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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
Legend of Zelda
The hero succeeded, Ganon is sealed away forever, or so everyone thinks. Now on top of being in the modern age Hyrule, where things that were once normal are seen as weird, there is no Link or Zelda in sight. Ganon returns and takes over the kingdom of Hyrule, ruling it as a dictator, bringing back the old ways.

A group of people(humans, Hyrulians or Garudo), not quite normal, not quite weird, find some ruins after wandering through the Lost Woods, inside that ruin are several items, among them being:
  • The Master Sword, pulsing with a faint glow in it’s pedestal
  • A Shadow Crystal, allowing the user to take the shape of a beast and turn back to normal
  • The Wind Waker, able to control the winds with a few simple gestures
  • Ocarina of Time, allows for the creation of a time portal when the song of time is played (other songs still work too)
  • The Four Sword, allowing the user to split into four people with different kinds of personalities
  • Rod of Seasons, allows the user to change the current season to the area they’re in
  • Hawkeye mask, when combined with a bow it will act as a scope
  • Phantom sword, allows the user to stop time for a short amount of time

OOC: Fandom - Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC
CS: Fandom - Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways CS
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Hello, I've been lurking a bit since I'm not sure who I'd play, but I figured I could ask questions. How did you decide on which items they would find? And do you have an age limit for the characters?
Hello, I've been lurking a bit since I'm not sure who I'd play, but I figured I could ask questions. How did you decide on which items they would find? And do you have an age limit for the characters?
I just decided on the items which would be the most useful against Ganon in modern times when they have no modern luxeries left (like electricity, etc) The age limit would be any high school age or older, since the castle would serve as both high school and college/university
No, that's okay. I noticed some of the items were just added to character lists. I can do that. I was mostly just curious: it'd be hard to narrow it down!

Do the characters have to be students then? Not like teachers or someone who came to the festival?
No, that's okay. I noticed some of the items were just added to character lists. I can do that. I was mostly just curious: it'd be hard to narrow it down!

Do the characters have to be students then? Not like teachers or someone who came to the festival?
We have a Gerudo male that appears to be a tourist if that helps.
No, that's okay. I noticed some of the items were just added to character lists. I can do that. I was mostly just curious: it'd be hard to narrow it down!

Do the characters have to be students then? Not like teachers or someone who came to the festival?
Aruna was homeschooled, so he's not a student, he just happened to find his way to the festival.

Teachers or tourists is fine, as long as the character's not too old or too young
We have a Gerudo male that appears to be a tourist if that helps.
Aruna was homeschooled, so he's not a student, he just happened to find his way to the festival.

Teachers or tourists is fine, as long as the character's not too old or too young
And one of the items your characters get have to be from the list above
Okay! I'll try to finish my cs today or tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. I haven't quite figured out what she'll look like, but I think I have everything else. I should be able to type that up this morning.
Actually, I probably should ask. What is the state of magic in the world? Has it been incorporated into technology? Or has it phased out/lost over time?
Lost over time, so far only Ganon can use it, there's also info on the triforce in the lore page
Lost over time, so far only Ganon can use it, there's also info on the triforce in the lore page
Oh good, that fits well with what I was thinking. I'm almost done with the backstory, so I'll put that up while I figure out what weapons and items she'll have. I'm hoping to make her a graduate student in Chemistry (ie modern potion making) would you plan on having only 4 bottles or like in botw, as many elixirs as you can carry?
Oh good, that fits well with what I was thinking. I'm almost done with the backstory, so I'll put that up while I figure out what weapons and items she'll have. I'm hoping to make her a graduate student in Chemistry (ie modern potion making) would you plan on having only 4 bottles or like in botw, as many elixirs as you can carry?
Bags basically still work the same, the rod of seasons would've lost most magic abilities over time
I think I’ll take the sword since the ocarina is already taken, if that’s alright.

Also, is it alright if I used my already made character for this and just edit her to fit here?

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