A Temples Destruction

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Roxas gritted his teeth feelig her squeezing his heart his vision getting darker and darker

Jason grinned as he walked towards Scar and pulled her away kissing her passionately on the lips feeling Roxas's life force gone " hes dead my love this time for good
Scar let go and turned away looking up at Jason she kissed him. "shall you have a different kind of fun now?" she put a hand under his shirt and scratched up his back.
Jason nodded and pulled her close to him " sure lets let this pathetic pest suffer with her choice until she begs us to end her life " he then teleported with her back to the castle and pushed her onto their bed getting on top of her biting her neck roughly.

As soon as they vanished the binds holding them disappeared and Roxas fell to the ground not moving covered in blood
Scar laughed as he pushed her down, her hands were covered in Roxas' blood. She ripped of Jason's clothing and laid back waiting for Jason to take her.

When they left Mizore crawled over to Roxas, there was no one else alive in the town she couldn't pull energy from anyone but herself. She picked up Roxas' behind the head her eyes were bright blue she put her lips on his as she gave away her chii back to him. It was all she had, it was the only thing she could do, she couldn't let him die
Jason grinned as he then ripped her own clothing off and got on top if her kissing her passionately wanting her more than anything (( time skip ))

Roxas laid there his eyes closed but when he felt her chi go through him his eyes started to move a bit and he stayed laying down " Mizore.. my.. my.. pocket.. i cant move my arms.. give me the green bean
Mizore was using the little bit of energy she had to keep him alive, she reached into his pocket pulling out the bean. She place it to his lips, and her eyes faded back to normal, and the chi flow stopped, she had no energy no strength to continue.
Roxas started to chew on the bean as his body recover quickly bones popping back into place and his energy returned. He quickly got on top of her and used he transformed into his second transformation. The pain he felt was there but he kissed her sending his own energy back through to her to help her regain her strength. His golden aura entering her as he reverted back to his normal first transformation. He fell to his side breathing heavily not saying anything
Mizores arm fell limp after giving him the bean she fell. He got on top of her and she stole the energy he was giving her. Once he transformed back she stopped. She was weak, she was no one near full, the knife wound in her gut was still there. She put her hand on it, she needed to heal.

After their fun Scar rolled over looking over at Jason. They were a bit messy covered in blood. She stood up, and grabbed his head leading him to the shower.
Roxas looked at her knife wound he places his hand on it and quickly pulled it out if her than placed his hand on top of the cut. He started to make hand sign small amount of energy started to help heal and close her wound. He then stood up and picked her up walking to a small apartment building and he carried her to a bed and he laid her on the bed. He then laid next to her face first closing his eyes falling asleep..

Jason followed her and grinned to the shower and once inside he held her close to him kissing her passionately
Mizore's eyes were fluttering to stay open, she was tired, her lack of energy means she couldn't heal. She looked at him, watched him fall asleep, she wanted to steal his energy, she needed to in order to stay alive. But Roxas was weak, if she took what she needed he would die. So instead she closed her eyes falling asleep, she wasn't healing, she wasn't regaining energy.
He slept for a few hours regaining his energy and be opened his eyes and turned his head towards Mizore. He then moved over and placed his hand on her cheek as he transformed into his god ki form. His blue aura showing around him. " Mizore take my energy..
Mizore's eyes opened weakly, she looked at him with a smile. She pulled him close her eyes turning bright blue as she started stealing his energy. She grabbed his pants undoing them, she couldn't send him any energy back she didn't have the strength. She wanted him, she needed him, and ripped off her own clothing, she was being faster, rougher, but she didn't have time to waste.
Roxas looked at her as she undid his oants and she ripped her closing off. He got on top of her and kissed her oassionately in the lips as. He wanted her more than anything. (( Time skip ))
Mizore spent the time recovering, using his energy to heal herself, after they were finished she rolled over turning away from him, she didn't know what to say, they left on bad terms, and then they both almost died. Mizore was completely healed now, but she stayed silent.
Roxas laid staring up at the ceiling his body was recovered by the pain of being tortured was still there. He stayed laying in bed and looked over at her breathing heavily shocked they both managed to survive.. he didnt care he was more happy that she was okay. He then started to slowly move and sat the edge of the bed rubbing his eyes..
Mizore laid there, she felt him shift sitting up, she rolled over to face him. "sorry about that last time, I didn't mean to be so rough." she sighed. "how are you feeling?"
Roxas nodded " its okay domt worry about it " he smiled weakly " im fine.. i can still feel the pain from being tortured, but not as bad anymore.. " he sighed shaking his head. " just glad your okay. " he reached for is clothing and started to put them on.
Mizore stayed in bed, she didn't get up, she didn't want to. "yeah well I'm okay now" she watched him get dressed "are you going back to that temple?" she said with pain in her voice
Roxas looked at her and nodded " im going to go bury everyone.. the deserve a proper resting place. " he sat back down putting his boots back on " if your in any trouble your welcomed to come to that castle i brought you too.. it will keep you safe from Scar and Jason..
Mizore shook her head "do you bury all the bodies of people I kill?" she smirked "is that how you got those muscles of yours" she said with a nervous laugh. "before you go you should know Jason and Scar are recruiting a team to go up against you guys. They wanted me to help them."
Roxas smirked " yes because someone has to clean up your mess " he looked over at her " they think im dead so i got surprise on my side. But thanks for the warning " he smiled but faded " i take it you said no since they were slowly killing you too?
Mizore was surprised he was being serious, he knew how many bodies she has killed, how many she has left behind. "I did say no" she shook her head "I kill on my terms not theirs" she sat up dropping the sheet, exposing herself to him. "speaking of which are you going to follow me onto my next killing spree, or are you going to try and stop me?"
Roxas walked up to her and pulled her close to him " im not going to stop you.. i cant " he sighed " its your nature.. wish i could stop you but cant bring myself to kill you.. " he shook his head and kissed her on the lips passionately " please stay safe..
Mizore leaned closer to him, and kissed him. "Roxas if we never fucked would you of killed me?" she grabbed his hand so he couldn't walk away, sending him energy. "do you want to stop me?" she said in a teasing voice as she stood up exposing her entire body to him. "do you want to keep me here, what do you want to do?"
Roxas looked at her and shook his head " no.. something about you i just couldnt do it even if you tried killing me.." he looked back up at her and pushed her onto the bed and pinned her down " i do anything to stop you.. just to be with you.. and only yours..
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