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A stranger

"Tomorrow we're holding a meeting between demons and Angels. Then we pick the side we'll be fighting with." He said.

"You pick, or they pick?"

She asked, looking up at him. If the demons had him, she wouldn't be able to be with him anymore.

"Our leader picks. Don't worry though, he has a very level head and usually makes the right decision." He said reassuringly as he kissed you.

Astrien sighed, kissing him back. She heard someone walking down the stairs. Probably the woman, since nothing was heard. Astrien just shrugged it off, her hands lightly touching either side of his face.

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Astrien shrugged.

"Don't know. Maybe for a little stroll around town."

Astrien looked up at him.

"She's staying all weekend right?"

She asked, laying her head against his chest.


"Because of the assignments?"

She asked, drawing little patterns with her fingers next to her head on his chest. She looked up at him, smiling.

"I can make spaghetti then."

"She leaves anyway. She spends tomorrow with her boyfriend then goes back to her mother." He said running his fingers through your hair

Astrien nodded.

"She has a boyfriend? I thought she was lesbian..."

She said, furrowing her brows as she looked up at him.


"Oh. Well then."

She looked up at him. Astrien smirked.

"Can I make spaghetti then?"

"Please do." He begged as he smiled back. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." He walked upstairs. He took his vest and shirt off, and started to go ballistic on the punching bag.

Astrien smiled. She went to the kitchen, and began preparing the spaghetti. She got meat, some spices, bell pepper, and some other things. She turned on the stove, and got to work n

((It's alright lil' boo))

Astrien hummed to herself, trying her hair up in a bun. She chopped the last bell pepper, putting it in the pan with all the rest of the sauce. She began to stir it. The spaghetti was done, resting on another pan. The heat was on just enough to not let it cool down.

"Fear! Spaghetti's done!"

She said, smirking. No it wasn't. She just wanted to see his face when the spaghetti wasn't done.​
Fear walked downstairs quietly and snuck up behind you. He hugged you from behind and kissed you on the cheek. He was hot, sweaty, and shirtless revealing a lot of scars on his chest and back.

Astrien felt the heat radiating off from him. She smiled, turning the stove off.

"Hm... Someone's hot."

She said, turning around and kissing him gently. She pulled back after a few moments, resting her forehead against his.


Astrien smiled, biting her lip.

"Well thank you. Pretty self conceived you are, huh?"

She said, running one of her hands down his chest.


"I did."

She said, hopping off the counter, pushing him back softly. She picked up the two pans, setting them on the table.

"Can you get the plates and the utensils please?"

She asked, looking at him as she smiled.​

Astrien looked over the table, furrowing her brows.

"Missing what?"

She asked, looking up at him. A few stands of hair had called loose from her bun.​

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