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A stranger

"...Are you really going to eat spaghetti with bread."

She said, chuckling. She sat down on the chair. His chair was I the corner of the table. She looked up at him. Astrien began serving herself, shrugging.​
"Yeah it's good." He said as he sat down in his seat and started to eat. He stopped and looked at you "Did you want say prayer?" He asked feeling a bit stupid

Astrien almost choked on her food.

"We don't say prayers! We are already support to be 'pure'."

She said, laughing. Astrien continued to eat, her leg brushing across his as she crossed them under the table.​
Fear nodded and continued to eat. He was so hungry! After a couple minutes he was done, "That was so good..." He complimented


She said, collecting his plate. She set it in the sink, and picked up the empty pans. She set those on the sink too. Turning towards Fear, she smiled. She walked over to him, kissing his forehead and hugging him from behind.​

Astrien smiled.

"I love you too."

She said, walking in front of him. She kissed him, turning so she straddled his waist. She placed her arms around his neck.

Astrien smiled, tangling her fingers in his hair. She tugged at the hem of his shirt lightly.

Elch picked you up and brought you to his room. "I've got to get to bed early, help yourself to whatever just don't burn down the house. Please."

Astrien smiled.

"I won't burn the house. Don't worry. I'll sleep with you."

She said, pecking his lips as she grinned.​
Elch smiled back and crawled into bed not bothering to change clothes. After a couple of minutes he fell asleep, he was holding you close to him.
Astrien smiled. She took his hands in hers, and soon fell asleep also. Her wings ruffled up slightly behind her, acting like a big pillow.

At around five in the morning Fear was getting dressed. He gently shook you awake. "Babe, babe? I'm heading out."

Astrien opened one eye. She nodded.

"Alright. Lemme get dressed.l

She said, yawning.​

Astrien quickly threw another pair of shirt and pants on. She walked up to him.

"Let's go."

She said, walking down the stairs.​
Fear turned around and smiled at you. "Alright then let's go." He said as he snapped his fingers and a black door appeared in the wall
"Ooh. Fancy."

She said, looking up at him.

"What other secrets do you have in this house?"

She asked, smiling. Astrien turned the doorknob, swinging the door open.
All you see is a black void. "Not much...pretty sure there's a very lazy bastard somewhere who needs to catch up on 'the stranger' Rp." He said madly.

((... Was that directed to me?))

Astrien followed him quietly.

"Where does it lead?"

She asked, glancing up at him.

(No of course not I'm not that mean. I was referring to myself.)

"To Oblivion my home." He said as he walked through it. As soon as we walked through it, it lit up and revealed a room. It had a table that took up most of the room, around the table were demons Angels and people who waved Fear over.

Astrien looked around.

"Nice. Do I just stand in a corner?"

She recognized a few of the Angels. She waved, and they waved back. They were from the same house as her.

"I would just go with your friends ifIwere you." Fear said. He looked around nervously before handing you his sword. "Call it a cliché but somethings not right..." He said

Astrien nodded. She took it, and set next to a tall, blonde woman. They nodded at each other, and looked ahead.


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