict stuff way too hard... >_< I'll just make a last post to explain why me OC's disappeared.
MrEvilMexican said:
I guess I'll be leaving this as well. I'm not a big fan of detailed RP, nor those who restrict stuff way too hard... >_< I'll just make a last post to explain why me OC's disappeared.
The reason we have the restriction is because we don't need overpowered characters running around...but you know, it's alright.
... Yeah... But it just doesn't feel right RPing as Faust without any of his trademark powers...
hmm i miss rping with you guys, even tho i didnt post much lol

i would join again, tho i only have valentina—i could probably change her up to be something way more interesting tho
rosehearted said:
hmm i miss rping with you guys, even tho i didnt post much lol
i would join again, tho i only have valentina—i could probably change her up to be something way more interesting tho
That would be pretty cool considering this is more about technology than powers. It would be fun RPing with you as well hue. Valentina but maybe... she could be as a TEST person or something?
[QUOTE="The Endergod]Greetings fellow RPers, may I ask what the hero-villain ratio so far?

Greetings! Currently we have 2 "heroes" (Sora, Sky), 2 TEST people so...anti villains (Igor, Johnny), 2 SUBJECTS, clueless villains really, (Tristin, Harmony), and two neutral characters (Thomas, Paige)
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JPax42 said:
Greetings! Currently we have 2 "heroes" (Sora, Sky), 2 TEST people so...anti villains (Igor, Johnny), 2 SUBJECTS, clueless villains really, (Tristin, Harmony), and two neutral characters (Thomas, Paige)
Oh god.. I'm gonna mess up the perfect ratio...
[QUOTE="The Endergod]Oh god.. I'm gonna mess up the perfect ratio...

It's not perfect. If anything it's

Heroes: Sora, Sky

Neutral: Thomas, Paige

Anti neutral:Tristin, Harmony

Anti villains: Igor, Johnny

Villains: ????
SirGrey said:
(I'm picking the store room door still, just hanging from the roof to do so, like a normal person) @JPax42
Don't worry, Hugo doesn't eat humans for at least thirty minutes after brushing his teeth. Yes...twelve foot tall pandas brush their teeth. Hugo has the best dental hygiene for most pandas anyways ^^
JPax42 said:
@TheSlothGamer @YoungX

From now on, this strictly prohibits fade to black moments. No more rape. Tying a character up to threaten them is alright but STRICTLY NO MORE SEXUAL ACTIVITY. ANYTHING SEXUAL MAY BE RPED OUT IN PRIVATE MESSAGE AND BOTH PARTIES MUST AGREE. Please take the time to read this updated rules. Thank you!
Yappi here: thank @JPax42. Write it out in Overview plz
TheJester said:
Okay cool, where are the other affiliations I cant find them? u.u
TEST - Genetics testing factory

Independent - Anyone else not a part of facility

GLASS - Developing private military

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