Age of Exploration

She smiled over to him "I'd like that but just so you know I'm ALWAYS cold. At least a little. Fever."  She reached out and poked him with a warmer-than-normal hoof 
"You and the touching. And what's with you and all these sicknesses. What's this about a fever." He asked her.


"Touching is nice. Whats wrong with touching? And nah it's the same one. Sanguiphage. Gives me a low-grade fever, higher-metabolism, slow degradation of my lungs, anemia which leads to frequent exhaustion, etc etc." She said listing off the symptoms mechanically after so many visits to the doctor 
"Yeah but not when I can't see it coming." He said. "Well, it certainly sounds like you're got it rough. And I thought being blind was the worst it could get."

"I don't know, everything has it's ups and downs you know Galagus? Also want me to put on a little collar with a bellso you can always hear me about to poke you?" 

"Yep!" they start to stack one up as Nightfall does her best to add on little bits. A carrot-horn, a tree-branch for a tail "Looks good to me!" 
"Huh, so it is." He said. Flax then decided to rest up on top of it, looking down at it from hai perch. "What now then. There's still a lot of day left."


"...want to go buy a boardgame then spend the rest of the afternoon playing it?" she asks  (And we can scene there for you to sleep :P
(Lol, yeah. The yawns have already started)

"Mm, ok. Come on Flax." He called to the bird as they left the Snowpony.


The snowponys eyes blazed to life and lurched off to scare some kids by bursting into song, but Nightfall and Galagus cozily spent the afternoon playing Risk.

(Night night :P
@Deathrattle BB

It was a dark and dreary day amidst the snowstorm, but not nearly as so as in the dreaded citadel of THE COUNCIL OF EVIL FOXES!

They gathered around in a circle in a stark and barren room in their fortress above the moors, illuminated by the glow of distant candles as they congregated and plotted their deviant activities. There was a multitaled red-fox in a kimono, a brown and white fox adorned in little frilly ribbons, and at their head their leader, a black and blue fox wearing over-sized socks on all his paws. 

"Gentleman...ladies...ladies since I'm the only gentleman - the Council of Evil foxes is about to undertake our most diabolical and ambitious plot yet tat cannot leave this citadel. We are to...steall all the Hearth's Warming Gifts in the WOOOOORLD!" , " The black fox cackled and raised his paws to the air as lightning flashed over and over again...aka, the brown fox turned the lights on and off as they sat in a little cardboard box in the tavern, using the power of their imagination for the rest....their EVIL IMAGINATION! 


In the depths of that same tavern, there stood two figures. A rabbit that was beginning to look particularly dead--his eyes were sunken, once pristine white fur ashen gray and seeming to slowly decay. He was beginning to appear quite frail as well. Expellix watched the show with a grin, failing miserably to hold back his laughter and stifle it. He eventually devolved into mild clapping for the Council of Evil Foxes.

The second figure, on the other hand, could barely even fit within the tavern at all. He was laid down in one of the more spacious corners of the tavern, also looking particularly amused by the spectacle. The huge wolf by the name of Gunnolf stood up and barely managed to make it around anybody else to sit in front of them, leaving down several feet to look at the foxes properly. You are adorable. The telepathic thought would be heard by them if they weren't actively blocking it through any mental means themselves. 
@Deathrattle BB

The two girl foxes noted the giant wolf behind the black and scrambled out in a squeal, leaving him confused with a flipped over box trapping him. He looked around and blinked

"...You didn't hear nothing!"

Expellix literally fell off the table from laughing so hard now.

Gunnolf, however, looked confused. He heavily laid down on the floor in front of the cardboard box.  He supposed he scared them, giving the remaining fox an apologetic look. The massive wolf didn't mean to, promise!
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@Deathrattle BB

The fox stood up, striking a sassy pose and blushi angrily

"D-don't laugh rabbit! I'll eat you! I'm Erebus Starblaze! The Prince of Foxes!"

Well he assumed, he was a prince and he only knew of two talking foxes in the world other than himself so that was pretty good odds 

Expellix rolled over, turning lifeless eyes onto the fox. A fiery blue glow was emanating from them. "Well, I'm Expellix, longest living rabbit in history and I've gotten pretty good at dark magic." He picked himself up off the floor, dusting his ashy fur off. "Take your best chance, man."

Gunnolf looked back at the little rabbit with a slightly annoyed expression. What an egotistical little bunny, you would figure he would be afraid of predators who eat bunnies like him for breakfast. With a small shake of his head, Gunnolf laid his head on his paws and looked at the little fox with a smirk. Don't listen to him. I'm sure you can eat him just fine.

Expellix grumbled something unintelligible.
@Deathrattle BB

The fox giggled and snarkily commented, "He looks bad-tasting anyways! Who are you Mr. Wolf?" He said padding on over, instantly intrigued by whatever new thing happened to learn 

"He calls himself Gunnolf!" Expellix yelled loudly. He rapidly tapped his foot on the ground impatiently, paws on his hips.

Gunnolf, for his part, kept relatively calm in the presence of the bunny. He nodded in agreement, but turned his head to the cardboard box the other foxes were hiding in. Will they hide forever?
@Deathrattle BB

"Oh they're gone! Out into the snow! COOOOWARDS!" 
He said as he hopped up and pawed at the glass window several times. 
"You know you two are some of the only other talking animals I know! Where did you come from? I came from Elysium!" 

Expellix shrugged. "Animal experimentation some 1,000 years ago." He said casually.

Gunnolf seemed thoroughly intrigued by the question. Eventually, he also just shrugged. He didn't remember.

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