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Realistic or Modern A World of Color - OCC

[QUOTE="Play On Words]I don't know about the 'loving people' part though. My experience of living in MS a few years back was mostly full of idiots... But God bless the food!

I figured Freddie had to like some of the people down there if he was going to commit to living and working there. I've never gone any farther south than Washingtion D.C., with the exception of Florida.
Lately said:
I figured Freddie had to like some of the people down there if he was going to commit to living and working there. I've never gone any farther south than Washingtion D.C., with the exception of Florida.
Florida is nice. MS is kinda... The ugly stepsister. Beaches are disgusting, people are rude and stupid, all religious nuts. But again, God bless the food
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Florida is nice. MS is kinda... The ugly stepsister. Beaches are disgusting, people are rude and stupid, all religious nuts. But again, God bless the food

Haha you said it not me!

Attention: Announcement
This is what's called an 'Announcement'. So you basically just read this and nod along as if you were paying attention. Such fun!

The rule of keeping your finding of Soulmates for the fifth page or later remains. But because I want to make sure you all do it accurately, one of my Co-GM's(ThatOneWeirdo) will have one of her characters(Thomas Hale) find his soon, to demonstrate the mechanics. Please pay attention to the details she specifies. If you misinterpret the process when you do it, your post will be deleted.​
@Play On Words

Once the soulmate stuff between Thomas and Nichole is mostly done with I'm going to post, so would it be safe to assume that Chrissy is nearing in on the doughnut shop?
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Um... Yes. Does Chrissy know your character?

Not yet? Unless you'd like them to know each other, which is be fine with.
Lately said:
Not yet? Unless you'd like them to know each other, which is be fine with.
No, I was just making sure I didn't totally forget a conversation. It wouldn't be the first time.

You don't have to wait for Nichole and Thomas to finish up. No posting order :)
ThatOneWeirdo said:
I need a friend like Elliot.
Oh wait he's ending up with my other character. Muahahaha, I get the funny one.
LUCKY. I need a friend like Eliott too *Cries*
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Swearing is fucking permitted.
I'm sorry, I make that sad attempt at a joke every time.

No worries it's a good kind of bad ;)

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