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A stranger


Destroyer of realities
There has always been angels and demons. However a much more ancient species is being uncovered, one that could change the playing field in the ongoing war for Earth. Angels and Demons have been at war for millennia now. Will this new species stop it or make it worse?
Astrien soared through the sky, the moon shining brightly down on her. Below her, there where two demons on 'patrol'. They were under the cover of the trees, but she could smell their repugnant scent. As soon as they were out, she swooped down, her blade in hand. She swiped, the sword cutting through one of their neck a like a hot knife through butter. The body fell to the ground, and Astrien tackled the other one. The tar-like blood from the demon covered her side where it splashed on her. The demon under her pushed her off, sending her flying up. She spread her wings, and swooped down. With her sword out, she easily sliced and diced him up. But, he managed to grab a hold of her wing, sending her crashing into the floor, her head knocking against the tree. She was out cold, next to two demon bodies.

Fear was walking along when he heard commotion. He looked up and saw an angel attacking two demons. Except the angel was having a bit of trouble. So he decided to help by climbing to the top of the building and helping. But he climbed it to see the Angel out cold and the demons were nothing but dust. He picked up the Angel and took a moment to admire her looks. He spread his wings and brought her to his home, which was an apartment in Brooklyn. He put her in his bed and went downstairs as if this was a normal occurrence for him, which it was.

Astrien grumbled, her wings buttering under her. Her eyes snapped open. Where am I? Astrien thought. I don't know this place. Crap. She walked around the room, her blade in hand. She slowly opened the door, walking out silently. Spotting stairs, Astrien quietly made her way down, looking around wearily.

((Ermeged jet lag is killing me.))​
Fear was sitting on the couch when he heard footsteps. He turned around to see Astriel. "Oh hey you're awake..." He said nonchalant.

(Oh that sucks. :( )
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"Who the hell are you? And where are we?"

She asked, her wings arching behind her. She clutched her sword close to her chest, slowly walking down the steps. Her eyes didn't leave the... The man.​
"You're in my living room. In Brooklyn. On Earth." Fear said as he laid back down. "Also swinging that sword around doesn't really intimidate me..."

Astrien furrowed her brows.

"I'm not swinging the sword. I just pressed it closer to me. You blind?"

She said, wearily walking closer. Her eyes skimmed around the room, quickly returning to him. She edged the sword closer to its scabbard.​
"Alright wow. We now know that you're no ones bottom bitch. Well maybe you are..." He sat up and lit a cigarette. It smelled like strawberries instead of nicotine.

Astrien growled. The sweet strawberry scent hit her nose, and she stood straight.

"Is that strawberry?"

She asked, her wings twitchin behind her. She loved strawberries. If she could, she would only eat them for her whole life.

"Yeah why?" He noticed the way she was standing and said "Do you like it? I have strawberries in the fridge. Help yourself to them."

Astrien nearly flew towards where she smelled food, supposing it was the kitchen. She was right. Swinging the fridge door open, Astrien took the small pot with strawberries. They were like a drug to her. Too good, but makes her say things she shouldn't. Oh well. She popped a few into her mouth, walking back.

"These are not organic. But still strawberries."

She said , sitting on the opposite side to him on the couch.​
"Not organic?" He scoffed in a funny dramatic fashion. "I grew them. Look." He opened his back door revealing the entire back of his apartment was a strawberry patch.


She said, watching.

"Then why do I taste chemicals? Probably my imagination."

She said, waving it off.

"But wow. Nice patch."

She said, smiling softly.​
"Thanks." Fear said as he sat down at the kitchen table. "So who are you and what're you doing fighting demons?"

"I will only tell you my name if you tell me yours. But, since I am an angel, I am obliged to fight the demons. It's my duty as an angel. Even though some are very handsome. I don't feel like killing those."

She said, narrowing her eyes at him as she ate.​
"Ahh like I can't tell by your bueatiful wings." He said as he got up. His pulled out a shot glass and some bourbon. "You drink?"

Astrien laughed.

"Heck yeah I do."

She smirked, watching him silently. She knew she would end up saying something she would regret. She could fly away in any case.​
Nathan22 said:
"Alright then." He poured her a glass and sat across from her. "My names Fear. Now your turn"


She said, swinging her head back with the shot. She drank it all in one go, setting the cup back down lightly.

"That shit is weak."

She said, chuckling.



She mumbled, a half smirk on her face as she poured it in. Astrien drank it up. She set the cup down, grimacing.

"Jesus. What's that?"

She asked, her lips slightly parted. Her throught felt like it was on fire. Like when you take your first shot.​

"Whatever it is, it's strong as fuck."

She said, blinking several times. Her vision soon resettled, the alcohol leaving her system. Perks of being an Angel. She looked at him. An idea overcame her. Smirking, Astrien walked over, grabbing the bottle next to him that he had poured earlier. She sat on his lap, crossing her legs. Astrien read the label of the drink.

"Did you really think this would do?"

"Well I'm just looking to relax." He said as he pulled her closer to him. "However doing what you're doing isn't helping...~"

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