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Fandom ♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ Alex in W♡nderland ♠ ♦ ♣ ♥ [CLOSED]



Why stop dreaming when you wake up?
♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ We'RE AlL MaD hEre ♠ ♦ ♣ ♥

"Alexander! Get back here and finish your lessons!"

Ignoring the order from his irritated mother, the blonde male ran into the gardens to escape the nagging and oppression he felt within his own home. He was tired of it, of all of it. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy learning, quite the contrary, he loved it. He had an incredibly imaginative and wondering mind that he couldn't stop half of the time, with or without a book to aid him in his hand. However, it was the lifestyle of ten different lessons a day, on top of being nagged about his appearances and to keep them up in front of whatever company they may have over at the time. Which was just about every day they had company, either visiting the house, or they were out visiting others. He wasn't much of a socialite, especially with 'family friends' who in reality were all the same, greedy business men and woman. He didn't understand the need for such insignificant, unwritten rules in his class of family.

Act this way. Don't act that way. You've got another wrinkle in your shirt. Your shoelaces aren't tied evenly, what are you, a slob? Your brother was far better behaved than this. Are you trying to embarrass us? Alex was absolutely sick of all of it. He didn't want to have to stress things when he didn't see why they were important, or having to learn five different instruments on top of all his regular studies, and then additional studies someone of his class should know. Shaking his head to himself, Alex sighed heavily as he slowed down his run as he made it into the maze of a garden that seemed to stretch on endlessly, especially with various bushes and pathways. While it certainly could be a maze, Alex knew every corner of this garden, as it was his favorite place to escape to when he wanted to avoid his lessons or lectures from his parents. Turning the corner around one bush in particular, leading to a dead end that was finished with a large oak tree, a frequented corner in the maze by the blonde as he'd often sit beneath the tree to read, he paused in his step as he reached it, noticing something new.

"A hole? How long has that been there?" he muttered curiously, tilting his head a bit in wonder, before looking around, trying to peer over the edge of the bushes surrounding him like walls for one of the gardeners. He was just a tad too short though to see beyond his immediate surroundings, and he soon gave up, approaching closer to the hole as he knelt before it, setting the fictional book he carried with him to the side as he inspected the hole. Maybe an animal had made it? It didn't seem like a hole for planting that one of the gardeners would have created. Leaning forward on his hands as he tried to peer into it, he pouted at the inability to see a thing. Reaching a hand inside, his curiosity outweighed the possible fear that an animal inside might bite his intruding hand, and he tried to feel around. However, when he did that, he felt absolutely nothing, not even dirt walls on the side of where the edge of the hole were "What the-ah!" he yelped, as all of a sudden he fell in, though how, he didn't know since the hole wasn't any bigger than his head. Or maybe he was sucked inside, like a vortex of sorts - not that that made much more sense either.

At first, there was a lot of screaming. But after about fifteen seconds of that, and not hitting the ground, he got tired of screaming, and more so grew confused rather than scared. Everything was dark all around him, and he was falling for so long he wondered if he was actually falling at all, and perhaps he was flying. After a few minutes though, he could see a light appearing beneath him, and as he rapidly came closer to it, he realized he was indeed falling, and he flailed about in the air a bit in panic at how hard he was about to hit the ground. Objects began to float around him, mirrors, napkins, plates....and instead of falling into the ground, a floating chair seemed to scoop him up so he was seated in it, and then the chair proceeded to gently float down to the floor with a smooth landing. For a good long minute or two, Alex just sat there, dumbfounded. He contemplated if he was dreaming, though the imaginative half of his mind hoped he wasn't. As illogical as it all was, Alex had always been a hopeful dreamer that something more did exist out in the world. Whatever 'more' meant, he wasn't sure, there was no specific definition as to what 'more' meant or held to him. Simply, 'more' than his boring, typical life. Whether 'more' meant vampires and werewolves, or floating chairs and random holes, it was something different...something more.

Finally getting up from the chair, he walked around the small room tentatively. At first he just inspected it curiously, but after a few minutes he realized there was no door. It didn't alarm him too much at first, until he really started to question how he was going to get out of here "Umm...." he hummed out loud to himself, glancing back above him from where he came, into the dark abyss with random floating objects. Was that the only way in and out? Furrowing his brows in confusion, he was momentarily distracted by a mouse scurrying past his feet, causing the blonde's bright blue eyes to distractedly follow it. It scurried across the room, only momentarily glancing up at Alex, before disappearing out a hole in one of the walls. Wait....no, upon further inspection, it was a door. A very, incredibly, tiny door. Large enough for a mouse to fit through, but that was it. Sighing a bit in exasperation, Alex flopped himself back down onto the chair that had so graciously given him a smooth landing in front of a table. Staring at the door with hope it would grow bigger or something, his eyes eventually drifted to the table he sat in front of, before landing on small bottle. "Was that here before?" he mumbled to himself as he picked it up, inspecting it curiously. It was rather small. Perhaps he overlooked it upon his initial landing in the room. Turning the small bottle around, which was about the height of his thumb, he noticed etched onto the side of the bottle two words were written. Drink Me.

Despite all better judgement of ingesting foreign things, he decided to abide by the short instructions, pulling the tiny cork top off with a tiny pop to match the tiny bottle, he drank the liquid. Well, if it was dangerous, it was such a small amount, it's not like it would affect him or anything. Or so he thought, when all of a sudden everything seemed to grow far larger. The bottle in his hand, to the table, to the walls, and the chair he sat in. It wasn't until he fell with a pained groan into the seat of the chair he realized something. Nothing had gotten bigger, he had shrunk. Groaning a bit as he rubbed his sore rear from the landing into the wooden chair, his now tiny body moved to pull himself up so he was standing, looking around. It didn't even register in his head that he was about the size of a mouse now, and that he could fit through that tiny door, until his bright blue eyes landed on it from across the room. Those same eyes then widened in realization, before he hurried over to the edge of the chair, he peered over the edge of it, estimating the length of the drop and how much it would hurt, before he tried to carefully scale down one of the legs of the chair from the corner. Miraculously, he was proud of himself as he managed to make it to the floor without falling, and he then hurried his tiny feet over to the door, both hands wrapping around the now large knob, and pulling the heavy door open.

Upon opening the door and stumbling through it, Alex gazed in awe at all the colors filling his vision. And he had thought his garden was colorful....this scenery put it to shame. Taking a few steps further past the door, he looked around the new outside world he was in. Where was he? Everything was so bright and colorful, he wondered if he was even in the same world right now. His wonder with the land before him was soon replaced by yet another realization; that he was still very tiny. He realized this fact upon seeing a flower next to him that towered over his tiny body, and as interesting as it was to be this tiny, he had to admit, he was ready to be his normal size again. Though he didn't know if that was a possibility in this land he was in. Maybe it was just a thing, that everyone had to be really tiny here? Or maybe whatever he drank was like a pill of sorts, and after a certain amount of time it would wear off? As he wondered how to get back to his original size, he didn't let it stop him from admiring the new world, or land, or wherever this place was, as he wandered through the towering stems of a field of flowers.
Outside the Duchess's wailing steamy house, Chess sits perched in a tree, a wide grin spread on his face. A striped cat tail appears, twitching idly back and forth, then disappears. His head rests on the bark, eyes closed. A strange wind buffers. His nose wrinkles. His green eyes open slowly. "Ah, a crestfallen visitor."

His human body explodes to dust, and a cat leaps out landing on its feet. It struts sauntering down the road. Humming, its disembodied voice sings: How do you get to Wonderland? Over the hill or underland? Or just behind a tree? When clouds go rolling by they roll away and leave the sky! Where is the land behind the eye people cannot see? Where can it be? Where do the stars go? Where is the crescent moon? They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon...

♥ ♣ Doesn't matter which way you go ♦ ♠
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It was a quiet day really. The time had paced along as usual though it probably felt like an eternity to anybody who minded the clock (Father Time was slacking maybe?) and oddly enough nothing out of the ordinary or of interest appeared to be happening in the fickle place that is Wonderland. Things were honestly quite boring yet the caterpillar was in an even better mood than the usual. He paced about the shop with a different kind of hop in his step and hummed a made-up tune to himself as he worked merrily on another one of his concoctions. Azalea was another oddity of the day, he wasn't usually this excited. Even his typically lazy smile had been replaced by a lot brighter one plus for his work ethic to ever be this high was strange...Almost a bit eerie.

As he worked diligently the man spoke to the boy who had been eyeing him suspiciously from across the room, not slowing down for a minute "Bell, you're burning holes through me. Please do continue sorting those~." he said with a sing-songy tone. The flower grunted quietly, completely ignoring the request of his 'employer'.

"Mr. Caterpillar, I find your attitude suspicious. What kind of plot are you cooking up today that has you in such a good mood?"

"Hmm? To be happy I have to be scheming?" he chuckled at Bell's suspicion but the piercing glare of his worker didn't let up in the slightest. He jokingly sighed at this "You don't have much faith in me Bell..."

"You can't sulk over me having a completely reasonable fear, Mr. Caterpillar."

Azalea laughed a bit "Heh, I guess you do have a point though it hurts to think that you don't trust me anymore.". Bell didn't respond with more than another grunt.

Continuing on, he stopped, putting his finger to his mouth and looking up at the ceiling as if in thought before directing his attention to Bell. "In all honesty...I just feel like today is different somehow. Like the world has sent down a little gift that'll turn things on their head for a bit." he hummed gleefully "Yes, yes, that's exactly what my intuition is nagging to me today."

Not even a moment after revealing the reason behind the cheerful mood he went back to what he had been doing earlier "Now then, I think that's enough chatter. Since I plan to attend the Mad Hatter's tea party for once I'm planning to make a treat for the other guest, it's only proper I mean, and need everything to be where I can find it." he chirped.

Bell stared for a second in doubt but wordlessly went back to his work when given the explanation. This isn't the first time Azalea had spoken of 'intuition' and it definitely wouldn't be the last. Though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little curious about what Azalea thought was so special about today...
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Warning: Hidden Scroll

Waverly Rabbert
Waverly was late. Again.

“Why me?” he fretted, sprinting down the walkway in front of his house. The cape of his cloak flared out behind him as he quickly ran his hands through his hair, causing his ever-elusive rabbit ears to disappear, as they were wont to do. “Oh, I’m ever so late. I’m late I’m late I’m late…”

This would have been a great time to see if he could actually turn into a real rabbit and hop all the way to Court, but of course he didn’t have that kind of luck. He withdrew his pocket watch from his pocket and glanced at it anxiously. Bad idea. He was even later than he thought. “Run faster, stupid legs!”

Unfortunately, he did not go any faster. So he was stuck panicking as he ran as fast as he could. As he passed one of the many meadows full of flowers much taller than him, he thought he saw an unfamiliar face. A newcomer to Wonderland? How was this possible?

Oh, he could not spare a moment. But he just had to see what was going on here. Peeking around the edge of one of the flowers, which giggled girlishly at his timid attitude, he spotted a blond stranger. Waverly squeaked and hid fully behind the flower again.

Once again, his curiosity won over, and he tentatively emerged from behind the flower. “I-I'm s-sorry, b-but who are y-you? Y-you don't l-look like anyone I-I kn-know...” Unlike everyone else in Wonderland, this blond boy didn’t appear to have any eccentric clothing or behavior or animal traits. Waverly glanced down at his fluffy rabbit’s tail. What a day to have not properly groomed it.

Checking his watch again, he made a panicked face. He really shouldn’t be wasting time like this, not when he was already so late…but he was ever so curious.

Coded by taliaangeni taliaangeni
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Shut up, I wear heels bigger than your dick

Location: Somewhere spying on Alex, a steamy cat, and the late bunbun
Mood: He's completely forgot he's playing tag i bet he's gonna be fucking tackled by Denzel
Carrying: Nothing you need to know about
Gizaira Gizaira AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf ChibiMonkey ChibiMonkey

Darion chuckled as he ran through the flowes, hiding behind a big ass to evade his brother's eyesight for a moment. It was a fine day for a game, and that was exactly what the twins had decided to do. Tag in the middle of the all theseflowers? It seemed like a great plan! Sure, he wanted to go to the Hatter's Tea Party later, but playing with Denzel could still happen before he went to visit the Hatter. The worst that could happen is they'd be a bit late. He wasn't any rabbit, so he wasn't particularly concerned about being late.

... But speaking of rabbits concerned about being late, he could certainly hear Waverly's voice nearby, addressing the Cheshire Cat about... Somebody else? Who was so unfamiliar around these parts that the Rabbit needed to ask somebody about them? Well, there had to be plenty of people in Wonderland, but who was so strange that he wouldn't just figure that it was another Wonderlandian?

He scrambled behind some of the nearby flowers so he would be out of sight, thankful that the flowers he chose to hide behind didn't talk. It simply wouldn't do to have a bunch of flowers talking about or to him, it'd completely blow his cover. Though the flower at Azalea's shop... Maybe it'd be okay if the talking flower was him.... Would the Bluebonnet go on a date with him, maybe? Or maybe he could get him to go with both him and Denzel?

Wait, Waverly, no time to be thinking about flowers.

Darion parted the flowers a bit so he could see everyone- Waverly, Chesire as an actual cat, and... Some blond boy? Huh, he looked... Kind of disconcerted, he guessed. Was it by the flowers? No, that couldn't be it, everyone was used to the flowers. Was this some sort of outsider? Darion knew that they sometimes ended up in Wonderland, though he wasn't actually sure how you got in or out. He'd never done it himself, but he also didn't want to leave. The world outside sounded so bland.

Something had to be interesting about this guy for him to end up here, right? Well, if he was going to stay, the first thing he would need to do is get used to the flowers. If he couldn't deal with a large flower, he was sure he wasn't ready for one that would actually talk to him. He wasn't sure this man should stay in Wonderland if he couldn't deal with everything. Geez, were other world really that vastly different?

The hatter flitted around the Glen as he was setting up for his tea party. He had heard rumors of a Caterpillar was going to be attending. He's only heard rumors of such a Wonderlandian and never seen the man himself. He straightened the hat on his head, which left it more crooked than before. A grin played on his face as he carried a stack of tea cups with his hat, not spilling one cup. Soon they all tumbled forward but landed on the table. He cringed but noticed none of them tipped on their side. He straightened them into a row.

Crumpets and Tarts all strewn across the table, Hatter really was never one for tidiness. He wouldn't put the tea on yet, something told him they'd be late. He wasn't exactly sure what, maybe he was just mad? He sat in his place on the head of the table and crossed his arms. If they didn't come soon, he'd have a party for himself. Everyday was a party, even if it was just a pity party. It was still early yet, he supposed.
Denzel Twinings

Heels really should have been a handicap but somehow his brother managed to run faster than the white rabbit even while wearing them. His inconvenient choice of footwear didn't seem to slow him down at all, apparently, crossdressing had a few perks other than making whoever was doing it look pretty. Of course, even if Darion wasn't slowed by his shoes Denzel had been keeping up with him pretty well despite him being the faster of the two. Still though, even with competitive spirit egging him on, Denzel could not catch him. His legs would only carry him far enough to stay close but not to the finish line which was actually tagging him. Luckily for the both of them, he was having too much fun to actually feel any frustration with the situation.

As he caught up with Darion again he watched him disappear out of sight behind a large bush. While he was fully prepared to pursue him he stopped as he figured that he could use this hiding spot to his advantage. The straightforward approach hadn't been working so far so his only option was to go for a sneak attack. He'd be more likely to catch him if he never saw him coming...

Plus the idea of scaring his brother a bit was too good an opportunity to pass up.

He crouched lower to the ground in an attempt to make himself less obvious and peaked around the bush. Hm? Not there. Darion had already made his way somewhere else it seemed. With no sign of his brother he cautiously went around the bush, still keeping an eye out for him as he did.

As soon as he got around it he spotted his brother in another patch of flowers nearby doing what looked like...Spying? Well, whatever, he didn't have time to think about it right now. Darion looked rather distracted with whatever was over that bush but who knew how long he would be. He had to act quickly if he wanted his plan to succeed.

There was no time for his stalking cat act, he dropped it completely and soon threw his entire body at his unsuspecting brother which caused him to collide with him a bit more roughly than intended, sending them both to the side. "Ahaha! Darion, you let your attention slip!" he laughed triumphantly as he applauded himself for his effective plan. It didn't cross his mind that he might have made their presence known to whoever he had been watching.
(Tags aren't working right now for some reason but you know who you are.)
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While Alex had managed to regain his normal body size, the field of flowers still towered tall above him. He'd have to guess they were at least double his own height, if not taller. Having always loved his own garden back home, he couldn't help but admire the tall, beautifully colored flowers surrounding him, and their size. While, sure, he did question how a flower got so big, he hardly could care. He was more intrigued with the field of them he was currently surrounded in as he walked through the tall stems that surrounded him. Just where exactly had he ended up? He wasn't really all that frightened, despite how normal that might be for an individual to suddenly be thrown into a foreign and unusual place. More than anything, he was just intrigued and curious.

As he reached up to touch the stem of one flower in particular, a giggle echoed around him "Oh! That tickles~!" a high-sounding voice pitched around him and he jumped a bit, startled by the sudden voice "is someone there?" he asked, turning around confused, not having seen anyone "Me dear! Up here!" the flower chimed again as it turned its blossomed head to look down at the blond boy, who looked up at it in awe "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't...you can talk...." he murmured, fascination showing in his eyes as he apologized to the flower, before soon another voice distracted the blond as he turned around on his heel to face a rather skittish looking individual with white hair.

"Oh, hi there! Ah, well that's probably because you don't know me. I'm Alex!" he greeted cheerily as he stepped closer to the other "Actually, I think I'm a bit lost....could you tell me where I am?" he asked with apologetic smile, hoping the other didn't mind his inquiry. He looked like he was in a rush, though, then again he had been the one to stop to speak to him first. Alex still wasn't sure where he was, or that this man before him even had a rabbit tail donned to his rear, considering he was facing the front of the male at the moment.

While waiting for the others reply, another intruding sound caught his attention and he turned around curiously at the sound of someone yelling out, though not seeming to be talking to them, certainly close enough to hear, accompanied by a thud to the ground, and two identical figures toppled on top of each other on the ground "um....hello?" he asked, tilting his head curiously as he looked at the two before glancing back to the white haired male "Friends of yours?" he asked curiously.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Gizaira Gizaira Necromantic Necromantic
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Warning: Hidden Scroll

Waverly Rabbert
Waverly startled. He hadn’t actually expected the blond to introduce himself. “A-Alex? Th-that’s a nice name… Wait! Where are my manners?” He started bowing as he would when speaking to the Queen. “I’m Waverly, the White Rabbit.” His rabbit ears chose that moment to appear on his hand, and he yelped. “Ah! Why now? Why are you like this? Why can’t you be nice, like my tail?”

He blinked as Alex admitted to being lost. “Where are you? Why, you’re in Wonderland. You’ve really never been here before? I’ve been here for as long as I can remember…” For the moment, his pocket watch was forgotten, though there was still a nagging thought at the back of his mind telling him to keep going.

Hearing the sound of yelling, Waverly jumped nearly three feet in the air (must’ve been the rabbit in him) and ran to hide behind the flower again. Once there, he realized he recognized the shouts, and he reemerged into the open. With a sigh, he explained, “That must be Darion and Denzel. They’re a mischievous pair.” Turning toward the twins, Waverly said, “Darion! Denzel! Are you two playing tag again?”

Hm… Exactly how late was he now?

Coded by taliaangeni taliaangeni
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Shut up, I wear heels bigger than your dick

Location: The ground yo
Mood: showing someone your ass is a great first impression
Carrying: Nothing you need to know about
Gizaira Gizaira AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf ChibiMonkey ChibiMonkey

A yelp escaped Darion as he felt somebody collide with him, sending him toppling to the ground, tearing his tights, and flipping his skirt up around his waist. He pushed himself off the ground, looking for the culprit, a bright smile forming on his face when he saw it was none other than his twin brother. "You finally did, didn't you?" He pushed himself up onto his knees and leaned closer to Denzel's face, planting an affectionate kiss on his lips. He'd put up a good chase, so surely his beloved twin deserved some sort of prize.

In the moment, he'd totally forgotten about Waverly and the blond stranger. He looked toward them when he heard something that might've been pointed in his direction- Oh, the boy could totally see him now... And... Could probably see his entire ass. Darion had no shame and wouldn't have cared if it was just Waverly, but this was a terrible way to make a first impression. His face turned a bright red as he shoved his skirt down, covering himself up once again. At least he wore cute underwear, he supposed.

"Ahh... You caught us, Waverly. Didn't expect to find people here," Darion chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "So, that guy right there... Isn't from Wonderland? I thought that people just appearing here was some sort of myth," Did it really make any sense for people to just... appear in Wonderland?
After introducing himself to the nervous looking man as well as asking where he was, since he didn't recognize any of his surroundings at all, though he smiled politely at the other when he introduced himself, though he was a bit confused "It's nice to meet you Waverly. Um...why are you called-" he started to ask the other curiously why he was a white rabbit when suddenly he saw white fluffy ears pop out from the top of his head, causing Alex's eyes to widen in awe "Ohhhh! They're so cute!" he gasped, not even questioning the oddity of animal ears appearing on a human's head as he couldn't help but reach out and touch them "They're real! And so soft - oh! You even have a tail!" he exclaimed in excitement, fawning over the others rabbit characteristics "Does everyone here have animal traits?" before remembering he had yet to know where he was still, though Waverly then explained that.

Though the answer didn't lessen the blonde's confusion at all as he tilted his head a bit clueless and curiously when he mentioned the name of their location "Wonderland?" he repeated, wanting to make sure he heard him right "I've never heard of it before..." he commented idly as he glanced around them as if to see if there was anything familiar, though he didn't understand how he could have strayed so far from home by simply falling into a hole. Though he supposed it was a rather deep hole....perhaps an underground city of sorts? But then again there was a clear, bright blue sky, so it wasn't underground. "Well, in any case it does certainly seem wonderful" he couldn't help but chime, since while things were unique and bizarre from what he was used to, it was unique in the best ways possible.

At that moment he heard noises coming around the flowers nearby, and he looked over in the direction curiously as he asked Waverly if he knew who it was, before the two identical figured appeared when one had been tackled by another, leaving the assaulted twin rather indecently exposed, causing Alex to blush a bit, though quickly tried to look somewhere else as one of the twins had spoke up "oh, uh-" he cleared his throat a bit awkwardly, running his fingers through his hair a bit as he managed a smile at the other, shoving the awkwardness away "Yeah, you can say I'm not from around here. I don't really know how I got here, actually, I was just in my garden and fell through this hole, I suppose..." he trailed off in thought "Is it not really common for people to come here? Oh! I'm Alex by the way" He introduced, not knowing if his earlier introduction had been overheard by the twins or not "Which one of you is Denzel and Darion?" he asked curiously, recalling Waverly stating who they were when they heard them.

Gizaira Gizaira Necromantic Necromantic AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Warning: Hidden Scroll

Waverly Rabbert
Yes, Waverly had known that the twins had arrived. What he hadn't expected was seeing Darion's underwear. Being the entirely anxious person--er, rabbit--he was, he turned right on his heel and faced the other direction. His face was probably bright cherry red by now. He could barely feel satisfaction over Alex fawning over his ears.

Though, to be honest, Alex's fawning made him doubly embarrassed. Would the anxieties never cease?

As Waverly dared to peek over his shoulder to see if Darion had fixed his skirt (he had), he was able to process the sensation of his ears having been touched. That ear felt strange, especially seeing as he was the only one who ever touched his ears. Waverly's cheeks weren't red anymore, but they definitely were not back to normal.

Finally turning back to Darion, Waverly nodded. "Apparently so. I've never heard of outsiders either, but... We all got here somehow, didn't we?" Alex confirmed his and Darion's questions, saying something about falling through a hole. That made sense. Right? "Ah, the fabled rabbit hole. A source of pride for my kind, but that's just me..." Waverly trailed off, suddenly thinking very heavily about the few other rabbits in Wonderland. He was barely paying attention now to whatever conversation the twins were holding with Alex.

Coded by taliaangeni taliaangeni

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