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Fantasy Altissa; School of Magic (OOC Chat)

Man, the more in depth I read into these CS the more I want to see these characters in rp. Alice and Alfred are good examples. I know they won't really have a complex relationship, but it'd still be an interesting dynamic going on between the two.
To those who have questions; I have the answers!

Firstly, this world is unlike to Earth. It's its own fantasy world.

Second; Spots are open. The Roleplay has yet to be set in motion. So those who are interested are able to join!

Third: The introductory post shall be put by tomorrow, if not Thursday.
To those who have questions; I have the answers!

Firstly, this world is unlike to Earth. It's its own fantasy world.

Second; Spots are open. The Roleplay has yet to be set in motion. So those who are interested are able to join!

Third: The introductory post shall be put by tomorrow, if not Thursday.
Too long...
Hey. I have many things comming up. Don't be so demanding... e.e I could give off a spiel about what is going on IRL, but seriously. Paitence.
Alfred: "God, I'm torn on Kaiden. On one hand, he would be an excellent weapon, easily able to be a gopher and defend himself if needed. However, we don't know how this infection spreads. Hell, I'm suprised the headmaster even allowed him in. And, I also don't want myself or worse, Alice, to be infected. I'll need to think about it some more,"

"Bapple... Dinnerworthy... WHO NAMES THEIR CHILD THAT?! WHAT EVEN IS THAT LAST NAME?!" *Clears throat* "OK, calm down. So, I think we might be able to make her into a gopher but we will need to have her constant trust

"A rousounding no for Flash. I don't like lazy people or smart asses,"
PerfectDevil PerfectDevil Adachi Adachi BLUR BLUR
Hey. I have many things comming up. Don't be so demanding... e.e I could give off a spiel about what is going on IRL, but seriously. Paitence.
Don't worry, I know how bad life can get. Take ya time. *Kent could really use that rapier training though maybe le headmaster could help...*
Alfred: "God, I'm torn on Kaiden. On one hand, he would be an excellent weapon, easily able to be a gopher and defend himself if needed. However, we don't know how this infection spreads. Hell, I'm suprised the headmaster even allowed him in. And, I also don't want myself or worse, Alice, to be infected. I'll need to think about it some more,"

"Bapple... Dinnerworthy... WHO NAMES THEIR CHILD THAT?! WHAT EVEN IS THAT LAST NAME?!" *Clears throat* "OK, calm down. So, I think we might be able to make her into a gopher but we will need to have her constant trust

"A rousounding no for Flash. I don't like lazy people or smart asses,"
PerfectDevil PerfectDevil Adachi Adachi BLUR BLUR
No, no! *swings broom* Do not tempt people with the darkness, no! That's a bad shadow child.
Also, I just now realized that Kent has no ideal roommate. Rip. He'll share his dorm with noodle.
I'm sure they're probably co-ed. They are just teens after all....so it's not like anything could really happen.

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