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Fantasy Alleria: Saga of the Kirlani - Now open!

Fus ro dah

Roleplay Availability
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Untitled-1.jpg.85e0890ecd458c4626deb51498ae8cdb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Untitled-1.jpg.85e0890ecd458c4626deb51498ae8cdb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

These are words spoken by dreamers, the wishful thinkers and the hopeful. The pessimists and nay-sayers shun these ideals, reminding us that reality holds no such pre-ordained plans. That reality is harsh, unforgiving and forces us to make our own way and own choices. The consequences from those choices, area also ours.

Sure, our world has a touch of Magic. Our Familiars accompany us wherever we go and are a constant companion, often becoming our best friends and confidants.

But real magic. Sorcery. This is an extremely rare Curse and is strictly Forbidden. Punishment is swift and carried out via public execution. Monsters roam the wilds, some docile, some aggressive. Orphans are taken from orphanages at fourteen and trained en-masse as Monster Hunters. They are looked down upon and seen as expendable, most die within the first year. A select few survive and become heroes, role models, someone with a place in life.

You are one of those orphans, about to leave their training as a Monster Hunter of Alleria. Your pay will be mediocre, your life wrought with danger and you’ll probably never own a home or have a family, but this life is yours. Live it.

EDIT - More info!

“Welcome to Alleria, traveler. I will be your guide in this grand world. Below you will find some information about the world that you may find useful, or interesting.”

About The World

Alleria is a harsh, dangerous and unforgiving world outside of the Safehavens. Monsters roam the lands, both sky and air. The SunGlass domes that cover each Safehaven protect us and our homes from aerial attacks, and has done so for the last twenty years. The world is home to three large continent islands, each one a country of their own, governed on their own but overall following the lead of the Capital, Xaxus City. The home to President Mathew Klem. Our currency, Tolar, is a digital currency which is transferred wirelessly.

The Continents

Cieveonia: Also known as The Dry North. Cieveonia is a hot country with rich mines deep underground. Working there is dangerous for more than one reason and because of that, the pay is extremely high. The Capital of Cieveonia is Ifria, a coastal Safehaven city roughly half the size of Xaxus. Water is drawn underground in all of the Safehavens, and a desalinisation plant is currently being trialled. Cieveonia relies on imported food due to the climate and the acidity of the soil. It’s simply easier to import food than try and grow their own.

Cecor: Home to Xaxus City, the Capital of Alleria, Cecor is a lush land with rolling hills and deep valleys. Thick forests grow alongside rivers which snake through the soil through to lakes, or to the sea. Farmlands here are quite large and provide food to most of the three continents. The industrial zone located near the farm Safehavens is for processing food into the delicious things you get to eat on a daily basis.

Uthal: A ring shaped continent of islands with isthmuses between them, Uthal is home to Alleria’s Grand Academy. An expensive University for the Allerian Elite to become Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Government Officials and Bureaucrats. The University is located in Azhora, which is also the capital of Uthal. The lower ring of Uthal is a marketplace, often bustling with Artisans and artists selling their wares. Uthal also has a smaller Safehaven home to fishermen who brave the lakes and seas, often hiring Kirlani to protect their ships.

Our Technology

The SunGlass domes are manufactured with transparent, barely visible solar panels that channel sunlight into large batteries stored beneath the city which helps to power the Safehavens. The upper rims of the walls, where the glass and walls meet, have platforms for large wind turbines that provide extra power for those cloudy days and night time. The walls that hold the domes up are three stories high.

We have modern technology: Electricity, running water, cars and motorcycles. Television and radio are in every home, as are computers and an Internet connection. Guns are not commonplace, reserved for soldiers and those that hunt the monsters, although some people still use archaic weaponry, swords, daggers, bows and the like. Mobile communication is available in either a cell-phone style design, or a a wristwatch and is also used for transferring Tolar to pay for goods and services. Both types have smart-phone technology and are a retirement for Kirlani, mostly to browse the K-Boards for requests of help, or to be contacted in times of Monster attack.


Every single person in Alleria is gifted upon reaching their tenth birthday, a Familiar. The Spark of magic used to create them is the only magic allowed, and the process is closely governed. A living animal is taken, generally a domesticated one and they are given the Spark. The Spark gives the animal the ability to converse. The lifespan of a Familiar is extended thanks to the Spark and allows most Familiars to reach one hundred. The Spark is contained within a diamond casing and installed into the forehead of the animal whilst under anesthetic. The Spark holds a faint violet glow and goes out if the Familiar dies.

Monster Hunters - Kirlani

To protect travelers, the Safehavens and to keep the number in check we have the Kirlani. In such a dangerous world, orphans are far from uncommon and adoption for them is very rare. Instead of them staying in orphanages, we send them to the Order Of Kirlan at the age of five and train them to be a useful member of society; this is done in Xaxus City. Most of them will die out there in the wilds, some of them will die during training, but those that live on will become Heroes to those of us in the Safehavens. Although that is a rare occurrence indeed.


There are no more than half a dozen Safehavens across each country, the largest is always the Capital. Homes in the Capital are expensive, as is the lifestyle. The streets are kept safe by armed soldiers who patrol 24/7, their Familiars trained in battle to fight alongside them should the need call for it. It never rains in the Safehavens, the SunDomes see to that.

Farming Safehavens are kept close together to save on the amount of distance needed to travel, the Industrial Safehaven is also close to the farms. There are three farms, one for stock, one for crops and the other for fruits and vegetables. Each one is run by a Foreman with the first shift starting at daybreak, and the last ending at dusk.



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*Plants a flag with his name on it and a note that says "INTERESTED"*
[QUOTE="Fus ro dah]No worries *hugs*

*hugs back*

Sorry about this.

If I grow free anytime soon and there's an opening, I might join.

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