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Fantasy After The War (1x1 with Saffron_Majesty)

She finally managed to get her feet under her and stumbled away. Before she could fall she caught herself on a nearby desk and braced herself. The strength she had been able to muster was quickly draining though as she sunk to the ground. Her chest started to heave as it tightened. In her frustration she yelled and another surge of wind blew through the room. ‘Pull yourself together! Find a door and get out!’
Anthony stood strong in the woman's powerful wind. His heat cause an inert field of air around him allowing him to be unmoved by the torrential blasts. For once Anthony spoke raising his voice above the wind. "There is no harm for hear. And there is no way out until you calm down." Yhe big man crossed his arms with continued patience.
She looked back to the man in the room who was now a pure white that hurt her eyes more. What on earth was going on with him?! Her chest continued to tighten until suddenly her breath caught. It felt like a weight was pressing on her ribs that forced the wind out of her. She cried out feeling the panic attack take over. As she struggled to breathe, she made it under the desk. "Stop, stop, stop!" She clutched her shirt tightly now. A feeling of dizziness rushed through her head as she swayed under the furniture. Her hands and feet started to feel like they were being pricked by pins and needles.
Anthony quickly extinguished his heat revealing his hardlined muscular chest with scars wrapping around his ribs and over his shoulders. The big man calmly walked over to where the woman was cowering and plopped himself onto the floor in a sitting position. "I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe here. And as different as I look, I am just like you." Anthony said, his eyes cold but his voice conveying a small level of emotion.
The poor young woman couldn't collect herself. Her lungs wouldn't let her breathe and each breath was raggedy and shallow. She flinched and cowered seeing the massive man sit close to her. Her eyes could see some more details now. What stood out the most was the blue of his eyes.. They were piercing even through her distorted vision. She had nowhere to go now and she pressed herself against the back part of the desk. "They all say that... they all say that." She whispered with her voice cracking. His last words stuck with her too.. there was no way. They didn't ever let two people like her alone in the same room.
Anthony could feel the woman's pain, but he didn't try to reach for her as he believed that action would scare the lady. Instead he raised his right hand to his side and ignited it to a soft orange glow that radiated comforting heat waves. "I am a destroyer from the first wave. Judging by your situation I'd say you've never seen combat." Anthony said holding his hand in the air, letting the heat penetrate everything. "I know its hard to believe, but your are in a safe place." Anthony reassured her. His cold eyes once gain failed to match his more emotional voice.
There was a soft gasp as the small space she was tucked in was illuminated by his light. Her panic attack had started to ease up, her hands still clutched her shirt over her chest. Her blue-green eyes squinted, trying to adjust to the light before looking at him. There was a quick shake of her head to answer his questions. There was a soft clearing of her throat before she tried speaking. "Wh-where am I?.." Her eyes went back to his hand, slowly opening more.
Anthony lowered his hand resting his forearm on his knee allowing the hand to continue spreading warming heat. "You are on the continent of america in a place that used to be known as Chicago. I am a member of an organization called the Red Regime. They are spreading and trying to maintain peace and order. You and I are in a containment cell seventy stories below ground at the headquarters of said organization. I rescued you from an old war government scientist who tried to terminate you. You are not a prisoner, I just have to prevent you from damaging organization members and yourself. Hopefully you can understand." Anthony explained.
As he spoke, her eyes seemed to lower and grow out of focus. This was a lot of information and not to mention 70 stories down? And terminate her? "Who-who are y-." She was interrupted by a yawn. If felt relieving to finally take a deep breath. Her heart was slamming against her ribs still as she sat curled up. "I.." There was a wavering groan as she took another deep breath and rubbed her eyes. Looking back at him, she could see he took up the entire space in front of her and now his scars were coming into focus. Her head started to lull again.
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"I am like you." Anthony plainly answered the woman's question as she began to fall asleep. "You are safe." He reiterated, choosing his word carefully knowing that the woman wouldn't be awake much longer. Anthony stood and moved the desk from over the raven haired woman when she had fallen asleep and once more lifted her gingerly into his arms. "Bring another bed." Anthony said to the embedded microphones in the room. A few second later, harried looking members of the Red Regime rolled a medical bed to the center of the room where Anthony then laid the woman in his arms. "Clean this room quickly and contact me directly when she wakes up." Anthony instructed the leader of the team in the room. The short woman nodded and quietly informed her group of the current assignment. Satisfied, Anthony left the containment room and headed toward boss Kris's office.
Safe, she heard him say. As her eyes lulled that word stuck a moment. “S-Safe?” Her voice was barely audible as her body succumbed to the fatigue. Her frame still remained curled up with her head resting on her knees.

it had been a long time since she’d heard that word. Let alone experience the definition of it. She seemed to understand though as right before she fell asleep, there was a an exhale that sounded.. relieved
Anthony sat in boss Kris's office explaining to her the raven haired woman's perceived capabilities. "She sounds strong." The boss said. "Yes." Anthony replied. "But she was made for the third wave and as a result doesn't bear the power of the destroyers." After a long pause Anthony spoke again. "She is young and I would like to mentor her." He requested. The boss leaned back in her chair and tapped her fingers on her big desk. "Don't see a problem with that. Take your time. I want her to be a valuable member of this regime." Anthony nodded slowly. "Understood." He affirmed as he stood to leave.
Seventy stories underground, his new pupil was fast asleep in the newly refurnished holding cell. It would be a couple of hours now before she would wake up. For the first time in who knew how long, she started having dreams. They were wild and made no sense at all. They started to take dark turns however, causing her to stir in her sleep once more. She found herself in a dark room with a creeping sensation of suffocation.

The young lady lurched forward as she snapped awake. Everything around her went from dark to light as her eyes opened and came to focus on the wall in front of her. Her hands shakily padded around her body, searching for wires and patches.. Nothing. Her eyes came to scan the room and now that her vision had returned to near normal, she could inspect her surroundings.
Anthony was meditating on his tub of water when a member entered his room urgently, holding his hand in front of his eyes to shield himself from the light. "Sir, the woman is awake." The man said. "Thank you for notifying me." Anthony said in a cold tone. The member nodded and quickly exited Anthony's chambers. The big man extinguished himself, ending his flash boiling meditation and sinking into the water. He swam to one side of the pool and climbed out slowly, the dim light of the room illuminated his mangled skin. Anthony dried himself off and dressed in his crimson suit.

Anthony walked out of the elevator on floor 70A and made his way to the containment cell at the end of the short hallway. As he walked alongside the room he eyed the woman in it through the observation with his explosive cold gaze. Anthony opened the room's door when he reached it and step inside. A member on the outside closed the door behind him. "How do you feel?" Anthony asked the woman, his cold gaze not matching his voice.
As soon as the door opened, the woman's head whipped around to see the large man stepping in. It didn't take long for her to realize he was the one here before. Unless there were more seven foot men walking around. His size was daunting.. For real, who was this big in real life? She rubbed her eyes but what she saw before her wasn't a distortion of her vision.

As he closed the distance between them, she leaned away from him slightly. Her posture getting noticeably tenser. Her eyes made a quick glance away before tried speaking. "O..k?" Her voice was severely strained due to her extended stasis and scream from before. it was quieter than a whisper but pained.

How did she feel really? She felt so weak and disoriented. She felt like she could sleep forever now but she too confused and scared to close her eyes now. Especially with him staring at her with those eyes. Her own eyes looked up and she got stuck on staring at his eyes. It was only a few seconds before she snapped out of it and looked away again.
"You at least look like you feel better." Anthony observed. He noted how tense the woman was with his presence. "Bring me a chair." The big man commanded, turning his head toward a microphone. A moment later a member scrambled in with a steel frame chair and set it down next to Anthony. "Thank you that is all." Anthony said, moving the chair behind him and taking a seat. The member quickly turned and left with sweat on his brow.

Anthony folded his hands in his lap and engaged his heat, flooding the room with comforting waves of low grade temperature. "I know you are most likely very confused. That is... regrettable. But it is also understandable considering where you were." Anthony said, holding his bi-polar gaze at the woman's eyes. Anthony turned momentarily and ordered that something be brought in to sooth the woman's throat, and food as well.

A team carrying a small meal plat and a drinking container full of a viscous green liquid entered the room and placed everything on a bed-height table for the woman. The team exited the containment room leaving Anthony alone with the raven woman again. "You must have questions, but first you should revitalize yourself." Anthony suggested, gesturing to the food and drink. "My name is Anthony." He told the woman.
She assumed he must have been the head of this place. Not that she intended to but she thought it best to not get on this guy’s bad side. Her eyes slowly looked him over, taking in some more details before looking to the food put in front of her.

It was strong to her nose and her stomach clenched. Her body was remembering what it’s functions as she breathed in the smell. Her mouth started to water and an audible growl came from her stomach. The young woman made a soft grunting sound as her stomach tightened.

“But.. why?” She rasped. “Anthony?” She repeated his name, hoping it was correct. there were too many questions waiting to be answered. She started asking before touching her food even. “I.. don’t remember.”
Anthony could the woman's hesitance and leaned back slightly in his chair. "You are an experiment. Based on the scientist that was keeping you in a coma I would say that you are an american." Anthony said crossing his legs. "There was a war twenty years ago that destroyed a large part of the world. Like you I was made for this war. But unlike you I was the first wave. I and a team of three others were solely responsible for the destruction of the continent we are on now. I am a Russian weapon designed to take down the American government." Anthony explained, un-moving. "You however never saw combat and I believe you've been in a coma since half way through the war. You were intended for the third wave attacks. Smaller in scale, designed simply to weed out survivors. But, thanks to supers like me on both sides, the second and third waves were dropped. We did our jobs a little too well it would seem." Anthony said solemnly. "I rescued you from a scientist who was keeping you in a coma because I am very protective of our kind, and now you are here under my care. In that vein, you really should eat, your body is very malnourished. I suspect your keeper was low on resource." Anthony chided. "It would also help if I knew your name."
"Twenty years?.." Her voice got a little higher as the disbelief set in. "I don't remember.." The dishes on her tray clinked as she shook again. As Anthony spoke she felt colder and colder despite the temperature of the room being quite balmy. His recommendations to eat were going over her head as this news racked her brain. "It-it was.." She paused as her memories went blank. "What year was it?" She whispered to herself. Why couldn't she remember? There was nothing! Nothing except the one image she recalled hours before. Her head turned briskly as if to turn away from the thought of it.

It felt like her memories were right there in the back of her brain.. Something familiar or something about herself. It simply wouldn't come to light. This feeling.. This void. She didn't realize it but tears started to well in the corners of her eyes. Who was she?

"I don't remember it.." She whispered back to him.
Anthony watched the woman struggle in her mind. Then she told him that she didn't remember her name. Anthony uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "Take a deep breath. It is unfortunate, but your memories will return to you." Anthony reassured. "Your brain has likely been asleep for many years. You might be feeling better on the surface, but many repairs must take place internally before you will be able to remember." Anthony said.

Anthony averted his eyes. "You'll have to forgive me for my visage, I was designed to pierce the souls of my governments enemies."

"I can leave if you would like some time to yourself. This containment is only momentary, and once you feel like you are at least stable I can let you leave and issue you a real room to stay in. We could go outside as well." Anthony said speculatively looking at the ceiling to keep his eyes from the woman.
"The war.... is it over?" She croaked and then started coughing. There was a sting in her throat now and she reached for the drink. She didn't question it's properties but it was a bit troublesome trying to swallow it. It felt like it kept getting stuck as she had to swallow hard. She acknowledged his statement about his appearance with a gently nod again. There were dark circles under her eyes that made the blue and green colors stand out more in her eyes.
"The war is over, and now many organizations struggle for resources and power. I am the second in command of one of those organizations. It is called The Red Regime. Its an intimidating name, but we do good work and our goal is to gain power and build a kingdom where we can help our citizens." Anthony explained. "You are actually at the headquarters right now, and as soon as you have stabilized, I will take you to meet the boss. Don't worry about that now though, you still need rest." Anthony said, his cold gash flashing over the womans eyes momentarily, contrasting with his voice.
“I... I don’t feel so good.” Her voice cracked again as her eyes welled up once more. Everything around her was so strange and her memory was gone. What was worse was that she knew it was missing. To be self aware that you didn’t know who you were or what had happened to you? It was terrifying in a way. She looked up at him, trying to read his expression when it didn’t match his words. Her eyes were misty as she shrunk away.
"My eyes can't tell you that I want you to be safe. They are as cold as death and as fierce as a dragon. But don't let them fool you. You are with me and I would die to protect one of my own." Anthony said with a powerful conviction. Anthony offered a big warm hand to the woman. "Everything will be okay." He said with compassion.
That conviction didn’t go unheard. His voice was so resolute and definitive. When his hand was outstretched, the young woman looked at it hesitantly. When it seemed she wouldn’t reciprocate the gesture, her hand rose shakily. She didn’t want to seem afraid.. this wasn’t her first time feeling fear was it? Her hand weakly grasped his. The contrast in their body temperature was felt by her tingling fingers. It was so warm. The rest of her body felt a rough chill, causing her hand to grasp his hand more.

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