A Temples Destruction

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Scar nodded "exactly what I was thinking" she smirked "can you get over the fact she's been with our son and tried to get with you?" she turned to glance at him.

Mizore finished her song and every last member of the city was dead, only her, Scar, and Jason remained. Mizore turned back to face them. "unless you're here to let me feed off you I don't have the energy to deal with you two right now"
Jason grinned evily " or you can help us kill those Mortals.. like Roxas and Riku.. they are a threat to us to you, were getti g a powerful group going and we want you to join us.. and as for a reward you can steal my brother's Zanes energy hes a full blooded forgotten one like me.. his power will be amazing once you drain his energy
Mizore glared at him when he spoke of Roxas, she didn't want to hurt him, not really she just wanted him to suffer a bit. Mizore shook her head, "and if I say no?" she sighed "I don't need your permission to feed on anything, I'll feed on whoever I want whenever I want." she turned to walk away from them. "kill whoever you like I don't care."
Jason glared at her " it doesnt matter.. were not going to hold back anymore tired of them anyways just wanted ti see if you wanted to kill them.. they are mortals nothing more.. is there anything you trulh desire?
Mizore smirked and turned around "that's my game, I play on desires and you want to tempt me with them?" she shook her head "that won't work on me"

Scar crossed her hands, "you desire actual desire, actual love, not the fake crap you let off." she shook her head "it's what drives succubi mad until they finally die."
Jason grinned evily " do you really want actually feel desire to actually feel love.. we can give you that only if you help us kill them all.. kill these annoying pests
Mizore shook her head "even I know you can't give someone love" she sighed "you're just a waste of time." she turned back around "go to war, collect your allies but don't consider me one"

Scar glared "if you're not an alley you're an enemy."
Jason glared at her " enemy none the less " he walked towards Mizore and he vanished with great speed grabbing her by the throat and lifted her off the ground and he then started to painfully extract all the energy she fed on from everyone " you will die today
Mizore got grabbed by the throat, she tried to scream but couldn't. She couldn't teleport away, not without the energy. She tried to take it back, as well as Jason's energy, but he was stronger than her, she still tried, she had to do something.

Scar stood watching him, her arms crossed, "pathetic energy demons"
Jason glared at her extracting more of her energy and once he was done he threw her to the ground only leaving a small amount just to keep her barely alive " mmm that Roxas's energy was here too.. " he grinned evily " me being an energy being.. a direct communication to him.. i can force him to come here and watch as i torture you..or we can torture him? " he turned his head " what do you want me to do love? Either way she dies
Mizore got thrown to the floor and looked up at them, she wanted to say they were dumb, Roxas wouldn't come here again, but she couldn't speak, she didn't have energy

Scar glared "Roxas is alive?" she shook her head "I knew Ilyeria and Michael couldn't pull off killing him just the two of them" she sighed "let's torture both of them." she laughed. "then we will kill both of them and show Ilyeria and Michael how it's actually done."
Jason nodded and glared at Mizore " yes torture them both will be very very fun " he grinned evily as he looked towards Scar " he gave her alot of energy enough to force him here.. i can forcefully teleport but after that i wont be able to use this energy again.." he gripped it tightly as his eyes glowed..

Roxas was laying in bed as suddenly he teleported falling onto the ground as he quickly got up looking around he saw Jason and Scar " you two what the hell? How.. how " he then looked over seeing Mizore " what have you done to her " he glared

Jason grinned evily " shes still alive.. i just wa t her to watch as you get tortured. Dount she care but either way she will see you in pain " he vanished punching Roxas sending a shockwave through his gut causing him to fall to his knees " he grabbed Rixas by the back of the neck " which limb first... which limb should i break first.. love which one?
Scar waved her hand in the air making chains appear, around Mizore's wrists hanging them above her head the same around Roxas. "be careful love, she gets off on pain and fun, we need to break her spirit."

Mizore got hanged from her wrists, her eyes could barely stay open.
Roxas glared at them " stop.. this..

Jason slammed his foot onto Roxas's right arm breaking his arm " shutup!!! Just scream in pain "

Roxas eyes went wide his arm broken as he yelled in pain . Chaines wrapped around him and liffted him up next to Jason he then walked up to Mizore and gave her some energy to be slightly aware if what was happening. He then turned around walking back to Roxas.. " watch Mizore this is not going to be pleasurable..for niether of you " he then used a sharp nail sticki g it through a very painful nerve in Roxas's body causing him excrutating amount if pain his yells could be heard for miles
Mizore's eyes shot open as he gave her energy, having a true forgotten one's energy was great, but she snapped back to reality when she heard Roxas' scream. She looked at him seeing his arm broken, and Jason stabbing him. "stop it"

Scar smirked "did the succubus fall for a mortal?" she laughed "you make me sick"
Jason grinned evily " no not going to stop.. hes a mortal just a mortal like the ones you feed off of every day for food.. just watch and listen.. " he turned facing Roxas as he broke his left arm

Roxas yelled again his left and right arms broke his yelled again

Jason then slash him with his claws leaving three deep gashes on his chest his blood going down his chest.. " man im enjoying this love.. do you want to cause this mortal pain?
Scar laughed and released darkness touching Roxas' chest letting the darkness seep into his wounds. "Scream for me" she said.

Mizore shook her head "if I join you, will you please stop."
Jason glared at her and shook his head " too late for that offer girl.. just watch

Roxas gritted his teeth in pain until he eventually went into shock and went uncouncious.

Jason " aww he passed out.. " he grinned evily as he walked up to Scar and kissed her cheek " her love let me wake him up for you " he then grabbed the back of his hair pulling his head up. He then placed his hand on his forehead " no sleeping Roxas.. stay awake i want you to be awake as we slowly and painfully kill you. He then kick him so hard in the ribs they all shattered .

Roxas coughed up blood as he looked down his eyes wide "
Mizore shook her head "please I will do anything just stop it" she started to cry.

Scar smirked at Jason kissed her, she walked up to Mizore "you should of taken our offer earlier, remember you said we can kill whoever and you wouldn't care." she made a knife appear and she shoved it in Mizore's gut. "well we want to kill you two"

Mizore didn't scream. this kind of pain she was used to, afterall she was a kinky succubus. "you're going to have to do better than that" she glared at Scar.
Jason grinned evily and then looked over at Roxas as he the grabbed him by the throat " mmm hes still alive.. im impressed slightly not alot.. leave her alive just a bit longer love.. i want her to break mentally at the sight of this mortals death..

Roxas stared at Jason feeling his hand around his throat.

Jason grinned evily as he placed walked around Roxas as he a dark spear formed into his hands and he stuck it through his right shoulder.. than miniture spikes shot out exiting from his arm and chest.

Roxas yelled again blood shooting out from his wound.

Jason would walk up to Scar " love wanna do the honor and end that pathetic mortals life?
Scar watched Jason work, it was turning her on, she loved when they killed together. She walked back to Roxas. "with pleasure" she smirked and grabbed the spear Jason just put through his right shoulder, and pulled it out and struck him in his left shoulder just above his heart. She turned back to watch Mizore's face.

Mizore screamed, she was hoping he would come back like he did with Ilyeria and Michael's battle. "NO"
Roxas eyes went wide his life force dropping rapidly as he had no energy. He tried to focus on ki but the oain was to much every time he thought he had time to charge his ki they hit him with another torturous hit. He yelled in more pain..

Jason grinned evily " mmm love after this were going have to head back home " he laughed and kissed her on the lips.
Scar looked back at Jason, "this reminds me of the time we took our home. We tortured someone and had sex while they watched." she smirked "do you remember?" she looked back at Roxas as she took his hand breaking his finger one by one. Listening to the screams inbetween each one.

Mizore looked up, the sexual energy coming off of Jason and Scar, her eyes turned bright blue, she was trying to extract it through the air, she needed strength if she was going to be able to do anything.
Jason grinned evily and nodded " yes.. mmm that was fun " he was really turned on by her and he walked up towards her pulling her close to him " we will have our fun later but now this mortal is on the brink of death end his life now then we will kill this Annoying pest here "

Roxas gritted his teeth in pain his body beaten and broken all his energy to stay alive gone his own life force just a centimeter from death.

Jason walked up to Mizore and grabbed her by the back of the head and turned her head to force to watch Roxas's death " this time he dies.. we want you to witness this.. glorious moment
Scar leaned into Jason and kissed his neck she turned back to Roxas. "goodbye" she smirked and stuck her hand into his chest squeezing his heart.

Mizore was absorbing their energies slowly until Jason grabbed her, "nooo" she said She started to sing, trying to get them distracted so they would focus on each other and leave.
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