Age of Exploration

@Deathrattle BB

"Awww, so you two are just baby talking animals without cool backgrounds yet. Come to Erebus for to learn..."  He tried to pet their heads....well Eppelix's, he couldn't reach the wolf. That was way too high for him 

Expellix swatted at Erebus, crossing his arms over his fuzzy little chest. "Hey man, I may look cute and cuddly, but I will bite your paw off. And I think my background is cool enough, what other bunny have you heard of that is a result of Starswirl the Bearded's wacko experiments?"

Gunnolf lowered his head to allow the fox to pet him, smiling gently. If he wasn't male, this gigantic wolf would be almost motherly. If he weren't a male.
@Deathrattle BB

"...Five!" His father had taught him that if you didn't know an answer, just lie until people believe you...and even if you did know the answer, lie anyways. As for what his mother taught him...well how to look pretty in a coma.

He turned to the "motherly" wolf and smiled "Aww, I like you...if only you were cuter you could be an honorary fox!" 

Expellix grunted. "You're a liar." He looked far from pleased.

Gunnolf smirked. Just dye my fur color. He suggested. Well, he probably wouldn't be very wrong, that may very well make him resemble a fox. A very, very, very large fox.
@Deathrattle BB
"You're only a liar if you get in trouble! Otherwise you're savvy and tricksy!" he vlapped his paws together as the storm continued to rage outside. The snow piling up and frosting up the windows. "Aww, I don't think the paint-store will be open with this...I guess I could paint you with food I find in the fridge..." He said mulling over the idea and skittering around. The oversize socks on his feet made him slip and slide off-balance.

Expellix gave a subtle twitch of his whiskers in annoyance. That was pretty much the fox owning up to his lie and being entirely proud of it, wasn't it? He certainly had no doubt in his mind (whether or not the fox had  enough mind to was a different story from his perspective).

Gunnolf got up lightning quickly to catch Erebus when he fell over, lifting him gently by the scruff before setting him down on his paws (feet?). He gave a slightly scolding look, sitting down. He had to bend down far still otherwise his head would go through the ceiling and into the possible second floor.
@Deathrattle BB
The little fox dangled from the wolfs mouth before being plopped down with a poof of fluff. He whipped his socks off and looked around. Now whenever he walked his paws made an annoying scratching sound of nails clacking against wood. Thwacka-thwacka-thwacka. 

"You sure keep hovering over me alot Gunnolf. Did my dad hire you?" He asked with a little frown. 

Expellix actually chuckled a little bit. "That dude is just a big ol' softie." He cooed.

Gunnolf, on his part, appeared flustered. He looked away, his ear tips turning red. Sorry... force of habit.
@Deathrattle BB
"Well of course he is! He has more fluff on him than anyone I've ever seen!" He said meaning that as a great compliment. Fluff equaled power in fox-circles...

"Force of habit? Were you a guard doggo?" 

Expellix pouted. "And I'm not fluffy enough?"

Gunnolf sighed, looking down. Bad memories came to his mind from his time in the Everfree Forest. He shook his head at Erebus, not wishing to talk about it.
@Deathrattle BB
"Have you seen yourself? You're all skin and bones! It looks like your fluff's about to fall off! You need a vet " He pouted, pitying the poor sick rabbit. He didn't push the wolf any further, just crawling up his side to lick at his face "Eck ima get a hair-ball from this like a cat..." 

Expellix blinked, looking down at himself. He had totally forgotten that he was starting to look like a walking corpse now. It was a recent development that he found out from the use of necromancy and other dark magics. "Well, you're not wrong..." he murmured, poking a nearly exposed rib.

Gunnolf laid down on the floor, his head resting on his crisscrossed legs. He smiled softly at Erebus. Don't worry about me, little one. It was a long time ago.
@Deathrattle BB
Erebus wanted to bite the rib. Ribs were delicious! But he figured that'd be rude since Expellix was alive...and also he sucked at hurting things. When he was left out in the wilderness and found a rabbit he ended up carrying it along and trying to eat grass.

"Hey I DO have a question for both of you, especially you magic zombie-rabbit!" he pointed up to the wolf

"Why does he speak without moving his lips? It's scaring me." 

Expellix walked up and laid his back against the great wolf's side, sighing contentedly. "Gunnolf uses something we call 'telepathy.' The ability to speak with your mind." He turned his eyes to Erebus. "Not everybody can do it, and I've never seen one that can't use magic be able to do it until now. Kinda rare."

Gunnolf nodded in affirmation. I don't typically speak this much using telepathy... I prefer not to.
@Deathrattle BB

"Strong silent type? You must get all the...giant wolf girls." Erebus tucked his paws under his chest "You know I can do magic but I can't speak inside people's heads. Wish I could. That'd be a great trick. I could pull so many pranks on people with that sort of POWER!" 

Gunnolf let out a heavy breath through his nostrils. There aren't any females wolves like me, Erebus. As far as I know, I'm the only one like this.

Expellix looked up, a thoughtful expression coming across his face. "... Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a wolf quite as large as you. Even a king timber wolf is smaller than you."
@Deathrattle BB
"Hmm I know one pretty big wolf...but I do think she's still smaller than you. It must be lonely...I know what thats like. I've never found another fox quite like me though I've been trying!" 

Expellix twitched his ears, closing his eyes and looking like he was about to fall asleep. "Considering I look half-dead, I'm fairly sure I can safely say that getting a mate is out of the picture for me." He said. "Not very interested in getting one anyways."

Gunnolf looked down at Erebus, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. He swept his tail over Expellix, allowing it to act as a blanket for the bunny. Another wolf, you say? Maybe I can say hello.
@Deathrattle BB

"Maybe! I don't know her myself but my dad does! He seems to know alot of people." He said as he dive-bombed in next to the bunny, finding a nice spot under the tail and stretching out cozily. His fox-tongue snaked out and licked the rabbit's nose just once. 

Expellix scrunched his nose up at the lick to it, cracking his eyes open to peer down at the fox. "How's the taste of rotting flesh?" He asked sarcastically.

Gunnolf simply chuckled and closed his eyes, just letting things unfold for themselves.
@Deathrattle BB

"I give you a 4/10." He made a squeaky yawn himself and scrunched up his face. He tucked in his legs and began to get ready for a nap next to the dead-bunny 

Expellix looked amused, closing his eyes once more and curling up. "Don't know what I was expecting..." he murmured, quickly falling asleep against the massive wolf.

Gunnolf had already managed to fall asleep, breathing softly. However, because of his size, it was loud regardless.
Out in the snow- coated streets of ponyville, there were many snowponies of all kinds, andit was still snowing at a decent rate. Most of the ponies had decorations, button eyes, scarves, hats, all coated in snow, but one seemed to have no decorations, and seemed to have more lifelike proportions than the others. As the weather was cold out, and it was still snowing, there were few ponies out in the snow, other than the occasional one, wrapped up in jumpers and coats.

@Deathrattle BB

Expellix plowed his way through the snow-laden town with an air mild annoyance. Ever since he had begun using necromantic magic and other dark arts that most ponies would firmly look down on him for, he began to notice the cold and chill less and less. In fact, he was so deadened that he barely even noticed it anymore. With such limitations moved out of his way, he was free to explore the winter seasons with wonder, something he had been previously incapable of doing due to biological limitations. He was happy to overcome them; winter was wondrous and beautiful.

His eyes glowed softly in tune with whatever color his eyes shifted to. By all manners of the word, the little bunny looked just plain dead. His eyes were sunken into his skull, the normal gleam gone from them completely and replaced with a hard, dull shine, his fur color having turned from a alabaster white to a dark gray, ashy color, he even looked thinner and starved. Either he had some sort of disease or something was clearly amiss with him. Of course, it was the latter over the former... or so he thought. Would being near undead by this point make him vulnerable to such things? He'd have to test that at some point, maybe. He ignored the horrified looks of ponies he passed by, only his left eye twitching in annoyance as he hopped along.

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