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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV said:
"The most priceless bargaining chip a woman has is her maidenhead"
*Ravenna bursts into the room*

Wonder if Cayden might actually take the offer, simply because of who he is though he might be slightly intimidated at first as I don't think he's ever gotten an offer like that or rather in that manner
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Akio said:
@Lancelot You gonna be free to post anymore today? Today is my free day of the week so I'm bored and impatient again D:
Yeah sorry about that, even when my posts are short they take me quite a while to right and even then I get butterflies when I post them D:
Lancelot said:
Yeah sorry about that, even when my posts are short they take me quite a while to right and even then I get butterflies when I post them D:
Why butterflies, no one is judging you :P
Akio said:
Why butterflies, no one is judging you :P
From the moment I joined the RP I have been a bit nervous about my posts, everyone here seems to be very good and experience and this is my first rp lol.
Strangely enough, he reminded her of some Reach lord, possibly a son of one, but she couldn't quite place her hand on it.
Any resemblance to anyone who Celena may or may nor know it purely coincidental, this is definitely not Rowan Tarly wearing an eye patch and a wig.
Lancelot said:
From the moment I joined the RP I have been a bit nervous about my posts, everyone here seems to be very good and experience and this is my first rp lol.
Can't be worse then some of mine

Hypnos said:
Any resemblance to anyone who Celena may or may nor know it purely coincidental, this is definitely not Rowan Tarly wearing an eye patch and a wig.
I wish, i would laugh

Hypnos said:
Any resemblance to anyone who Celena may or may nor know it purely coincidental, this is definitely not Rowan Tarly wearing an eye patch and a wig.
Of course not. And the leader of the golden company is also certainly not hwre
Lancelot said:
From the moment I joined the RP I have been a bit nervous about my posts, everyone here seems to be very good and experience and this is my first rp lol.
No need to be nervous! Can't be worse than my posts.
Hypnos said:
Any resemblance to anyone who Celena may or may nor know it purely coincidental, this is definitely not Rowan Tarly wearing an eye patch and a wig.
I said it before, I'll say it again: Rowan Tarly, Titus Bracken and William Thorne, it's the same person!

WanderingJester said:
I said it before, I'll say it again: Rowan Tarly, Titus Bracken and William Thorne, it's the same person!
Oh god is this the Benjen=Daario=Euron theory of this rp?
@SleepyBuddha I wont be able to respond until Baelor has finished his meeting Vladan, I don't really feel comfortable time bubbling since there's always the chance that Vladan might decide to strangle him or something.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well Darrio was in Essos, Euron on the Iron Islands, And Benjen north of the wall so theirs that issue

And i know I saw a Rowan post in Highgarden lol
Hypnos said:
Currently Babylon, me and a couple of friends picked up all the DLC in the sale and we're playing a game with random Civ's.
Rome under the glorious Imperator Augustus Caesar is the only civilization worth spending time on.

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